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<br /> ��'-y>,�;;;:=�I:� : �af ebr��Not�i.Extensian af ttia t�metar payment eu�odlf�cntlon QR ama�uzatbn ae ttes�siau a�cund b�thh , .
<br /> � ,�� � pe�doiTNn�ru+Mdpyl,er+�trtoanysucc�saorinlntarattotBarrowsrehatlnotoper�lstan�ta�e.In�nyrn�nnN.M�11�Wlfy
<br /> t,.,',^�1. of ths originat�row�er►d 8orro!ereds suCCe:lors in[ntarest t.sndet shalt not Da requlred to cammance OrocMdinys p�imt . ,
<br /> �''� � � �ucAsuccessororrelusetoax�endtit►'�afapaymentarat�szwtsemodityamortintionoitheaumssecuredbyt�i�D�edot4ruft
<br /> °5��!����': 6yR ratson af any demands rnsde by the ori�irtal Borrower and Bor�ows�'s sutc�asors in in�est . , .
<br /> ;;;���:;�:• .` @) f.�td�'�Powus.Wifhout aitectir�g tha liability ot any other person fia0t�tor tha psymant al tny oblip�tion bar�in . .
<br /> -,a�>;�.?ti ` menUonsd.asb without at(sclinp the lien or charse ot thia Oead af Trust upoR aty►portion at tAe Propsrry nollh�n or thaMoMr� ,
<br /> :.rs'sYr_y�FTi � .
<br /> ;;;1+;T;;_,`_.: � ___ cei�sa�assecuMytorthetutlemountofaitunpaidobti�aUons.Lendermay.frartstimsto.bmsandw[thoutnotic�(i}tNMN�ny� .
<br /> _:,.,-.;:_��; . ��a�Itsetai��e�nd t�e maturiry oralterany ottheterms ota�y auch oWiga�ons.(ii►}Qramotdertndul�nc�s.t�v)�M�a�
<br /> =� � r,r rtconvey.or cause to�e raleesed or reconv�yed at any ume at lentlePs op6on eny paresi,poRian or all 01 th�Fro�rty.
<br /> � `���:�.`� '... '�v}�or releees any ott�r ar additional aeGudry for any obiigatian heretn mentioned.or(v�maks casipositions or atl�ar .
<br /> .';:::: � : ,:;:.:
<br /> -:>''.' _ s�-��nts wtth debtdra��retttion it�4reto. . • .
<br /> �'���,�;`;;;� • � , �. {�o f�6�ranc�by�Md�r Not�Watwt.Any torbearance by l.enQer in exercisinq eny risht or remedy hereunder,o�
<br /> ":�:���r�=�':�s � btfieewise afforded by applicabte law.at�al!not be a waive�of or prectude Me exercise of any such rlght ar rert►edy. the
<br /> ,-:z:�;;.-, .
<br /> �•-: - ` pt�remeni ot fnsurartcs or Me paymene ot taxes or other liens or cAarges dy Lender ehaii nat he a wa�ver af Lender'a rip�t b
<br /> :`:`.���::�:�� . : ecceterate the rcca#�rrRyy of the indebtedaess secured by this�eed af Trust
<br /> . �������nd�Mipns lbund:Joint anQ gw�nl LybNiry;Csplbns.The covanartb and ayreements herofn con- . .
<br /> �'`:�::!,::�:._� , . ,
<br /> •;,:,.. , t�tnne�!shsli bfn�:.�nd the�ishts hereunder shall inure to,the respective successora and asstOns ot Lender and TruaWr.Ail .
<br /> '``'�;�:�'>"�� � cc�nb Ond e�'eements of Tcustor sAall be jolnt an0 ae�eret.The eaptians an0 headinps af the parapraphs ot this MW of .
<br /> � � 7ri�s't ere tor corsyss�lence on'y artd are not to be used to iMerpret or de(ine the provisions hereof.
<br /> � {a�RqwrtlsrNo�CN•The partie�he�etiy request that a copY ot any natice o1 defautt hereunder and a capy af 4ny notice . •
<br /> �;'.�; � - '' 'of sate hareunde3.�e nnatied to eaeh party tv this Deed ol Uust at ths address set torth above in Ma manner prssedbed by , , -
<br /> :,: i appij�6la.law.Faccept for any other notice requ9red under applicabte(aw to be given in another manner,any notice provlde0
<br /> ��•::; � � . idr iR�tsis Deedof Trust sAait be Qtven by mai4irtg auch notice by certifieA mafl addreasad to tlMe other paRie�,at theaddress eet .
<br /> ��:: � .�la�'#.;�ove. Any notice proviQeO tor in tltis Qeed af Trust ahaii be ettective upon mailing in the manner d6sign8ted Mrein.it _
<br /> ' '�rUyRC�is more it:ac►one person,notice sent fo ti:e aQdress set tonA adove shaft be notice to all auch Ressnna.
<br /> ��'`�� +� Lender ma mske or cause to Qe made�easonable entries upon and inspecUOna pf jts"�r�peRy.pravided
<br /> t�. �+�v�*- y
<br /> . ' �� . thstf�aet.59�1�give Truator.nofi�e prtor to any such inspection BpeCitying reasonebfe cause tharetor ie�ated to Lertder'a .
<br /> � inle��in�11 Praperty.
<br /> ; . � ;.��onw�ane�,Upen paynientot all sums�ecured by tnis Oeed at Trust,LenQer shaii request Trustee to reconvey Me :
<br /> � , Pr�and shstl surrenaK thtt Oeed o!Trust and ati notes eviBenCinfl inCebtedness secured Dy tMs De�ed of Trust to Trustee. . .
<br /> ; - T{�Ir aha�t recenvey th� Prapa�ttyt w�thout warranry and w�thout charge to the peraon or peraons�egalry entiUed the�eto. • �
<br /> � , '1�s�3r shatt pay ail cosb o[t�pidation,it any.
<br /> t ,,.,, �f.(�� p�f prop�t�;�turity AprNm�M.As edd�t►onal seGunry fo►the payment of t�a�Note.Trustor hereby granb
<br /> -- ' � �i�tf�und8rttte iVeb►e�ileifiorm vumme�cldi C3r�e o�GU:c."i:rt,resi:r.�!!ftx�res.e�:t+.ptr+arr�.an�}�the+nereon�al p�oPe�Y --
<br />� . ``"s � � � u�i,n.conneCtfon wJth t h 7 i�eal ostate or�mpravements tocated thereon.and not otherw�ae dACiared or deemed to be e Dan o1 • _
<br /> ' ffie'�t e9t2►!$secured t1�by This instrument shatl be construed as a Secunry Agreement urtder eaid Gode.ana the Lender
<br /> " S�AaIE trave ait th�s aighls and remedies of a secured party unCer sa�d Code m adOit�on tp ihe nphts end reme0ies Created under -
<br /> ', anQ accordedQhP�lender pursuant to th�s Oeed ot Trust;provided thai LenQer's rights artd remedies urtder thr�pa►aQraph shell _
<br /> �wp a�s�r ulative wstt►,and in no way e i�mitetion on.Lertdar's nghts and remed�es under any Other seCur�ry agreement signed by
<br /> j �re�w�r o�Trustor. .
<br /> {���yb����N.Trustor hereby warranls and�epresents that there is no defautt under the provision9 of eny :�
<br /> mprllyafll,,dse��t trust,tease or purehase contract descr�b�ng al�or any pan o!tne Properry.or other conuact,instrument ol . —
<br /> , ' a�r0�ml�tt�lf��Jtln�8 ti�en ar encumbrence agamst all ur any p�R ot the Properry(colfecOvety."liens"►,existing as of the
<br /> ��pt�hi���ay!Tius�and ihat aAy art4 all exist�ng L�en9 rema+n unmod�fied except as disctosed to lenaer�n Trusior's
<br /> � writl��Orfc"sasa2 O1 (iens anQ encumbrances provided tor here��. Trustor sha11 t�mety pertorm all of Tru9tor's oUligations.
<br /> � � �q�r,a^ts,�ep�esentetions 8nd warrant�es undet eny and au ex�siting artd futura l�ens,shau p►amRtly forward to Lender copies
<br /> �31�,7E m��tiC�s Of�etpult sen:+^:onneCtron w+th any and aU ex�9t�ng o►iuture Lrens,and shatl not w�thout Lender 8 pripr wr�tten
<br /> COf:3811t If�8+7y 7TS�T1n@�mOdify!h@ pf0�:5'Of18 Of Or AIIOW f111y IutUtL'BdYQflC@8 u►1d81 Afly Ax�Stift�O►lutUfB Lletla.
<br /> �f �,���p���p.Untess o',hqrw�so requ�red by Iaw.sums paid to tonaor nttreand6r.includ�ag withoutUmitaUOn
<br /> p,�y:*,,Qnta 2�*�',t�.'�c;pat and �nterest,�nsur�nce proceeAs.ConQemneUOn procee,cls and rants and prot�ts.ehall be apptied by
<br /> L.dntSBr t0 thee'!�Unfs Qtre 4^�owing irom Trustor and Borrower m such order as LonCa►�n ats sota Q�scietion tleema des+rab�e;
<br /> ����«�r,If ar.y �rov+.sion ot th�s Ueed of 7rust conthcts w�th bppt�cable!aw or �s Qeclared mvetid or otherwise
<br /> • • un�rvt�rCeab�a.such conf�:�'!Ur�nvetidiry 8h�lt not Atfect t�e other pro�isons o1 this d�pd ot Trust or tfig NOte wh�ch can be �.
<br /> giegn 8nec!WittyGal the cOntlicting prov�sion,and to th�s ena tne prov�s�flns of thrs Q�ad o1 Tru91 artd the Npte are declared to be ,
<br /> • severeb;e.
<br /> (I) TirnM.�s te*ms°T�ustor"and"Barrower"shaii�nctude batn smguiar and p►ure�,end when tne Rustor ancf Borrower
<br /> • . . _._.. . ... are ttte.same parsdn(sl,:rs��e teims as used m th�s beeo ot Trust sha11 bv�ntercnangeantc�.
<br /> �m)C,pwn+tkg j,s�r,x�',,;i�ead ot�Trusl s�a11 tie gnve►noif hy tn�iaws ot tho Statr�ot NebrASi�a-- - �
<br /> Trustor has execu�.���r�s Deed vi TEUst as mf thv d�to wr�tton abo�c� �p� , }�ip
<br /> ��_���''�� �� �..��. __ . ____
<br /> , , (Rick S. � Trusto� Jo naon. 8astnar)
<br /> � ���t/�`` •�'=' . _ . _ . ..
<br /> � � Trustur fett, Partner?
<br /> . (M1ckeY '� _ ._.
<br /> ,..._..�-=
<br /> � '
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<br /> .. . , _ � .
<br /> � ; . E. .:
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