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200105734 <br />radius is 570.0', (the long chord of which bears S 11 Degrees 00' 58" W), a long chord distance <br />of One Hundred Twenty Four and Ninety Five Hundredths (124.95) feet; thence continuing <br />southwesterly along the southeasterly line of said Lot Three (3), and on the arc of a curve whose <br />radius is 1,009.0', (the long chord of which bears 5 13 Degrees 00' 38" W), a long chord <br />distance of One Hundred Fifty One and Twenty Four Hundredths (151.24) feet to the southeast <br />corner of said Lot Three (3);thence continuing southerly along the easterly line of said Lot Two <br />(2), and along the are of a curve whose radius is 1,009.0', (the chord of which bears S 01 <br />Degrees 59' 40" W), a long chord distance of Two Hundred Thirty Six and Two Hundredths <br />(236.02) feet, thence continuing southwesterly along the southeasterly line of said Lot Two (2), <br />and on the arc of a curve whose radius is 78.0' (the long chord of which bears S 42 Degrees 38' <br />22" W), a long chord distance of One Hundred Fourteen and Seventy Six Hundredths (114.76) <br />feet to a point of tangency thence S 90 Degrees 00' 00" W along the south line of said Lot Two <br />(2), a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Two and Eighty Four Hundredths (362.84) feet; thence N <br />44 Degrees 09' 47" W a distance of Six and Ninety Seven Hundredths (6.97) feet thence N 00 <br />Degrees 00' 00" W, a distance of Six (6.0) feet; thence S 90 Degrees 00' 00" W, a distance of <br />Four (4.0) feet, to the ACTUAL place of beginning Cross Easement Agreement between <br />Americana Investment Group, Inc. and Mid - Continent Enterprises. Cross - Easement dated April <br />29, 1981, filed May 14, 1981 in the Register of Deeds Office, Hall County, Nebraska as <br />Document No. 81- 002490. Supplemental Cross - Easement Agreement executed by Stephen R. <br />Beltzer, Carolyn A. Beltzer and James a. Beltzer, Thomas Larsen and Kristen Larsen and Mid - <br />Continent Enterprises, Inc. Supplement Cross - Easement Agreement dated December 3, 1986, <br />filed December 12, 1986 in the Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 86- 107127. <br />
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