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<br /> .. � . � .
<br /> �, . . . ` • �f _; : � � ._�.._, ' �(
<br /> . , . � ` i .
<br /> NON•�,TNII�RIiI CAYENANt'S.BO(rOM�lt�lld LmdeP�Itithe[cOVeNet ied�I�V�v V < . � ' ' , - -
<br /> . I!.Ael�II�N� ���i�. l�i�����! M!�!`t 1! �ef0�►�t�[�t0 i!Cl�f/�1�M!1'�fy � . `' ~ _:�.,-
<br /> . �f'��i��l�lMr�Or���'����r��M�/r�01"[O��lt/�l'�'�/�{���17� . �. . .': _ .
<br /> • ' ' M�t1M�iitMk Isw N'o�1i��fi�e�i�!).7're MtiCe ei�tNci!!r:(i11 tie�eta�l�(b)t�e�ett�a r�ie�t 1�e�e'e tle ,
<br /> � i�6�1t;(e,i s�fe.+Mt 1�tL�30�ffnw�e i�/�tit�Me��s fi�a W R�rnwu.tiy wl�ieir tre,itfavt�it ie ere� . � . � .
<br /> ' �si tA Mrt fWiNre�o c�rt Ne 1Nirt es a�eiaea t�e�e+edfM/i�tie rotke w�Y sesWt i�iaderNios e�elt� . . .
<br /> � , �.e.r./1►r tAi.S�eMrit�r t�1e�e.c a.��le oE ek Prro�eee�.Yse.otioe.Ldi tl�rtl�e�s idbn.aeerwMr et eie ef�e a ".`� '� � �. � : :�
<br /> :� � �ieratl�r+nk ri�e to�ei�.cwrt.etle�a...Kre e�e.a.�tNs�oe v+t�t itdi�.tt ar anxT.l�r_.��- �-`-=_------- _- - .:--�- �::=.
<br /> ,
<br /> 1l�11tf1t r[lit
<br /> iNri�e�fMseaw�itdraoai�estfwiiuMs�i�ttNei�fi�it ie rete�eMe�s�ietae+eNe�be;/�tidM1�e�ea�tict,LhNeR ,. : . � .
<br /> - : .- v��' `..
<br /> � �t ib-MtMR�ry►r�iw�iyee�est i��.Ml o(a�w�s : :: - -�:. . . .
<br /> . senrei.�y d�ia 5ecrrits►.ia�tr�e■t�eillrwt lMttMr .� ` '-_-.,:_ ,
<br /> � ir�Mi a�i 1rq�li�oke t�e p+Kr�ts�ie�I/s�!eti�er tt�elies�st�itt�i iy aMlicatiie 4tqr.i.e�ier�MU iR�Ni�Eo � . .,.. � .
<br /> � albct ail a�/NMw i�c�reN i� Mr�i�IYe �e�eii�s /ewiiei i� tii�Mra�yir.i9.i�el�ii�b.wt�:�K:��l�i°.tq::�'�'::`:��:� � ,; , �
<br /> t'l�R���li�lMd��!lt�Cl. • ..:.'.r. : . ._ _ .
<br /> � . . .. - .
<br /> . ' �f�t//11�[df r!3/�N�w.Ttf11!!r�fi�C0/y t i0t�0!O����i dCM tOrNY d wVl����f1't�i0��!:'.�-�:`}: � . - ,
<br /> Pr�ef�i�I�ea/M iM�iY�t!e�ies�t�i Mtfce fs tie w�e*lee�sAiei i�t�Kc�ile l�w b�1Mee�t a�Nto eMe � , .
<br /> �a/eeso��r�ciib��i�Hd�f�4s�.Attier ti�t�e r�6sd iy a�Ik�We hw.Tn�tee sidl�re�iJc�iofice.ef .
<br /> �k a tlwe�pr�a�t L tre.r.er�aa�i b 41lia�rls,..Tr.�dee,wfdio�t aea.�i o.Borrawa,�Yii�e!!tie _ • .
<br /> � . . P�o�ert��t�k sretto*to t�eii�i�ier atlie tt�e a�d Nliee a�d�sder t�e terias iai�utei i�t�e�oltkt of�fe ia �
<br /> . o�e or aare�nced s�ii�ia�atr oraer Tnsta iete�iNa.Tr�tte riuir ror[jode sate of�tt or a�j rr�eet ott�e pro�erty fY : - .-
<br /> �.iNc�..w�ct.e.t at tie a�r sNt�i.ce o[�.r�a.lo�ly�ki sak.[�eaer oc ta�rur�arelre t�e. ..
<br /> -'.:.�:;:, Pt�e�'t�r��itrtl�k. , . . . �. . , . ,
<br /> : ..-:. . Up�ri�oid�t at��t of tie�*rFoe 1rid.Ts�staa s�s111eUar W t�e �Tn�da deei Eoa�eytq trt ���, ' .
<br /> ,: , i :',,':'� � � 'I'Me`e�ecihls i�;�ie Tnrtee'��s�Q.�e�rt�a iscie eri/e�ce q[tie tr�ottie sWite�e�b�ie rieneia. .;-�'�;. � . . . .
<br /> . { , . ��s�slug s�y ti��iirll,t±ee�o[tMe safe Nt t�e ,�� . .,.` :s :
<br /> I�e�wi�c�er.ts)to aU ex�eaus o[tie ssi�i�.Mt aot ti�itsi ,.`.._:: .:,_....
<br /> ••�,;:....... : l�+.'?�n�tee'#-krps a��er�ed by q�ljcatik 1sw i±�iiP,tea�o�atite aKorneys'fee�(b)to�ttl a�ieeNnat i7�ti�k�rity �
<br /> . � .. �. � ��!�c).fi�y�iee�to tiie Mertua or�ersaie�le�lty eMhitkd to it. � . � . , � '
<br /> , ,.. _;:::::=. �,,,;� <
<br /> . ...,. 1�.I�i�.�rt�io�. Upon acceteratinh under irua,g�aPh 14,or,abanda�ment a£tt�e PrQ,pertp�t�6e�.(in - -. . , _
<br /> • �son.by a�etii nr��sci�lly appointed iecei`r�ir)shall be enutted ta etf�leet upon:tayr�possessi�-�f and m�r the •
<br /> �A.[mperty�nd t�coLest t�rents of the Propert}��uludistg those past dua��l�iy reats collectad 6y�:e�tdec or.ihs racei�er � �
<br /> sbatl be a�3�TSt to psy�na�t of tke cdsu of managemrnt of the Property aad c�ite�itenp af renEs;.inctuding��c.riot � � . `
<br /> � � limited to re�;wtz's fccs.psemiu�*.s c�eeceiver's bands and rea.sanablc attismeys'fees,aad then ca the sums ser�%ree�by :. .
<br /> � . � chis5ecurity irts��ur.ens. �. •
<br /> Zl.Reco��ey�sca Upon psyment of a11 sums secured by this Security Instrument.Lender sh�ll request Trustee to '
<br /> resonvey the Property and sball sunrendee this Security Iascrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> : ., instrument to T�usta.Trustee shslf reconvey the Praper[y without war�anty and without chor�e to the ptrson or persans �
<br /> � leaally entitfed to it.Such person or person5 shall pay any recardation casts. � ' . .
<br /> , 2�.SMbstitute Trnstee.Lend�r,at its optian,may Gom time to time remove Trustee and r�ppa�at a succasor trusta
<br /> __ toanY Trwciet appuinted hereunder by an instrument recc�rded in iTs�c���n►y�n wh����1I!45 S!'£4!!!tv/�}�4ft�ye��15 I!'£ilS3�. � _--
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property.the saccessor trusta shaA,succeed to all�he�itle.pawrr aaA duties conferred upon �
<br /> Trusta herMmand by spplic�bte I�w. , �
<br /> . 23.Rewep lor jVMkp.Borrower roquats that copies of the notices o6 Qefault and ssEe be sent to Borrower's -
<br /> ' address which is the Property Address. � -
<br /> 2�.Ai/[�s to tlJs S�cMeit'trttM�t.IPone or more riders are execu[ed by Borrower and�eca�de0 together w�th ' �
<br /> this Security[nstrument,the cavenanta and agreements of ach such ndor shat)be incorpor8ted into and shall amend and -
<br /> aupplement the covenants and agreemenu af this Security Instrnmerft as ii the nder{s) were �psrt of this Security ��
<br /> . I�strument.�Checi��ppGcable box(a)]
<br /> _ ❑ Adjusubk Rate Ridtr "(,�'1 Candominium Rider � 2-�.Family Rcd¢r _
<br /> , ❑ Gradusted Payment Rider ❑ Plsnned Unit Devetopment Rider �
<br /> ($] Other(s) (apesify� Acknowledgment .� ,
<br /> • BY SI(3NlNCi B�L01V. Borrower accepts and aEras to the �erms and covenants contained m this Sawrity '�
<br /> Instrumrnt and in any ridet(s)executed by Borrower ana�ecorQed with�t. �
<br /> ` ..........................................................,... ........... ....... . ... ... . �.�. .��..�.. ., .. . ,.... ..._...... ........ .(Sdit) .
<br /> . al W. Skaggs "'eoro""'
<br /> . _ . . .... . . . . ._.__ . ._ ._ ..--� - - - - ----..._. . _.. . ..._.. . ..__. .... ...__ . --�-- .. . . ..... .
<br /> �. S�fr:.�.. .(Sral)
<br /> ..................:..................................................................... ..,.Pe9�Y .��cagg�.. .....................-sam..►
<br /> . STAT�OF NEBRASKA, Hc�l� CUI�IttY Ss:
<br /> Otf ihis 1 st day uf June .1990 . before me. �I�e undersigneci, a Norar}� Yublik
<br /> duly cammiss:oned and qualified fc,r said caunty,persanally came Har.dal W. 5kaggs �nd peggy 5.
<br /> � Skagt�s, hu5band and wife � , Iu t�e kttown to hc thc
<br /> cdet�tieal person(s► wtsas� name(s) are �ubscribed to the foregc�ing �::�irument and acknawledged the ex�:uti�n __ _ -__
<br /> theroof to th�ir . vaturc:ary act and deed. ' � T
<br /> Wi es, d and nvtarial,��i at Gr�nd Island, Nebraska in said re::::-y,che
<br /> . . - data af ,�� __...: . . . � � � ..
<br /> ,. My Commissia
<br /> � ,..
<br /> � • , , � . . .. . .._. ................ . . . .. ..... . . .... . . .. . . . �Y
<br /> � � ��•taTti Pubh. .
<br /> ��t REQUEST FO[t HECONVf.Y:'�ti['E
<br /> �. .
<br /> 'TQ�TRUST@6: ' . �
<br /> The undetsigned is the hnlc}er vf the note or nutes sc��freci t+y ch�� Ue�d t�t IsnsE. Sard nvtc��r rr�,re�, r��eerh€�r �
<br /> � wilh dll Uthet indebt�dneSS 5��itf�d b�'thi5 t�eeit of 7�rust,hecc heci��if1tl Ul IUU.-�4�lJ ilfC ItCl�F?I.lilfC�ICCI fEr r�;����,f'I 4iftl ' �
<br /> ��
<br /> ttote or notes and this beed af 1'�n�t,which are c!el��e►ed hereh}, at�d�E� rccnre�.eF, u,thnut .�.arrent�. ��l1 rhe e.t�,rc r� °
<br /> _ now field bv�uv undet tbs beed e�f��'it�st�u the ren��n.��r pef�•«t�4 i�•�aI(. ei,r.,tle�1 �t�t•rc��+t •
<br /> � Date: • '
<br /> . . . . . . . . . �
<br /> . :. _ . �i � . �a" S L �3 —S����...3._:.Y�l. ._ _. . —. __
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