- , ' ` � . . .. � . -t' . � . .�
<br /> `� � UN�E}}AAf CUE Ent��TS Borrow�er�tnd lxnder co��Enaat and agrceas foliews: go--3030 8 5 � ` �
<br /> , t, Pyr�f at Priiti�ai�i IRterett;Prt/�y�'t a�i Lat+t CiaRes. Barrawer shall psomptly pay when due' �
<br /> ' tht Dtinr`ipal��tsd intetest on thc deDt cviddncetl by the Note ant!an}prepa}men�and iate charges due under the Note. , . �
<br /> ` 2. F�for Ti�t�aa�I�raAta Subject to applicabie law or to a writtcn aai�•er d}Ler�der,BorraK•er shall pa� , '
<br /> ta Lender on the day monthly p�ymtnts are due under the Note,until the Not�is p�id ir�full,a sum("Funds")equal to �
<br /> ,� � one�tWSifth of: (a)yeat�y taaes and acussmrnts which may attain �riarity ovet ttsis 5ecurity Instrumerrt,(b)gzady '
<br /> ia�sehoki paymcnts nr ground rents on the Propeny. iP any; (c) }eariy harar�insurance premiums; aad (d)yearlk
<br /> ` , matp�e�iasu'anct Qmniums.if a�y.'f}tese it�ts ate calied"�scrovr•items."Lender may estimate th�Funds iitic on the
<br /> 6�sisofcurrent itatsand raisonabkessitn:tesoFfutunescrok items. � "
<br /> , 'E'he Furtds s�!be held in an institution the deposits or�ccounts of�hic6 are insdred or guaranteed ti�a federul or �
<br /> stat�a�tncy(irtcluding Lende�if L�ade�is such aa institution}.�,ender sh�ll aFfily the Funds to pay the escrow items. �
<br /> � Lender may nat cDarEe for holding and�ap�+lying tlae Funds.analyzing.the account or.veritying the escrow items.nntess .
<br /> , , l�etKter pays 8arto+rtr interat on th�F�ds and applicabte taw permits Lender to tnak�such a charge. Borrower and
<br /> '. t.ender may sgroe in writ�n�that intetat sha�t be p�id on the Funds.�Jnless an agmmerit is mads 9r applicable law� . ,
<br /> teqoires interest tn be ppid.Lender shall not be required to pay Bonower ant interest nr eamings an tite Func3s. Lcnd�er. �
<br /> • sha11�ive ta Borro�a,v�ithout chargr,an anawt accounting of the Fuads showing cndits and debits to the Funds and the � '
<br /> ' pttcpose for which each debit to the Funds was mada The Fnnds are ptedged as additional securiry for the swns secured tiy
<br /> this 5ecurity Instrummt. .
<br /> � . If the amount af tht�unds hetd by l.ender.togeiher with the futu:e monthl}payments of Funds payabte prior to :
<br /> the due date's of the�scrow items.shall exceed the amouat required to pay the essraw iteins w 6en due,the eacess shall be. .
<br /> aE 8ortower's option.eitl�er p'roctptty repaid ta Bnrrowet or credited to Bonower on monthty paymenls of Funds.If the ,
<br /> amnunt af the Funds hetd by I.ender is not sutl`icirnt to pay the escrow items when due.Banower shati pay to Lender any
<br /> �mount naessary tcs malcs up the deScieney in onecor more paymeats as ra�uire�6y Lender. ,
<br /> � Upon paymenE in fu11 nf all sums secured by this S�curity Insttument:Lsnder shait promptly refund to Bonower , '
<br /> , � any Funds hetd by�.ertdtr.If under paragtaph 19 the Property es u�td rr acquvcd by Lender.I.ender shall apply.no tater
<br /> ` _ � than immediately prior ta the sate at the Prnperty or its nequi�ition bv L.ender.an}Fuads held by �.endec at the time nf '
<br /> ' , application as a creditagainst the sums strured by this Security inctrument.
<br /> - 3. A�Ikatk�ot 1'�y�ue�ts. Untess applicabfe aw p*ovides otherwise,all payrt:ents rec�ei��ed by Lender undet
<br /> ' , . paragsaphs 1 and 2 shal!6e applied:6rst.to fate charges�c�e under the 1�iote;second,to prepayment chargec due under Ihe
<br /> . � Notr,third,�o amounts Qayabie under parrgraph 2;faun4�.tn intcrest dac;and last,to princ�pal due. �
<br /> �. Aary�es;Lk�. Rorrower shall pay a!t taxe�.�s�essment5,charge�.fines and impasitian�attti ibntable to the
<br /> P�operty,whicfi may attain priotity over thi� Secunt� instrument. and leaschotd payments or graund rents. iP any.
<br /> Bnrmwr�sh�11 pay thesc abligation�in the maraner prati itli:t',m paragraph 2.�tir iY rr�t paid in ihat manner.Rnrr�wer sball , .
<br /> ' � ���i���on time directly to the person awe4 payment.Fl���*.�wer ghal!prnmptty.Ci�n�sh t�.Lcmder al{notica of umaunts
<br /> - t:�be p�id under this.paragraph. !f&�nower makes these;��yme;�ts ciic��ct13•.I�osrc�Net shall prqmptly fumish to Lender �
<br /> 'rec(tipts eviQcnricr�i�,e paymcnts: , _
<br /> � 8rnower S'hall promptty d�seharge any lien which hac pnori*;eser thic S�vnty Instrument unless E�orrower. (a! ,
<br /> agrea vi+z��ting to the paytnent oitht abfigatinn!�erured hy the Gen�n a manner a4�::'ptable tc�I,ender,ih)c�nte�tc tn g�Ki ' �
<br /> , - faitn tir�.�ieri try,ar detettQi a�atn��er�t'urc�meni uf the itcn in,tegai pu,ree�ImES w tucF�m[Re[xndt�'s opin�on c�perate tu - -
<br /> prevent the rnforcement�f the leen nr forfeiture��f any part ai'the Pr��perty:�,r(ci 5ecure�hnrn►h�t►older of the lien an
<br /> agreemtnt sati5factary tc�l.ender subc�rdinatmg tAe fitn t�>thi�Securitc lmtrument.If lxncicr determ�ne�that an3 pan of
<br /> the Pto�erty is subjtct tci a lien whicb m�y atta�n pnorn�uver th!x.5¢canty In�trumrnt. Ixnder n�ay give Hnrrawer a
<br /> notic'�ii�ssiwfying the littt.fk►rrower sh�ll SatisPy thc l�en�3�saice cme_nr m�re af the ucaons sct fonh aiM►�•e w�it6in Id days -
<br /> , of the;�:x 4ng nFnotice. � �
<br /> , �
<br /> S. E�az�rd Iatennee. tk�rrawer yha)t keep�he�mpru�rm¢r,.c4.:t�,w ex��..�;b��t hcreaftcr erertcd�+n thc Pro�r�y =
<br /> insured againct t�S.r:.<.l�y fire,hazards includcd with�n fhr term"rxter.d-�;;�: �cr�ge".md any s�ihet S�arard�for wh�ch Ixc:�+:�r ',�
<br /> require.a incuraact. �Fhi� insurance ghall be m�mta�ned �n the ar.:c�:�x��i.anJ iur thr penrrti� th�t lxndcr rcquues. �TS�r
<br /> � insurar�e carrior ptav��i�g the�nrurance tih.�U t+e chocen hy tk�rr���er tiuh�e�t tc►l.ender'�appro��at wh�ch!�hat!not be
<br /> unre��ably withheld. . :
<br /> A1)insurance{x►l�cies�nd renewalv rhall be acer;.r�hir tc+1_racier and+halt incictde a�tandatd mr�r�.gage clau�e. Y
<br /> Lender shall have the ri6ht to hold the�►tic�rti anQ reneu3l� If l.ec�:f�:r re<p�ire�, Bnr�nwer chctJf pr��mptly g�ve t�+I.ender
<br /> oll receipty of paid premiams and reuewal natices.In the eti c,�u of(u�+.Hnrruwcr rtiell gecc pri�rn,:nc�ttce tri!h��n�wan4e , '
<br /> carrier,�nd lxnder.I.ender may�iiakc pnx►f of lusti iif���t r..s��lr{+romptl�b} H���rnucr. �'
<br />. ' �nless�,endernndlk�rrr.�rr��therw�veagree�nK,��:ng.in�urancepr��cre.+.y,4.hal.hrappl�edt�rrertr�:its�-!::irrepa�c ' �
<br /> �f tht Prnperiy clamag�d,if the!'�stocat�Un cu repair�s��snunuwlly .".a��t+lr ar.0 L<'.�ndcr'!.,ccurity ►ti rw�irs�etisd. If t?:e
<br /> • restoruttun or rcpa�e as,not ec4raomically feas�blc ot t�cucier'ti secur�ta �K��utd t�r:.e.�e�ie�i.the�mur�urc pr�keeds tihatl�rv;. � .
<br /> .. 3pplicd tu the sums�e�sured by�hss Sccur<<F 6nstrumcnt, whcthcr��r r.�,t thc�f due. Nuh auy excc��patd ta 1lotrt,wer �;:
<br /> �iarruwer obu►duns the 1'rupert�.nr dL�cs^�:'t ansucr uithis�3►)da>�a ci�iltce In�m lx�lder �i��t�he�nwra:�,.c cf�rt�cr n�s
<br /> c+}f'ered tv settie a clatm.Ihefl l.�hdet ntay ti��ltcct thc ins�r ance nrikred; I.encter m�y u4e the proceedc tn��;�,�.r��r re�te+re '
<br /> the Prnpeny or to p:�y sumr�cK;ureti h� ct^iw�e�n��ty Ir,�..;r.arnent:at±ethct i�r nnt thcn-duc- i he 1!)•day pr^•;;,�w�71 f�gm. . .. . ...._ .._.._
<br /> when the nntice iv g��cn � ' �
<br /> Unlcc�I�cadrr a�td$utn►wer c�tl�rrtit.�c ngrcc ia w ritir��.�ny appt�c.�h��n nf pr�kccdr u�pnnc�p:�!�hall nnt ettc�:c:���r
<br /> past�ne theduedateufthe monthly paymenr�referrM tn E�i paragra�h+� i anci��,r ch��ngc nc��mnuns c�f th:��:i��r�er��ti (;"
<br /> : under p�ragr�ph !9 the{'raperty is acywred t�y l.�ndcr.�ic�rrc+wer'.t�ght u�:iny �e�-.ura��►c�+��bc�ec;�nct pr«.Led�ve�u:►:ng
<br /> . � from damage t�►the Y���perty Fn.a�r t��ehe ucyu�5,taa��►hall pa�.tE�t ender tn�he rr.�ut nf�tie runr,�rcured hy th��5ecu�st�
<br /> Ins�nirttent immed�ahly pnur t�►�he scyuis�t�cm �
<br /> 6. {'�esesvsltiona�t'�4�tntcnanceulNroperty;t.r�.srhotA4. I�(tiif(fl�fESFid{IifE�Ei�Fitft�4,damagrc+r.�i#.�t.s�.,:.-.i;j
<br /> ehange the�'m�:rty,altnv� ehc {'roperty tr�ileten��r:►Ie��r commit c.;+vte tf'th�ti�rt«nty in�ttunirnt n rrr a Ica�ehnld. �
<br /> &�rrawrr shall ca�mply uith Nie pr�nrru�n.<�f'thr lea�e,�ne1 tf Et�+rto��er a::��wtrs fce u{tc tu thc YrE�i�rr�4,�h:Ica�t•fte+ld t�ud _ _-_--
<br /> fr.e hite chall nnt merge unles5 f_4�der�gre:s tc��he nlerger in untm� �
<br /> � 7. p�otectfon ot 1,eaQes's RiRhts in thc i'rape�ty: :ltort�Re Insurance. If' Ftt�rr��ucr f,,ii. t�• r�ctf��tiu the
<br /> ' couenantsandagreemcntsc�mta�riedanthicSe�unt� lrtctrumenc.��rtherr�.e lc•e;n}��n•.c�eJ�n�that rn.�} ,�E���f��.uitt}afEc.t '
<br />. LCI2(IC�5 �1S IO�I1C�P[O�fCfLY�Stt�}i :i5 J.�tftfil'Yt�iit�7h t1:lt;{ttLt�ic��, etirtih:�ti�, fc�t �•c�sutrt�sn:�tcc,n �:t tn rnt!:►�;.- f�u� !�r .
<br /> regulaJionsy,thenl,e�zdrrmayd�►andpa�forahate�rr��ric:e.tiar}t��ri��te.tthe�_�luc��t�hel'n�,,,:�r.dU�IIc[I11Cf'ti��ft�ll+ '- �
<br /> in the Pre�erty. t.ender's actil�n4 rriay utclude p.t?'�i�s a�s� ru�n�.ecurr�i h� .� li,�� �.t��.6 ir.,. ��ri��s:3< <�ticr thi� tie.us�t� 1��
<br /> (nstrunient,appearmg�n c�,un.�e�mg rea+��uarfc auc�rne}�fee�.md r��scrnr�;��u ri�c Nr���c�rt� a�r��ake rc�•:a�r� Aith��u�h
<br /> L� E.cndcrsrt;r}takrac�i��nusid�e��M�r,ira�r,►pl►T.�a�it��p�i�cen��tha�cto�t�*���
<br /> Auy amc�un�s d�sbursrcf by l.eu<!cr icr�der thr�.pat,��raph"�hatf►+r�>>rnc.i�i��st�i��F<il dtf+F i�E N<<.r���ci�r�ureet►�ti tt�i�
<br /> Stcunty lnsttument.Unle;s f�;�tr�iuer.m$1 enc1�_:a�:ree t��othcr tecnn.•t r,�tinie•�E.ihe-c•ne,u•unl.�h.tt1 hc'.�r ���terc�t fca,�r. . ti .
<br /> the d3tr af disbursemrnt �t �he �.�ie r,�te an�l `h;�il hr ��:►}�ihfr, ti��th rtitcsc•�t. u;=+�:t »,�tr:c fr��Tn 1 cr.dcr Si� fi.�tt��uc� �
<br /> rec�uestin���yment - _
<br /> . �
<br /> �
<br /> _ � .- _�
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<br /> '!� � �:l.- ..� ' �. . . .t- . '. •}'� � _t. .pi. .un.4, tt:. #4.y.�(�.•a'/:{. ',5�• ^altc•.Y �SL T 1 : _+1 �c7 __
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