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<br /> � Th� w add�nd�bo dM �Aat� Pt�ah�etc tA� �cabt�sQd�ndum. •'fh� �
<br /> ' �, �dd�tKluR1 ch�Mnii 6�Incorp�atsd into:and ricor�d�d wil�. th��irtp�. Th�t�nn '7Yfottgt�•
<br /> �� .. tilyN 6�d�d�o inclutN 'D�d d Tnnt. if app{tcabN.. .
<br /> Y � � ,
<br /> . �x _F71A AOOENDtJ�i . � � -
<br /> _ As ioe�p�s!hi M �ndln�,ttN t,indK m�y d�ctan ait wm�s�cund by th�. � .
<br /> . Mo�ia to b�tn�itN�w�nd psrabt� fh - , ` �
<br /> _ ��.` ` �M.i���wt�al� ct ts sote ar oth�ri..tr�nshrr•++�i taN�rthan �t . � . � � � , ,
<br /> ' ; � p�����ORO�M1l�t0 a pt1/'LhYlI OR'�,tfi11�NM:
<br /> i (ij, who cann�t nssa�nsbly b��xp�ct�d to occupy th� pro�rty as s prineipsl � .
<br /> - t�s�td�nc�wRhM �r�aronaW�tim�albr!f�s�ir ar tran�hr. al! ss pro+rid�d ' � <.
<br /> . , .: in$�etlon 143(c) and 1'13(il4Z)d tIN I�nai R�w Cod� d 18�.as�m�nd�d;or � .
<br /> . (.;';,dur'in0 an�►��tl�thr�rfl�as PKiod�nqrn0�d�of�saM��ahr.
<br /> . � al!r or�1n S�ction 143Idj and Y43(ijl2}oI th�IM�nat R�wnu�aod� (sxCapt . , . .
<br /> � :��.tllrt itM tan�t�s�'100 p�1r'lifrf bi sub�tut�d 10t'95 p�[aN1t Or mon'wlNSa . '
<br /> : _ fh� lalbr app�ars tn 8�c!!on 1'13(d�t1Y ct � .
<br /> � (� at an acqaisitkln co�t w(�ich is �at�r Uwt 90li ot th�,a+n�sns
<br /> � � �+.+c�a�sp�1�� f4naar thai+ �tox t�or tar�.ad ans nWdN+c�s3.all as prarid�d 1�
<br /> . . �..S�cttan 1 3� (�}and.t43�h(21 of!h�Int�mat Asrranu� Cod�: or .
<br /> � .. (ivj �wNos��mily ie��xcMds 115% o!�pplksbl� aHdtan f�mity tnaan� (i4a'!b
<br /> . �'�, - �: �:`ior a t�nily ta a tsrg�tsd �rea�-�naid��.all �t provid�d M S�ctlot� 143(Q and 11�9{l�(2}
<br /> .. . . 01 th�tatNnal Rw�rnn Codl�ar
<br /> '� � .
<br /> . wri�i�{bCOnii�t�L diramrr�u�op�ely��ib�d in th� Mort�wHhout priar� � .,
<br /> {cI SaR+prw� an�b oe�misrp�n�nb a tsct tMt is�rn�t�riN vWth t�sp�c!to tM prcwistons
<br /> , � � M 8�etlon 148 a#� �hrnal R�weew Cod� in �n �pplic�t�on ta th� MortpsIIs.. .
<br /> R�a�s ar� to th� 19d6 tnt��nal R�v�nu� Cod� In �thet on th� dst�of �x�cullon ai th� ,
<br /> � mortgs� and w dMmrd to(nelud�th� fmpt�m�ntinp r�utatlons. '
<br /> .- - s� _ � - --
<br /> H. so lon� p th� IlRort is ouMandinp.all or a�y psrt of tfN prvp�rty Is sotd a iranshrr�d by ;t�
<br /> Borrovw► without L+�ndr�'s p�wriB�n cans�nt. oth�r than a transhr by d�rWs�. dnc�nt or b�opiraticrn .
<br /> of Isw. � t.�nd�� ms�I. �t unda� option� dlclu�ail th� sums a�cursd b��lh�Mort�to b��mm�dlat�fy °
<br /> � du� snd payat�l�. . .?,�
<br /> Y,� 90 1990 ':._..Y..G%�� i��i..
<br /> , 0� � �f11fa . �Ni!
<br /> . 1 i '! •
<br /> ' , • ��?:) ��..���++.::��w:.:"Lt�.t.l ..
<br /> . D�tor�s F. A�sms`
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<br /> 8tat� d N�brnk� � .
<br /> , _ � �
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<br /> � Th�tapWn�fe�um�et!was 1Kknowi�d�d b�for� mr�is 3flth_d�y� M�nC , t9�?: . ,
<br /> JMn�s W. /ldams
<br /> and O�lor�s�. /tdams. hu�band a�d wit�.
<br /> 4
<br /> � WHn�q my t�nd ��d notarts!s�sl M�r�,�id i�;l.��r�Ei, heht:ir;kc� , (n s�ki county. th� dat� aforoa�fd.
<br /> •r- - - -
<br /> My Commission Ettpir�s: .�
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