, . . , ._ . . , . . .
<br /> . . . � - ' ` . - � i . . , . � ' , �'
<br /> . � ` . . .. . ' . �_ ' .
<br /> �. . . gQ.-1Q315� �
<br /> UHit�oRM Cov��t+rrs. gono�rer and La�der wvei�nt�nd a�ra as fofb�s: � �
<br /> , 1. Pa�r�t o!Prret�i aM I�1ee�Pt�rwe�t aM i.�e CLt�a. Botrower sl�all PramPtiY Psy Mhen due .
<br /> � � `. tiie princiy�i nPu�d.iaterest a�tbe,debt evidenc�bg the Note and wy pre�ys�ait and ute rhitSes dut uader the Nott. . - �-.
<br /> 2. F�it 1�Tacar�■/lrrrrea _ Subject to appleabk faM or eo s rvritten waiver by i,eader.Bcuc�ver sl�sU ptY
<br /> < � to I.ender on tt�e diy eaoRtbly�p�ymeets ue due undes tl�t Not�unu'1 the Note is paid in�nU.a sum("Funds")oc�wtt to , .
<br /> � aie-txeM6�of.f�}Y�1Y���ss+nent�s Mhicb may attein priority o�er this Sxurity Instrument; (b) Yeu1Y
<br /> � �P�Y��a t��reats=on the Proga�ty. if anY: (c) YeulY haurd msunnce prtmiums: and (dI Yar1y .
<br /> . a�ort�a�e imui�snce gnemiums.if sr�y.'�lxse iteqss ur c�lkd"acraw ttans."Lender may atinnatc the Fu�s due aa th�
<br /> , D�S�trorreat dsts aad reson�bk estia�aca of futare acto�r items.
<br /> . ` T4e Funds st�U 6e i�in��stitution tbe daposits or sccuunts of which�tre insurtQ oi guarar�teod by a federal ar �
<br /> tt�te s�cy(iuctudinj Leader if I.aidu is sncb an institution}.I,ender slsall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items. '
<br /> I.11l�Ei IOiy AQfi Cllif�!fO�bOWlpj and spplyina tLe Funds,analyzing the account or verif�rin�the escro�r items.unlss
<br /> � Leader pl►s Horm�vet i�tterest on tlu Fwsds and appticabk 1s*r pertnits Lrada to make sucb a chasae.Bosta�vtr and - --
<br /> � ; I�der msY�tjree in�►ritina thst inferat slull be paid on the Fuads. Unless an agreanrnt is made er agptirable la�r
<br /> �. rQquires intec�t to he paiQ[.ertda sh�i!not 6e required to�y Bonover any iataest ar eamina"s on thc F�ads.I�eader .
<br /> sbal!pve ta 3or[o+�:..;�ritba..t c:�ar��.,aanwl�ecau�rti�of the f�nds sho+ving credits aad debits w the Fwids and the
<br /> patpae fot�rAisb nch debit w tt�e Fuods Mzs made.Tbe Fvnds are ptodsod as additioa�l secnrity for the snms sae.�,red by
<br /> tms Saciuity Iiistruinen� �
<br /> � If the i�mo�u�t of the Funds�by L�endec,toset'6er�ritb tbt fumre rtonthly papmmu of Funds psyaC+�cc�iar to � ' , '�:;.F .
<br /> ' . . . the due dates of 3he escro�r ii�s��sad the amount tcqus�af to�y tF�e escrow items whm d��;:the exce3s s.sull6e, " , � �
<br /> �.i�'�orro�r's option,eitlier pranptly�rcpaid toS�ower or cne�ead ca��a:�cswer on monthlY ps�of Funds.If thr
<br /> � . . � :��::;�e of tbe Fueds hdd6y Leader is ao�su�nc�ro psy�eesa��:�vhen due.BorroweF��y to Lender�ny - .-
<br /> �:st�ouat na�ssaiy ta mdce ap tbe deSciency�in one or morc pay�sc+..�s�s r�.�od by Lender. • '
<br /> ' . Upon psymmt in full o�all suc�ts sbcured by this Socur��I�ast*t:.�nt.Lender sbsU prampt�z rtfund to Borrower ,
<br /> - - - � any F�s hetd�y L�-idzr.!t uider�iiph.t4 the Propertgissa�3 or�-�.A�b��.enQer.I.r*.d�i��.�all appIy.no tater . -� - .
<br /> �, ,t�an itnmediiately pri�a�r�t satt aFet�e$rc�pe�t,�°s�r its aequisition by�c�:any Funds tuW 6g��der at thr time of . . • �
<br /> - � a�plication aa a cr�t�a�ir,�the s�:.�.s sec;zre�t�.�;,�:s Sec�rity l�strume:s. � . , . .,
<br /> .� , 3. A�iip�s�l9��bc.. �-rnkss�ppiiabk IsM provida oiher�rse.al��a��ea�s�.�iy I.eradet�:nckr �
<br /> ' . p�rajnpb��a�2 slt�.:.��pplied:fin�,to late charaes due under the Note;sxond,to prrpayment cTearges due ae�er the . �;
<br /> Note;thiM.t�smoutus pa��aQk under puaataph 2;fourth.to intenst duc;and last,to principal due.
<br /> �. C'i�r�e�I�ie� Borroaer sball psy a11 taxes��ssessments.char�es.fines snd impositions altributable to the �
<br /> II�+opeRy Mhich msy atutin priority,over this Security lnstrummt. and leasehold psymenta or ground rents. if any. �
<br /> Barro+ver aha11 pay the�e obtisttions is tha m�riner provided in psragraph�.ar if not paiA in tbtt manmer.8orroarcr shaU
<br /> p�y tt�ena o�time directly to the peraan oMed psyr�senc.�3orrawer shs11 promptly fumisr to Lender aJl notices oPanwvnts -
<br /> � to be p�id under this pta=rsph.If 8orroNer m�ices these paymrnts diroctly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender �
<br /> �eceipts evideucina Ihe paytnents.
<br /> 8otro�rer sha11 promptly ditctasae any lirn which has priority aver this Security lnstrument unleu Borrower:(a) ' �
<br /> a�rea in Mritins to the payn�t oP the obliprion securrd by the tlen in s manner acceptabk to trnder;(b)contests in 600d. �
<br /> t�itb the lirn by,or defends�pie�st enforamrnt of the fien in.kaal proceodin�s wrhicb in the Lender•s opinion oper�te to _
<br /> prevent the enfprcanent of 1he tien or forfeiture of any part of the Property;os(c)secures from the holder of the lien�n . � —
<br /> ' ajrix�nent talisfsctory to Lender aubordinating the ticn to this Security Instrumtnt.IP Lendtr detetmina that any p�rt of ` �
<br /> .tl�e Proptrty is subjeet to a tien which may atuin priority ovtr this Security Instrument. Lendtr may give Borrawer a � �
<br /> notice identifYins ti�e lien.8orroMer ahall sstufy the lirn or tske one or more of ihe act�ans set forth abave within 1Q daya .
<br /> ofthepvin�a�nWice.
<br /> � S. Haa�n/tawea�oe. Borrower shsll kap the improvements no�v existinE or herpfter erectod on tAe Property � �
<br /> in�red spinst toss by 6r�h�zards included within the term"eatended covcragc"and any other harards f�r Mhich Lender
<br /> requins insurance.This inwruke shall be ttaaintained in ehe amounts ac�S for the periods that L�der requira. The
<br /> inwrance csaier provid�the irauruue shal!be chosen by 8orro�er su�gect to Lender's spprovaf wrhicb shall noe be
<br /> unteuonabiy withheld. �.
<br /> All insvnna poticies and rrnewals shall be aceceptable to i.ender and shsU include a standara mortaage clause. �{
<br /> 1.ender thall hsvt the�iaht to hold the policies and rme�rals.lf Lender requ�res,8otrov�rer shall promDtly give to l.ender �
<br /> atl re�ceipts oP paid pretniums and renewal notices.tn th¢event of toss,Borrowcr shall give prompt nasice tb the insunnce
<br /> oarrier and Leedrr.Lendrr may maice prooPof loss ifnot maQe promptly hy Barrower.
<br /> Unlass L.ender and Borrower atherwise agree in wnttng,insunnce proceeQs shall be sDplied to restor�tion or repsir
<br /> of the Propeny�anuaed.it the rcsto�tion ur repair is econom�cally feasible and Lender'a security as not fessenat._if 1he _ __ .
<br /> _._...-- -- . _._ . . . .
<br />. raevnt or repau is not ecanomically fe�iible or l.ender's secunty would be lessened,the inwr�nce proceeAs sha11 be
<br /> applied to the sums sxvrcd by this 5ocurity Inst►qtnrnt.whe�her ar not then Que.with any eaass paid to Borro�vet, !f
<br /> • . . Borrower�b�ndan�the Pmpeny,or does nat answer withia 30 dsys a aotice from Lender that the insurance carrier hu
<br /> oRerrd to stttle a etaim.then Lender may coltest the insurance p�oceeds. Lender may use Ihe proceed��o repair or restore
<br /> � t?�e Properly or ta p�y sums secured by this 5ecurity Inst�ument.whether or not ehen cfue. The 30-day periad will begin
<br /> Mhrn the notice is`iven.
<br /> Unkss Lendet and Horrawer otherwise ag�ec in writing.any appt�ca�r�:�of proceeds to pnncipal sha11 not extend or
<br /> pastpone the due date af tfr�manthty p�ymencs«fencd to in paragraphs 1 az,��or change�he amaunt of't he payments.lt`
<br /> c�adtt paragaph 19 the Property is acquired by Lendtr..Borrower's right tu a7� �nsurance pn��c�rs and prixeeds resalt�ng
<br /> from d�ma6e to the propeny prior to the acqaisition shall pus to�.eneter td t�*e e�tent af the sums sccured by this Scc;snty
<br /> t»strument immediately ptior to the acquisition. �'- °�-"="
<br /> ' 6. Pratetw�tlor aa Mai�teNaNCe Of�'ro�er�;LtaulwW, Bosr�r�er�shall not destroy.dasnage or substantially � �
<br /> ch�nge the Property.�ICa�the Praperty to detesx�tate or cammit waste. kf rh�s 5ecunty Instrument �s an a lc�sehnl0,
<br /> '.... _ , �S�'1�S�Eti�tii�;;:`i�,.�it�tf�ff3ii5i0srSt�i�iE�cirs�.n���fiP$vfrvwrF:n:qm;�s�erfit#cfafhe#'roper[y.rhefitascfiat�an� . : . . .. �. .
<br /> , ta title shall�xpt merge unless Leeder agrees m the mtr�er�n arr t:ng.
<br /> 7. PtotetHo� et Leider'� tti�ltb ie tbe Prooerty; 3�tartgage Insarrince. IP Borrower faals to pecform thr �
<br /> covenanta and agreemenis sontained in this Srcunty Instrument.or�here�s a Fegal proceedmg that may sign�flcantly aRect
<br /> ' � Y.endet's ri(�hts yn the Presperty(such as a prucceding in bankruptcy. prafiatc, Por condemnauon or to enfotce laws or '
<br /> teaulatians),then I.rnder may daand pay for whateveris necessary tn protrct the vatue af the Prtiper�y and[.ender's tights �
<br /> . in the Proyerty. Lcnder'&ae��ons m�y include paying any sums secured by a luo whrch has pnanty nvu thcs 5rcunty �
<br /> It�sthiment.a�gearing�n courl,paying reasonabfe attQmeqs'fees and entenng on the Prn�etty tu make rep�►rs AlthouRh c61
<br /> Leadtr cr�ay take artian unsiev t6is paragraph 7,l.�ndtr cfcres nc�t ha�e.ta dc�so W
<br /> . Arty amatnnts disbarsrd by Lender urs�er�his patagraph 7 shall berc�me ad�i�uvna!debi��f Nurrc�wrr sermed by th�s • �r`
<br /> Stcunly insuumrnt.Unless Barra�'er and l.eader agree td ather terms ot paLment,thtse amcuntc sha11 t+ear interest fram '' "
<br /> the date oi-dishursement at the Note rate and shall tre payabie. w�th t�ithretil. upcm Rottce Roin Lend"rr fn bunnwei
<br /> r6questing paymene. .
<br /> . J
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