� � . ' � , . - � � . � �
<br /> , .
<br /> ,
<br /> � -
<br /> � � . , , ��"'"'� � -.
<br /> � � 10�0�0
<br /> _ �. : tr is�requirea m�cp�e�ur���ae,�i�adit�of makinE ri�toa se�,rea hg cbis s�cur;e�r tn�u�t, � �.
<br /> , 8orro�vet shall pty titt praniums raquind to m�innia t�t insorarioe iq e4ect�ntii sucD time u the reqairemeni Eor the
<br /> . .. iasurarice ter�ninates i»accorQsa�a�rith Bonorrds aad Lender's�rrittea ag«mmt or.sPPlica6Ie L�._ �
<br /> S. I�eettos: Ltader or its a�etlt may maice rasonabk mtties upon and inspectiana of dte Property.Lendu : , _
<br /> tiqill pre BorraMer notic:rat the time af a prior to m inspectiart apecifyirr8 reaton�bkcsnse for the inapxtion.
<br /> ; !._Caie�stio�. 'the pracads ot�ny a�vard ur ctaim.far damaaes.:direct or caasa�uentud.in connactian With ' .
<br /> , � uty coetdemn#tion or other taicina oi'any part of the Ptaperty.or for conveyance in lieu of coad�uae,ue&e�+eDy ,
<br /> i ' �aMi�ned aet!slatl ba paid to Lender. � "
<br /> I ' �In the tvenE of a total taking of ttie PropertY�the,procee�s shail De apptiod to the sums secured by tbis Security
<br /> ! In�truma�t,�hethes ar aot tt�en d��vith any exsess paid to BorroMer.in the evmt ef a partia!taici�a of the PropeRy.
<br /> } � uakss Horm�ver and Leader otl�en�rise aaree in�vritinE,the sums sxured by this Security Instsument sha�l bC reduced by
<br /> . tLe anount�af the praceeds maltipT�+d by the follo�ving fraction:(a)the tosal amount of the sums secured immediattty
<br /> . i� bet'ace t�t takiry divided b�r(bj the f�ir m�rlcet value oithe Property immediatdy before the tafting Any�alaase s!�he - . .. .
<br /> paid ta Bortp+Ker. � � , .
<br /> . . If the Proputy is abandaned!ry Borrauer.ar�after notice by i.ender w 8orrowes tfiat the candem.aor otfers2���. - . ` `
<br /> , � maipe an awud or settk a ctaim for d�maaes.Borroxer fiuls to respand to Lender sithin 30 days efter the da:+e tne noti�ae ira;:; •, � � ' ,
<br /> diven,l.ender is�uthorized ta collect and ag�ty the praoeeds.at its option;athu tu restoration or repair uf the Praaert�r Q�� �
<br /> : ta the swns secured by this Security Instrument,whetber or nat then due. � � ;
<br /> . ��. .,I, Unless Lenderand Sorrower otbenvise agra in�vriting,any apptication ofpracads to principal shall not extend or � � � �
<br /> � � postpone tbe due date attbe moathIy payments referred ta in p�rngraphs 1 and 2 es change the amaunt af such paym�ts.
<br /> . � Y0. EaraRtr Not Reka�e�; For6eus�ee By i,e�der 111ot a Wat�u. Eztension of the time for paymrnt or ��
<br /> • modiflqtion of amortintion of the sums secured by this Secvrity Inswment ganted 6y Lender tu.any succes.gor in _
<br /> interest vi Borrav�or shalt not operate to retease t�a tis6itity of the ariginat BorroweE or Borra�w�r's successois in iut�rs�- -- -- - -.-
<br /> I.ender shall nnt @�required ta cammettCe prnceeding�against any successcsr irt interest or refuse[o�extend time fur
<br /> p�ymmt os otherw-ese madify Amortizatiaa di the sums seeureA�y this Security instruinent by reason nf aa,v,�emand madr
<br /> ; by the origini�l Borro�ver�r&�roMes•s successors in i�r.�,st.Any forbannce b�6.ender in eaerci.ging an.�ght or remedy
<br /> , shall nat be a waiver of or prec{ude the eaercise of any�,�Ti�ur rematy. '
<br /> � � 11. S�re¢sron�d�Boo�Joi�t u�d Si�stni Lt�Mllt�r:Co�sipers. The cc�rnaats and agretmenig af �
<br /> , . this Security lnstrument shaU bind and bens�f'st the succasors snd assigns oiLender and Bonoacr,subject to the provisions . .
<br /> - , of p�rsgtaph 1'l.Qarrawer's cu.�ecisnts and agrammts shall be jaint and severat.�ny&►rrower who co-signs this Security : .�
<br /> ; Instrument bul does not exec�::�z the Note:(a)iq casigning this Security 1nst�ment onty to artangage.grant and convey
<br /> tlts!$sttoxer's ini-..rss!ic S.hw P.-^.�ss ar...er i3�r l�s:ia cs:t::is c.::srst;ta;::umcnt.(tsl sy:�c��.er^�;.r.alty aG;i$at�ia�say- --' �_ :..
<br /> � tht sums secured tsg this Security Instrument;and(c)agtets�hat L.enQer and any�ther Bnrmwer may agree to eatend .
<br /> ; modiFy.for6ear u��.�ke any acaommadauc�ns with regsrd to the terms of�hiti Securily Inytrument or the Nate without � �
<br /> � thatBonawe�s�,sent. � .
<br /> � ` i�. Lo�fau�r�es. .Ai the loan secured by tr_�s�curity lnstrument is subject tc,a law whicD sets r�,ximum loan � '
<br /> eh�rges. and th�t daw is flnaily interpreted so Ihat R[�e:imerest or othe�laan charges colitcted or to E�coltected in : �
<br /> � cartntction with e�re taan exceed the perm�ttrd lirnits,thrn: (a)any such taan churge shalP`.'�reduced b3 the aamECrt,rt
<br /> �� nacsssary to reduce the charge ta the perr.sscc+e�t�m�t;and(b)any sums r�lready collected f`rcr,r k9nrr�iw�r w.!:tCh excee�s.� �:—
<br /> , permitted limits wiA be rtfunded to&►rrawer. t.ettdeo�mny chtxxe t�make thi�refund hy r�w3uc�ng fhe�r:�cipai�►wed �
<br /> under the Note or by mafc�ng x et;.rect paymtr�t to BarroRer.If a rei'und reduc�prrn,::.�ai,the rcdlictton wil!tx treated es a
<br /> . psrti�l prepayment withnut arsp preps�+ment charge undu the Nate. � , �
<br /> t3. l.e�tt�latios ARecti�I,e�der's [tig�ts. tf enactment n� eap�ration uf nppl�eahie laws has the effect of �
<br /> rendering any presvision of the Note ar tNis Security InStrumrnt unenfnrceabts aca,rd►ng t�>u�termv,�,ender,at its�rptiar.
<br /> � may crquire immediate payment in PuA af aIt�umg cecured by th�� Secumy Ins�roment and may invak�any remediei �
<br /> pemritttd by paragrAph I4.if(;,�tader txereises this aptinn.Lendet shall take the�!eps spec�fied�n the sect.±r.c;�^arug�aph of
<br /> . ParaBr�Ah 17. � ' �•- �
<br /> 1�. Notltes. Any natice tu Fiorrow�er pr�v�deA fot�n�his 5ecunty Intitrunient shall be gwen by dcliwen��g it nr by . �,
<br /> mailing it by first ctas.g ma�i unless app}�w.�le law requuaw use uf�nathet methcxi. "1'he n,.�,iwe shal)be d�rccted to the
<br /> Property Address ur any ather edQress ti6s-r�awer des�gaate!�by natice tc�l.ender Any t►t�u�r t:►t.ender sliall be g�aen by
<br /> flrst elass mail to l.�nder's ad�Ycesv etated her��n or any other nddress I.ender desr�r.ate�b}�nottce to I3nnotib�r.r Any n�+tice �
<br /> ; provided for in this Sedurity Instrument shal!be darRW to ha+e heen g�tien tu 1i�•nc+wcr��r Ixndet whcn g;�•r_p a�ptovided
<br /> . in thiv parAgraph. �
<br /> .... .... 13. Co� . _ . . . _._.... .---.... .
<br /> , eniK I,�w;Serenbility.-�'Chig 5ccurily Instiuinrnt�fiall he���it•err�rd"by frd�ret f�K aiiii th"c taw��f the
<br /> jurisdirtion in wh�ch the Yraperty is laated- !ta the sven� �hat�my pruwr�i+n ur clautc uf th��Sccur�ty In.trument E�r thc
<br /> Note conflicts with applict�ble law,!,�cch confl�ct vhatl nu!afte.t e�ther pru�i��un���f th��Se�ur�Sy la�trurner�t c�r the Nitite
<br /> which c�n be given effect w�thout Ihe confl�ctmg provision rr>th�c eiid�he pru�iciun�uf'th��Srcun�y� tn�trumrnt arid the ��
<br /> Nc�te ere dealarcd t��be severable.
<br /> , �6. 8orrower'e Cooy. E3orn+wer sha11 Me gwen eme c�mfarmeJ c��py��f the ti�ue and uf�hi�5ecur�ty Inc�rumen�
<br /> 17.�Trfster of t6t P�operty or a Beerflcld interest in ikur��wer. ff nll ��r any p;irt��f the Pr��prrt} �+r �ny
<br /> interest.in it is sold ar trettsferred(a►if a lknelicial mterest�n tiorrawcr�s sc�id��r tren+ferred and(inrrnA-cr is n�t a naturai • �
<br /> p�rson)without Lender's prlor wntten cuncrnt. I.end�r m�}',at its��Puun.rr.{,wre tiiuued�ete{�aynteut�u PuU of al)wrn,
<br /> , secured by Ihis 5ecur�ly Instrutnrnt. However. th�s cr�itutt ahali rntii be eae���eteJ hy I.estdcr�f rxrr.i�c�.rr��h�b�tcJ by
<br /> • �-.-� --_--:
<br /> federat!aw as�f'thc date of th�s Secur�ty Instrument. . .
<br />' If l.endcr exercius thi�►iiptiv��,lender!�hall give K+nr�+wec n�t�ce ot'uccricruhuu "I he nutccc tihail pro�tdea peneui
<br /> osnot less than 30 d�ys ftun�the date the nuttce is del�ti�ereil ur muited w�th�n w htch[i+�truw•rr must pay all sumr sec��red by
<br /> _ . f�114.CI'�llti����ir��l1�2�`il�.�P�F�L�S�4£F�8lI5 L�fi�}t�S!!:l3.S�f�^ iu�h°e��is:siu:t e�f tl3i:r su=.l.lt::�cr:s�;:..:�.�:;n,. :
<br /> , remedies perm�tted by IhtsSecuril.y In�trument w�thuut furthcr n�rt�ce�u cicmanc!uu iintmucr.
<br /> 18.Butao�rer•d Iiight ta Re(nstate. iP�rroaer rneet�:ceraa�n ca��iditu�ny,lin«uNrY+haU (�a�e!he�rgftt ti.l�.e�c ' �
<br /> L enforcemer,t of th�sSerurny lnstrunient d�sc„nt�nucd at su��t�me priur tu�he e:,rl�er uf la)s d:�?�t��r�uch��thcr t+rri���3 s. �
<br /> �ppfir�t�le i�w ma}spec�fy fnr rein�tatementy�efc�re�.�le�T��he Yn���rrrti puttiut�nt t«�n} pe�wcr��f 4aCc i��+nra�rrrei u�iht� �
<br /> Serutity lnstrument;t�t(b)cntry of a judgmeat cafotcing flu�5t�:�►nty In��rusiac�it "{hcnr��>>�:lm�+»��vc shai li��cr+�wrr �
<br />_ (a) pays Lender nll surns whsch �hen wuul�f he due utider ttbs Srcunt} in�trumcnt �ncf thc ti��ta• E��ut r�F, .��tir(crati��n �
<br /> ' occurted,(bl cutes�ny default of any nthee �cnerjvnt�car u�ree:�t�eutt. (:f E*sty e1F ck�w�»c. �n�•urrr.f u� �•nt��r�inc� th�5 , ��
<br />: 5rsurit� tnstrumrnt. inctudin�,ht�t►1E�t Ilfi��te�t !v,rea�ur�a�te sltur��e}�` fee�,. �sE��!4db l:��_Z 4�_If:�ts�z;:r::t I.€+��tc•r ��s.�} �
<br /> , • reasonably reywr�ru a�:ure th�t tRe fien�•f�th��Sccunty instrumei�t..t.cndes's r��iit+ i�E tf�c PruG�cst.. :,:r�3 I����;���+cr's �: _
<br /> ��bbgatt�n t�Y pay the �un�s sectltrtl h} tt�rs 5r.urn� In5ltununt �h:�11 �ur,tu�uc eu,;h.�,�hc:I E'��::r, s��u�•.tat;�c�,c::t hy
<br /> Hi�ltrntu�t,th�ti tiec�u�r.;1n5trumcnt arid Ihe���I��►ttae►�,cr�ured Iscr�l�g�4FresEi rrr.cs�nit x�ilt�c;I��,.t�ke•;E�:f r,i=<i,;rlct,�ti��rs f�;1i�
<br /> . c�crurred Nattiecrr.tluynghtt�sreinstateshatl�tufaE,�•iy�t►lf:rrr��:•,.f;s.,rter.,ttamu«:f��r�,,r,�r,�ph. � s�,� t'
<br /> �
<br /> -'y -� � . :,,. ... .A.......-K . :--°- � ,. �z. ._a..� �. _.r_ -
<br /> ��i- 41.�.wA1' ��f...e� v. i t _y. .,,�sa J�'�e- -u'aa}3M-i�'k. .-�. � .� }.-.� ,� . , '�. .a� :i.ryes4��n•�'e%+- .f\ �.. , •y.lyl _"
<br />. � ,.,_ti _ t • . . • ..�-,—. "" .) . . • ' . ,'1 . i . ' • 't '_ - .., � �.
<br /> _ .___• ; - . . .-- _ _ _.___ _ _ _ _ :.. . __ _ __'_ '_ ..._- , . , _.. _ - , , � . . _ "_" _
<br /> 5 t�}i. -� • � � �1 ' • - �- ' , . . ' . , 4, .
<br /> ��
<br /> � . 'o'•i'r�'�;1- ' - c: � . �3?i;�u . . . . r:,la�.l. •,- . . , . ��� . - . ' .. .. , ��� . . .. .
<br />