� �
<br /> — .. , . , - , . , f_ - ,
<br /> < < < . ' � • 1 , u__. _. ` i;
<br /> . . , _. . , , . � .
<br /> . . ' . _ � , ' - `• , ' . y
<br /> � . , � • .
<br /> . �vH��o��,►�.: ��a��Y��,�.►�a��ro,�: q�-103a�2 � 1�
<br /> . . ._ �f. Ps�we et fkl�ei�t+M+i.1R«e:�n�st a.�t.�t�Q.rNs. eorro�rr i�i 1 P�a�Y vy when aue
<br /> � . t!!e p�t!ofst:Q enitiest e�t!��6t�mc�ayr the At�xeas�!attY�rep�Ytnetee at�lat�tet:ar�a d�e u�et e�t I+Iatt, ,
<br /> . ` `� '2. Fa■rtKT�siM I�a�te. Subjact'mappliaibk ta�v ortoa�rritten w�ivaby,Lendet.8orroxet sh�ll p�y , • �
<br /> � . .. to l,enda on the�y u�onthlY paye�nia at+e due under the Note.anti!the N�te is pai4 in fuU,a 3tua C'Funds"}tqwl to
<br /> ' . • , oee-t�fth af•(a}ye�rlyr tasa and�essments wrtiich a�sy atuin priority oves this S�urity feuniment; (b) yeuly , .
<br /> `, I�eBoW payeKnts or traund mra on the Prpperty. if aay: (y Yarly barard insurance premiumfi and (d) Yarly . .
<br /> � martWe�surance Prnriiums►if auy.TlKSe itans are ealkd"acrwv items."I.ender may eftimate tA�Fynds Que on tbe � �
<br /> ` 6�is at�rra�t dw�nd ra�o�ble ati�nita of future acro�ittgtes. . � . .
<br /> �e Fwdt sluli be heid in ae institufion the depc�aits or a�aunu of which�re insured ot�eia�teed by a fe�denl or ` .
<br /> state asency�iecl�din�l.e�dec if 3,end�t is wch an institutiany. Lender shall�pply the�'unds ta p�y the acra�►itans.
<br /> Lseder a�sy not char�e fa hoidirt�ar�d�ppl�ts!he Funds,itutyt�n�t8e accatnt or verifyina the escrow items,untess �
<br /> ��WS��r�wret inta�a�t an the Furjds and tpplica6k law permi�s L.mdtr ca make suc5 a chaqe.8cx�o�ree and
<br /> I.t�cler msy a=roe in wRitina that interat sGall be p�id on th��unds. Unless �n aaramrnt is made or appticabk bx
<br /> � reqni�interaE w be�id.Lrnder sball not be raquir�to piy Bonowu any interat as arninss o�the Funds.Lmder
<br /> � tb�!!Sivt W Aorto�rer.writ�oui chat�e.au annusi accaunti�ra of the Funds showina aedits snd debiis to tl�e Fnnds and the �� •
<br /> , pwpa�e for�hieh e�ch de6it to the Fu»ds�as m�de-The Funds str pledEod as aQditiansl socurity for the wms secured by
<br /> • thisSectaity In�aia�� ,
<br /> lftLe amount ottUe Funds 6d8 by Lenckr.to�ethu vii�.��c future monthly pa,y7n+mts o!Fuads payal��esior to
<br /> , � Ibe d�e datesdthe acro+v iterns.sh�tl rxcad tAe amaunt«qcc�cQ px�E6e escro�v ite�s whm due,the exe,�si�il be.. , �:.
<br /> , :aitt Barco�vet�S Opti011,eitLtf pl+Ofnpdy�ep�id tb H�ffO�vtt af CCldited taF�efaw[f Or1 manthlY Ps9�ts of�uridS.lf th�,. :�.`. � � . .
<br /> , . .:,�:i�ula�t 6t'the F�nd�hdd 6y Lender is not suliictettt to pay the escraw itates rvheti�ie��Borrower ah�!!p�y ta l.eitder any ; : �.:
<br /> ��ar»oimt neFSeztiiry to m�1ie up the delicciency in one or more payments as required by Leader. ' �
<br /> � � Upa��yment in full atall eums iecuad by�Dis Secunty Iastrumrnt.L,Snder sha61 prcxagtty rdund tar�irrorver
<br /> any Funas�by I.ender.lf unde�puaanple 19 thr Property is satd or ac�uireA by Lender.Lender�atl appl�<�u luer „
<br /> .<��imitwdiately prioc to the sale of tht Propert�ctr its acqu�sitic►n by�ter.any Funds hetd���Q��tr at E�time c�f � ,
<br /> ' �.;�ppliestioesnaeredit�instth�sumssocurad6y��sSecunr�ylnaerument.- . . �
<br /> ' 3. A�liat�a a���b. Unkss app�icsble Iswr prav�Qes otherwise,all psymecus receivdd by L.e��iet�:�der � .
<br /> �rsinphs i and 2 shap be applie+d:firat.ro late char�a due u�cter the Note:suand,ta prepaymmt cNat6ts dut�nGer the ' ��
<br /> � . Not�t1iiM,�o,�m«,���.yaek��e p,r•anan 2;f�urth.en aneerest dur,and iut.ta pnncipst dur. � �
<br /> ♦. G�rMr IJer. Borrower sh�11 pay aU t�xes.asscssmtnts.chsr`es.floa and impositions attribuuble to the -
<br /> Ptoperty Mhicb n�ay attain priq'nty over th�s Sort�nty Mstrumtnt. and teasehotd payments or ground �rnts. if any.
<br /> � 8orro�rer sft�ll pt}t thae obliEatwn��n ehe manner proviQed in psragaph 2.ar sf not pua�n th�t manau.Bortovrp�hap -� ;..
<br /> _. _ .. _ - �Y��4ime dirocUy to tt►e penw�oMed p�yment.Borrnwer sl�ail pramptty fumish ta I.ender aD natices olanwunts � :
<br /> ' to be pab under th�s par��nph.l�Borro�rer ma�es these paymmcs Qirectiy.Borrower shall promptiy iumish to Lender
<br /> race+pc.evidenctea eAs p.yments. �
<br /> 8orra�rer Yhali promptly diseftsrxe sny lirn ahich hu pnority over this Socunty Instrument unkss Borraw�er:(�)
<br /> a jras in wntin j to the p�yment pf the abliyshan socured by the lien�n a manner acceptabk[n L,mder:(b)con�dt3�n�uoA -_
<br /> , f�itb the lien Ay.o�defends��ainsc enfotoemeat at the Ixn�n,{eatl proaedin�s whmh m the i.rnQer'i op�man opente to -
<br /> prcvent the entorcemrnt of the I�ett or f�rrft�ture o!any psti of�hr PropeAy:ar(c)secures fram the haldrr of efie!un u� �.
<br /> a�raemeeu tatistactary ta I..ender subordinshna the lien ta th�s Security Instrument. IP 1.snQet determtines�ha�rny put of �
<br /> tbe Ptoper[y is wbleet to s I�rn whkh msy aita�n pricmty rn•er this Stcunty Instrumrnt, Lende� may �ive Bvrrower a =
<br /> notice idrntifyinj the lien.Bonower sh�ll srti�fy the 1►en��r take ane ar morc olthe acnons set forth abavc v►oth�n 1Q days
<br /> oithepvinjal'notice. ;
<br /> �. Narat�l�nue. Borrawer 9ha11 keep the�mProvenxnts na�existma or hereaf'tu erectad on the Property , '
<br /> ��.
<br /> imured apinst lass by 6re,hazard�s�ncludod w�th�n the term"e�►tended caven�e'a�d any ather harirds for�vhich l.MAer
<br /> � requirca inwnnce. Th�s msuranee�hdl be maintamed �n the amount�9nd 1'ar the penaQs that t,ender reqwtes. 7he �
<br /> euutu�e curxr prondina the insunnre sMll Ue eMnen hy Fbrrower sa�blect to Lender's�ppraval whxh shaU not be
<br /> unra�ona�ty w�thheld. ��:+��
<br /> ' A1)insunnce i�cies and renew!�Is shsll be acre taA1e t� i.ender an0 sh�li�nctude s standarA mnn s
<br /> Po P l�Se clause. ..
<br /> l�er�tt sAt11 have tht.riaAt to hold the pattc�es and reneWats. If l.rnda reyu�res, &�tt�wer�h�tl ptomp�iy�tve to 1.ender ,
<br /> �tll reCeipts af paid p�emiums and renrwalnot�ce�.In the event ot loss.&�rrowet shall R�vr_promp�not�ce to the msur�nce '
<br /> carrier and�.mdcr.l.ender msy ma�c proaf of Ivs�if nc�t madt promptty Dy HutrQ,wer.
<br /> Untess Lender and$otrov►er�thL•r�r�x aara�n wnt�n�,�n�_uranre prc�cceds shill be applied co restara�ron or repa�r
<br /> of Ihe propetty d�maaed.tf the reston[ion�r repa�r�s ec<m�mically,te�ubte�nd Lendtr's secun�,y.�s rt��t lessrrted�.it the.
<br /> ...._---. . ....
<br /> � reNOt�tion or rcpNU��not tcanom�ulty feasibie or Latdrr's secunty wuuld be leuraed,the msur�nce proceeds sh�ll be
<br /> appiied to tRe sums socuad by thrs Secunty Instrumem, wheiher�tir nnl ehrn due.w�th any excess pud to dorrovrer. If
<br /> 8orrowet ib�nd�ms�he Propeny, or dcx�rtot answrr wuh�n 30 days e nnt�ce frnm i.ender that�he�nsurince carner has
<br /> . oRered tv 6eUk a cla�m.Ihen l,ender may rr.11tc��he insurance pux:eed9 I,enGe�may u�e the pracerds to«ya�r o�restore
<br />: _ the Proptrty or to py�ums sccuteQ by th►s 5ecunty instrumtM,vrhettrer nt nns thtn due Thr��y pet�ad wtil be�m
<br /> whe»tt�e no�ice i�Sifen.
<br /> Unk�s Lcnder aad Borruwcr othetr�r�se�gree�n wt�tma,any�ppiirauon af ptucerds tn pnncipal shall nut eRtsnd�r
<br /> � pdstpane the due date of the manthly paymenta re`":tred t�►m(.►atagraphs I and 2�r change Ihr ame�u�t of the p�ymensti If
<br /> undet pangtaph 19 the Ptoperty is acquared br 2.en�er,Fbrrawer't t�he�u�ny u�.ararsrr�+e�l�c�rs and proceeds resulbng
<br /> fcom 4amaEe to the Ptuperty pnnr t�t,P,.r acqu�s�t���n shall pas�tu l.ender tn�he extent��f the sum�stcured Ay th�s 5ecunty . •-- •--•
<br /> , Instrutnent imt�ediatdy pnor tc�thc acr�ws�tenn
<br /> � Pr�eser��tbs�/Mdsteiuuer o!Pro�eet,�;I.e�seMolb. �rr��er shail nc�t des�aoy.�::smx�e or suhs�en�iaUy
<br /> ��fattje the Ptoprrty.aliuw ahe Proprrty t.1 dee�r�i.�rate c�r commu wasee if th�s$e�ur��y ln�erur•:v�.r.t is on�leasehald.
<br /> ��ir•cti+:�si�i��Y;,�t�;Sy�iit�t#�epr�mss�ms c�3tire�rsr.ami�;�er acqutre�fcesnte�Tne�resp�rry.�ise feas[hbfid en� .
<br /> ta titfe sh�t;S no1 mtrge unte�ss i,endc^u�rees to the mergcr�n we°,n� �
<br /> � �. Pratectio�ot LteQet•s RrRItM in t4c Pru�trty: Mori�e insannte. li Eiutrawer fvls to perfurm �he ��
<br /> L �:ovenaats and aarerntents eonta�ned in ebic Secu�:���flstrum:nL ar there is a legal prc►reeding that may s�gn�ficantty aRrct
<br /> Letidrt's rights m the Propetry(such as a proc�:��:,ng in 6ankruptcy. �+robate. fur rundemraadon �r ru enfi�rce I.�ws ur
<br /> re�uljtians),ehen t.ettder may do ofldpay!ur�hate►u�s necessa�y to prntert tht salue cif Ihe P►c�perty and Lend�cr's rrghts h
<br /> � in Ihe Property. I.eiider`s at�tt�r�s may iriduele paying nay sums securtd b} a tien ah�ch ha��t�c�n�y o�et th�s tiecurNy � �
<br /> , Instrutnedt.aF�+tanng tn court.pa}mg reas.�nable attnrneys'fre,and enteting�7n 1he P�E�petty tc.makr tep��ts Afttwugh .
<br /> � t.trtdet mby ta�eartinn under th�s�Satagr��pf,?.t.eodet d�x�rrc,t ha�tic rc•dv��• � �f�
<br /> Any afstountsdishur�etl by[.tnder undtl`lh�a�+.�ta�raph�shstt btrosnt a�id�f�ona)debs nf ftorroNer cecurcd by tht� • '�� -
<br /> 5ceut��y Inettumens Unless E#ottt�wet and i.rnder e�rer tv c�ther tttms�*f�a}mer,t.thttie un�nu�=:E cf�al{i►rar intereit ir�m �
<br /> � iAe ducr ot dl�nursemen� at the !1�c�tr ratt and �hal} trt �arabte. u�th �r�terrcc. upem nt,ti:e frf�n� !tncirr t<< H��re��uer
<br />, teyuest�ng payment
<br /> �
<br /> ���� _ � -- —
<br /> :..,. - -.. .,.«.--s�_,��__��.—...._.:�-. -�-.:�..+�'Y:�,s�e; .-- ------�- --- --- �..�. . _s _ _ -._ ---_-=-�_--� —_.=--�—c�c-r--.,_� - -:_,.
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