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<br /> � !'�+�wrl.�"^�s'14 ` . :. ` ... ' `� � . . ` � ' � . - . . .• �..�...--� .�. .`, �..
<br /> . � . _ `. . ( , ' . . \ - , • � '
<br /> :" �'� i°�R � . �CKNOWLEOGEMENT O�DEED.QF TRUST : � . .�, � .
<br /> ; - �,s���►a���o��s���a: � . � � '90— i 030�5 �. : .. , - .
<br /> Tiusta e�ndi�ands tMt M�Qocum�nt shatTnastor ta�bout to executa is s Deed of Trust and nate mort�sss�nd that the�power � `
<br /> ' �� �W�pcasrld�d torin th�O�d ot Trwt�rnv�s wbs�ntiatJ�dlfiarent rtghh�nd o4lig�ttlonslo TrustatMna magsQf In the evsnt � : .- -_ .--. . -
<br /> ` ot a d�huit a brNeh of qbii�fion unOK ths F)eeQ of Truat.includfng.bu1 not limited Lo,thb Lendera ri9M to hsve ths Prop�tty saW ' . . � '.
<br /> - f � � ' Dy In�T�u�Ma wilhouf any judkiat pEace�din�.Tiustor rapra�ents and watrranb that tltis acia�awtedyement w�ts axecul�d by
<br /> . r Trwbr bNore the�xscuHon of the tJe�d ot T►u�t �� � g, • ' • _ � .
<br /> . • , �. � �
<br /> �. - . . ''_'�' . ...
<br /> . ` . . �' Ri�t� S• �ohns ,Tiva�br Partrtstj • • t • , .
<br /> � ��fi.L� � .
<br /> � f . . . ta�s��csy . r�,sw� ffett. �a•x� � � - ����1`��;;-
<br /> � f , . �-5--. .
<br /> . i ` , , . tti:;.;.;,`, ,
<br /> ... � � DEED�F TRUST WiTH FUTURE�ADVANCES � ,. , :.;{.:t:...,, . .
<br /> _ i �pEED QF TRllST,�s made as of Me_1�day ot �Y .19 90 by an�i�cirong � �� � ` .
<br /> `��..�
<br /> � ' ����_ 1�4 R it�ntai' Pstt�urthfj� , , � • ' �
<br /> ; . . �' , .,
<br /> • .: � . who�na{Iin�adOress ts P.Q,_Eox 777. Gr�d I�siand. N�b88�Z-0777 �herei�-�rusfir,,.whether�na oo ni,a're?. -r'���_ �
<br /> �1d��lA;' �i�17 iarw�L;- i3E,retehnrn� w n�inlyii► np ls� NF wt 5�=���Qalatipl1
<br /> , .
<br /> E wt�o�s n�ailt address i� • p.fl. Box 2280. Gran �81anc;� NE 68802-2280
<br /> rtq . �, , (herefn`Trustea�.and
<br /> , tti�Beti�fiCf�ry. �Ya pe n � B�ntc _ ..� . __.., ' , _ '
<br /> � wt�0�:'�allin�eddres�is p �_ r�Y_�Spyr R d+ent Yn AnA� NP_ 6A80�_�Sn7 � ��;erein"Lender'}. .
<br /> , s . . _ .
<br /> � �VAI.UABLE CONSID�t�J1T(ON,including Lender�exten9lon of credd iQentitied here�a�� M R Awn ��r. �
<br /> � ! �• partn�=sh�p �herein"Barr��;er",w�ethar one ar r:�,:�t end the trust herein Created, � � � `�`
<br /> the recNpf of whfcA Is hereby acknowiedge0,Trustor hereby irrevocabty grants.ranaf�rs,conveys ana ass�gns to Trustee,lN •�%
<br /> � TRUSt.WfTN POWER OF SALE,for the benet�t and aecurity ot Lender,under and sut;�ct to the terms and conditiona hereina(ter se! . �
<br /> . forth,the ra�l p�operty,dsscribed a�toltowa: . � •
<br /> ___ - nwrt o! ths North�est_(?uart�r ai tha NoYtheast duarter tNEhNEb). of Sectia» 21= . _•-� .`�=
<br /> ; �own�hl,p 11, Range 9. Hsli Co.. NE ��`
<br /> r : >.
<br /> __ _ M01'C �articuia�rty ds�arib�d a� p� attaCh�d legsi t2escripiiot�:
<br /> ; . , To�sther with e11 buildings,�mprovements..lixtures. ssraeta,auays,passaQeweya,easements.�ights.pri�iteges end appurte- • _
<br /> , nances locat�f thereon or in enyw�se perta�r��fhereto,�nd the rents �s�ue�ancl profits.reve►��.ons and rema�nders thereoi,end �
<br /> ; such pereon�i properry that is attached�o the�mprt3vements so as to canst�tute a fixture,�nc�u�,^�.Cut not lim►ted to,heat�n�anq �s�
<br /> cootin�eQulprtsent and toaether w�th the homestoad or r��:raf�nterests.�f a�ny.wh�ch mte�ests are horet+y reteased anA waived;att •��
<br /> of wh�cf^.lnetudinp replacemen'ts artC actd�tions tnereto<�s�`.ereDy de�:tared to be a part o!the real estate secured by the I�en�f th��
<br /> ; Deed of Trust and ail ot tRe toreqa�ng being reterred to here�n as the"Prop�rty". ' .
<br /> ' Thfs Qaed of Trust ahell aecwe(a1 the Ra�lment of the pr�nc�pat sum ansf�nterest evrdenca0 Dy a promissory�ote ae�edit � •
<br /> e�raement dated ..__��,,..��____._. ..._�_____M, navrng A maturrnr date ot �___i�.lg,._Zeea_ ._ _ _ ,
<br />.r. � in ihs oripinsl ptinCipal Amount of S�II.DDIl.Q� _._�._._ ,and any a�!,l aI!moQ�l�caUons,oMtensrons end renewal9
<br /> . tAereo!or thereto�end any a�d aU tuture n�::3nCe9 8nd ra�svences to 6orrowar�or t�ny M C".:�r.� �f morp than one►hereunde► ,,��.,,
<br /> purtpant to one or mora prom��eory�otes ar.rpa�t agreomvnts(herem cal;ed�Note"►.�by tne pay^^pnt oi plriar Sum�a0van�e4 by �,.,-:.
<br /> � , Lsnd!►to prote�t the aecunty of the Note;(c)ttte p9rtormanC�ot all cOVenant3 an0 agrQements ot Lrustpr s8tlpRh�Orein,end(d)all —;�
<br /> • prssent and tutu�e indebtedness 8nd obligaGOns o!Bqrrower(or any pf them d morp than onol td L�ndar wr.E��,d�d�r@ct.�ndnecf, • ��ti•
<br /> • � absolute or contlryent and wnett�er ari9�ng by note,guerar�-�,overdraft�r otherw��o Thp�l04e.th�s Oeed o►T�ia;t and any And all
<br /> � Otherdocuants thataecure the R:;.e pr otherwFse executaa•.�.:onnect���therewdh,mGiud�n�w�thout hmita!�on Quarantees.securFry �
<br /> 8Qfltrtlellt!Af1A A31;grttn8nL9 ot IA33CS 8nQ re�tg,Shell b@ rpt�rred'7,r(9rBIR�9 lh8"t oa^insU�in�er�2S' •
<br /> _. Trustor covenar.•.;y ar,tf aqrees wiih Lenr��r as tvuows: .... .. .. .... .-. ---. _ ..._. .._....--- ._ ._.._..__.... .. . .. . . .
<br /> ' • ' 1, ��y1MM OI Ind�bNdlfMO.All irtdebte:3tjpss sess,�ed hE�oGy shall D�pa�cf whcsr,ciuer '
<br /> 2. tttl�.TtustOr iS the awr�;�t tho F�rvye;rry, t,ag rr.e i;Jn��r�d author�ty tn canvc�y tno i�rop��ty,r�cf��:;�ants thaf th�hen �
<br /> created hereby is e fu�t artd��rc;�- 1�@r�an tho PropBrtf. r.�i:;:ppt ipr isen9 And enCUmbi��n�es&Et1 forth by Tr„�stor in wntmg end �
<br /> deUverBd t0 Lender be�toreexecutran Of thia CJesd oi Trust,and tho uxeeuuon and clel�vory r�f th�y Uered qt'�rust Qoos npt viptate eny
<br /> conV�Ct or other obliQsUOn to which Trustvr=s ss,tr;ect
<br /> 3. TiYM,ANN�eNnM.td pay beforeQebnquency al�ta��s.sp�c+a1 t�s�ssmt,nts�nnct atl ort,er�har��s anamst tho Praperry
<br /> now o1 hernalter tevied.
<br /> , 4. tnwraAC�.To keep tha Prcperty insured pga+n,t dar*,3g�Gy t�rp.►�atc�ra��r�r,tu0r�w:tt�m trtc t�rm"a�tanctectcaverpgfl',and
<br /> auchother hezard�aslender may rQqu��e �n�m�unts antl w�:h r.omp,�rn�g ncce�tab:€�t�tE��u1e•.r;urong Lpr�tlet US�n BddAmnal
<br /> . f18rt1ld i�SUfAd,wilA t039 pby8bt@ to the tertd8�.1n Ca5ti oi(04S.undor such poUCirs,th�lcndUr�s aulhpr�lv0 to adjusl,w►�BGt A�d
<br /> comprom�ae,Sli ClEIim9 thereundet IInd shall h3ve thd OpGOtt pf epplying eI!Or pert of thEt m5;i,rJnc�proCEfC9s(�)tC�8ny�ndBbtgdn@SS ,
<br /> �6ecurad hCrE+hy ltnd�n 8ueh tt►der 8s Lertder may determ�ne,(��►ta tha Trustor to be�,sWci far tiie�cpa�r or�estoraaUn vl thp Prp��rty '--�— •
<br /> . or(it)for anyothpr puipos�ar abjeCt 9aU91acWry to tende!w�thout aftp�ting the I�ui►of ttus Dcud o1 T►e,st fU+the full amount secured �
<br /> heraby bRtore such payment ever took ptace. Any app�rcaaon ot pro:E:�'d5 f0 i�dCDt�dnf)S5 G��t�r�ot eMtend oi postpono the due
<br /> .--- - <ia�iBGf��r�►GBSirliiri�i�v:fi�fiid i�fu4n.vt cures afir cierfiaaii merQUrt�er ar irereurt��:r . . . . ,
<br /> S. E�Ctow.Upon wr�tten damand by Lertder.Trustor shail pay ta tender.�n SuCh m�:��G AS LC�c1Er tnuy t1{lgigq��p,s.�ffic+ent
<br /> sums tn en�hle f.ende►ta p8y ns ihey beC�mo due orte or rnorv otfhv toltoN,rt{� (��ail taxes.assessments ar��omer cnargos agamst �
<br /> the P�ope►ty (n)the premiums on ti�e p►aperry�rssurqnCe rpawrQO heraunQer.and(i��l tfie prcm�urr�s on an�mortgaga�nsurance
<br /> � � re�ufted by tert98r ' .
<br /> 6, MaillNnant�,Nlpafrl artd COmplllrtC�with uw�.Trustor shall kvap trte P:ppert� �n OabQ condit�An and vnpair, shal!
<br /> p►omptly �lnttir, ar reptBCe 8Ry impravom�nt whtCh may he dama�e0 or ctesi+ayed. st�n�► not camrn�t ar perm�t any waste�r
<br /> detetiotaUon o!the Ptope�ty:sA�lt not ramavo.damohstr or substanti�tty ett@r an� ot th+3,m,�rovernants on th8 t�ropetty,shaU rot ti
<br /> CBmmft 0uft8►O�pBttriit8ny BCttt�bedon9in bf upon titv�re�e+ty�n vsofat;an otany��-N,DtdEn�n�e.�yr re��Jt�T:O� ar�Q Sti11!����ihQ •
<br /> PTOmGl�Y disct�arQo at T�Stgr 9�OSt d►��t!�p�irrSfY dtt 1iGnS.e�►Cumb�antel n�;d ch5rg�5'ca:ed.in��r�;se��r as�c�ss�tf ac�t►inst�ne
<br /> Pr��rty pr d�iy part ehera^! '" � �� _
<br /> " 7. EnNnsnt Eiot�uh�.Lendar ia ha►eby assigrt��af!com��satra�.arravda�'amages and otrer p3yrr�ents ot roha*�note�r�att�± � �
<br /> "PtOCfrBQs"f inCEtnnf��Upn w�th e0ndemnaUbn O�Oth��taking pt thpP�€�perty pr Cart t�G.eo!.or tor coRVeyance�r���eu ut tondainna- �
<br /> f�on.Lendor shaff bo c�nt�t►ed�t i4s opUan ta cc�mme:�cv,appea►�n r�«�prosec:ute�f+�ts or�r.r,aM���n�act�on vE p�aceod���s.and
<br /> shall pfso 60 onbttod tu mttkn any comprorm&p tir settt�m�nt�r�canr.ect�bn r��ih su�h G�w�ng U+dama�E�.!n tn�ever.l a7y portian oi
<br /> a�cstsTC�,�t:rtr;��.�o..�a..fe�,ti �
<br />. - � �,19dNrstsmNQaMOiCommmbr.uc*s.dstc�c4�AS�arvt�un.t��cd,t ke�.us
<br /> --. .-,.�-�.rr-�-_,�_....,. .._z-�r =...._-•..._..7.. ---=a—�-�a--"a-- °"-
<br /> � � ,��' � i-.�. a _ �-.�
<br /> .- _ "----- -- ..._......___.._.._„ _.._.�.-�,. .,---�r•r�-a ,� . .._..
<br /> - ----�--- .. --:- _. -- _ . . - : �..-. -.- . . . - -
<br /> .__..3 a a .�t;�J'''��_0+.� � , .. . i-'.- . . . ... . -�._ ':-i , _ �'� �`1.. 9'ii 1}.. f�.._St �. ` . ' . �._. f _t.-
<br /> }
<br />