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<br /> • Assignee sha/l be untki no oDligarian t�o Assig�or to�ress any vf t/re rl�its or c/aims as�i�ned �: , � , �,
<br /> � io lt A�rErrnrt�r ar to.perfarm or cury out any nf the oQl;g�ttiefns undertakaa by Asrigno�undar tfre � • �
<br /> ,�anpt.l�does not axwme any of the iiabfliifes in conn�ciion�rith,or Nseng vr g�owing out of, � -� �
<br /> � `-• €-tlf caKnanfs and ag�e�ments ot the Assignpr:end Aaignor cownanta ana�ag,r�Es,that 6t will fsith- : . '
<br /> � fufly�aer/orm al1 af the ob/ig�tinns impvud upon it under the laisss here/n assign�d,anQ - --�� :---�_-
<br /> is �r�s.to ._ _ - �. _ ; .
<br /> indemnify A�spn�e,a n d h a l d Assi,�n�e h a rm/ess,lrom any a n a f a l!�ti s bi litjr,lou or damape_rMtiCh . - � - - � ` -
<br /> may oi.miy�At Ge in�cumd by As�ig��e under tha/e�es a�unc+�rr o�by ie�ason of this Asuprment,and. � . � � ` �.
<br /> � - trom anymd alt c/sims aRd tkm�nds w�ist�roea�et yvhlcfi be aueited sgrir�st dre,�uiyn�+e by n�sori of � • _ � ' "`
<br /> - . � ' any'a/M�rd oblig�t�on or undcrta�inys on its prrt ta perfan»or discharpe iny of the tem►s,c`b�ts ' . � . . � . ...
<br /> � , , or ah�lf not qper�te�o ptace«sponsibility f�or tl�e coniro{,cans n�nsg�,rlfent or repair•af said/e�sec{ �� - .
<br /> . � � Qr�miser upon Assianae,n�r for d�carryirrp cwt of t/�terms and cond�tions af tfie/tases,nor rhs!! � � .
<br /> � ir oipQ,rate to maka Assiqrx�e nsponsibk or/isble ft�r eny 4wst�cammitued on the p�aperty tiy ter�arrta � ' : � ` �
<br /> or oc�cupants under svch/easas or any othe�party,or!Or 8n y d8ngeivus or oTefE+Ctive conditian of tltB. �
<br /> % , .`premises or fararrynegiigerrce iR the msnagrment,upk�ep,repair or'contro/ofsaid prerr�ises�esul[irtg �
<br /> , ;� in loss,injury ordeath ta any renant,ticens�e,employe�e,occupant oranyotherpersons. � - - : � -. �
<br /> . � Upon payment in/u11 of the i�rdebtedaess for which this Agreement is a�ditional 3�curity, ' - .
<br /> this As�ign�nent shaH be,and be�coms,nutl a�d void horn and after`said date;and otherwiae,it . ' ` ,. �
<br /> ahs!/remain and b�ln fu!/force and eflec�as/kmin provided,and togrtRer with Ehe covenants and �• � �
<br /> � � , ws�ianties herein contsined,shall iaurt to the benefit of.tire Assignee and a,ey subsepuerti hv/der �.. � '
<br /> � af said indebtedn�ess,and shal!be binding upon Assignor,iis heirs,executo�s,administrators, � � ' �
<br /> successo�a and assign�s and an y aubse�pe�t ownei of the matg�ag�ed premiser.
<br /> __ _ 111t WlTNESS E�L�'HEREQF��ssignor k�executed this Ag:e�lt1E.'!1t 3S Eff t�f2 ddy d!!d y�P BbfHt�? � - � � .
<br /> # , w�inen. � �
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<br /> � . :� �COUNTY QF HAE,L. � / � �
<br /> . =� `�'� u� /��U , .
<br /> , Orr this�day oi ,,.....�/ -_ D efore a Notary �
<br /> � . Public e�rer�d fo�said County,persona!lyappearedG J_tl_-�.��%t.��.�_.i���2C�,.,_� �
<br /> to me known to be�2he perso ��amed r'rr.and who ex�cuted the ioregoing lnstr�ient,and ��
<br /> ocknowledg�ed that - �� , .�_.__ exe�cuted the samoes__.--���Lri? - - - --.�
<br /> voluntsry act and dced. �
<br /> • � � ' �
<br /> fN/TNESS my hand and Notar�a1'Sea!on the da y and year last above written. � ; ��
<br /> . . . . ,
<br /> ; ���r - ��%�-�-�!�'s-_—�.�.=✓/��=�:� .
<br /> Notary Publ,c
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<br />• . � E}Cd�3ffBIT ��A�� ,
<br /> __..�..� +
<br /> � Lo�s Five ���, 51x (b), 5even (7) and West Ten Feet (�Q�',� af �t Eigfit'�(S). �
<br /> Block Party Seven (4?), in Or{�inal Tvwn of�Gr�nd Islatt@, `HaI�L.Co�nty;' � � ,-_--_
<br /> He�raska. � • • � t� .-., � � ,
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