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<br /> (a) �ro+wr Mo1 RMwNa Exeension nt the t�ma tor paryaiertt or mod�ication of amarti�on of the sums ascured Ey lhis , .
<br /> ��'� p�o�Tn»t QraM�by I:�idK to any successor in intereat of Borrawer ahail not operate to rotesas in arry mautr�er.ths It�biliy,
<br /> o�tht oripintl9onowe4anq 8orrower's succesaors in interest�t.endei ahall not be�equire�to cammeocp praceedin�s a�tinst � . :
<br /> - . ' such;ucce�wrarretwstoex�tdtlmetorpsytnen±iordtherwis�modiyamor6za�onofthesumsaecuredbytnisOeedofTruK : � � �
<br /> � � , by re�sExf at any demanQs mads by the aripfnal8orrower and Bortnwera suacessora in tntereat. : . . .
<br /> , (b) L�dw'�Ppir�es.WitRout sffectinp tha Ilabllity oi a�y other peraon Ilabte tor ths payment of.artyt obiipat3an hsrein � �
<br /> mendonM.and wiMcutt aife�fing the Iten ar char�e of thia Deed ot Trust upon any portion of Itre Prop�erty notthsn ortf�srafatoro • �
<br /> . < rele�sed as securityt�crr ihe fult amount of ail unpaid obtigeUons,Lender may.from time to tlme and wlthout na�ce t�reteaas arry `
<br /> s . f peison scr tW�fe.(i�ti�it�snd tns maturity or atter any oi theterms ot any such o6liQadons.pi�qrant otl�e►indsit�ences.(iv)reNafe . �
<br /> " � w reconvay,or cause to be retea�ad or reconveyed at a��me at Lender'a optian aay.p�rcei.portipn o►a110!the Pr�perty.
<br /> � � . (h take or relea�e arry other or addWonat security tor ar+��;:gaQOn herein mention�d.or(v�make campositJans or other , ,
<br /> 4 urart�ements�rith dq�tars in relation thereto. . • . .- .
<br /> E (c) ForbMrsnCt by L�ntNr Not�1Msiwr.,Any forbearan�e by Lc�sa��in exercisirtg any right or remedy hereurtder.ar _
<br /> $ atiserwiss afbrded by a�plicable law,ahaft not be a waiver ai or'prec:.�e the exerciae of any sucF�riDht or retnedy:The
<br /> procurert�snt of inwn�nce ar the psyment ottaxes or other lierra or charges by Lendef st�ail not be a Waiver of Lendera`ri�Mto
<br /> : acceierats the matu�ity of the indebtedneaa secured by this�Qaed ot Trust ' .
<br /> . L . � (dj su�o�s aed Anlpn�Bow�d:JWn!and Se�sr�l�bRMy:apYOns.Tha.c�venants ar}d agreemen�a fieretn can- ' c
<br /> � • minsd sh�!!btnd,�nd the ri�hts hereunder ahatl inur�to,t�-e�eape�ti�e s:,ccessors and asa►gns oi Lender and firussnr.Atl
<br /> � �, covenants and a�resments of Trustor shatl be jatM and severai.The capt�ans and headinqs of the para�raphs oi thi�Deed of
<br /> � �� Trust are tor comenience bnty and are not to 3ier�sed to i�erpret or define the provisiona hereof. �
<br /> , � (e� Rpwslla NoMe�s.Yhe parties heretsy c�ai�st th�.t��opy 6f any notice ot detault tiereunder and a copy ot any natice • ' , .
<br /> • � at saie�seraunder be maited to each party t�th�s Q`.ee��=.7'r„st at the address set fa¢tt►ebove in the manner Freacribt+rd by ' .
<br /> ,applicable faw.�xcepi for any other notice requitecf und��,�ticabta!aw to be given 9n another manner.eny notice provided
<br /> - . i tor in th18 Qeed of Trust ahaif be giYSn by maitia�such notiae by ceRitieQ:�nail addressed to the other partfes.at the address set �
<br /> . ' • toM above.Any notice provided tor in this Qee�of Trust shall be effecti:�upon mailing in the manner desigrtated hereir�[fr
<br /> --- ? � - Trustor is more fhan one persan.notice sent ta tlte add►ess s@t forth�g shaii be notice to a!t such persons.
<br /> � � . " :• (n 1n�p�Cfbn.Lender may make ar cause to be made reaeonable��es upop and inspectio�s o1 the Prpperly.provid¢�. ;
<br /> that Lender shall gfve Tnistor rtotice prior to any such inspectian specs"r+ng reasonabte cause therefor related.to Lender`s
<br /> � � interest in the P�aperty. � • , . � • •
<br /> (p) Rkonvtyanra.Upon payment ot all surrr.�secured by this Oeed cy Trust,Lender ahall requeatTruatee to rsc:omey the . . .
<br /> � Properly and ahali eurrender Mts Deed of Trusr&r�r+Q aii notes evidenCing indebtedness aecured by this Oeed oiTrust to Truasee. �, . .
<br /> . � .. ' Tru�t�e shatl reconvay the PropeRy without r�s:r�nry artd,�i9�aut charge to the pessan or persons legalty entiUed thereto. . .'.. �
<br /> � � Trustor�ha11 pay att costa oi recordation.It arry. • � .
<br /> ` � {h� p�nonal p�op�Ry;S�curfty A�rNm�n�As additional securiry for the paymeM ot the Note,Trusto►heredy granta � `�'
<br /> 1.ender und@r the Nebraska Unitorm Commercial Code a security interest in ail fixtures.equipment.and ott�er personal properfy ' � �::-
<br /> � � used irt Cor'mection with the reai e�taia vr iaiyr'e7YC�,zesnis iveafelii tirvrear�,arro i�vt viirerwiss�e ceciarad w cfeemed tv i�ea pari ofi- - - , -• -- —.
<br /> . j • the reai estete secured hereby.This instrument shall be conshued as a Securiry Agreement under said Cade,and the Lender �
<br /> :, shall have all the riphts and rem8dles of a secured party under said Code in addition to the rights and remedies created under ��` –
<br /> � , t an0 eccorded the Lender pursuant to this QeeO of Trus�provided that lender's rignts and remedies under thia paragrapb shatl
<br /> be cumutatfve w(tA,and in rto way a timiWUon on,Lender's�ights and remedies under any other securiry agreement sipned by
<br /> ` BoROwe►or Trustor. ' _-
<br /> ; , . : (i) LMm and EnCUnlbrafiCN.7►u9tOr her�y war�ants and�epresents thei there is no default unQer the proviaion�ot any
<br /> moRgage,deed o1 truat,lease or purchase ca�-tract descri�ing all or any part of the Propercy,or other contraCt,lnstrument or . =
<br /> �� a�reament conatituting e Iten or ert�umbr8nce against a11 ar�ny paR of the Property(c�llectivety."Liens'�,existing as o{the �
<br /> date of thl�Deed ot Trust,and th�t a�y and all existing LiErr�remain unmodified excc-pt as discfosed to Lender in Trustor's •�
<br /> � E wrltten disctQsure ot Ilens and eacumbrances provided fn�:nerein. Trsstor shall timely pertorm all of Trustor's obligations.
<br /> , ! � covenants,rep�eaenta:tona and war►anties una�r any and al�exisiting:���@e,ture Liens,snall promptly forward to tsnder copie�
<br /> � of ell notice�at default sent ln connecUon wii!�any and ell existing or 4;:r;:re Liens,and shall not without Lender's prior wrltten �
<br /> � Cortseat in any manner modi(y the provisions o!or allow any luture advances undQr any existing or future Liens.
<br /> � �, ; (j) Appikstlon o1 Paym�nb.Unless otherwise�equired by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,inctuding without Hmitatton
<br /> ' _ -,�' pgymenta of principal and interest,lnsurence proceeds.candemnatfon proceeds arE�rents end profits,shall be applied by
<br /> � LeRder to the amounts due end owing from Tr�:stor and Borrpwer in such order as Lender in its sole discretion Qeems desirabte. ; .�
<br /> . (k) 8�vMabiflty.If eny provision ot this Q�ed ot Trust costflicts with epp6Cable law o� is ttectared invalid or otherwise ,::—
<br /> � ' uttenforCeable,such contlict or invalidity sflall not etfect the other provlsons o1 fhis Deed ot Trus:or the Note which can be ���_
<br /> ' • pivM eHect without the conflicNng provision,and to this end the provisions ot this Oeed of Trust and the Note are Geclared to be '�'�
<br /> � ' � SC'Y@ri#t`.�f9. �
<br /> � �;Tarm�.The terms"Truster"and"6orrower"sha�l�ncaude both singutar and ptural,and when the Trusto►end Borrower
<br /> � . are tRe seme peraon(m),those terms as used►.n this Oeed ct Trust shall�fxe interchangeable.
<br /> ` � (m� Govfnfky+Law.Thls Deed of TruQt�!^atl be governe4 by the I..,�;ot the State of Nebrasxa.
<br /> � T�ustor has executeid this Deecf at Trust ea ot the date written atsave. „- - � � � � �- � �
<br /> . �
<br /> , . , r . ,_„� .
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<br /> , � � , � Micha R. Harmon�rustor husband
<br /> . . ..J'�-�',� �C�-;!'�,�_ij` � _�
<br /> � Anita R. Harmon-wiffietor ��
<br /> .. , . .
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