. , . �' ` . . ` ` C `` � ' . C . ' .... . ..'' __. _ ' ` . -� .
<br /> . . ` , C ' . � • .
<br /> ` t
<br /> ' . . � � i .. i . _ . .
<br /> .. � . . � . , ` . � . �� � �~' i�a3�.53 �� ,, �
<br /> � : UNi1�oRM CbvEr��t�'['s. Borrowa i�nd Lardercavea�at aad sarix as foltaivs: � , - - � .
<br /> � t• �!���iuild�M Lo�a�Pt�q�7�at aM Ltte C7ur�, `Honower sl�U promptfy P�9 when due - '
<br /> the peincip�!otand inttrett oa the debt evidmced by tIu Note aad any prepayrment an8 late charges due un�e�she NQSe.
<br /> � � Fwii�tK 7'a�pi I�efree. Svbject to applit�bh la�v or to a written�vuver by Isrnder.BurrQ�ver sfiall pay �
<br /> _- � to i�a�on ti�e ddy moatl�fy f�tYaimts an ttae ui�der Elie Note.until tIu Note is paid in fulL s sum("Funds"3 Wua!to ' , °
<br /> ooat�rd!!It of: ts}Ye�arlq wRS�nd a�essteents Nhich msy uain priority over this Security Instrummt:(b) yeattY : .
<br /> � ` � P��+►u�i�d rasts an the Ihopetty. J anY: tc) Yearly �rd insurance �raniums; at�d fd)yeatlY
<br /> �actp%e�sutiana pnmiums.if any.1'Iiese i�tems ue calkd"escrow items."Lender msy atim�te the Funds d�an the
<br /> � bnisat�rrartdasurdrwa�abltaW�staotfuwrracrowitems. � � �` .
<br /> � � ��Tht Fur�sball bc t�dd in aa nutitution the depasits or accounts of which ue insured or 6u�rantad by a fcderal or `
<br /> ' ��l�l�Caiciodina Leades if Ltader is such an iastiirition). I,ender shall appl�.d�e Fimds to py tht acrwa itrms. .
<br /> � �.mder msy aot¢harae foc holdi'nt��PA�7+�6�F�ds.analyzing the account or verifyina the escrdw items.unlas � .
<br /> ` � _t�sder P�ri Bom�rer iutaat oe the Funds and sp�liCabk L�►permi�s Lender to matce such i CuilaG BOY[OIY�f�
<br /> Lesder aiay aaree in�rtitin�that ir�terat shaU be paid on tbe Fnmda Unless ari.agc�ement is m:de or appliabte hw- • -
<br /> . , rapi�a iatatist w 6c p�id,Lender shall not be reguired to psy Horro�rer any interat or aminas on the Funds.Lender.. .
<br /> ttu11 pvt to Horrm�er.�vithout cbu�an aanual accannting of the Fwids sho�ring credits and debits to tIx Funds aad the
<br /> � parpose��or�►bich acb debit w.ihe Funds�s,made.The Fw�ds ue pkdgad as addition�f security for the`smns secural by
<br /> : thisSecu:ityI�t ,
<br /> � � ` If the�mouat nFthe Fwids ljdd by I:mdet.to�ether�ritk.tl�e fritn:�:+�antitlY P�Y�ues�ts of Funds pay�bk prios to
<br /> ' tbe due dsta ottl�e acroM iteina�aLal!e�cee�ttu amaunt required ice¢��ihe acrow items wrhrn du�,the exceu sbalt be. .
<br /> , at Borm�ver's option�atlxr promptly repaid to Borro�vu or cre�it�to Bonower on monthly psyments of Funds.[f ihe
<br /> , aaauat of tbe Fwida heid by Lender is not suf6cimt tapsy the e�Rr items when du�Borrower shali pay to Lendu any
<br /> amount ne�ars�ry to mske up.the de6ciency in one or morq payme�ii�s as required by Lender.
<br /> U�on pynimt in fitll of all sums secured by this Security Insirument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower
<br /> - any Fund�t tuid by I.ender.If under pusgrsph 19 the Pcoperty is sold or acquired by Lender,Lender sh�ll�pply,rco�ter �
<br /> - .. - t�an in�telp priar to the sale of the Froperty ar ets acquisition by I.ender,any Funds held by Lrnder at the 6me of �
<br /> appliration as a credit�gainst ihe sums securad tsy this Security Insttument. •
<br /> • 3. ANticada�d P�ya�e�ti. Uakss apptic�de ts�►provides otherwise,dl paytsaets tecaved by Lrnder under
<br /> �. p�aphs l snd 2 slliall be spptied:8nt,to tate ahsa�due undet the Note;second,to prepayrnrnt chsrges due undrr tbe `:;
<br /> . NotG third,to amaunts psyabk under parasraph 2;�c�;�th,to interest due;and lasi.to principol dua. ��;:
<br /> ' 4. �Lie�s. Honower sha11.pay aU taaa.ssxssments.chuga,5nes aad impositions sttribuable to the � .
<br /> ptoperty Ml�ich may attain pnority.ovar this Security Instrumees, and leasebold paymenu or grovnd reats.if anY• � ...:,.
<br /> Bomaver slu�}pay thae obligationa in the manner prmvided in parzgrsph 2,or if not p�id in th�t manner.Borrowet shsU �
<br /> pay them on time dirxtly to the petson owed psymen�Borrower shall pro;nptly ftunisb to Lender aU nutices of amounts � � �!'�
<br /> : - �` - to be p�id and�er tljis pa�npb.If Horrower maices thtse p�yments directly,Borcower s}rs�ll pmmptly fumish to Lender - -
<br /> '. raaipts evidencing tbe paymp�ts. � �-
<br /> Borm�rer ahall pr�mptiy dischar�e aay tirn whicb hu priority over this Security Im€�ac�ment untess Borrower.(s)
<br /> a jrea ia�vritiaf to the payment oPthe obl�ption securod by the lien in a manner�cceptablr to Lrnder:(b)contests in aood �
<br /> faitb t6e lien by,or defd�ds against enfarc�ement ogthc lirn in.leaa!proceedin��hicb in the L,ender's opinian operate to � . " =
<br /> � prermt t6e enforcement of the lien ar farfeature af any part of the Property;or(c)secures�rom the holder of the lia�an � ��
<br /> atr�eenKnt satisfactory to l.euder aubordir�ting the lien to this Socurity lnstrument.Ii LenB+cr dttermines that any paac.of . . � ��'—
<br /> .the Ptoperty is subject to s lirn wbich may atmin priority over[Lr,"s Security lnstrummt, Lender may give Harrov�rr a
<br /> , not i c e i d e nti f y ins the I�en.8orrower ahal!sstisfy the lien or take one or raore of the actions set forth abova within 10 days �
<br /> otthepvinsotnotice.
<br /> • ' s. Haae+�Iswn�e. Borroxer slut!!kap tlse improvements now e�istiag or htreafter erectaf qz�the Property
<br /> ' inwred apinst lost by 6re,haurds ineWdad within the term"eatmdad covenae"and any other hszarda for which Lender �
<br />. rc+quires insurance. This iruunnce shall b�maiatained in the amounts snd for the periods that Lender requifes. The
<br /> • inwranee carrier providin j the insursnor sh�11 be e�osen by Barrawer subjecs,to Lender's appravst wtiich shall not be .
<br /> unrasanably�vithbeld.
<br /> ��r
<br /> AU insutsnce policia ar�d rmewsls shall be sx�.�puble to Lsndtr an�s3ns11 include a stsndard mortgaae clause. ,q:;��
<br /> t�ender shall hare the risht to hold the policies and anewals.If Lender requires.Borrower shall promptly 6ive to Lender
<br /> . ' a1l tOCeipts oiptid�_premiums and t'enewa!notices.In the evmt oPtass.8orrwver shall give prompt notice to the insursace
<br /> carrier and Lender.Lender m�y m�lce prooiof ta�s if not maCe pramp�ly by Horrower.
<br /> Unkss Lender ind Borcower otherwise agra in wtiting.insurance proceeds shall be applied to rasoration or repait
<br /> otthe Ptoperty dsm�ed.if'the testontion or repsir is ecunomicalty feasible and Lender's security is nat lessenod.li the
<br /> u�toration or repair is not econamically fqsibk ot Lender's security would be lasened.the insunna proceeds shall bt
<br /> . _. . . .. . _ ._. . - --- - -
<br /> � ted to the sum�aecured by this Secunty instrument.whether or nnt Ihen dde.with any exce.ss pa�d to Honower. If - �� - -��� - -- � - -
<br /> Borro�►er ab�adons the Property.or does nnt answer within 30 days a notice from l.ender thst the insurance carrier has
<br /> , ol�erod to settk a ctsim.then Lrnder msy coll�t the dnsurance pruceeds.Lender may use the praceeds to apair or restore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Ins�rumrnr,whether or not then due.7he 30�day period wi11 begin
<br /> wlien the�wtioei�pven. . .
<br /> Unkst Lender�nd Horrower athet�vrrise agtee irt wrriting,any application af prnceeds to priacipal shall not eatend or
<br /> postpottethe duedatt of the montfily payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the amaunt oPthe pay�ents.1i �
<br /> uadtr pangtaph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender..8orrower's right ta any insurancr pokcces and proceeds raulting
<br /> frt�m damsae tothe Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to ohe catent of the sums secured by this 5ecanty
<br /> Instrument immediately prior to theacquisition. " �-___-_-__`
<br /> . 6 Pte�errsNo�aN Md�teuece otPro�erfy;Leasehold�. Bonower s6ai1 not destroy,damage or substantially �
<br /> ' c1►i�nae the Ikoperty,a11oN the Property to deteriurate or commit wutr. !f this Sec.urity Instrument�s on a teasehold.
<br /> Botrower shslJ camply with the provisions of the lezse.and if Borrower acquires fce title ta the Property.the leasehold and
<br /> _ .._ fe+�titk�h�i�not merre�al�s L�r agce�s scr the�uergrr i�s:�rit':ng. . _ _ : -:
<br /> • 7. Pioteeti�ot Lender'� tti�ts ie the Property; Mort�age it�sunnce. If gorrower feils to pedorm the
<br /> covenatus and aareements cor�tsined in this Secunty Instrument.or tAere ts a Iegal proceedmg�that may sigmficahtly affcct � �
<br /> .� l.mder's riahts in the Property (such as a praceeding in bankrupscy, probate, for condemnai�on or to entorre laws ur
<br /> te�ulations).t6cn Lender may do and pay for whatever is rte�tssgry to protect the ralue of the Proqerty artd Lender's nghts �
<br /> in tFe Prapeny.Lcr►du's acuons may include paying any sums stcured by a Iren which has pnor�iy c�vee th�s Secur�ty , �,
<br /> Instrument.apparing in court.pnying reasonabie attorneys'fees and tnttring on the Yroperty to make repaus.Ai�hnugh �
<br /> ldendet m�y talce action under this paragraph 7,Ltndrt ddesrnot hati�e to do sn
<br /> Any amounts disbu[sed hy lendrt undet th�patagraph�shal!become sddu�or�a!debt<�€Bnrroucr xcured by thi*. ' • �`t'
<br /> Secunty lastrumt'rit.Untess Bt�trower and iender agree ta ati�er terms vf paymeat.these amounty shaU t+ear anterest tram �
<br /> tlte date ot disbutstmtnt at the Note tate and shaU i+e pavabte, with�ntetest, upon nat�re fiom leneier �o Hc�rr�iwer • � �
<br /> re�uesting Rayment
<br />: ' .�
<br />