u -.ii��JS'SU.sR<iTGfFl�3�.Y��31. �a'�.xi;Kts:ci�i;:..._ 5i'�'�"Y��C W ;� 'y :\'::^��•+r[. : ta' �`,nc��'J`°:?^'.�r��`1.�•�+t.:;��.: ..` i�: ' ' -.�:2' ,c._ "� 'T�S F: L --
<br /> asvcr�su����= 3 �s����r��� �r'�+ ����i '.'+. -Y.. �r r-r= �T.� �. �� ;�:c,1G'`�'t��.�j'T. �� �'� _-
<br /> .�. `
<br /> . 3�;
<br /> �.I/S�OS�R�it � F'lCRi �c ��k.��"�'� '�„'�"` Y�'E�S;���� 14.;"��t E`•:. � —�. �....,,.,f. ��'
<br /> ._� — --'— ` ; .
<br /> m�. (f�-t . � �y . � t�i
<br /> _ ' � _.�= ' .l?e� �� �: S � ' �
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<br /> . , � .. . . � ' ` ` ` . � � . . _ '' — - �,
<br /> . � . . �If�Otl��Y�OR. �O�i�1�N pf'OY�OfIi O��$�'�flSbiMMM1��IIQ Ui��A��fQd j0�0 SQYl�i6� ,
<br /> � `�s. eor.�owr�s copy. .e��,�r�b.�,«�.�«�oovv a n+�se�r m�r. �Q-- Z�3�"l$ �
<br /> � 16.Asstynn�nt d Renbr eanrwer�a�u«uiy as�ns ana�s�ro un�r me�,a a�d�e+►enu�s a tn•��y �
<br /> � ` Bon+owR wtho�ha L�or t��dR's a�nh to ooMct tM nnb�nd n+rR�tt�d h�dncts aach te�nt of tM Ptopary to pty tAe .
<br /> � wMs b Unda-a 1.�ndr's aants. Ha�wwa:Wia to L�nd�'s nWio�b Borrawr W Bortow�'s b�eh ot any eavac�t or a¢Mrn�nt in, � . .�:
<br /> th.s.a,rR�r i�u�t.6one�r afi�al«x.iw i.o.h►e.�nna.ea e�nr«w.s a a.Rop�cy as w,w wr u»b«,.�c or c.nar.na
<br /> � � ; 8ortohwr. TNt i�t�i�n�elt a[nMs�ond�+tr�abaalpd�atiprti�d and t�at ari ast�rrMrrt Tar�d�otni s�caafty ant�/.� _ � �
<br /> _ . �
<br /> It ti�dr�nolks d brMeh to Baro�wer: (a��1 rants noNr�d by Baaoww afir b�fi�W by 9arow�u Wst�fo►ba�aA W Lenda � .
<br /> oNy.to b��d td f!M au�n�s�td by t!N SMa�rRy Ir�1rnM1� N?F.+�nO�►shM b�rniA�d t0 ooiect atld rsaeM�a/d thr�rent3 Of �
<br /> th�Ptoputy:and(cj Mah tw��t o��Anp�ely shr pry�1��nts�and unp�W�to Lw�d�t ar I�w�dw's a�rtt on La�der'a'�Qrrtwnd .
<br /> �. �D 1!N 1�1111L ` . , .
<br /> - � Bortow�r hp nat�/rd anY Pubr�ssi�n�nt d th�rwKs�nd h�a tat and wi rat peAann anyt act th�vrat�id prevartt Landar irom �
<br /> _ � ex�p its�TS tnder tHs p�ragaph 18. �
<br /> • te�r atW nd 6�nqutrrd b w�t�r upon.hk�oont:ol d or m�ir►1ah th�Propety befas a atter ylvfny notice ot breadt to Botrower. �
<br /> � ,;.:::..,� How�e�.t�nQer cr�judcWy appotrKed rac�ivu may do s�ri�ny tin�ther�e is a bt�ac�. Any�ppfcatJon W ta�ts sFW nat am a
<br /> � "��'�°'•�= rraive�r1y d�fit�R ar hvaiei��ny dha�ht a rernsdy d Lender. TI�S aasi�ment oi nents ot th�Properry sha�tanNnate when the
<br /> :f;;i�:`.�'. ,��b��N���(i��1�II�. � �
<br /> . , -.r+;' � . . � � .
<br /> ` ' r'".-:1 NONdJN�OFiM COYP�lANP3.Barowar and L�w�dR Mth�r coven�t and a�ss u toiow� ` � •
<br /> :,..
<br /> . i7. For�clowryr Procidur�. if L.�ndir rsquir�s tmmsdist� paym�nt tn full und�r para�aph S. L.�nd�r
<br /> � .:�:lnay Irtv�okr tfN poMwr a1 ql� and siny oth�r r�m�dt�s p�rmitbd bY+4�PQcabt� law. I.�nd�r sh�il b� � .
<br /> � '`���tsd to colf�!all�xp�tfs�s tncurr�d tn punuinp th� r�m�dt�s und�r this panSnpM 17, includin�, •
<br /> ;-��� bu!�.eeo�1i�nil�d to. rss�ona61� �ttorn�ys'f�s and aosts d#id��+�nc�. -
<br /> . it� pow�a of sal� Ia.tnvokad.Tru�tM shsll ��d s nottc�af tl�tault 1� �ach courtty in whicb a�y
<br /> f • put af tt� Prop+�rty is locat�d and�hNl mail copta af such aotic�M th�mann�r pr�scrib�d by - . ;
<br /> � sppltcabt� taw fo Bonaw�r artd to th�oth�r p�rsons prascrib�d by sppqcsbt� tsw. Aii�t tD� tims •
<br /> ' ,' r�qutr�d ty sppucsW. r�w.�'ruKN shali�iv�pu6lic noti� of sal� to th�p�nons�nd in th� mann�r
<br /> ' ; pnsCr�b�d by piicabl�tsw. 7rustM. withau!d�msnd on BoRawv.s1qt1 s�N th� Propel�/ at pubiic
<br /> . suctlott to th� I�t�t 6idtrir �t th�tln��nd piac� and und�r tix#rims d�si�nat�d tn tiN notica of � �
<br /> ' � � � sal�in on� or mon pana�c au�d in any ordar 3rudN d�rmTn�s. ,3rustN Reay postporii sa1�of all . .,;:
<br /> ' .� � a�Y P��1 of tiw Pro�f� b�l Pubile announe�nNnt at th�tlm� and plae� oB atry pr�viousty seh�dul�d ` � • �
<br /> .;`�:,. sst�. Lsnd�r or Hs d�sfqnN te�ay p�trrt�st� t1N Prop�rty at arry sata. ', ' .
<br /> � , r�'. Upon nc�ipt cf psym�M af th� prlo� bid,Trua�sh�li d�ltv�r to tt� purc�sas�r Trc�N�'s d��d aonv�ying .�;
<br /> , thr Pr�rty. Th� �Kitafs in tfN Trust��'s dN4 shatl b� prims fscis svl dsnc�ot th�te�i of tha �
<br /> ,. stat�m�nb msd�th�. TrustN �h�il app�� procNds o�tha s�i� tn th�tollowiny ord�r. (s�to ` ,;�
<br /> � - :::Cx;t:.':=:�s�tS� x.''�. lsealtssltr.;, �nrt ::stsi'�,�!�F:'��sM�'s!��t� �ess:'et�� !r;-a�It�*k f� .--
<br /> and r�asottsW�allorn�ya' fNS; (b)to�II wms sstur�d !e�this Sacurity Instrum�nt; snd(c) any*x��ss
<br /> � to tlw p�raon or p�nons I�psily �ntR�ird to it. .
<br /> 18. R�ea�wyanet 6i�an ptyment of at acros secsed by this Securfty fnatniment. LMdOf Sfld fE�tlSt =c,:stee to reconvey the
<br /> , Propwty and shY suRende►U`iis SewrRyt Instturae�t atd aN aotes evidenciny d�W sacur�d by this Seairiry lnstruts++en23o T�ustee. Ttu�tee =.-
<br /> shar t�oonvry tIN Prcpe�ry wKhat�t wuru�ty ac��withait cHuqe ta the peaon or peraona ie�aYy ent�aQ to N. Snch p�rsan ar persotrs sha� � . .
<br /> ; pty any ncotd�tbn costs. . .�-
<br /> ' 19. Su6�titut�TN� LenQK,at its opUon, mayf�rom time tn tkne remov�Tnrrtee md appokri a sa�ar trustee to any
<br /> Tro��ppoirtt�d Mnundw by�n Instrun�t ncord�d tn tha eounty b which thia Securky Inshumenl i� recarQe¢t V�tho�ri conveyance o1 tha `�
<br /> Propwty.tM wocMSa►WttN sha�suceMd to Y th�f1Us,potire�nd tlutMs conterrb upon Trustes herefn and by�ppRcabl�law. e
<br /> ' 20. R�qt�Mt�Or NOtkN. 8ortowe requtstf th�t topNs ot th�notices ot def�uil and sale be aent to Bartower'�ad�ss�whlch is �
<br /> tM Propwty Addrws. 'Banbw�r Nrthw rpuats that copi�s of tA�notices ot ddauft and sale b�aent to the person eet forth herdn' ,.
<br /> ACCN�flNOt1 C1�4l�. liorrow�r«groes 1Mt aheutd thls Securiry Instn�ment�rd�he note aeCUred thereDy not be etrgibie ' �
<br />' � 10►insun�nw unda tA�NaUonal Hous(ng Act wrthln s'oRy daya hom the aate hereol,Lan�er mry,at its opUOn and � 1 �`
<br /> Rotwilhs��nythin�in Parapapb 9,requk�krrnedi�te payrrier►t in fuN of�II eums seard by this Security Insuumeat.
<br /> , A wrNhn atMwn�rd W w�t aulhait�d a�nt ol tA�SecnSary C�ted eubssquent to sixry daya kom 1M drt�herwt, decNnlrtg to Insure
<br /> � tMe S�axity MstrunNnt and th!not�s�ed thuaby,ehall4e dearred conctualvs proof ot such IneBpibiliry. NoMriC�rsWndin�the
<br /> . fapoMr�,thls opflon msy t�ot b��arGs�d by Land+r when the un=v�Wfity of(nsunnc�ta sotely due to Lender's l�iluro to nYNt
<br /> � �nw�t�In�urana►prwN�rn to tM S�natary.-. ._. _. . . . ....._.. . .. . . .. . ... . _. _. . ... . ....._.
<br /> �� Rld�n to this S�eurity Inshum�M. N a�e w rt�are rtdete�re exe�cuted by 8orrower and recorded together witb ttNe Security
<br /> fnstrumen�tAe cavw�ants ol a�ch auch rtder ahal be incorponted Inta md aha9 amend rnd supp(nnent Me covertant�and egreements ot
<br /> tlth 3�ktstrumN�t as M tM ridu(a)wers In�pM ot tht�See�Aty tnstrum�ent. [Chedc e�p�abie box(e�))
<br /> • D ConQonihium Alder � Adjustabte Hate Ridet � (3rowirtg Equrty Hider -
<br /> � Prnnsd t1nN Dwetopment Rider D Graduated Payrtnent Ri�er � Other �
<br /> _- �fotr�: Sfi�fifi�1YtoRQa� /t��tirtdu� hfrita�attacf�sd �rtd s�id ta tK a pan there� . .
<br /> ��.
<br /> :� . . . �
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