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<br /> ' . . ` - �. �7IMI�iT� � • � iV�iV�D' . � � .
<br /> � ` , . �ITCAfiE AOOEND_U� , < • ' • . . •
<br /> .�' . < .
<br /> � Tti� ..�[otiowin� ��r. 'sddendi to �th� Mo�tf���• � �ie�a� ebtct the �pptlG�til• add�nduw. � tb� � • <,.
<br /> add�ndu� cheeked sA�tt b� �ineerpor�t�d iato. and rerorded Mith, the ltort���e. Ths tera: ., ,
<br /> � �pl4ert��l+�" s1��ll ,bR d�e�ed ta. �notud� �b�td of �ruatµ, if •pptie�bl`e. , . • , . �
<br /> _ : � �MA /�QOEItOtiit � . < . � : • —.; - ,
<br /> . As tant as the Mor�tl�s� � �� outst�n4i�n�, thr lender May dttEa�� stt,su�s sscured 6y tAe � �
<br /> � Kart�s�e ta b"e i�rsdiately due snd payabl• •it: �. . ', '
<br /> � ' •. Att or .�part of !h• peopertY 1s aotd ar other�eis• te�nstsr��d totber thfn by devtss, .. •
<br /> � ; -. � drseent or op��stton af l�wl. by •oreoYer to a purchssnr or otAer teansfere�r:• . •' .
<br /> � � �i)' Ybo e�qnot �e�sen�bty 6� ��cpeat�d to aceapy lh�.props�ty as s psineipte eesidRece . .
<br /> � withln a ee�son�bl• �i�� alt�r tl�e s�[e o� trsnsf�c, sll a��pravided in S:etioa .
<br /> � • 1;3�c) snd 4Rlti)l2)' of the totsrnal Revenue Code of 19�6, ss a��nded; or , . �
<br /> E;i� Yho Ass h�d s p�asstlt awne�.shfp inte�est in a p�tnefpl• tetfdenee durfnq�aay part of �. � �
<br /> ths tA�ee-ys�� pe�lod eedin� An ths dste of t6e aat� or tc�rtsfer, •tt •s p�ovfded in .
<br /> S.retioa 1�i3td? ae►d 143ti)t2� of tAb tnte�n�l. Rev�nue Code. �sss�pt that tbe ls�y�a9e ,
<br /> "10a p�rcent• -shatl be substituted tor '95 perc�nt o� �oee• s+here the t�tte� ap¢e+�rs , .
<br /> . . ' , in �setian 143�d)�1)i a� , . ' ' , ,
<br /> � ' • �ifi) As an ��eqv{sit9on eost �h1cb is 9restsr thaa 90x ot ths avera�• avs� pu�cb�:e pric• •
<br /> ��r��tst lh�n 110%.� for ts���tsd •re• eesid�nass), slt •s provided in teetion 1�3�s) .
<br /> ' �nd 143�1)t2) or the �nte�nal Rivenue Codr, or , .
<br /> � �iv,� Yhose t�+�ily ineoRe �:ce�ds /15lG af �pplie�bl• �edi�n fswil!► ineowe �160% for s
<br /> � tswily � tn • tir�esed a��• �esidencsl. �« �s provtded in Seat[on 143tf? snd 1i3til��)
<br /> ot tha {ntseri�t Revenu• tod�; o�
<br /> b. to�rotier f aita to otcupy tht p�oPRlty descrtb�d in t6i Notto�0e Without prfor wr•sEte�►
<br /> . coosR�t of l.end�� or its saectsso�s o� •sst�ns; or
<br /> ` �:� • C. �OPCdMff osits or wts�ep��sents a f�et th�t i• w�t�eiat witA rer�esct to�the provisions ot ,: , ti.
<br /> •` S�etion 14S of the inteFn+�t Rev�or� Ce�e {n �n spplic�iion fo� th'e.�[�fto�P�• �,:�:,.,:`
<br /> ��•, r . . • .
<br /> • , R�f�e�nees •�e to the 1986 int����l Rsvenue Cods fn etleet on 'tAe date af sxeeution a�.tbe • �:�.
<br /> ' Morta�4f and •fR:dtf111td� tt1 ieeLvQe the i�pl��entinp rey ations. '" � ' , . �:�
<br /> ,. : _�./lw� • --- , -- _ � - = "'-1 _
<br /> � �. • , �oe�owee Caral F. Osborne --
<br /> ; . _ � �
<br /> ... � . : ��`�4 : . � . -
<br /> � � Date' � •o��oKSr � ,
<br /> . .. � . .
<br /> , . , ,:
<br /> �'� r,,,,i,� ,YA NORt�i1lQE AO�E8P15UA • -
<br /> .. � tfr �b. tonf ''+a the Mort��Q� is out�csndin9. �tl or any p�rt ol tAe prap��ty i• sotd or
<br /> t►�nste��ed ey �o���++�r witAout Lender�s prio� •�ritctn eons�nt, other tA+�n � t�i�sle� by
<br /> ' - d�v6ae, d�ac��c o� dy op�r�tlon o! t��, the tende� ��Y. •t I.�nder�i option, d�el��e ab4 the
<br /> su�s ���ur�d by ths No�to�4• to b• iw��di�t�ty due •nd p�y�bl�. ,
<br /> OATE �ortoVer . •
<br /> , r , • � . .. :,�Ir�
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<br /> � toantY o/ Hall � .. . . . ... ..._.._.._ ..-- -. .... . ...... . ._. __�;.. . .. .._-
<br /> � ,
<br /> � tb• fo�t�ofa� Instru�snt Y�i aeknowted�eA betore �ae tAis tat d�y of ,j��n¢ . 19.��•
<br /> - by �rnid F ,Q��^��A ;.� ��id county, the date •foresiid.
<br /> � " 11it�esti ����d •nd notari�t. se�l •t .
<br /> . iE�iMl�MV-�p11 M� , . • ` . '
<br /> � • NY Co��l�s4on i�p{res: INARGAAET M.OILLON
<br /> . �Jw, �,�..���:z,� y- ���� � �'�' ,
<br /> • ' �.��r. r9A - NO���y Pub{3c • .
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