_—. . . _
<br /> — -._ . .... . .... ' .. .. _ . . . _ . - . _... _ . . ... . . . -- -
<br /> , .;:;� � . _ `, .
<br /> . "" � , . I �:�;:. � �
<br /> _ , , � _ . �
<br /> , , , . ` ` . , ` . ' g�� t 14342'� � .
<br /> �� �
<br /> �.tayaeat�irt�etMi,Lieewl�M LMe CY��e Barrower sAaU pay whm due the principil of.and iacerat on.tbe Qcbt .
<br /> � �- evWeaad�r th�Note at�i Iata char�es due anda tl�e Note. � ` �
<br /> !-�iMlib'l�jae�K T�us.I�a�ce w/Ottier Ci��n�Borrower shall iachide in�ch qtanthiY Pilrmeot.tojether with .
<br /> t�t pdodpi md fnterat��a foeth in tiu Note and�aY�atc ch�r�es,an insiellmeat oi anY(y ta�ses and ipecial usessmeats ' - � '
<br /> }k�ried o�c t�g�bef�te�ried�tbe PtopatY,`(�}kaxdwld ptY�tt or�roun0 rsnts on the PrapeRtX.a�d tc)premlums(or
<br /> � li�YlY1W�^l'e'�^��� . . i .
<br /> � .
<br /> ` '. . Fsch seoatk!!�tor item�(�). Q)aad(c?shsU epwl aae-�d8h of she annwl Rmounu.ss reawnably escima[od by ' � .
<br /> � Leaae�p�m m a�mt wfficimt to aaa�diti�onal b�tanoe of not mone th�n onaset[b of cbe aaimated amam�s.l� • ,
<br /> , :, fi�8 aowai ro�et [or e�ch i�an sSW be uxvmW�tN by►�i.esder wiEhin a periat esdios ot�e moatb betare�item wcw►!d ,
<br /> • became dd�qYeat.Leades shall hold tbe amoaots co�octed in Wsi to pay itaas N).(b)uid(c)befdre tlx7►6eooate deliDqutnt. • .
<br /> � � If u aey tioie tbe taeal attbe paymeaa hdd by Lsnder far icans(s?.tb).anQ tc).ca�t6er.vitb cbe Euture mont6►Y Pryments .
<br /> : .. far a�iteai prrbie to Lmde�priot to tLe due dtt�s of wcb itams.ex�ed�by mate t1u�n�e-si�b the a�nuied�moont ni -
<br /> . ' !. . D�l��s ra�to Day such Itsms Nlxn due.and it psymeats oti the Note ere_�t,then Ixadet shaD dthec�efuud the :
<br /> .'�: ' esddw aver a�e-�of tbe atimatM p�l��s or credit the acca�s ova ane-suu6 ot the atimsted D�7►nxnts to subsequeat
<br /> `''` � `,''`` � q�ea�tt 6Y D�towes.at the aption ot Borrox�.lf the tat�l at tLe it� • �
<br /> PsY��m�da by Horrowec for ta).(b1:ot(¢�is
<br /> , � :• '�ro 1�tLe item wfien doe�tbm Botrowa sbaD p�y to�.snde:�nY amauat aeassary to mske up the defxieosy oe or
<br /> . '�!be d�te tk item beoana dae. � �
<br /> i , �f lllOQ�i,�i f�OWTIi�!�IUIMIIL.�`.SOCKt�iy'�TOC�S f�!!.SCCTlfity Of�O{IS�[Ij iAd�I�D�!.'l'!'�O�RIl1�OI�lJS Oi�fJ .
<br /> . ..� des�eee.11�at Sataity Ir�strummts insurod bY th�Seaetary ire iasured uader pro�ams�rbkb requi�+e Advance puymau of the
<br /> _, �:,:�:�`" enti�e�ortp�e inwtanoe p�anivaa�.4iti�Sxurit�r In�wment is a�vas iasnrad undes a pro�rsm�rl6�did na roqnin adrance
<br /> , p7�tat otthe eati�s mat�e iasarsact pesmiwn.tLea ac!►monthlY paymait sbaD also inciude dtha:(7 an instai6oent ot the
<br /> �eswl�ottp�e ie�ua�e pramiam ta be paid b�►Lesdet w the Saretary.or('u�a monthly cbarje instad of�awrtp�e � ,
<br /> inav�aoe peiaium it this Savrity Inwu�neat f�heid by the Sccrqary.Each moethtq instailmmt af the n�ortp�e insurana
<br /> , • �psanium sWU b�e tn an�aunt:uftipmt cca accumulate t!u Full snnual martpje insuranoe pre�mffi w�ith Lender one munt6 , '
<br /> • ' prlor to tl[e due the ful[aanuat mo�tpie in�aance prem�um L+dac to the Seaeury.or it this�Iastramerit is held by the �
<br /> .: . . Seerst�r7►. aeh monthf�eh�r�e:haU be 1a�t amnant eqaat to oat-twdittr of oae-6alf pereret eR.cfie a�dina Drinciyal ,
<br /> � b�ance dae on tbe Note. '
<br /> •. . . .�'Btxra�ten0er�to Leeder the fuU psynxnt of aI3�s se¢urtd by this Secwrity Isuttument,BotrawePs xcount shall be
<br /> cce�ted wlth the balafrce tattatni� for aU instailmas�fas items (ai. (b)and(c) and any c:ort�e insuruice premi�cn �
<br /> ie�tt4�;tbat Lender 6as not becoare obll jatee to psy tc��e Secteta�."g,and Leact:�steait pra�3Y ret�nd any euess funds ua � .
<br />,� : Bp�eNR. Immed�tely priar to a fore�tosute sak of tl.e�opttty a::t�scquisition by Lettd�. Qocrawer's aCCOUne shalt be � .'
<br /> ' �wtth�ty batu�e remainlas far a(1 iasttltmeats Fi�r�itetns(s).(b)qnd tc}. ` '
<br /> � ].AAYc�IfM d h�eN�.AI!piymeets under par,�aphs l�nd 2 sh�U br applied by Lead+er ss tollo.�: - .
<br /> � � Q$�.to tbe mart�e irtsuruue psemium tn be Qaid by Lertder i�che Secre[uy or to the m�hly etur�e by the Scsrecuy •
<br /> � + instab of the afoeshIy mortyt�e inaunnce premi�sm,tu�kcs BorroweT�aid Ihe eniire mort�e�suranoe pre�tum whcn this _
<br /> � Saurity[astru�nent.ras si�ncd; • -
<br /> • �,�,to�u►y tues.specid�sxssments,leueho{d paymrnt�or ground rents,end fire.lFlaod and ather�ersrd i!uwance . ;
<br /> _ _ � ��m ��il�siir�. _. _
<br /> . ---
<br /> j�$Q.w intecesa Que under the Notc: , �.�
<br /> F�URTH,to unoriization o!the prinapal of the Note; . "
<br /> , p�gj�. to tate chu�es due unQer tAe Nae. -
<br /> � 4•�7ie.FMM�N Ofrv Ha=�e�!t�sste.Barrawer�hal1 insure all impravemrnts on Ihe Property.whethcr now in eustence ' -
<br /> or iublequently ereCiea,yainst�py'A�zarQ�,casusttks.and continReacie�.6ncludir►j firc,for which Lender roQu'ira insurante.
<br /> . 7his intur�na stiili 6e malntdned in tAe ampunts and far the perioQs tAat l.ertder «quirts.Bono�ver shalQ aiso insiue aU :"�
<br /> imDrorement�oa the Property.whether no�in exiauna or subsequentty erected.a�ainst loss tsy floods to the eatrnt roquired by • }
<br /> ' the Serret�rq.A:P�insuranee ahW 6e canied writh companies approved by l.ender.The insuranc;e poticita and uny renewats sA�p �
<br /> �e!uW by Lett�ier�nd�hW ic�lude bss payable clausn in favor of.and in a form acceptabk to.Lender.
<br /> , tn tAe tvent of lo�.Ba�rqxa shaU�ive Lender immediate notia by m�il.l.ender may mslce proot ol los�it not m�de prompa
<br /> . � tp�rY Baro7rer.�i�uurmce camp�y enrteerned is Aeraby authorizod and diroceed cv m�ke psymrnx for such lass dirority eo
<br /> Lender,instad of to 8orrmra and to Lender jointty.All or any part of the insurance proceeds may be applkd by L.eader,ai!ts
<br /> . aption�dthu(s)to the reduction o!the indebtcQness under ehe Note�nd this Securily Instrumrnt, first Ko any detinQutnt
<br /> anwuats aDplkd ia ttie order in Puyraqh�.and then co prep�yment of principai,or�b)ta tAe ratoratfoe ot rcpair of t'�e
<br /> � . ,duna�a0 prapetty.Any application of the procerds to the principd shaU aot extea0 ar postpone the due date of tAe monthtp '
<br /> qyment�wrhkh ue referreQ ro in Puyr�pb 2.or chan�e the unount o/9uch piyments.Any excess irtsurance�ruceeQs over an , �k;
<br /> amounl rcquired to pay all a�r.standina indebteQeess undee the Note and this Secunef Y.nsttumrnt�hall Ae paid t�the entity tcg�!• �••�'
<br /> ly entitkd t6eteto. ,
<br /> , In the eveat af forectosute oi this Secutity fnstrument nr athtt transtet of tnk co tAe Pn�ycr�y�hat extinjuishes thr ir,� �
<br /> , debtedeas.�U ruht,citk and interai of Beaower in and to insur�nca policies�n t�ar:e sna�f;,qs�tu the purch�ser. . =:
<br /> 3. lr�nNi�a�M Ma1Me�ee�/IYe res�ert�.E�eMN�r. Borrowa shaii art cammit wute or dcstray. damage ar '
<br /> . . �rbut�atially ct�a�e t5e Property ar Waw Ihe Propery:�a daeriorate,rea�onable v�cu and eeu eaceptecl.I.ender msy.insycct . .. . .. . ..
<br /> � Q�e p�'operty it the property is vacant or abrndoned or the lc�n is in detauIt. I.ender m�y take reasanable ution to pratece a»d �
<br /> prHe(ae tttch vsC�nt ot ab�ndattcd proy�aty.1[IAis St�zurity lnstromrnE fs on�teasehotd.Bons�.�er Sh�ll rmmpty with the prcl�t- �
<br /> � sion�o!1he lasa.It Borrower acquira Cex�tte to Ihr Proper�y.the leasehold and ta titte�I.-r:i r.at be meraed untess Lc�dr� �
<br /> , a�rees ro the ener�tr(e wrielnt.
<br /> . , i.L`Mir�N t��rewres M�lhNtli�N I.tMee'��d Ir Ue lre�ertr•Horrawa slull piy all�overnmenta!ar municipal �
<br /> ch�qa�tuiaaed Impusitiom tlwt ae not included in i'u�raph;.�o�towet shW pay Iht�t pbli�tipn�vn lime dirc�tly tv tht
<br /> en�ilty wt►Ish is ctwed the psyment.It faiinr�e to psy wouW advusely aftect I.ertdet'f intetest in the Property.upon!ender's re-
<br /> puest Harra�ra �hill prom�dg turni�h to Lender taeipts evidencin�thrse payments.
<br /> il Borrower f�ils!o make thcse paynknts ot ihe tiaymer►ts require0 by Par�r�Dh 2.or taits to pertarm any otfier cavenants anA
<br /> a�eetnert�Cdnt�lned ie this 5ecurity lnstrumet�t.or there is s k�al prex�ecdina thti may sianificantly aifect l.ecQer's�ights in � ,--.._.-_---
<br /> the Propn,�ty(sueh a�a ptvcadin�in bankruptcy.tor condemnatioa ut to enforce(aws or reguiations),then Lender may Qu end �
<br /> • W9 ph���n�Y�o Dratect the value of Ihe prupetty orfd Lender's riahts in the Property.mctuding payment ot taxe�,
<br /> • . Awrd inswuice�nd other item�mentiacrd in Para�raph 2. .
<br /> --- .i�r}r�uu�its sili`viu3t�t►�r te�tnicF umftr fiiii Far•rarayir siiaif BeLVmz an additiaaat�cbt vf Bvrrmier andr i�e secvr��yY ritis_ � . .
<br /> 5ecutity las�rument. Tfiese amaunts shall bear interes,t from ehe Q�to of disbursemc�t,at the :Vute rate. anJ at thc�ptcnn of
<br /> • Lenaer,ahail De Immediately due ant!paYable: � .
<br /> �■ ?.�Ce�/�W�.The proceeds o!any awatd at daim fot dam�ges,direc+e or conse�uentiai.ie conoect�nn with any condcm-
<br /> L aotton or atht�ta1�{nj ot any yut ot tht Properiy.or for enm�eyance in placr of cundemnation,are herebv tusigned and shall bc
<br /> . �lid tv Lendet tn ttK extent of the futl amount ot the indebtedncss that remains unDud under the Nute and this 5aur�ty tns:ru•
<br /> mmt.Lcadtr shaU�ppfy se;h ptaceeds to the rtductioaof the i�rdebtedness uhd:r the[Vote anc�t6,s Sr�:uncy tnstrurnenr.�irst iF, . ��"�
<br /> nnX delinqueet�mounts ap�lied in the ordea pro�ldtd in Paragraph 3.ttnd Ihrn to rtep�yineht rf p�Rnupal.Any appiicaan»c�f
<br /> thC ptoc�e�!!o ihe prit�CiD�I shall QUt e�tead os Zrostpottt.the dae dase u�the m�nthly paytnents. +�h:rh arr meles:ed:cr u: . - �
<br /> • Pat�grAyts 2.at rAu�e ttu smount af such payme'nts.Asy exte�s pr�c�Js uver an drtwunt rcquire�i ta pay att erafstanding in- ` +_°
<br />'� Qtbtednecs uader the Note aad�his 5ecuriey fnstr�rment shall be p�d tc.th�tntety tep,:+lEy cntStied theretc.. '° '
<br /> 8.iee�. Lender may caltect fees aud chargcs author�zed by the Secretary.
<br /> l'aqe 2«f� ��
<br /> �
<br /> - � . -.ii�_�`T";7.�..._ ,� ___ -1�_ -� . . 'i7 .V . i _'`L..�_-.._-i'�
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