.�.::. ..-.- .;... �
<br /> . ....
<br /> .::. . .
<br /> . < - _- .
<br /> _- _ ,C. .. _. .. ... ..._. ' ' ._ _ . . _ . . ._ ' .. . . . . . . . _. .. .. , .. . . .
<br /> .. , ; �` _.- � � �-- . � ` �. : � -�
<br /> �� � � . �� � � � � � . . g�-- io�oi� � . � . �
<br /> ` �� • 1lf�Prop�rty!s so taken or damapad,lande�ehn�i hsve th�optton..in its aote a»d ebsolute didcreUoR,to eppry att sucA Praze�ds. ` � �
<br /> . afitr�Yu�rp the»trom ati costs and 4�FeQaes tncuttadby it In,CanneCtion trlth wch Rroeeeds,upon any indbb�edn�s securod
<br /> ENr�by�nd in wch order as��der may�etermine,ot t�appry aii eucA Pr�cesda,after such daductiona,to ths reatoratian o!the � •
<br /> ' , . Propirtyuponsucht�dt�omasi.endermaydeLerm�na,Myappiic�tlonofProcaedatpindebteQnsasahati�otaxmndorpoatpcne . �
<br /> '. �f el+t��aes o!say�Rnwt�ursdat tRs!!alt.ar ture any dsfau!!thnrevnQar as Mraurtdar.Ar�y uaap�tbd f�r�6s str�tt ba paid to -
<br /> ' ' TruNor. � � ,
<br /> 8. Prrfoe�wt b�t L�nd�r.Upon th�accurrence ot an Event ot Dstsuithanunder,cr it any act ts taken ar te�al prceeedin� ;
<br /> , � ; � commancad which mabrt�lly afle�ts l.ande�s tnterest in the.i�roperty,Lender may In its own diacreUon,6ut without oblipatian W do ` .
<br /> p.and rtilhaut ncNics to w demind uport Trustor snd wiffiout retsesinQ Trustar from any c�bltpation.do any act whicR Truatex ltss
<br /> � • ayreW but hllsto Qo arid may at3o da eny nther act it dsems necesaary to protact the aecuriry hereot TrusMr sftell,fmm�diatety
<br /> � upon tNrnand thi►Na by Lender.p�Y Go Lfnd�r�it costs as+d e�cpensas incurr�d and sums axpendsd by Lender tn c�nnectlon wi�s . . .
<br /> . ` ttNax�rcfss by Lend�r ot th�torepoin�riQhb,toQ�ttfer w!!h iaferest t�ereoR at thedsfault fate provided in Me Nafs.wAieh shaii bs . ,-
<br /> - edded to the indaDtedness secured hereby.Lender ahal! nat incur any Iia6Etity because Qi anythirtg it may do ar omit to Oo ' ' •-
<br /> ftKeunder. ' • '
<br /> ; �. H�rardar�Y�YrW�.Trustor shaH keep Ne Fropesry in compliance witt�all appticabte�aws,Of�lABRCeS 8Rd��tll��(Nis �•
<br /> - _ retaBnQ to industrFil hy�iene or envlronmeMet protectian(cottectivety r8terred to hereiR as"Environmentsl Laws'ry.Trustor shal!
<br /> ksep tNe Rroperty tree trcm all eubstartces deemed to be hazardous or tox€�under an}�Environmental Laws(caltec6vety referred to , ,
<br /> berein as"HaiBrdoua Mater3sds"}.Trusior hereby�rarranb and represer►ts ta Ler.de*ahat there are no Hazardous M�teria►a on or .
<br /> � ' und�r�Praperry.Tru�or hareby aprees iQinQemnify and hot0 harmtass EPnder,�ts�.rectors,offi�erS,emptcyees artd agenb,and .
<br /> ; ' any auccasors to lender's inieresR tram and apaiast arry and au ctaf+►rs,dart�a�es,losses and lia�s�;hes aris+sr;�in connection with
<br /> < � ttw preanc�,use. di�osal or tranaport ot ony Hatardous Materiats os�.under,lrom or about the Properry: TttE�OREGOING '
<br /> 1Q. AMi�nelMft M MMa.Tr��tor heretiy assigns ta Lender the rente.�ssues ar.�profits oi the Ptoperry:prwided that Truator
<br /> shall,uriti!the oct�trrersce et as�Event o!Defauft hereurtder,have the�ight to coUeccand retain such rents,issues and protits as t1►ey � �
<br /> � � aec�me due artA payabte.Upon the accurronce ot aR Event at Qef�ult,tender•may,eitne►�n per�on or by egertR wlth o►without
<br /> 6rinpinp Any actiorr nr proceeding,or by a receiver eppointed by e court and witAout�egard ta the edequacy of its securiry,enter
<br /> ' �! upon and take possessfon ot tr9l?roAerry•or any.part thereol,in�t3 pwn nam�or 1n thE�ame of!he TrusteB,an�doany acts which it
<br /> � ��! deem�ntacesaaryordesifabtet�p�servethevatue.marketa��htyorrenrahiiiryatrne�=r�aperry.o�anypartthereotorinteresttherein,
<br /> , inCress�the inco�rae therefrom+:r�p�otec!the securiry heTeut anA.with or w�cn�ut°,�;scing passeasion of the Pr�aperry.sue br ar ,
<br /> , otht�+se coftect the rents,iss;;�3 and pratit�thereof,including thase past due ar.•w ;:npai�,and appty the sartre,tess costs 8rtd _ .
<br /> � •expenseso/oprration and colfeciiqn�nctudinp attorneys'tees:upon a�y.��debtedness secured�sr�e�y,att in such ordar as Esnder .
<br /> , � may determine.�he enterirt�upo�artd taking possesston ot the Prope�ty.t�+e couecxc�n tit such rents,issues and profits a.:�c2•'.tse
<br /> appliGt►tion tfiere0f es afaresaid,�hati rtot cure or wa�ve any datauit or rzot�ce at Cef.�uit hereunder pr�nva►+date any act Qane.in • �
<br /> responae ta sucA Qetault oi p�TSt:ent tO suCn noUCe 0t det8uit ena,noiwitf�stan4s^�tr.e.�-ont+nuance+n possess�on oflhe Property or .
<br /> the coHeG4ion,receipt and a��,i�abart of�ents,rasues or prohis.end Trusie�a^3:�^�der shall be entrtted to exere�se every�Egttt . .
<br /> � proviQea tor in nny of the Laan 4r�struments or by law upOn accurrer�ce af a�y E.e.nt of Oefault,�nctud�ng wEihout limitation the r�ght
<br /> ; to exerCise�e parn�:Ot eale.Further,Lend�r's r�gAts and�emoCioa unct�rr,�:s paregraph shall be cumutative with,and ln no�a3y a ' �� ;,
<br /> __ timttationon.lenrt�rsrinhtsandremed�esundnrsnyass�anmanoallv�!;c�..,cn�S�ntsrecordoAan:a�ao�!hgQr��s!!;.�A!!i�er.��+1�t+se ' :
<br /> ; �gnd M9 reCeiver Sh811 be liabte to eGCOUnt only for those rents aCtually re�cervee
<br /> , 11. E�MNs M O�lwN.The foltowing shaU can�htute an Event of Detau4 urtQe��y�s Used ot Truei
<br /> (a} Falture to pay any matatime�!ot pnncipol o� .�Yertsst�!any oiner su.m se�ured here0y wt►en dus
<br /> (b) A breach o1 or defeuit under any pravision cont�+nea m the Not@,th�s fleec!of Trust,eny qf the Loan instruments�T any
<br /> f other lien or ertcumbeance upon fhe Pra�evty: '_
<br /> + �c) Awrit of executiona attachmentor any s�mdar procoss ahA�i DQ entered 2�fla�nst TrNs:;.rwn�ch shatl beCOme a�:8n On
<br /> the Property ar eny port�on thereof or mterest tnorom, -'�
<br /> , ; (d) T�er9 sh8{I b�fi;e�w�a►apninst Trustaf or �orrawer an acnun�jne�•�:�,y prq5ent or tyture teQeral,sWte or orher
<br /> , btatute,(aw Ot rEgu18ti0n�ff:[P,:ng to banNrupicy,�nsptvenCy or•athar r�6pt fb�Cc�?jw s:or there gha11 be AppAlnted Any trustee,
<br /> recetver or I�quidator of Tr�s'soo or f3orrawer o�ot ou or�ny pArt at t�.a:�ropA�ty.Cr tn0�entg,�SSU@3 ar ptofit3 the►eot.o�Trustor
<br /> ' ot Borrower BhaH make any�ener�l ass�pnm�vnt fpr tno OonQt�t cr1 �•r�c��tors.
<br /> •' . i . {e) The sale,trsnlfer,I�g,aa9��nmant.conveyancQ or furt►ser Qncumbrance of ai�c���:�y part ot or gny�nt@rp�!in the
<br /> PropeRy,eithdr vOluntansy�-� involuRLar�ty, w�th�ut 1ho oxpres� wntten consET' ot LonC�^ Lroyidea tr�.kx Trus4or shall b@
<br /> ��N•mdted to execute�tease u°.tno Property tnat does rtot contam an opUae t�oa�w�as�end'�'�e term ot r�,;;is doea nol exCeeC f,
<br /> ��e yea�: �
<br /> ' (q Abandonment ot t�e P�cperry.or
<br /> . {�) �}TtUStAf IS t10t 8h IfId�Y�AUB�,thp�ggUi1RC0,SA10.ftA�Stpr,ti99�gnmFnt.COnYpytl�t�OF�:�°.CUmOrEtnC@ i�1 mOr@ t�8n A tOt8)
<br /> af __. .. _ ..perCent o!l�t a;.o�porotion)�is�ssutd and outstar��iny,tpck or(d a partncrship�p total of.�__.w__._pe�cent ot �'�,
<br /> pt�rtnersnlp interelv Ourcr.�the penad th�s peed af Yrust rQmama a hen un tne Proparry �
<br /> ; 12. R�diM;AteM�raY�on Upon OM�ult.h►I�Q pven!�t nny�vent ot pefautt Lertdei mny,wrtROut not�cb oxcept As requ�reQ by
<br /> ; Iaw,deelare elt irtde6tedne�s Becuted hereby to Oo Aue And payaD'�r:n0 thg same sn�l�� tnarg�,p�r� pecome Que and payabte
<br /> � • ' wlft�0ut any pr�entment,demand,pfOte9t c5r npt�Cp pt�ny kirrd TRgr�t�s�pr LOnaar rre�y
<br /> � � ��� (ay OMnand Ih�1 7rustee exatc�se Ir� PpWER pF SAt,� ��an2e0 h�;Tein and x►ti5fov �ina�► thereHttercaus�-Trusto+'s- �
<br /> .r�Cer�ft tn ths�'roperty t4 pa so10 end tho{�ror,ee49 ts��p drstr�d�te0,au�n thg,..��:ri�rer�,rov�aQA��+tnv Neu�a�ka Trust Deeds
<br /> , d1;C'.
<br /> " (b) Exerc�se any nnU al����ht'p��v�de��or m ur�y ol !nv�,.a�• tr,9�rurrsr:r��, ;,.�br i��v,,�„.un GCC:.�r�F:.e nt any Evont ot
<br /> QelBUit:anfl
<br /> (C) vOf:^'""�1t�08ry aGttDn SU(prp(;ICigp ttn9 U£�Qf T�uyt�;�t�„�:•'3agv.a[;Do:tt!p r�;c,e�vt�r.Or 5�iCt,�l�tal!y pntijrC9 Bny O!ihf3
<br /> , G,venanfs rtv��,wt •
<br /> No rOmedy herein conterre�l,„;�Cn vr resc�vEfd to Trustep v�Ltf�de•is�ntenGn:f s��n«,eG�u9�uo s��lsriy uthpf tP.mtdy hBre�n,m the
<br /> Coen Insf►umenis or by taw���aided of parr�ated,but e��cn srit�tl tsc��umu�at�ve �;`,sut'Gn���3dd�f�on tG ove�y ather ramedy Q�vQrt
<br /> �hereunde�,in iho L�an Insttumenta or naw or hervatto�oK�stm�at�aw;;��r,edwt�o��, at,�tutfl,anQ mny be oxpr�isBd tonturre�t{y,
<br /> �ndependentty or successivety �
<br /> 13. TrwN�. 7h@ TrUStB@ may rp9�gn at ar�y t�n�rcs w�tht�ut c��use. antl Lend��°•My ot �m�hs,�d�nU w+thuut cau99 eupUiM a �-�--_----=-
<br /> � succQS9o�o+9ubsUtute Trustee.Tr�staesh�fi not 6o f�atrte t�nny paety.�Ac��Aint�u•.t•,.:;I�m.it�t�0�tent}{tt.QUrrCwE!t,TtugtOt E�t eny ,
<br /> purc�as�r of!ho Vro�►titty,ta:any�oss cly d�"lm3pC unto9s�,z+:�'o yecKIO53Ur w�1ltuE"�.::�nduct nnd sn.�€r not bo roqu�re,d t�take any
<br /> action io connestson w�ih the Qnfprc�me:�t ot th�g QQa�,:;�Tru�t u��est3 �nrtenirnt�e�.m wr,t�nr�, rpr at� �psts.compengat:on vr
<br /> =- � - ---
<br /> v�ipense�wTiiC�r ey�e esSoCiat�d ff�Qiow�tfi tn Addit�rjn.Tiusfee�a•�+Eipcbmv���iD���5�4�f�i c"�y�3i�@t 119Ef Prap6tty(�udi�r�i pc -
<br /> under!he pow.er�f sa19 sranted ho�e�nf.Vostpa,t�ttsQ s�;v c�{i1�I QF�41V p;Tlt,on ot t!�e Prop��?'i,as p�nwded b�ja,�.nr s�,i�thn
<br /> PlOjiBlty tiS i3 WhbI4.Ot ill SL+jl9t8it pdrCCJ$pr f029 a"Tr�5��5 d�SGIE±!tOEr ,
<br /> • - 14. f�and E�p�nsM.tn tha ouent Trustee soua Ihe Wroperry by exerc�s�u1 psv.ar�,t sa��. t{usce�snai►b�r ent�Uad td aapty
<br />; � any sale P�oCaeds fnst to paysnent a1a�i casts'or.d ew�enses of E�xe�c�s�n�y po+ve{�t s�+.te,}nc+u3��g aiF Trc;sce�i s fees an;f te��er s
<br /> tstqiTtUSt�O'BOtiOtftBy'8fQ@3.,i2Gtuit��y�F1c�rr�Rp�„tentpo�nt�tte�Gyepp��coD�o��+� �r=tnUe.�r�2F3,�rrn+�F�ro:T•ustn,kxdre+9�Sany
<br /> right ptcsvided b�It3w tU Cuc�an EvE.�nE o!pdfau�t,kOndA►Sh3ii bE1 Ant�tled t��ecc,re��'G�T�T�v9ta►a��t t�s}5 8��tf Exppn565 BGtllaity� -
<br /> � ' �nCUrred o9 n r�suft ot T�ustfli 9 de`a�ft. mcludFn3 w�thoui t,mt��t�an�u 'tr�,tee s nr4 atta�r,ey s ipes to t�re e�rtent porm�t;�d by r"
<br /> • aPPlicabte 1aw.
<br /> .� , !S F�UIYt!A�YrAC�f.l.ipUrF tt3({ue4t 4it BUFtUt,E�l. ��f��E3l mUy.�E �tS OE�l�e,n,rs:.::�i�g�.:��t::t�,�l:i^c1 lutu:e�dv�nc�+s�Itt!rc+ -
<br /> • • edvanCest�E3ti*.rower.Suchndvoncesandrea�vanees.vr�t�mie;es4t���rEV:�.sr�����Gescfcu�!�.ibi�►��s'Jc>€��i,�1TeE�ytafr:eit�in�gha�i �„ , ,;+
<br /> t�8pnn��p�6 bm�=bntUtthEj tsedEiDted�E35S f�eeur�tl b}i th�SITEe�aS t�u5t !�t�!�.�c�u:l�r�y S..;n�;:ir_i� �.c+i:iL*���vit�tt thU Sat,utrf�i�f th�S '
<br /> baedotTrust.o.c�edtnari����n�ipr�ric�G3:(1n�irut�:.FifA!O:� Iit��e',fi ,�f$ ��QyC1��I.��i �'t-:G`,e:sLrj§t3�ei2ti'
<br />. �
<br /> � _.._ . - — — - ,, � _�, .
<br /> = µ• ; _�-. .s,s. s,�:�, _ �,� '
<br /> , _
<br /> -..--�s--*_,._vr,� �u�u , � . ,, nm:ac. � 1. :nue�+sau�����rit � x` �,�—'i _
<br /> ;a �ram 4v
<br /> .- l� _ ,w ...• .. � . . - . ' i • �6.��3.i i:.��.z__- i.:- �'f` _.. ... ' �� , � . �� t a • � ' ., - ' '* �
<br /> ��..___,_.�,�- _`-•----..--..-_.� ..� ��_ _�, —_ -- — _ .._ __ • _'- . -,-_ .- _ —_ — .- _
<br /> , . • '.,� ,',� -� + � .
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<br /> . . . iT�• . c.Y' � . ^t:.�'1F`f4 . . i. .. . ... , _. . .' _ . - ���� �` � t .. . �.4 . . � . .Ii� . . � . ' _.
<br />