_• _ . , ' � � . . . .�- �
<br /> � % ' . • � . <
<br /> . , . �V�" �s ' --' � _ -
<br /> � � � �Lpoltt�t tlovFN�►MS. Borrowerind Lcadercovenant and agra as folloRS: , ��3 f,V'� `
<br /> �. !. Pa�ae�t at Pe�elMa�I�a+e�P�q�r�eat asi Latt C�a. Horrawet shall pr�mptlY'[sax v�hen due . .
<br /> � _ , tlue priecip�t.oPandinterest an thc debt evidenced Dy tae Note and any prep�ymrnt and t�te aharges dnr uader the Note, ` ` °
<br /> : , 2. F�ii tarTua�i�atc� Subject to applicabte law or to a�rittcu waiver ts��Lender..Bormwrr�I�aait gay . �
<br /> ' ta Lender on the diy monthly psyments arc due undes the Note,unti�the Note�s p�id ip full,a sum("Funds")equ:l to � .
<br /> � oac�tv�elt�of• (s)Yariy wces�nd s�sessmrnis wbici� may attain prioritg aver this Secnrity Inst�mttut;,(b3 Y�IY
<br /> , le�eiioi� p�gma�►ts or trr�und.�ents an the 1�tope�tY= if�ay; {y yeuly �ezard insur�uece premiums� �ad (d).ytuiy . .
<br /> : . �nwrtp�e ia�urana premiums�Jaay.Thes�itans�re�"acroN items."Leader e�y atimatathe Fynds due oa tbr - .
<br /> b�sia otcdrrait data aiid reasonabk arimates of futuie tscmw itcros. . .. , �
<br /> 'T6e Funds shall Qe held i�i an institacion the deposits ar pccounts aF which are insured or guarant�d t+y a federat or �
<br /> � st�tit yaic!►(it�fudin�IRndes if t.ender is sncb ati idstitntioa).I�det shall�ppiy tlse Fnnds ta py.Ltie escra�i itema .
<br /> . Lender asay not c�f�boidin�and applyin=t�e F�,anai3►zing the a�caant ar verifyi�g the acraM items.vnkss
<br /> • . I�eeder pays HorroMer intactt un the Funds and applicabk taw p�rmits Lrndcr to.matce such a charge.Banoxet and
<br /> , txn¢et may a�tee ia tvritina that intetest shtll be piid�on the Fnnds.Untas an.agrotiaimt is made or apprica6k Iaw � " �
<br /> , roqiiira interest to bc ptid.Lender shall nat be requi�od to psy►Borrower any intcrest or nr�iings on tbe Funds.Lender .
<br /> - ' tL�U�tre to Borro+ver.�vit�a►t chuaG aa annual��ting ofthe Funds showing credits and debiu to the Fundi and tha
<br /> , pi�rpo�e for Mfiich ach dsbit ta ths Funds was made.?6e Funds are platged a�additional security for the sums secured by .
<br /> tbis 5ecurity Instrument. � �
<br /> ' � _ If tve amonat of tfle Funds hela 6y Lender,toaett�er aritii the future monthlY p�ymmu of Funds payabte prior to
<br /> . tlie dut dstes of tfie escraw�items�shall eat;eed t��amount teqnired to paX t�e esc�aa items when du�the e�ccess shal�6e, , �
<br /> , � at Borrcnru's optlan,eithu promptly rep�aid to Borrowtr or credited to Bomor�er on monthiy�psymrnts of Funds.If the . .' ,
<br /> �t of th��Funds heW by Lender is nat suAicient to pay the escrow items v�hen due.Borrower shall pay to Lender any � - , �
<br /> ; . amounc necessary to maice up the deficiency in one or more payments as aquir�ed�t��,ender. � � �,
<br /> • . Upon paymrnt in full of a11 sums secured 6y this Security Instrumen��rr�f�r shall promptty�refudd to Borrower
<br /> � � ariy Fwids held by Lrnder.Iiunder paragra�h 19 the Propertp is sotd or acqpir'e�;t`3r Lender.i.ender shall agply,no latet �
<br /> , . thaa_�ediatdy priar t�tlie sak of tDe Ptoperty or its scquisition by[.ender,any Funds held by I.encier at the time cr� � ; �
<br /> ; applic�ion as a creQit agaiast the sums securod by this Security Ins3rument.,
<br /> - �.3l AMIlptbu at Pay�eab. Unless applicabte ta�v provides othenviser ad1 payments rectived by I.ender under
<br /> parsg��s 1 and 2 Shal!be applied:first,to tate charges due under tAe Notr,seco+.vst;,to prepayment charges due under the - �
<br /> ; Natr,ch�td,to amounts payabk under paragraph 2;fourth.to interest dur,and 11st;�o prirtcipal due. �
<br /> � . � 4. Cluc/e�I.k�s. Borrawer shaU pay all taaes.assessments,charges,Rnes and impositions atuibutable to ttr,� .
<br /> ' � Ptaperty which may a�tain priority.over t�is Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if nnv�." � .
<br /> Barro�ver shall pay these obligatians in the manncr pro�ided in paragraph 2,or if a�at paid in thar manner.Bonav�•er shaH � �
<br /> . ' � pay thr�s an time dirxtty to the peraon,owed paymehr �aarower shull.promgtl4 f�er�ish to Lrndu aA notic�afamounts � ,
<br /> ta be�i3 vnder this paragraph.Ii Bc�nawer maices th���ayments directty, B�*k•r�ter shall prompity fumi�t�to l,endet �_
<br /> receiRts evidencing the payments. � , . . .
<br /> ` Borrower shall promptly discl�arge any litt�which has priorr;w w�ver this Security Inslrument_unless Borro�+er. (b�
<br /> � =--::_
<br /> . --� � � � as in writin to the ent o�the odG tion secured b the lien in a marrnrt acce table tu l,ereder,(b)contests in ood -��-
<br /> Sr $ P�Ym Ba Y P B
<br /> • fiith the lien by.or dat'mds against enforcement af the lie:�in,tcgal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion opetate to
<br /> . , preveat the rnforrement of the lien ar forfeiture of noyµ�R of the Property;or(c?secures fram the hotder of thc lim an
<br /> agrerament satisf#ctory to Lcndcr subotdingting the lien to thi�Security tnstrument. lf Lender determines t6at any part�f -
<br /> � the Pmperty is subjoct t��tien which may�c�ain priority aver this Sccurity Instrument. Lender may give Horrower A _
<br /> � : eotice idmtifyina the lien.Borrower shall satcs'fy the lien ar�ake one or marc af the acti�ns set f�rtb aAavc within IO days . � :
<br /> . : , � ofthegvinsofnotire. .. � , � ". :
<br /> �-St Haz�ird l�wrsACe. ►,�irawer shap keep the impruvements now existi,�,�ot hereafter erectrd�r�.tMe Prapcny , '
<br /> � . insured fg�inst tc�ss by fire,har.arda included wilhin the term"e�tended coverage"dad any other hazards farc��;ich I.errder �
<br /> , . requires insurprtce.This insarance sh�l!be maintained in the arr.a�t:fi and for the peri�ds that l.cnder requircw. The
<br /> .� insurance earrier providing the�insurance s�alt bt chosen hy Burrakw�-subjeet t�� t.ender'y Approval whicl�shall nat � � '
<br /> unrp.wn��bly withhcld. �
<br /> All�nsurance paticies and rene�wrls sh�ll be aecep�able to Lender and shall inctude a standard mecrgage clause, � �
<br /> L:ender�hs11 hsve the right to hold the policieg and renew�(s. If Lender requires,Borrower shall promptly g�ve to l,ertder
<br /> ' ; • s1l receiyt�oPp�id ptemiums and tcnewal notices. in ihe evmt af loss.&�rrow•er shall grve prom�t antiee'ta�he insurare�
<br /> '. carrier and I.eoQer:Lender mAy make prnof��+61oss if not made promptly by Rorrowcr. ��.
<br /> Unless Lender and BorrQVrer flthe�twe agree in wrinng.insurance prnceed�shaU be apF::.�ta a!�toratinn ar repair �. � �
<br /> of the Ptaperty damaged,iPthe cestora�tion or reQsir ia ecvnamirally fcasible and L�:ader's security is n�t trs,�ned. lf the
<br /> �. astoration or repa�r is not economicaUy fca.sible���Lettder'c seru�i�y w�wtd be tessr,r:ed.the insurance�Sru�:c�ds shal!be �
<br /> ; applied to the sur�:ssrcured by th�s Secunty tnvtrument.whether ar nat then d�e� wuh any ee:crss pa:�t�f�larruwer. if
<br /> � Be�nawer abandan�the Proptrty,ot does n�i answer within 3U days a n�rtice irom Ixnder tha:ttte�n�nranre carrrer fia�
<br /> � . o!t'ered to setQe a ciaim.then Lender myy collect the insurance procc�ds. I.ender rraay u�e the proceeds.to se�air�r restnre_. ' '
<br /> . ._...---�- -... ..._. ._ ..
<br /> the Ptopeny or tv pay sums securod by this Scrurity Inctrument,�hether or�nc�t thcn di�e. 'the 30�Aay per�F�d w�ll t�egin
<br /> when the notice i9 given.
<br /> Unless Lender t�nd Horr��wer aiherwise agree in writing,any�ppiccauon uf pr�xeedv�tu pruicipal shaU nnt c�tend�►r
<br /> ' postpone the due date�Plhe moulhly paytnenis referred to in paragraphs 1 anci 2 ar change the smnunt of�he payments. if
<br /> ° unekr patagraph 191he Prvperty iv asquired by LenQer.flut�owet'�tight tu any insurance ped�cre�end prnceed�resuH�ng
<br /> , from dsmAge tn the Propet�y priar to the acyuisition shali p;av to Lendu to the extent��f'the cutti�.ecured by th�c Secunty
<br /> � . Instrument immedintely pnor to the acquuition.
<br /> � b. Prese�rUionandMajete�snceoti�ooerty;I.e�sehald�. I3ptr�iw�cr�hallnntcie�truy,dama�;�c�r+ubsianl�aily
<br /> � � change Ihe Property.alluw �he Property t�deteriur;�te t�r camm�t a-ast�, lf th�s Securny in�trument ��on a Ieaseh��lQ,
<br /> Borrower shall corr�ply with ttie ptuvisicros e•f ihe leaye,and�f Eic�trower acquire�fee tttl�:tn th�i'roperty.!he tea�ehnl�i and --�-__---
<br /> f�e title shall n�t merge untess t,ender sgree4 ta Ihe mergrr m a nting. � �
<br /> 7. t�totectia ot Leedet'e RigMb in tUr Pto{rt�tyt ;iortq�ge Insurpnce. If Ht�tt�rwert failc w perform the '
<br /> , eovenants and�gramrn�s contamed in�his Setiunty Instr.ument.or,lhere���legal pt�Keed�ng th�t n�ay a�gmfccanit}affece
<br />. : �.ratScs's s�j�his;if ih��`ic.�cffy{�Ui#t�v�yfia�ving ttr Er.mi�wpicy. pm�acc.fc,r ccsmfcmnarnm c*r ta enfi�re facrc cfr � �
<br /> re�ulations),�hen Lender muy do nnd�►ay for what��ei is necessar}to pt�+tect the��lur��f tf�r Pa,pert-y and Lcnciei s ri�;ht�
<br /> , in the Property. lxnder's acticros may �nelude payin�any sums srcurrci by� lien ��fnch hati p:uni�y uver Ihis Srcunty � �
<br /> � lnsirument.�ppeanng in caurt.p�ymg reasunahte�tt�rne}s fee�and entennF��n the!'rc�perty t��niakc repa�rs. Although '
<br /> Ltndet may take sctior�under�h�s par�graph'►,t.ender dcirs nctit hace t�dc�c�+
<br /> . �tny nmauntsdisborscd by Lettei�t under this parograph 7 sh:�ll he�:e�mr add�t�u}�al drbt��f f���rr��aer cec urrd bp tE�n �
<br /> S�curity Insu�tttent.UnTess HortaKCr and[.enda agree te�other termc v�'pa�tncnt.thcc�atn��unt4 ih;�ll heer u►tcre�nk�an �
<br /> the date nf di�hut�e�ttent at Ihc ;4ote rate and sh;.�l! t� ��.�}ah.[r_ tiwltt� �ietere:l, u�.ui p��ti.R ti��rte 1 e�:.tcc tt� l�:�EU�u:;r .
<br /> - sccjuesting payment: . ._
<br /> . . �- .
<br /> h ,
<br /> �
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