. , _ _ � . , ,
<br /> . ' � �
<br /> ��-� ` : ` , . - � � _ , : . "_`' - �._ �
<br /> : . . � . . .- � . �o=- ��03073�� � � �
<br /> , � Any appliratfc�n nf!he prmc�ds ta thr princiQa!shalt not exie�d or postpane the due date oP the maathty paymcnu,wriich
<br /> � •rrc refeYrcQ to itr�aragraph 2. oe ehang�tht amonnt af sucb payments. At�y e�:cess praceeds over an amount required to� �
<br /> `. � _ �ay a11 o�tstanding inelebtedness urtdcr ahe Note and this Securiry Instrpment shalt be paid ro thr entit}[egafly entitled thereto. . `, z
<br /> , - �.�ses. Lendcr may coltect fees aad aharges authorized by the Secre[ary+. ' . �
<br /> ��" !.iGror■b tot Accekntbs oi Q+rbl. � , . ` � ' • , .
<br /> . _U!DefiwM•Le�tftr may.txcept as�Smited by regutations issued 6y tke Secretary in the rase of payment drfautts.�equire
<br /> . � ` imrnediate payment in full of alt sums securcd by fhis Secutity lnstrument if: � '
<br /> (i�Borrower detautts b�failing to payr in full any monthEy payment required.6y t6is Sa�urity tactrument priar to _ � • �
<br /> . ` . , or on the due d�te oP the nexc moQ[hly paymena� or . . .
<br /> ` n)Sonnw�t�def�ults 6y f�iling,for a period of tbirty days.to p�rfotm any other abligaqons camained ia[his
<br /> � ` ' �rity Instrumom. �
<br /> �` �ti)5�te W[U�oMt�re�t!ApP[ovsl. Ixnde.��shalt, iF permi�ted by applicabte!aw atcd wiih the prior approval of the '
<br /> , � Secretary.reqnire immediate payment in fu11 of all the sums secured by this Security lnstnsment if:
<br /> � � �)AI!ar part of tht Praperty is ath�rwise transferreci (other than by devise or descenq by the Borrqwer,�nd
<br /> (ii)Th+e Property is not axupied by the purchaser or grante�as his or�er primary or secondary residence.ar the �. - -
<br /> � purchaser ar grantee dots so ac�ttpy th�Praperty bu[his or her cFC4i� ttas not bee���approvGd in accordaaa:exi�t�' � � � '
<br /> 5 . the requirements of the Socrttary. . � � . � � .
<br /> � . ; ���No�Yttrer. If circuce�:ances occur thae woutd pe�mit Lerider ta requi�immediaEe�ayatent i�full. but Lender � � �
<br /> s. : �i:$xs aot reyuire such�A�ems, Lender does nat waive its rig6ts with�zs;�eci to substquenE,etic�ts. , _ �
<br /> � ' " 4€�)Re=�hlbirs o!HUD�rtehry.ln many circumstances rega}atians issuecf by the Se��a�etary will limit Lender's rights'
<br /> . . ia the case of payment defaults to require imrtiediate pnymen�i°,�'nll�nd�urectose if ncaa�,�id.This Security instsument
<br /> , - clnes nat autharize arcet�ration or [areclosuse if r.�t permix��.�by regutanions o€ti�e Sccretary. , • •
<br /> . . � I�ittiistatR�eewt. Borrow�es�as a.rigt�t to 6e reirossa�-:d it Lendcr has requir�ed immeQiate payment.in full because af �
<br /> � sorraw�ar's�'ailure to p�y ar�a��1�t due uoder the lVotc��7.:�is Securis�inRtrumert.'fhis right applies et-ers after forectasure
<br /> proradings are instit�r+�ed. `�u r�ic�state the 5ecuri[y Im�rumem, �orrower shall tendcr in a lump sum al!aniounts reagu'uecf �
<br /> to brin�Borrower's account eus�en[�netuding.�e.the cxtent they are nhligatians af porcpK•er urtder thig 5ecurity Instrument,
<br /> foreciosnre cos�s and reasonable art�cust�niary auorrteyti'fecs and cxpenses pr�periy acsnciatcd ai�6 the iorertasure proceeding. �
<br /> Upon reinstatement,by Borrower,this SecuriEy Insauinent and thp nhliFatipns that it.recures shail remain in effect as if Lender `� - .
<br /> ' ' had aot�equitcd immediate paymcnt in full. Hc�wevcr,l.ender i.ncu required tc,permit reinttatemcnt if:1i►t.endcr has accepted
<br /> reinstattment after thecommencemen�oi'fc�reclosure pracee�ing,Hithin�w�y�rars immediately preeeding ehe commencemec�t
<br /> ., _ . of u rurrent focectQSUre�roceedinR. (u) reinstatemeiu�aill�..ecl�sie fare:tc=;u:s::�s:.�::c��i,. ��.,«�;;;,i�� ci� iuturr. ��r fiii� _ ._
<br /> �sinsiatement witi adverseiy affeet the priority c�f the litn created h�� �i�iti tiecurit• [�wrument. -
<br /> ; 11. Borrower No1 Rekaud:Furbe�rieee By t.e�dtr tiot A N�'ai�er. [:xtentic�n�f �he time of payntent or mcxlificati�n '
<br /> � of amoAicati�n of Ihe sums secured by thiti 5rcunty Instrument �:ranted by� Lcndec u�an�� tiuccc.�c�r in intercrt of Iiorrawer '
<br /> shap aot aperate to release the liability of�he urigma!Barrawe�or liorrnu•er'�ruc�e�5or in intcre�t.t.ef►der rhail not be required
<br /> : to commence�racerdings against any succr+;�r�a intere+t ur refutie tc+e�►(end liine for payment�r o�herw ict modify a�nnrtiration
<br /> of'the sums secured by this Srcurity In�trurttrnt by rrasnn c�t any demand�made by the origival&►rrc►K•er or f3+irr�wer's cucces�ars • i
<br /> in interest. Any Porbe�tance by L.ender in excr�i�ir�g anv nght or remedy�hall nc�t be a��ai�cr�i or prt.lud�the exerci4e c�f' -
<br /> any rigl�t or remcdy. • t�
<br /> � ; 12.Soretssorsat�A As��do��d:Joi�t�ed tie�erat t,iabiiil�;t'o-tii�nr�s."ihc tcnen��nt�an�agreements c�f thiti 5ecurity
<br /> Instrumtm�ha!!bind and benetie the�uccessors and atis�gn�s at.I.cndcr and 13a+rrcrwcr,�uh�e.t e��the pr�►tiitiionc of parag�aph
<br /> 9.b. 8orrawer's eaven�ms and agrcement� shati be j�fine and �e��eral. Any {ii�rrnKCr wttu c��•4rkns this Secutity Invtrument
<br /> • ,but dc►cs c•::��exccutc thc Nr�te:t�!;-s c�►-4igning th�s tiece�r�r�, 4�►rtrument anly tc,mc�rlga�e.grant:tnd c��h�c�� IhaS HorroKCr�s
<br /> , interest s^the PropeFty undet tf:�jerm.of thi�tiec►�tit� ln,.rurnen�: Ih)i.n�.,t per+unall} ��bhga�ed io psg �ne�um��ccured
<br /> by this S��urity Insttun�cnt:ant!f�1��gree�Ihat Lcnder:�nd:�ny c�thcr Iiurro��cr itu�y aFrer tu c�c�citci,n�ud�t},futhrar or make �'•
<br /> any accc�mmcxlatians a�itl� regard t�thc term c►t clii+ tie�uney In�trun�eif� ur ttir 'Votr t3uh��ut �hat tinrr��ucr'1 ccmrent.
<br /> � , 13.Vbtka�.Any noli�c tn[rw^;rot�er pn►tiidc�! ti1r u�thi�tircutily Ins�rttnrc��t •,i:.�II(Zl'jsltCTl ftv dcli�rr;ng u �,r hy mailin� ,
<br /> + it by fir�r�lass mail untrsr appli�.:@�te la� rcyuireti u�c nf ar..uher mcth��d. I hc n�a:;:•fr�ll hc cluc�ir�f tu th4 Nrc�perty Addre�4 •
<br />. � or any a�itCr uddretic tiorrc►tver designatec hy na�ice e�+1 cndCr. :�ny nul�cr���I ender.hall ha:�ri�en b�•lirrt clati�mai!tc�Lrctr�ct'�
<br /> . ' .tddress s�atcd herein ur any adttretis I.cndcr dctiignn�rs hy�n��ice��i3urrr�«6r Ar►> �►ut�cc prn��drd tor m�hir ticcorqy In�tc�:ment
<br /> � sh�11 hic dt'�nted to t��ct hCCn Eirctt 1� li�trrnticr �r 1►ndcr �►lien Eu�ru .i, peu�idr�l in Ih�� (•,�racr�ph.
<br /> Id.(:u�enling I.aw:tie�t►abilill.1 hi�S�:urh� In�tr��«t�•f�t ;hall hc L���cntt�3 hy !cace.�i leti. .�ucl lhr la� c�f Ihr auri�di.tiatt
<br /> in which Ihc ['rc+perly is lo�ateci. In thc ctient thac uny ��ru►���un i�r tltni+e�tit thi� tic�c�nty Inrttutn:ut ot th� tic�te rur�ilir:tti
<br /> ttilh t1pp11i�b1C Iuw.such c�.nttict �hal)�iut atfcit �ethcc rr���i�iun.r,i�hi�tir,ur,�� lntitru�ucr�t «,r Nic tVc�tc uhi.h can Me Ki�r�y .
<br /> Cffect wilhoul IhC conffi4tit��ptu�itiiun Ic, thi�cnd thc pru<<tiu�u,c�1 tl���tir�uii�� In.trumcnt ��r,�f;hc 1���c �uc dcclstc�d tc�
<br /> be scvcr�blr.
<br /> R5, �orrowrr's�'nny. If�xte��+er �halt hc:E;��et� �,r:;:•i�r�if�arir�rel �„j,� �,f fl:�.�,:,.ur�zy li��trinncn�
<br /> 16.A!l5iqnn�et ui IZentv.lturr�►aEr ii�uu��diuun�iit�,i,�;ue��uJ trun,Ici,1��� cr:u_r ail thc rc►�r..snJ r��E•ouEr,��f tlu•I'n��tir��y.
<br /> liorrow,�s�iuharites�.ender o�1 ender'���ent;t i�cuilc:t thc�rot�an�};.�•:enEic�:en�1 hrrchc ct,xr:��>�•ac ir tcua�rt nt the E'r4�pen�� -- '�
<br /> ttl[�3y �!:l' fCptS 10 LCtlt�Ct tTf I CI1tfCf�i ilc;i►Itti. H��ar�Ct. ;'+itit lu I r:'»::r'.Uuti�r tn 1l6rtic+ti�c; .�`� Flut'tuwet's fjfca�h u! ;In}
<br /> ci�tieit�:t�,�.:�tgmement in thr 5rcurit�� Instrumer�t. Ein►r.:..ak;� �tt�lt���i��:rt nn�f r.:��:_-;.�li o�•u?� ,:riJ rc�cnc;:.�c�f tlic 1'rnperti
<br /> :�s trustt�: fii�r the beneT�� aC 1_encicr in►d H��rru��cc. ��;i�'•!,<!;'::iI1114tIt C91 ICq14 �:,:}'�r::IIC+ .tll .bt�is��Ult J��ls,";;t�ll� afttl� It��t 8ti
<br /> . t15S1�"11tlICfl2 fUt.i!(�{�111t1(la'1� SCtUllly 11J1�). . -
<br /> .... � It�Lender�!i�r,notice uf bte�tch tu Burr�rtitier. Ia1.1I1 tl•ittti il'�f.'l.tl'11 f�� �1VT<<i�tiC'7 ��1J�� �� �'.�?'�:S ��} �'1l1!C1tit�CI �!�Iltlt�t`:.�f�f - - - '
<br /> , benrfi� c,f l,ender �nly, t� he appl�ed in th�• ��n�� ticcure�t br the !,;;u�itti In.truc:::;��, lh► 1�rs�tcr ,h.�il ��: _nt�tlt�l r�,�E�ltc.t
<br /> � ��nd reer�ae all of thi rents ui thr'1'rupei�y: and��!each cr»a�u ut ehc �'r��pc►r� •�:,�,_t p,,y <�!t rc•r�►.:i�,�c .r,..� �;u�,,ud ��� {en�;r � .
<br /> ��r Lcttci�i�`�igCRi OIi C.�ntiet'ti csrittrr�drtn�nd tc, thc tcn:m�.
<br /> , BUT�U1LCf F1Jt ft01 CtC�IHC�I U11} (�/il�t .1��1�;Itllli'11E Ut tflC tCUl�.Ip4j f9.t,Qnf::U���tit�E In�! E�:tii+ti��<elt�. d4( t!�<�F L:f1U�l�j'!�LCIII �
<br /> , 1 endct ft��t�1 c�crciyin�; itti ri�ttt� uu�lrr rf�ic ���ra►�raph !h• ip
<br /> �t1
<br />- . �C`Ti4�C/+rf1�f��1I(t:�iCfCkjtiiPt't�if�CilFCi Ul�tlil.l.t�ti�'t�liF(Te�t.�I .�!lit.ifiil.Utll�lt' �'iVj'::71'. �Ct(�(: i�: dit�'� i'1;1i1i Le�il;i i�t f�ti'.t,�i . � _ ' .s_,
<br />� , �Q �l?IIU11Lf. f{khsl't�i. ��C{l:�C{ �+{ .i {tISlild��} il��{'t�lfl�l'ff 4:'�_'iEti! fH.K t�rr::i „!f .tlt, 1ftf�:: '�t,-*:' +- ;E �T'C:L�ti Zfi'. :#j'Tj'f1,::fhf�rF n-, �.
<br /> r�t fl'tll� �tt:ill n�+l �t:fc t�r t�_lt�� ��nt ciclt�ult i�r inE.11tdtitc .int �,tlicr t�i'!�t a�r s-�tt�cu�. +,t : ���cf:s 1 t��, .s..i_�nii,:n� r:1 s:r.t. ��i
<br /> th: 1"t�rrettt :it.111 lc�it�t;i��tc �tihtii tl�;dcE�t ���.tirt�.i i�t III(' �i':tl(t!4 ft��tr�iin•.':' .- :'n,t ii� hr'.i
<br /> - - .�_.._ � J __...._.._._._ .___.._.. ---__._._.--------�--------- �
<br />