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200105763 <br />A tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter (SWiSWi) of Section Fourteen (14), <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the <br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest <br />Corner of said Section, thence running easterly on the <br />South line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter (SWiSWi) of said Section a distance of Three <br />Hundred Sixty and Fifty Hundredths (360.5C) feet to the <br />actual point of beginning; thence continuing easterly a <br />distance of Nine Hundred Fifty -Nine and Fifty <br />Hundredths (959.50) feet on the South line of the <br />Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWiSWi) of <br />said Section to the Southeast Corner of the Southwest <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWiSWi) of said <br />Section; thence deflecting left Ninety degrees, <br />Thirty -Eight minutes, Twenty -Eight seconds (90 °38'28 ") <br />and running northerly a d--stance of One Thousand One <br />Hundred Twenty -Three and Ninety -Eight Hundredths <br />(1123.98) feet to a point on the southerly right -of -way <br />line of the Burlington- Northern Railroad, said point <br />being perpendicular to and Forty and No Hundredths <br />(40.00) feet in distance fr.--.m centerline of the <br />mainline track of said Railroad; thence deflecting left <br />Sixty -One degrees, Fifty -Nine minutes, Forty seconds <br />(61 °59140 ") and running northwesterly on said southerly <br />right -of -way line a distance of Three Hundred Four and. <br />Twenty - Eight Hundredths (304.28) feet; thence <br />deflecting left Eighty -Nine degrees, Twenty -Nine <br />minutes, Twenty -Six seconds (89 029126 ") and running <br />southwesterly a distance of Ten and No Hundredths <br />(10.00) feet; thence deflecting right Eighty -Nine <br />degrees, Nineteen minutes, Forty -Nine seconds <br />(89 119149 ") and running northwesterly along the <br />southerly right -of -way line of said Railroad, being <br />parallel to and Fifty and No Hundredths (50.00) xeet <br />from the centerline of the mainline track of said <br />Railroad, a distance of One Hundred Forty -Six and <br />Fifty -Six Hundredths (146.56) feet; thence deflecting <br />left Twenty -Seven degrees, Twenty -One minutes, Ten <br />seconds (27 °21110 ") and running westerly a distance of <br />Nine Hundred Seventeen and Sixty - Eicht Hundrpd*l+- <br />(917.68) feet to a point on the West line of the <br />Southwest Quarter (SWi) of said Section; thence <br />deflecting left Ninety degrees, Thirty minutes, <br />Forty -Five seconds (90 030145 ") and running southerly a <br />distance of Three Hurd red Seventy -Six and Thirteen <br />Hundredths (376.13) feet on the West line of the <br />Southwest Quarter (SWi) of said Section; thence <br />deflecting left Ninety degrees, No minutes, No seconds <br />(90 °00'00 ") and running easterly a distance of One <br />Hundred Ninety -One and Ten Hundredths (191.10) feet; <br />thence deflecting right Ninety degrees, No minutes, No <br />seconds (90 °00'00 ") and running southerly a distance of <br />give Hundred Thirty -Nine and Forty -Seven Hundredths <br />(539.47) feet; thence deflecting left and running <br />easterly a distance of Sixty -Eight and Ninety <br />Hundredths (68.90) feet parallel to the South line of <br />the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWiSWi) <br />of said Section; thence deflecting right and running <br />southerly a distance of One Hundred Seventy and No <br />Hundredths (170.00) feet parallel to the West line of <br />the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWiSWi) <br />of said Section; thence deflecting left and running <br />easterly a distance of 1wLnty -Six and Eighty -Seven <br />Hundredths (26.97) feet parallel to the South line of <br />the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWiSWi) <br />of said Section; thence deflecting right and running <br />southerly a distance of Forty -Three and <br />Thirty- Hundredths (43.30) feet parallel to the West <br />line or the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />(SWiSWi) of said Section; thence deflecting left and <br />running easterly a distance of Seventy -Three and <br />Sixty -Three Hundredths (73.63) feet parallel to the <br />South line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter (SWiSWi) of said Section; thence deflecting <br />right and running southerly a distance of One Hundred <br />Ninety -One and Ten Hundredths (191.10) feet parallel to <br />the West line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter (SWiSWi) of said Section to the actual point of <br />beginning; said tract containing Thirty -Three and <br />Ninety -vile Hundredths (33.91) acres more or less, of <br />which 0.28 acre more or less being County Road <br />right -of -way along the West line of the Southwest <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWiSWi) of said <br />Section and 0.73 acre more or less being County Road <br />right -of -way along the South line of the Southwest <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWiSwj) of said <br />Section. <br />