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<br />rp n 200105762
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<br />CD C13
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<br />PJAPJMUTY DEED 200007139.0
<br />o
<br />Douglas C. Luth and Sherri L. Luth, husband and wife,
<br />lroil:_son and A. John,, ori, husband and wife, in
<br />:)f the sum of Ong, Dcl ac (::l . Q0) and other good and
<br />_ r:sideration, receipt of which 's hereby acknowledged, convey
<br />Stock Company, inc., a Nebraska Corporation, Grantee, the
<br />j
<br />deic::ibed real es tate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. Sec.
<br />County, Nebraska:
<br />Plat of a tract of land ce:nprisinc a {part of the West Nalf of the Northeast Quarter
<br />N''%2 NE1,'4) of Section Fifteen, (15), Township Eleven (11.) Noeth, Range Nine (9)
<br />we - of the th P.M., -*n Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly
<br />�e^ ii.?d 3s follows:
<br />Beginning at the northeast corner of said West_ Half rf th- Northeast Quarter (W1 /2
<br />NEil4); then_e southerly along the east line of said West Half of the Northeast
<br />:waiter (Wl,.' NE1 /4), a distance stae of Six Hundred Thirty Two and Three Hundredths
<br />!fi32.J3) feet to the southea:.terly right -of -way line of U. S. Highway No. 30;
<br />tne:c_ 3eflecting right 64 °30'20" and running southwesterly along said right -of -way
<br />_ine, a distance of Eighty Eight and Sixty Four Hundredths (88.64) feet to the
<br />CTUA� -,.ace of beginning; thence concinu:ng scuthwesterly along the last described
<br />a distance of One Hundred Forty Sir: and Ninety Seven Hundredths (146.97)
<br />feet; 'hence deflecting left 58 "08'32" and running southwesterly, a distance of One
<br />Feurr.et:n and Four Tenths (114.4; feet to a point of curvature; thence
<br />sDut`.:.estery along the arc of a curve whose radius is 756 feet (the long
<br />deflec'-s ieft 03`10'54" frcm the last described course) a long (-herd
<br />"- of Eight: Three and Ninety Six r.undredths (83.96) feet; thence deflecting
<br />23 IU'54" from the long chord of the last described curve and running
<br />a distance of Three Hundred Forty Four and Sixty Two Hundredths (344.62)
<br />r_hence deflecting left 90 °00' and running easterly, a distance of One Hundred
<br />.t, 11',0.01 feet; thence deflecting left 90`00' and running northerly, a distance
<br />rive (505.01 feet. to the ACTUAL place of beginning and containing
<br />acres :nore or less.
<br />Grantors covenant with the Grantee that Grantors:
<br />ire lawfully seised of such real. estate and that it is free from
<br />G'n�7um,L-r anc s exce_r t eaSeatents , covenants, and res *_rictior.s of
<br />arld wig,
<br />;Jf,,T T
<br /><i'awful authority to convey the same;
<br />c'e-end the title to the real estate against the
<br />.1 per. sores .
<br />5S.
<br />instrument was
<br />- p0, '-?y Douglas C.
<br />GEWAL 1WTARY•SL,L if kjas a lC1
<br />My Comm. Up. Sept 6.
<br />'A' -E Oc 1�EBR
<br />) ss.
<br />"UNTY OF HALL )
<br />acknowledged before
<br />Luth and Sherri L.
<br />7
<br />a y Public
<br />me or, --.P
<br />Luth, and
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on � A
<br />,_2000, by Rick S.Johnson and Patricia A. Johnson, husba d and
<br />,�e.
<br />i GEIGEMI NO " Nt•Slilt it Nianu
<br />In I aunwuc6 1 1,_ O V � 0 , _ _ n
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