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<br /> . ` , a , � ...`' � . . ' � • � '_"'_ -_ �,
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<br /> . `i. � � - . � .
<br /> '_ _'� __'_--__�.—.----�..-..--.._....' '_' '_ '_ .__ _ _ -'_ _ • __ - ___ c. . . - - ... __ _ ..� '_'— '_ ' ' _' ._'_
<br /> - . . . .. . — .. -- � . .. .. � . ' -' ' : _. Y—
<br /> � . _ _ _ __ � . ' __" �.... ._'-__"_'_. '� '
<br /> � � � � � �� , � � . � � g�� �.o�la7 � �. � � .� , ,
<br /> `. � , ERSEMSI�T AGREEMEKT � � . '
<br /> � his ��greement. is raade an8 ert�red into on t�is c�3""rday of` ; .� � �
<br /> _ . � . ` , 19�0�, by and between BdL�IS�ER �A1t�18. LI!lITED , _
<br /> . . , P�RTNS ZP, . a Nebraaka lfmite�.partnersl�s�, Bax 96, Don�phnn, . ' � .
<br /> . ` . • Nebraska •68832, hereinafter , referred ta as 'Grantar" and , � � .`
<br /> � _ . ROBEAT J. 3�MUEL&ON and Mlit�EN� K. SAMiTEi�S�N, hn�band and. wife, . ��
<br /> `� ' < <Rnute 1, Box 7�, Do�iphan, �Ie�iraska. 68B32, herei�after referrea ' ' � �
<br /> „ . ; . � �to as� "[{rantees•. ; � ,
<br /> ,� - WITNESSETH: -- , . .- . - -
<br /> �.� . . . . . , .
<br /> �'� `� WHEltEAS, Grantor ss the o�er of the fo2lowing-c3escribed . .
<br /> �� � real. estate situatted in Ha13 County, Nebraska, hereinafter ,
<br /> . Sescribed a� �'ract 1, to-wtit; � .
<br /> , ; . ,
<br /> � � . .
<br /> � � - � The &outhwest puarter 15W}1 af Section Twenty
<br /> :;,.:;;: : 1201 r �own�hip Nine �91 . Raage Nine t91 West �. .
<br /> �_ . : i . ;;;�;•: . : . of ttte 6th P.M., Ha�ll County, Nebraska; e��sa � -
<br /> . ,� � I�iERL;AS, Grantee; ar� th� eun��rs af t�� fo2lowingad�scribed
<br /> � :<� ;. _ • _
<br /> ,..,'�:,� . "real estate adj�i.ning Tract 1 on the south and situated in Hall
<br /> • � Ccsunty,. Nebraska, hereinafter referred to as Tract 2, to��rit: � .
<br /> . . `-;: - � , .
<br /> � The Northwest Quartc�r (I�iW}1 of Sectiort
<br /> ' . , �wenty-Nine, (29� , Township Nine (9) North, � � � .
<br /> Range Nine t9! West of the 6th P.M. , Ha21 - .
<br /> County, Nebra�ka= and , -''��
<br /> � WHEIZEAS, Grantees are desirou� of securing an easement from � ; :+ _
<br /> � Grantor over, throuqh, upon and under a certain parcel of Tract 2
<br /> described hereinbelow for purpases of instal2..ing, constructinq,
<br /> . . , mair�taining, repairing and replacing an und�rqround natural gas
<br /> - line beginriit►g at the Karisas-Nebraska gas meter presently
<br /> eituated on th� north bound�ry line of Tract l and running in a �
<br /> � so���herly directi:i�n along the east�r2y baunda.�y lit�e of Tract i
<br /> . in c�rder to deli�:r�� a natu'ral gas service �or zr�riqation puzpases
<br /> . � to Tr�et 2� and
<br /> ` WHEP:�AS, � Grantor is willing to ��ant the afaredesc�ibed
<br /> easement upon th� terms and conaii�ions contained hereinbelow. , �
<br /> , , NOW, THEREFORE, in and considera�ion of. Ten Do2lara ts10.00) • • ��
<br /> , � and other qood and va��able c�nside�ation, the rec�ipt and � . ',� ,�.
<br /> adequacy of which is Y�,er�by acknowledqed, the par�ies her�to �. �
<br /> � �$r�e as fal�owus .
<br /> . l. Grantor h�r��y grant� unt� GrAnte�s a ��rpetual
<br /> easem�nt pver, a�pon, through and undG� �hp Pallowir.��descxi�zed. , .,._._ .
<br /> .. _ .
<br /> zea estate ar. �Me purpase af xn�tallincs, constxuctinc�,
<br /> m�tintaininy, re�Airing anc3 rc�lacing �n ur�c.+.�.>xr��nund natural gas
<br /> ', ; line, to�wit:
<br /> .�• " The ���t�rly Thirt,y (3p) Feet of th�:
<br /> . � South�r��t Quartez 1�3�t}1 af SecLic+n Z"wenttj
<br /> � (2A} , Tdwnsni� Nine f'�), R��ye Nsne t91 t���;t , ; .
<br /> . of the 6th P.M., Htal�. Coun��.�, NEbra�ka.
<br /> , ' . � -1- , � --- .-r
<br />. � ' . . � �
<br /> . . e.
<br /> _ . . . - _ . -� �` ���.
<br /> .. . . . . .
<br /> - . � �
<br /> _�_v_ �,��,� _ � � �
<br /> � f-�..w+• �w. - �.�d .— — - _
<br /> Y b,� -- ..3!^!- - - ��'�'_• •��' -,� - _
<br /> __.. . '. , . . . .a . . _... ... . . . , ..'2. . c.i _.t.-:= . . . .._ . .. .. . . � . . . . . . � . . . .. � _ '
<br />