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<br /> . f , ' , � _ � � , ,� gUITCLl�i�! DEED , ` . � .
<br /> - _ .. FIRSTIER Bi�lt�lC, N.PL., OPlAAA, fonaerig kuo� as Omaha Fational , .. ; �.,
<br /> � �ank, .as successor �.n interes� to Commierc�al Natfona2 Hank and , . � . � . �
<br /> Trust� �Ccmpany, herein CaYled the Grantor,� f�n consfdera�tion of TEN , . ' . . .�
<br /> � � � Al/D I�IQI10 Q DOLL�iRS ��10.4 0} AND UTHER GOOI� AND �il�lLDP1BLE . .
<br /> .;:;
<br /> ' �tclaim. � � ��;;::.,;�_
<br /> COPSIDBRATYON received from Grant�es, does herebp �' ,.;;,:;:; ; , ,
<br /> �� � , ,,:�ant, harga�, sell� convey and conffrm untb FIVE POIDiTS BANR, a ;< �: . ,
<br /> • ���::;';�►ebraska► ,R��nq Corpoaatfon as to an . undfvided one-hal�E::.. �1/2} � . ` ,;:
<br /> �� . � . , ,...,„
<br /> � ., # :.'';fnte��e�?�.:;�� 8. BOSSEL1�iN as to an ondiv�aed fifteen-s:��,�y-€Qurth �`;'�r_;,,;. _
<br /> • ` tI5/�+��). . i�ritereat, JEAOME W.. NI�DFELT a�s to an und�v�.ded >-:`_:. , ; .
<br /> � fi�tee�+sixty-fourtb iIs/6�Ith1 interest and ERP�ST, �. TBAYBR a�` � . . • , -
<br /> . :.:;, .;,..: . ,:.,_:.
<br /> � ` . . to an unclfv�Qed two-sixty-fourth l2/69t1i1 interest, as tenants in . • . �.�
<br /> CO311�D029� he���n call'ed the �antee, the f��.�os�ing=described rea� . , , . : ��:°�
<br /> � eet�te.situated� in Hall County, Nebraska � Cas aefa�:ned in Nebraska . � ` � �:�".�
<br /> � 'Revised Statute Sec�f�� 76•20!) to-wit: . �' � . . � , '
<br /> � I:ot Faurteen t 14 y Wer�tc�ate SubBf vt af a� to the City . �
<br /> � � � of Gra�a� Island, Hal�. ��unt�, Nebraska. , �
<br /> � �'>:
<br /> � RAVE 'AND TO NOLD the above-described prer�.is�s together '. " '
<br /> ' with � �all tenements� heredlttairtents� and appnrte�c�s t3ieretQ� � � :
<br /> bel�nging _uato the Grantees aad tQ Grantees' hef rs� snccessors . .;,`�`��.
<br /> . t;,,.
<br /> • and asafgns forever. ,
<br /> - _-1_ ... _. _ _ _.. _ . ..
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<br /> ; Da�ed May �,,,_,• 1996. . - {`_:
<br /> �
<br /> . ---- -- .
<br /> � ' � � formerly known as Qmaha National �
<br /> � ' ' � Ba�k, Succeasaz sn inter�st ta .
<br /> ATTES�s Cor.laercial N�tiorsei Bank and •�
<br /> � � Trust Compr�ay � . �
<br /> . . , ` �. ��. .J. �
<br /> �f� ..�� '� ,d` {�� B� �' , , .
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<br /> ` ,'�efore me, a Na+tary Public fa� .eaid County.,..�er�as�ally_eame .
<br /> � � Johri 1�. OatraN�ki. Vice Pxe�fdent af Ffr�Tier HAnk, N.t1., Omaha, � � '. . �
<br /> kaoWn to me to be Vice p��siden� and id��t�ics�l person wha signed
<br />, • th� £oregaing instrum�nt �a��.�3 �cknawledg�� th� execution theYeof
<br /> � to b� hfa voluntary act and dc¢d. as su+ch oE£�cer and the �
<br /> volun�tary act and deed of such Ha:�3..
<br /> , ' � � , i�itness my hancl anci Nt�tarfal S�al on Nlay �,�, 199�. ;
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