' _ _ . .. ... . . . _. ` �
<br />_ -. ._ _ . . .. , .
<br /> , � . ` , . . . _ t - �
<br /> - ( - , _..v.� 'c � C ' . .. ' , c , < � .< . ..�.� .� . , �
<br /> � � ' ASSIGl1l�tE@i� OF TRUS'C`DEED . �•r••• ������ I . . �
<br /> ' ' lCl�O�I 'ALL:!!EN sY TtlB�B PRE58li'�S, Tltat The Ovuland National Bank of Gra�� Is?►an8. ,
<br /> - a co�or�t�an, ehe party of the firat part, ln:censideration of the eun. of Fifty-three � �
<br /> � � lhous�ttcd tvo huadtad �lnd ncs/I00`---- --T----------=--Bo�l�rs. Lo it in n8�.a paid by , '
<br /> �` ; �irft C�oaae�ce I�or+tgage Campaag' ' a Corp+oration, the pa;tp of the . ' ,
<br /> ; sac+ond psrt, receipt i+hertof i� Rereby acknavledged, has granted, assigned and ,
<br /> - - . ° transferred a�, by tht�e prese�t� daes grant, asaign�arnl transfer u�ta its sueceesors ` _
<br /> � and �ssi�aef a certain Truat iteed v�ereia the safd The Overlaad National Bank of Grand . °
<br /> ; . Ie�Zead ie 8etta�iciary. Tha�se �Tnrein aqti Mary P. UnreiA, huaband attd vffe, � , . �
<br /> it T�vustar, wyad I�is�tianal Dank vf Ca�rce Tiust and Savinge Assaciati.on ia Trustee, � � �
<br /> ' '. _ _rhieh Tcust �eed Wae dated t&e 30th �ay of �Y • �9 S�T, and retorded the � � �
<br /> �° j 31:t day of , 19�_. as �oeutent;No.grt,.7 A�n7�_ of the �iOATGAGE• . '
<br /> � �� Reco�rds ef ' • " Couatp�� Ncbrasi�a and +�ll ite r�gi�t, t�.t:le� $n� iater�s� Co ' • �
<br /> � t�►s proptrty thereia descsibed. ae`followa, to-vit: , � � . ,
<br /> , � Lot ten (I4),� in BXocic Three (3) !n fiesterhoff`s Second Subdfvision, lseing ` _ � -
<br /> " � � ` a teaubdi�toa of the South Half af bl.oGka Three (3) aad FoMr (4) and Che " � �
<br /> .AoYth HaI�'��if Alocics Fivt (S) and Sis {6). We.sterhaff's P3ret Subdivisiun �
<br /> ` � - : in the Citp of�Gtand Ialand, Hali Cauntq, Ne�raska. . . �
<br /> , ,
<br /> ,
<br /> . . . .. ,
<br /> ' Top�eCher with the pro�iBSOry natc ttterein described, and the �oney due or tn ` • .
<br /> beca�e due the[eurtdec. including interest tt�ereon. sub_�ert only to the pcavieions . . �:
<br /> of e�tid Truet Deed there�n contained. , � �
<br /> � IK {iITH�SS WHEREOF. The Overland Nattonal Rt�nie of Crand Lal�nd. a �orporation. �
<br /> hes cAUeed thls Asniqnment nf Tru�t Uecd ta be executed by 1tR President � y�. '=
<br /> '. ._... : �t�d s�:tea.ted by it.s_5r. £�tee. Vice peer�ldent . rsnd its cnrt�orate aeal tn be.__ � ��--
<br /> - - - -------.- heretsnto eif�xed tB1s �ar� aay aE �zY �_. 19 g8 . -�--- _, .—
<br /> -. � The 4Yrrl�xnd ?�a innal Baiik'nf Grand Island.
<br /> � � ct c�n[paP a�t , -
<br /> • Ky� � �.�.�..�
<br /> nccc�t: �
<br /> ...C�.���e� `��ar.cr�
<br /> )ss ,...,
<br /> . C01JH'PY OF HALL ) . : �''.
<br /> , On this 3Uth doy c�t M�►Y;�� _.w. 19 9� . hefore me � nntnry Nu�lic duly ,
<br /> ; cunaNieeiuned and qualified in and far waid r.nunty nnd �statc�. perf+nn�tiy came the above .
<br /> . Robort A. Hosris . '
<br /> . nnd 'i'homas . �ausc ������w^� " �'��F�of Thr Overinnd t�ntloienl Bnn� of
<br /> . „�,....,.�..�.,,........._.,�_.,,..�,r._.�..�,a,._--_-- ��__.-___.,.�_.......__ ...- . . .. .
<br /> Gcand Ieland. whn nie pers�inally kttovsi to mc E�i bt� tlie icicnflcai �urf+�►ii, wtibse nrtmet� �
<br /> � ere effixed tn the abnve AaKignment of Truc+t need ��f+ the Yres�dent
<br /> .. and ' Sr. �xe�. Vfcc� Preside�t � _ i►f r,t�icl r.nrp��ratfun nnd�they ncknuv�edge the
<br /> . � �inNttuaent tv Ue their vuluutnry ctc:t nud elet�J nud tl�e vvluutary :ict and dced uf snid
<br /> ; , �enrpora[i,vn. .
<br /> H[TNLSS my han�i nttd of��e f r►1 �cen1 7t ^ ^��rnn�1 t sIc�nci.w Nef�rask� _ K.�., in said
<br /> � � e�unty. t�e� dAte afarn��id.
<br /> � � • „t'�,z.:�_���sS�... ` �k��A_,'�, .:.::G��"�....__..,._._..._.>..,........._... ;-_ ==T
<br /> :lutt�ry �'cti�l#c . '
<br /> -- -- - - � i.fFii'ri�SalBti �k��rgi;�: 1, `� �. _'� � =��� ; - - - � ' iitsi�itiwl=#��M�lii71� _ . -
<br /> �..:.�..,.,_.
<br /> � R�T�1Kld TU: � . w�li�N�1q
<br /> � . ___ .__ ,,..,
<br /> �Grnnd Ie�2ane1 Abs�.r:tct • �
<br /> `r`.U. lius: 527 .
<br /> Grand I�:iand, NE 6�Sf�2
<br /> . � - �
<br /> . . - . .. . . . . . .. �9 ��
<br /> ' �
<br /> ,_. ...x. .- -a�•'"�f'i--ti -�.��.'�"e i:_uv',�,''i��=�.... . .� �, . .. .. a. . . .... . ..,.. �. � 3..'Q:R:3:uy.�'�,��`'i�:l�f,�J� _ . �...' . 4�-.-. ..,�L��wr.. , .'
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