in Book 28, page 199, filed February 18,1975.
<br />200105734
<br />14. Notice of Agreement as recorded in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska as Document No.
<br />76- 006344, filed November 2,1976.
<br />15. Declaration of Restrictive Covenants as recorded in the Register of Deeds Office of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska as Document No. 77- 000046, filed January 3,1977.
<br />16. Cross- Easement Agreement as recorded in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska as Document
<br />No. 77- 000047, filed January 3, 1977.
<br />IT Subdivision Agreement as recorded in the Register of Deeds ' Office of Hall County, Nebraska as
<br />Document No. 77- 001805 filed April 11, 1977.
<br />18. Memorandum of Lease and Certain Lease Provisions as recorded in the Register of Deeds Office of Hall
<br />County, Nebraska as Document No. 77- 005092, filed September 2,1977.
<br />19. Utility easement over the Southerly Sixteen Feet (16') of said lot as shown and dedicated on the plat of
<br />said subdivision.
<br />20. Easement executed by Mid - Continent Enterprises, Inc. to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Easement
<br />dated April 21, 1981, filed April 23, 1981 in the Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 81- 002019.
<br />21. Storm Drainage Easement executed by Ile DeGrand, Limited Partnership to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska. Storm Drainage Easement dated August 18, 1983,filed September 1, 1983 in the Register of
<br />Deeds Office as Document No. 83- 004659.
<br />22. Storm Drainage Easement executed by Ile De Grant, Limited Partnership to the City of Grand Isand,
<br />Nebraska. Storm Drainage Easement dated August 18, 1983, filed September 1, 1983 in the Register of
<br />Deeds Office as Document No. 83- 004661.
<br />23. Notice of Sublease and Sublease Agreement executed between McCord Enterprises, Inc., a Nebraska
<br />Corporation and Boogaart Supply, Inc. Notice of Sublease dated February 25, 1986, filed February 27,1986
<br />in the Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 86- 100940.
<br />24. Subject to Party Walls, if any.
<br />25. Declaration filed May 27, 1975 in the Register of Deeds Office in Book 28, Page 604.
<br />26. Declaration of Restrictive covenants, filed December 11, 1978 and recorded in the Register of Deeds
<br />Office as Document No. 78- 008105.
<br />27. Agreement for Parking Easement, filed July 11, 1980 in the Register of 'Deeds Office as Document No.
<br />80- 003413.
<br />28. Cross Easement Agreement between Americana Investment Group, Inc. and Mid- Continent Enterprises.
<br />Cross- Easement dated April 29, 1981, filed May 14, 1981 in the Register of Deeds Office, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska as Document No. 81- 002490.
<br />29. Subdivision Agreement for Lot 3, Block 9, Continental Gardens, an Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, filed March 23, 1979 in the Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 79- 001612.
<br />30. Utilities Easement filed April 11, 1977 in the Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 77- 001801.
<br />31. An easement of varying dimensions appears on the Southerly portion of the lot as shown on the plat of
<br />Lot 3, Block 9, Continental Gardens.
<br />32. A Sixteen Foot wide utilities easement exists on the easterly portion of the lot as shown on the plat.
<br />This commitment is invalid unless the insuring Provisions and Schedule A and Bare attached.
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