- -- ..._ � ` .___ . . . . ` . _ .. . , . . , ... .. . _ � . . _.. .: . . 1.
<br /> , - . - , . . . . , , .. .,•�
<br /> . �. _ . . .. - � . • �. - :�i
<br /> , � , • - , . . >:,
<br /> i•- . . ... _ ._ . . . �. _ . . . . � ` ` � • ' ' ` ,� . .. . �±"�
<br /> . Y , . � . t . . . '
<br /> . . � � . . � � � � � 9o-�.i��i�$ , . . . � � :
<br /> . . . , �.lp��wt�t 1'i1�e1M1.'t�1e�Mt Y/tar C�e�e Bbrro+�+er�haU paY*�heo due tha prie�pl o�.and teterest on,tee de6t ' � ' . .
<br /> ` .. , eri�kaad bS►�e No�e asd`L[s ebirjp due uaQer tlie Nate. .
<br /> �,1�f�■Mr4'�b��t?s�w�.I�eroe W O�r�7��e.8orrower sba11 ineWde in eaeA moawy aYn�ent.cc�rcher with � � .
<br /> tl�e piu�p�t ard ie�se�t p ut fo�th ia tbe I�nte�md any fua ch�es.m inuaitax�t of aU►t�wus�ad�pccial�sres�mmts, , •
<br /> -� ktiied ar ta be itYia!�sb�F�r�d�tl.t�l����1�sents aw tQe ProQt�[Y.an�ts)�rm�+um for __ ' _
<br /> Lnea�ae te�Ot�ed 1}�ParaaV�4• .
<br /> ;; �� . F��o�tiiy i�ai�t ta itnns ta).tb)ma t�),e�eQwi ooe-�a�cn or wa snau,ai�moun:s.�re�onabiy e�mated b�r. . - .
<br /> � � t�.�hs a�asicrt tditicleat w m�ain au�ddttioo�6aLn�e oi mt morc t�a ane-sizth ot t0e eatiiaat�d�unounq.The
<br /> _ . � � t�ai■it�o�t ta Adr it�sNali be ao�oUted by LeoOer•whhio s yeriod e�one mamh betore aQ idas waWd ,
<br /> � � } 6ao�e ddbq��t.lRa�der ti�l bol�!t!r ama�ats oo8a�ted ia amt w pay itams ta).(b)aad tc}befo�e t�rbecooie detiaquea� � . . �
<br /> � � If.e.n tiee tie focai or t�e p�a 6e1a�,►I.eader rv�ne�c.�.ro�;aAa c��,�.►�tAe ratuuc mo�thh►P�U�� � .
<br /> �- �,� .. fac�ita■i paya�bk W Lmder yrior ta t�re doe d�ta of wdi items.arceed:bY morC th�m oae-sixth the aam�teQ amount oi _ � ,` �
<br /> P�Y��s��ph►suel}hems�rBen due,and�f paYmmts an the Nac are c�urent�tlrea Lender�li eitha refuad the .
<br /> e�s aMa oat-i�o!tbe estimued p�Ymenu or crodit the exass ova one•sixth of tbe atbnated ps�eau to subscquent
<br /> � s P��mea�b!►Borra+�er.u thc optio�s of Barowa.lt tbe toal of tbe payments mde hy�orrawer fds ium(a).(b).or t�)u `
<br /> � - is�qftWent ta pt�t!Le�11�6ea dae.tAte Bottnw�er s�a�paY to l.eader any imouat t�eeessu'to�te up the�cY on ar: ' ,
<br /> , befo[e t3e d�te tbe ite�bacomes daa , . .
<br /> ; • "As a�ed ia tT�is Sec�rrky Imtrumeat,••�aCretary••maAS the 5euetay of Housi��md[Jtb�a Development or Ws ur Da .
<br /> da�par.Mat Sea�l►tmaamena inwred b�r tbe SaKtarY ar ins�ued urWa ProRuns whkb reqnfrc adv�ace p�yment oi the .
<br /> ' �pfire atxtsye iswnooe yc+aoiumt.Itttis Security instmmmt is or�ras fnsure0 neGer a p[o�ram�hich did uot requi�e advanoe - .
<br /> ; °qt�t of tbe mtie+cma�yye iaaraooe pramius�.tljen aic6 moathty Pa!►mat s6all vso includrshAer.4��n iastaihaent of tAe
<br /> ' a�ewd mortfNe b�arasoe p�emium w be D�id bf►Laider to tBe'SatetarY.or(ii).a manthiy c6arse�tead o!a mortp�
<br /> - �a[aace pra�it�m it thi�Securitp Instn�mmt is hdd byr t6e Socretary.F.�ch montlaY untsAmeat ot tAe eiartNte insoraaae `
<br /> : pr��ail bc ia m amount atficient to�ocnmWan the fult aanual matp�e inswaace pranium w�ith Leader one tnoatb .
<br /> .� pda to the d+�te the fu11 aanwl most�e taturaace pmnium is due to tbe Seaetary.ar if ihts Soc�i�y Ias�rumeac is hetd by�he
<br /> _ � Secnt�ry.pc�montb33y c6ar�e ihaii.ba in�6�mount oquaTi to one-twetftl�of one-hati paceAt of the ouutaaAias principa!
<br /> b�l�oce due oe tbe Note. � ' .
<br /> - 4 -� tf Borrower teudas to i,ender tix fnii pa�y�t ut al�sum:�etsred by tbis�-urtry I:sstnsmees.6o.zs�r's rx:►uas shag b�------ - - -- —�-
<br /> � ccedlted with tbe �4ebe rcmaiein� for �I!installmena fa items (a1. (b)and(c� aad any pnoKp�e insuraaca premium
<br /> � fastallment t6at Leadex fi�not 6ocome oblipted w psY to the Sectetary.and Lenda shaU promptly rcfund any exress lunds tu
<br /> . `, � Qor�owa.Iiankdi�td�pas to a forectosuce s�k of tt�e Pireperty or its acqu{sitbn by l,ender. Horro�rer's acc,ount sh�tl be
<br /> � credke�witL ury b�Laoe re�maiai�for d!iustallments tor ittaas(s).(b)uad(c)• , � " .. '
<br /> i ' � �
<br /> ; 3.A�esW��t h�b.AtI payaKnta aader parynphs 1 and 2 shdl be appliod by Lender as folfo�vs: ,
<br /> • �,Q,to t6e ee�qet�e insunnce prertuum to be p�id by l.eAder to the Secretary os w the awnthty chsu�e by the Secreury
<br /> iustead o!tbe mo�rli[g mortpfe insuru�ve permeam.uakss Sorrowcr paid the entire mort�aje iasurai►cet D��um�hea this
<br /> � Sacurit�iasttument wss alpxd; � .. .'
<br /> - _ � .!o=st�la.s�,sy��.s!�•,••—__�___�_.n,•p•a �••Q• !t!r3ytr*.at!c►!�rc►�!nd t�t!ts.An�r�e>AoA!s!rtc!�ther ha�rd inaaance . _ _,_��- =
<br /> ���o inte�ral due under the Nate; :�,�j
<br /> ,to�motiiutioe o!the principil af'che Notr.
<br /> ! �to tue clw�a soe undor the Nae. � '
<br /> � 1.��'M�i M/OWr Ila�ti�e�a.Borrowa st�ail r"msure all ImDtove�aenn oa cbe PropaeY.whether naM in existtnce '
<br /> ' ar�ub�erAeatty ererted.a�aia:t�ap�harard�,casualtie�.anA carra�enciea,incIv�din=f-e;.Sor whkb Lendet tequira insuranee. �
<br /> � This iat�anoe attiW be matntdneQ io the amounts and tor the perioQs¢�a.t.eader r�quiree.Borrmver ahaU also insure W =
<br /> ; improrementson t�Prape�tY.whether now in existeaoe or auLscqueatJy er.r�,xx0.apinst loss by Etoods ao the e�ctrnt requiraf by Y�
<br /> • i the Secretary.Ali 3n�aace�at!be curied w{th companks ipprovod by L.eadu.Ttx insuraau poliaes and anY rtee�vats shaU
<br /> ; � be held py 1.eader�wd ihat:inctude bss p�ytbk clauses in favor of.and in a form�cceptabk to.I.eader. .
<br /> , : ' ; la the ereai of tau�Bono�rer s�l1=Ive Leeder immediate nottae bY n�+��.����Y m�ke proof of la�sa it noe mide prolnpt-
<br /> ' fy�r 8otrower.Each inuuaaa companY concerned i�herebr authortzed and Qirectod to m�te pay�ment[or:uch bss di«ctly to
<br /> ' l.esder.ieuad ot ca Bormwa�nd co l.eAder ldndy.All ar tn9 C�trt of the ins�trance P����Y be apDlied bY l,ender.�t its
<br /> aptlou,dlher(a)cv che oeQuctfon o!the inde6tedness under the hote an�this Security Instrumrnt. �nt[o�ny delinpuent
<br /> � �udoueta�pptkd ia ct�e order in Parap�ph l.and Ihen to pap�yment�°�rin�eiql.os�b)�u the restocubn or repair of the
<br /> , d�m��aperty.AaY�ubn ot the ptoCeeds to the ptlnciDal�h�1 nat e�ttenA as pastpone the due Qate of the monthly .�,
<br /> ; p�y�xar,s wdich ue re(erred to in�auajraDh 1,ar c6an�e the�mouni ot aucD piynxnts. Aay eacess insunace proceeQs over an --
<br /> � �tnwunt roqulred to p�y all au�sar�3in j irWebtedness under the Nac�nd 1hb Sccurlty I:.sr✓.�r:mrnt�hall be p�id to�he mtity leµt- � �'�
<br /> ty entitie0 thereto.
<br /> ; In Ihe ereat of foreetosure ot this Security IInstturoent or Mher tttnsfet ui tdtk to tht Property ch�t extinjul�he�the in-
<br /> : d�bted�eta.W rtafit,titk and interest a!Borrower in and eo insurance policie�in(orcr shdl pus to the purchrser.
<br /> � S. /MreraW� �M M�YMNrrc�ot t�e ho�ert�. I.ew�olir. Bortor+�er shaU not �oromii wute or destroy. �rnaje or
<br /> •� wb�ta�Ei�ltr chaet�e tht Propet�y or aUow tAe Nropnty to Qeteriorste.reaeonabk wear and teu e�tcpttd.Lender maY Inspect- _ . . . . .- . . .
<br /> . tbe pcopertY It lbe pto{xtty is vacNt ot ab�txd ot the{orn u in detautt.Lender may t�te reasona3le action to protect and '
<br /> , prekrve wch vac�wt or�bandoned propeny.[P t�;s Security lastrument ts e�a kasehotd.8orrower st-.�:;comply wits tht prori-
<br /> � sk�m al the teae. It Borro�er acc�uires fee t�tit to tht Ptotxtty.�he k�se�rald+�nd fa tifk sh�l!not Fx merged unless l.ender
<br /> i �Rees W t6e metser fn MrillrU. •
<br /> . i.C�w�N Nmwe��N hNeeUor e1 LeMer'i Ri�1b i�Oe 1'roNrtf.8onower s�9�li p�y all�overnmrnt�l or municipal
<br /> ' • ehu�es,fb�sed#inropositions th�e are not incfiuded in Parajnph 2.Horra+rrr shall p�y ehe�e obli�ations on tirm directty to ths
<br /> enGty kblch Ls a�rr�t6e psyment.lt[ailure[a.�ay would adve�aely a((e�t_[.er,.der'e intetest in the P�operty.upnn LendePg ro- .
<br /> Quest Hcxroxer aria'il promr►Ily turnis6 to LenQtr receipts evWencins t1►�t paymsnts. �
<br /> If Bect�faits to mate�hese p�ymrnts or the poyments requitt0 by Yua�t�pA 2.ur tails to perfc�rm aroy oihet covenuUa and
<br /> � � � qrea�tiaAb contained in this 5ecurity lestrumrnt.oc thtre is s kjal ptacetdinjt th�t msy si�nificantly atftrt l.ender"s right�in • �--"-�-
<br /> ' the Proptrty(susts as s praceeditu in b�nkrupt;:y.fpr rond�aaatlan vs to entorce laws ar rc�ulations),;hen l.ender may do nnd '
<br /> � . pay�hacerer v necessary co praeci�he vatue�!tt�e Praprrty�,nd Lensls�':+riaht�in�hr PrapenY.irzdudin�ptiymmt ot taxes,
<br /> hwtd inwnnct��nd other itsm9 mcndoned us•�ua�ripd 2. �
<br /> . - _ --� - A3ty itttoitn-iS tlisl)di3Ed bY t{tidif iiddtfi itlis Pi�ijtll�tf ST�i b6cbtRE ity[QdtiEbtf3t Qebt 6I if(iTfaw�f aed tsc arcttrt�by tfiis . . i
<br /> . 5eeun'1y Iftsttutaent.Thest amounts sMll btu intenst iram the date nt disbursement, at�he Nole rate.and at the aption of .
<br /> L.ender.a6all be immedlatety.due and payablt. ,
<br /> t ' i.(,'o�/f�lloi.The ptoc�ted�of any awud ar ct�tm tvi dam�gts.direct ur cot�sequ�ntiai,in connrciiun wilb 3ny cc�nden�=
<br /> �+ nation ar ather nkinj�ot any put of the Property.or for conveyance in pl�ce c+t cc�ndrmnz�iun,are hereby acsigned and sha(t be'
<br /> • paid tn Lender 3o theestrnt ot the tuU ainount a!Ihe indebtedness that rerhaias unyaid undcr the Nnte and this Security f nstru- M1
<br /> mrnt.Ltndet shalt apQly sueh procetds to thereduction of the iadebtedncYS ua¢er tAe hutrand thu Sxtiurny tnstrumen�,tint tv
<br /> any ddir�uent,unouatr��plied ln the ordrr providcd in Par�Yraph�,and then te�pce�aymetis ot ptincapal.Any grplie:stion ut .
<br />. - . tha ptocaQs ta the prinri�sA�1{nr►t�ttend ur pastpane the due'�ate ot the�ossfh{y pa�mcrti:�; uhich asr,retcrre�f tft in i
<br /> Paragtaph 2.ar rhange the amnunt at such p�yments.Any exees�pruceeds o�er ati affiovnt reyuirtd tv ray a41 uu[stcutd�t�t i��- �. .
<br />_ debttAness urtde►the Nvte nn9 th�s Secutity Insttument shAll be paid tcr tht tn��ty legalSy rntuleci theaetcti.
<br /> ' a,i'ee�.l.enQer m8y cr�llect fe¢s And ehatges authotited by the 5ecreiary
<br /> ' ' P�gs I nt i u� �
<br /> : — . _:x �_i-� � ._--- - -- - - - '. ba�• ' .- - .. .. ... . -- ------
<br /> ` .
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