.' . .. .' . :;t; . _ ., _ ., . . . ;-.--' _. . _. __ _-.— .. .
<br /> . ' < - . ` - : ' . � .. .�
<br /> �•7n.u.....�• , ._ `. _ . <. . ��� -' . , c . �.
<br /> _ �� �o—�o�ogo �:� � -
<br /> . , � TO N�►YE AND�'o I�IoT.D the sAme nnto the Mortgsgee, as herein pravided. Mbrt�agor�represents to.
<br /> ` • and-covensn4 with.the�or�gag�ee,that tiie Mortgagos has good right to sell aad c4nvep st+tiid paremises; � `
<br /> . � � ` tds�they ar�free from eneutnbirsace,exCept as hereinotherwise recited;thut the Mor�gagor will warrant .
<br /> ami deYend the a�me agsir►at the lav��tuE elaimaof aIl persans�+shomsoever. �iartgagar hereby retin�uishea . , �
<br /> � a!1 righfs of hn�►eaEesd.all marit�l righta.either in�aw or in equity,and all other contingent inteeests of- .
<br /> � , , the�o.rt�vr in and to the sbove-described premises. , . ,
<br /> � PleovauED Azw�►YS,snd these prese��a are execated snd delivered upon the foiIo�vi�g canditians,ta � � �
<br /> � : wit: , . ,� � � . . � _ , •
<br /> � � ' Mortga�or sgrees ta p�4y to the Mortgagee,or order.the aforesaid principal sum with interest frqm date �
<br /> ; $�the rsite of Ten � per centam (1U �}per annum on the unpaid balance nntil paid.. ,
<br /> � � The ssid principuE and interest shall6e payable at the office of 'fhe Equitable Bu��ding and Loan Ass'n. ..: ,
<br /> � in 6rarad Ia1aAd, Nebr�ska �ar at s�eh other yisce as the hoIder of the note moy designate in � �
<br /> , , writing de.tivered or meiied to the Eiortgagor.in monthiy installments oi tao Hurtdred Sixty Six 8 57/100
<br /> ' Doll�rs(; �66.57 ),commeacing on the first daY of Ju ly 1 `,19 9Q ,and continuing on
<br /> � " ' � " tbe firat tlsy of ewch manth thereafter uati!satd note is furllp paid,except that.if aot sooner paid.the final
<br /> � . ` � �aytnent of printipat an�intereat shall be dueand payabte on the firat c�ay of J une 1, 2020� ;aU �
<br /> � _ . ; according to t6e terms of a certain promissosy nate of e�ren date tcere�vith executed by the satid Mqrtgagor. . .
<br /> � Ti�e Martgagor further agrees: � � . �
<br /> � 1. H%tte �n71 psy We indebtedne�s,as he�iinbefore provided. Pri�ege is re�eived to prePsY at an3► � ,
<br /> - � tinte, wit�tout g�nium oz fee,the es�tire indetit�dne�os any part thenwf not less t8ar�the smount of oPte '
<br /> inst�liment� ar ctse hundred dullais l�t�r�4;U01.whic�tever is lea.Prep�yment in fuD�shall be credited on 4�e.
<br /> ' dite r�ceived. FrlttiW pnepaqment, oftiet.than Q�:�n inttaliment due date,aeed not 6e credited un'til the . .
<br /> ' nex��Stowing b�staltmen�due date ar thirty'day�u�ter such prepaymen�,�vI�ichPVer is eulier. . " .�
<br /> ��� ' . `.,'b�.�og�ethe�wlth,and in addition to,the monthly payments of principal aad iateresL payabte undes � �
<br /> the terms of tE:�r�wote secured_hereby.Mortg2►gor wiil pay to btartg�ge.e,aa trusf.ee, (:cnder the terms of this
<br /> ` trust$a hereitts#+t�r atated) on the�rat dsy of en:.h month until said aate i�fuliy yaid:
<br />: ,. ff.��.A aur�►eqnai to the Around ren�g�if an�-.��=?ct due, plus the prY.�►iums that will next become due _
<br /> . at�d�Ygbte un policecs of firc a�td c�;!'��z h�rard inst�rans�t-:���e.�inR the martgat�ed Pro�erty,
<br /> � �lI4$�+..'p.1iP.9 ARtI (1451'9SIitP.ilL�T LiC%( i�UC f�n i�:c e�zc�er�a�r.d property (all as emtim�tted by the Matc�: .
<br /> ga�e.�ncl uf���bich the�1��"�jjA�i1T 1S 1]ULIGt�d! �•<:� aH �u�s�ttready patd therefur divided by .
<br /> the pumbc�r uf r.:��nths to��llipsr. tl��f�'��:�,.E1e m�nth {�rior t� ih� date �shen guch ground tents, . �.� ` -�. �..:
<br /> , � premiums, taxex und assc:ysm��ntv�e�,:4�ccume dclinquent,such auma to be held bY Mortgagee �
<br /> fY '.
<br /> __-�-------- • - - , !���-�-���.45�"�j�i.i:�jf�+:,i:ii{i 1'ri►in.(Itriirttltti3�;iafxt�a�R1:�S�reCta�s'�tiS(.'3SIIIE'A{a. -; _-
<br /> tb) The aggregate uf the nmc►�nta payable�urst�ant t��suhraragrAph (a) and thaes! payable on the
<br /> n�te scrcur�d_ha�e�by�ah:�ll tK�paid in a singi� pa��m�nt�:�ch month,to bc xpplied to tlie follow• � � �=-
<br /> � ing items in thr,ur�ter statcd: . M
<br /> t�) Bi'oun�t r�nta,t��x��s,a5s�:�ym��nt��; fir��s�nd��thrr ha�ard inaurartce premiums; . �
<br /> � (u) inte���st�,n the note secur�d h�rc�by;and `
<br /> � tr�z� nmoftizntion of the prir�ripal ��f�:�uid n�,te. —
<br /> Any d�Gc,ency iii th��amuunt r,f:u,y�u��h aqKre�gate munthlv p�yment ehall,untees made q�d
<br /> by th��1lortKa������rior t�►thc�du���f.►h•uf tiie aiext suc.h p.iyn�s:.�►i,coe�atitute an ev�ent c►f dePault
<br /> � , under this mortq��e. At titc�rtq��gr�•'� r�ptiun. �lurtgagur wiil�►ay a'•'aie charge"not exceed- .
<br /> � ing fou�• �•r�����i�tum l•f:; )��,f any �n�Lalin�cr�t«i►cn paici mnrr than fi�pK��n(1�f daYa after the
<br /> . due date th�rcuf to,co«�r thEr rxt ra��x�kvi5r inv��hc��1�n h.u�cllingd�liny�ent payments.bi�t such . ��
<br /> : "late ct�arge°shaQ not I,cr pay;it,l���Fu'. �:i th����:��x��•ds u�any yate n�nde tu satisty¢he indebted-
<br /> . nessFrcurrd her�•F�y.unt���4 such ����.��••9;.f�::u•e�tiufliri,•nt t�►d�srhargr thecntire inr?elsCednassand . ��
<br /> � al! prnper costK nnd ex��nses xE�cur�•d ttu•reby.
<br /> ' �3. It the Wtal ot thc ps�ymenta made by the Mort�gur under (R) �t para�raph `L prnceding sh�IT
<br /> exonr.�tRe amount ot psym�nta actuatly nt�de Isy the A1�,rtgapC��, AV LY'i't91:E'P, f�e Rround rerat�,tsxes and•
<br /> ; :isseaatuen4 or inauranee �rc�rniums.as the c�ae m�ty b��, such exrt�ss�!}t:�l!be credited by t#:g Mortgagee
<br /> un subreauent p�,yment�to bc m�dc by the Mortgagor for aueh itrms ur,nt Mortgagee'r aption�as trust�e, .
<br /> � �" � -"" �nhs11 b�refunded to rlqrttCagar.� If, h{SUevcr.�AUCh�m�;nthty-p:�ymi�nts ehall-not ta��cufpei�nt�t� � s�sch
<br /> p,y.. . . . .--- - ... ..
<br /> iLtnts whl�n the e�me �h�tp become due and payab3e. thrn th� i4fortgaRor shull pav tu thc� Mortkagee.a3
<br /> trust�e.at�,y amount n�res�a�y u►mak�up the d�ficic�ncy wdtiiin thirt�� (30) dayB ufter writt��n ttutice�fr��m
<br /> the Mortga�atafing thc amuUnt of the�f�ficiency, which notic� mr►y bc�given by mzil. 6P �t any time
<br /> the Mt�rt�a�as etrall C�ndrr t+r, the Mnrtg��ee. in �c�rurylattrc u�ith the �ruvisi�,ne oY the nr,te ac�cuted
<br /> . het�et►y, tuU �ymcn� of the �.�ntire indebte�iness nprrsc�nted t#cer�by. th�� �iort�tag��e. s�s truateE�. ahall.
<br /> in computing the amount ot such indehtedness,cred�t G�thr ac•r•��unt of th�MurEgagur any credit balance.
<br /> � accumutatcd under the provision� o! (a) of parsgteDh 2 h��rEwf. If there�hall 1�a detuult undc�a any
<br /> oi the proviaioru of.thi� mortgagc rPSUIling in e public gale �rf thc* prcmiBra ruti•Ered hereby, ar if the • '�` °�"'�'�-�
<br /> Mortg�ee acquires the pruprrty otherw�sc► atter defauit, thcr ;�tortg:��w. as trustc�.•. sirall apply. at the
<br /> titne oi the commencetnenE ot euch �rocc�edinge, or at the time !he praperty ie uthc>rwiae acquired, the
<br /> , amount then retnainin� to credit the biortgagor u�sder (a)oi psragraph 2 preccding,aa e crndit on the ,
<br /> -- - �ti�N"rrs`s=�t-�iiiit�iu"It�ii�tjtan'�6ini��'rc�iaiafric�v���cr��iiiiic��#icfir,iriiu'siiifi��tifi{'r�rif�G8 63tfJr iEti��. .
<br /> d. Tiee li�en of thia instrument s6n1!remain in full force anri eff�ct during�ny p��st�mmrnt ar�xten- �
<br /> � air,n of the timr of nas ment af tt�e�n�tc�ht�dn�^ss ur nnr nart lh�rtv,f sE��rt��i herc�by.
<br /> 5. Nel�he wil! DaY all �uund rente. taxes, a�essaiQnts, watc�� t�+tes, and nther K�vernmental or �
<br /> � munici�al chNrges. Gnes. ar impusii�orzs.[evied upon eaid premise�and that h�l��will pay�11 tanes lpvic�d , �
<br /> . �span this tttottg�ge. or fhe det+� s�rurc�ci ther�Gy. tu�thcr with nny uther Ea�cc�s ar ass��stments which mey " �
<br /> • tzt l��vi�d-u�t�t f�he i�ws u[i�ehresltQ a�ainsi. thr-bSUrfgege.�,��r thc� te{�al 5v�iler ui�uid pt�:ici,�$1 nafE•. un ' ,r ._'�:
<br /> acEOUtit t,t tht�inc#eGlMness. �xceNt when �Ayt�er�t fur t�i�su��h ttems te�s thet��tc,t�►rt•fh��•r� rrradr�srtdcr(ai ,
<br /> ut p�rrsgr�ph �het+etrf.(ITI(�f1ClEI1C�W1U FIICfIII�LIx �l`LiVf!C �k• u(ItCl�7I le't'['4p�� thPtetc,r te� clic-Aiartgage�. !n �
<br /> cfrtault thereaY th�t�'lortgubmr may� �ay Lhr s�[ne.
<br /> . �
<br /> _. _.__._�__ _.�� -- --�-.-
<br /> — -----��---- --_..re_— � _ --
<br /> _ __ ____ _Y. .- =v,.a-rc, _..rs .:. -.—•. L+r.a.:T��.'4S_ � __"-__._ . ____� . _._._.. ��r.-`,-:-.
<br />� . _: .-�..: : . : :. _. . . -_ .
<br /> . ._• 4._.. � ZY� Z-a -.. -
<br /> - Zl' L a • � 4 ��TT�7y _ _ _ - .
<br /> i t � .�y w .�'. . -{ �. L.� '/ 4?'•
<br /> .,�,....u..v.. ... ' . . ' .. .. . t . ' ' r . ' .. , • � �l� .. � . . . - � � . . . . ,.. . . .., _ . . . .
<br />