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<br /> . { ' tenaaces thereto belonging tmto the grantees and to their asa9gqs��or to the heirs sud aasigna of the snrvivor of � " �� ; -
<br /> # them ton�er. ; k � �-
<br /> � . , And geantor does�ereby coc�anE with the grttntees aud with their sssi��d �vith the heirs antl aaeigna � . � -
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<br /> . ; � esoept easemeats and�restrictians of record � ; � "
<br /> ; tbat granWr bta good right and IawfuY suthority to canvey the r�ame; and that grantor warrants and �aill defead . � � .
<br /> � ttte title to said preaniaea againat the Iswful claims of all persona whomaoever. � ,
<br /> . � It is the intention oi all partiea bereto that in the event of the desth of either oi the_granteee, the entire �
<br /> ' V� �tee�impla title to the resl estate shall vest in t���arviving grentee. , ,
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