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<br /> : ` � � Tr�.ad I�to e�'tiea Limited � ' � �� `
<br /> TH/S I�F.ED aF TRUST Is nlsde tNs--,73��—de1r of Februarv ,1S�24.Dy end Detwei9r► ��ttn.�r,h �, Htir T,,,, r1�d , T. • .
<br /> � rnv■at�en�a Coroor��i4a _. Ceneral. Yartner whetheranearmae,(he►einal�arcaMedths"tnqtar"J, • .
<br /> �wit�"r»�fftiiQadF�roaais F- �- ���3$$.�d�t. N�j�ras b8�li� . .
<br /> MpqYYE$TBIRpK tt�hrai4w� N:t1a nl A�aoc �tio ' (lle�6iRaftB►CBRBdth9"htlStee').whBSSmBiMxjad�ds/S .
<br /> ; 1__�__�7�f,8, C.r� IsLnd.,�g__:andNORWESTBAKK ' .� � ,
<br /> ; capedlhc"9sndiclary��j.wlro�s maiing etld�ess ts�• 0. Hoz 1768. ran s an , 8ebra8 `
<br /> � , , . . . � .
<br /> . � � � . WITNESSETH: � ,.
<br /> i VYNEREAS,7rualbrJslr►d►ebtedlb�errefrcJarylntheprinclpatsumo�� Ai1Nng�m T�ig'i'Y FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100------ �
<br /> � i taalers(i*�;-�-� ),wlMch indebtedness is evldenced by Trustors prwnl - note dated Februarv 23 �g (Aere7naRer
<br /> - _.,� caM�d the"libM'}.psYebls to the order o1 Benenciary and haWng a matr�riry ol , 2_0_�O__ � � ' . ,
<br /> r M4w,THERE�ORE.ffordhepu�ioseDisacrmtng: - `
<br /> ' r `- (aj pityrr�nt af the Nab;toQethei wiffi Inter�sE thereon,/ate charges,prepayment penalties,eny fuNre edvances and all extenskrrs,
<br /> ino�fca6ons.sabsafu0rw►s and rMrewals Nlerenf. � . .
<br /> • � �� !b) payrnerrtal�aM other sums.fees a charges,together with in�aest thereon.advanced ro protect the security of thfs�eed of Tiusf and
<br /> � " !d►e perlfwmarrce W Ute covenants and agreemerrts o!Trus�r,�vAeMeror not set torth herieln. • .
<br /> •! �"t)pe►larmance,discharge of and camplience wfUr every fenn,coven�nt,ablrgation and agresment af l�rustor co►rtained heroln or
<br /> . � : in�aporated by refJ9lence a any attrer security fns�rument at anytfine give,�m secure the Nate.and . �
<br /> ' •� (d) the repayment of al!orhe�sums or tuhrre advances,with lntere�st thereon, w�ich may�r�etofnre have been or he:�after be advanced �
<br /> j by BeneTiclary to Tr�stor a Tiustors successa in interesc or trtle; :
<br /> ! aN olwhtcb ls hereinafter catlec6trely ca/fed the"Indebtedness",Trustor irrevo��.'y granis artd trans/ersb Tiustee,in"Uust.WfTH PO WER
<br /> ; �F SAt,�tfte fd/owing des��ed prope►ty:
<br /> Lots Five (5}, Six (6), Seven (7) and West Ten Feet �10',} of Lnt Eight (8�, , �
<br /> :��'` ` Bloct Porty Seven (47�, in Original To�zs ef Grand Isla���. �all County,
<br /> r
<br /> , Nebsaeka. . , � ,
<br /> i � . , :
<br /> ! toged►er wfdi(f)a/i bu!ldings,s�vuures,addirions,eroa►gements,moditicatlona, :apairs,repfacements,and improvements now or hereafter ` �
<br /> � loceted thereon,(/J)all eq�lpment,re�acttv.-�ry and/ixltire§(lnc/uding,without limitetion,a/1 lighting,heating,v�ntilating,coo/ing.�l� �
<br /> � �,�;f�Nr►y,sprirr6hny aatf pfambing t-x�ares.water a r systems,engines.4oilers,ra.nges.ovens.dtshweshers.mimors end mantets, . ��
<br /> f ca►peUng.lumac8s,ai na�me�s,ekiverojs and morors,h�tion plants a ur»ts,eommunicauon sysfems,dynamos,hansformers,elect�ical . ''��Y��
<br /> ; eqWpmsrtti atam end scree�windows,doors�ewnfn ys and shades)now a hereafter attached%o►b�ilt in,an y b�ildin g or lm proverz�ent ; ,'j_
<br /> ; now a hsreafter tocated tber,eon,(iii)alt easetnents and rights of wey appunenant thereto,(i�),ali leaseho/d estate,right tit/e and interest of
<br /> � Tiustor in and to all feases,wheMer rrow or horeaft�r exlsting or entered Mio(inC�uding,wlthout limitetio2 aU cash and secariry deposfts, '``�`A
<br /> j advance ronte/s and dep�nsits or payiments ol�similar n�ture),peRalninq Me�eto,(vJ�1 ients,issues,proh'is and income therebom.(subJect .
<br /> � to the rlQAt ol Tiusta to collect and eppfy suCh rents,lss�es,prof"rts and irtcome as they became due and payable so/ong es no event of ' �
<br /> ; de/8ult exlsis h6►eunde►),(vl)all rayaltles,mine�al,oJfand gas�fgAts and profils, wate�water aght5,9nd wat8r sloCk,(vu)a/l tenements. ���
<br /> �. ! h+��editamenis,pr�vileges end eppurtenances be/ongtng,used or en/oyed in corrnection the�ewitn,end(vlil)a/1 p�oCeods of conversa�?. .
<br /> �� x�lintery pr lnvduntary,of��ol!he lorego/ng Into cash oi IiQutdated claims(ir�.�uding,without llmnetion,proceeds oi�nsurance a,ci: .
<br /> cr.�rdemna0on awards),all r���whlch l;�he�elnaRer collectivety calh�d the"lrust Property".
<br /> ; f. Title.Trusro►GOVenants,wananis�nd ag�ees wfth Beneficiary.its succe�scrs and assigns,thai Trusta owns the Ttust Piope�ty free
<br /> 4 /�an any pria/len a�r:cumbianco,that thls Deed ot rrust Js and wi/1 rer.m4=i�^a valid and enfo�ceabte lirst livn on ihe Tiust Prope►ry,
<br /> � , that Tiustor,at its expense,wlll preserve suCh Gt/e and wifl ma/ntaM thrs��ed of Tiust as e frrst and paramount fien upon the Trust ,�
<br /> � Piope�ry.and will loreve�wenant and defertd the validiry and prloriry ot tfre lren hereof against the c/aims of all persons arrd paRies �
<br /> . � whornsr�;�e�.TrustQ�,at/ts expense,wlfl ca��se this Deed o! .T.��st,and each amendrrs:�:o�suppJemenl he�ero,ta be hled and
<br /> , rsGO►dea es a mortg�ge oJ the trust PiopeRy in sach mann�-a,id rn such place and wUi take such action es in ltte opini0n ol Trustee :��.
<br /> may be requ?red by a�y present or future/aw in orOe�to porfoct,mairtta���nd protect!he lren of�his Deed ot Tiust,as the same may � .
<br /> b0 amended a supp�mented/rom tlme to time. Trusto�will make suct�°.,uher assura»ce or e5su►�ces to per/ect its titiv fo the Trust ' •
<br /> , � Propsrty ea mt�y be repulrod by Beneliciary. 7�ustai hereby rel�nq�tshes r�l6�nght of dawo�end homestead rn and to the Tr�st Property, �
<br /> ; 2. Paymertt o1/ndeDtedness. Trusta shaJl punctually pay the princ�pal ot a^�,nterest o.�%s"^�e lndebtedness secared Irvreby.
<br /> : � 3. Cd►sducdpn d lmprovemenfs. Trr�;rLOr ahail compJete in gaod and workr.rar:l�ka manr.er�^y build,ngs,rmprovements a�repens re�ating
<br /> � � � ths►eto whJch may be bagun on tl�e Trusf Prvpe�ty or comemplated by r..°�c�an ovrdorrcod by the Note secured hereDy,fa pay wAon��� � � -- ���� -
<br /> . , due a!/qOSts Al1d lielh_•��es Incurred therefao,aad nt�d fo pe�mit any Cun�'Maclion l�on egainst suCh 7'iust Prpp@ilJ�.ln fhe ever.:
<br /> ' constivcNon ol burld;r�g.�;lmpiovements or repalrs e�o contemplat�d, �^.�::a,r elso agroes.snythmg;n this Deod ot trust to the contrary �
<br /> no(wlMstatnding;{a),fc��rw►rptry commenee any such work and tv camp�ata the proaosod�mprevements promprly. (D)b compiete the
<br /> sem�1z�;�Wda�tGB ivdA the plans and Sp9Cihcetrons as t�•/�r�ved by Benel�clary.(c)to comply with��l the ferms of a buildmg foan
<br /> � . sgrsrmdrrl.!1 sny,betwe�n tnrstw and BAnefieiary,the terrrr,,�of which e►o lncorpoieted herein by►elerenr.e enQ made e paA hereol, �
<br /> ,. • (d)!o a!!ow Benefic/ary fa lnspect the Tiust Property at ell hrne�5 during cansbuctron.�►d(e)fo ropleco any work o�mafe�ials .
<br /> unssNs/Ycfory to Benefrciary within ldteen(15J days alter w�itten natica Irom 8enelrclory o!such fact.
<br /> �. �Lnds fOr�Payment o/Charges. Sub{ect b ap�0licablo law or to a written warve►by Benefrciary. Trustar shaJ1 pny to Benel�r,iary on the
<br /> Ntst dey�each mOnth,o�such other do[e eaen manrh as s^ay be spaciJred�by Bonelraary,untrl 1he lndobtvdnctss is paid in ful1,e sum
<br /> '� (he�Nnsf�►caNeal the"Funds')epu81 to 1�1 Zth ot the yoar�,r fanes and essessmonts whlch may�Kain prioaty ovor thrs Deed ot Aust ' _ ____.
<br /> :-- ----
<br /> ertd ground rents on the Trust Pioperry,i!en y,plus t�12th oP the yea�ty premwm in�tallments lor hara�d insurarrcv,p/us 1�12th a1 the , .
<br /> . yeavry premium t�rstallmenfs for mongage tnsurence,it eny,tU!es reasonabJy osbmated Initially end liam trme ta timo by Bereft�rary on
<br /> ths bas/s o/eSSessmenls and br/is and reasonab�Q estimates the�eal. lhn Funds shal/ba hotd�n an�nshtuGOrr,thp depos�rs 1� .
<br /> °-,- -- 9CC011ItLS AI iVll/L`h R!R/1t�t'11lM1.nt/�t/8r2r1�B{��y 3�_°�Ef21 Lf£sis!e sg$t1sT rr.�ittg Be.�clsst;,•�:f�:rsatr�ar�r�tralt ap�1'�t�;�T�u�.�s tG . . .�
<br /> pay s�taxqs,assessments,insuiance p►emiums and gro:�c�►ents. Benel�c�ary shal,�r:�t Do requrrod tn pay'trusfor any�nte�c}sr ar
<br /> eamir.�s on Urq Fuatls.Beneliciary shail give to TiUStor,w��ut charge.en ennuot accbun�ng o!the Funds show�ng cred�rs a^r,
<br /> debits to the Funds end the purposu tor whiGh each deblt to rn��unds was nrado. ine Funds are pledged as�dditrona►sec�jr y lor � .
<br /> � the Indebtecfness secured by�h�s Oead at Trus!It the smcunt ot the F:rnd�hold by ganafrci�ry,r���tfler w+�th the fi�ture man�n��
<br /> 1nsiHliments of fu»�s payablv ptior io the du�*datas vf taxes.assessmen�y.�nsw�nco p�emrums�tn�t yraunQ rents,snal,'•excoad thv
<br /> �ti►aUnt requlred to p8y S81d f�xes,asstrssmonts,rrtsivancv prQm�ums enU ground rents as tt�ey/ap dve.strr,h excess shalJ be,at �
<br /> Ttusta�'s option,6ithor prompity ropttrd to lrustor or credded!o Trpstor agamst�utura mvnth/y rnstnllments a/�unds fl the amount ol ' t�
<br /> � fhe Ft(r�ds held by Borreficlary sh���no!b�SuNicieni ta pa�r faxos,assessments,�nsuranev�rerrrrums�nd g�aund�e�rts a;tney t����7uE�. � �'
<br /> T�slt►r shelt p�y tv 6enefi��3ry aay ttmo�nf nocossltry to fn2k9 up fhe def��rency�+fhrn[hl�fy dvys/ivn.1/r�cf�+le nahc�rs vnallod 6y R.
<br /> � BBR�fiCi�ty[a TtUSta�teQuesting payment th�3ravf. U�On payment in tuJf ot eAlrrttt�btadnU;;. Benel�c�ary shaif p!vn�t,Uy�c�tunci tc, �
<br /> 1�u5to�c�ny�unds heJd by BonQ6�rc�ry. ll the Trust E'ivpvrty rs sald ur�dn�the�io,ver ot sar�,�,r trre T�ust f�ro��on;r�s�t�rerw�s���c�7u�rret �
<br /> by Benofrcrary, BonefrGi��ry s►ialt vpp/y,r�rmad�atety pnor tv the sale af the trust��o��c���y c;r�rs acc�tr�s�n:o,�!�y E�r=,rel,�:;try. trn�!u�,ds •
<br /> held by BenQl�r,�rary t�t Nra tmt,vt trpplrcvtfor:�s t�cred�t dg�nst tha I�doht�tl"RSS Jt E�ti,t1{�(rC�dty t�►�'c ute.,f�uQt�/t t�s:�t�itsr t�)T�tt�hi�� '
<br /> OtlflgbUvng undQr chrs paragra�h�, Trusfor�r�uen;�nts arrd pgroes fo��y. t e�O�U fhL�53'+�P bE,'�:��ut;(iPlurauE'nf,itif lc3 v(!.ti. r1SS£�SSm��r���.
<br />- ' Ir�sA�r .l.c-��3_r3la"sr � _
<br /> - -.:�-t v-��ry. ?1 . — _ �.sl ' ' ' — _—
<br /> _ .. _ _
<br /> _.
<br /> . �]f^]'7'T l'
<br /> _z_ f ""� _` _ _ � — �
<br /> _ :
<br /> .. . � � n�:.:_ �... .i .."'_...�_.-�_. v.�,�.._.�.t.. _"- . a - .... ___ ... _— _ _ _ _- _ -
<br /> � . .� i7 .._ .
<br /> -. t t l .� ��'/ __ ,_ - _ + 'i iS —._.__ -+.c�
<br /> if G�f.(,'e Sti ` _ ��.�3.7_� _ . , • . i' .' . . �e�� • .. �''`�['f� ,'�.t_.�
<br />. " _ " .it . . . . _ r - .. . � . . ,. . .. c . � �Y� • . - ._ . _ . .'Y ���i �. . . . .. . . . . ..� '7< 'y
<br />