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<br /> • STATE OF NSBRPiS1CH � . ` � . ` . .� . ' ,
<br /> `�� ` � CGti� Ol� �° � . , ; �"..- t����7� � ,� � .
<br /> � � � , . RB�IBWl1L ANQ�.SXT8N5ION, AMBADHEI�]T - �
<br /> = ` . •� "AND . . ' � , . . ,
<br /> �.� ., `:`: ,r, wi��4iDIFIC�1TIObi aF MQRTG�GSS -. . . � � . .
<br /> . ��..�-
<br /> ''.}` ' " ' . . . i _ '.'.' • .
<br /> _�:: ,,� : . i�tH�RB�i.S. on�'3'u��`.1T; 1980, .the uu8ers#c��s�c�; �Fi�l1lS BllXTPR exec�ted -�1�.,. � .
<br /> '. . a 1►sortgage. attd:�SeCUrity Aqreement t'tKo�t�age"3 3�n- favor of Amerfca� ', ._, - . :
<br /> ! �g�redit Ccrpo��►tfon eoverinc� the real property situated in Hall �
<br /> � . � Couhty, Nebraska 8es.cribed in Exhibit "A' attached ther8to snd made �a � �
<br /> • ` � part .hereof, �Bafd Mortgage bearing Docuneat No. 80--003845, Records, •
<br /> Hail Countys , - . . : � .
<br /> , :�,,;;:;
<br /> t , � .'I',.:�':`:�,..
<br /> • : �1D., f�1HERF.AS. said Mortgage was assigned�` aAd traasferred by . =�� ��
<br /> `�, �1f�rieain AqCredit .Cozporatforf to �SXAS AMSRiCAN BAN1C/FORT w0RT8� N.!►. ,
<br /> � - by Assiqnaent of Lien datecl Novemt�t 1, 1985, recorded under pocua►ent
<br /> ;,� : _ �ia. 86-10�Q61, .Records, Hall Count�;� . .� ,
<br /> � •• �IND, .t�THERBAS,_ on, Pebruary 28, 19�95, the undersiqned, TBOMI�S �I�XTER �.
<br /> execu4ted a l�ortgage, Security As��eement and Finan�fng StatemAnt
<br /> : : ("Nortgage") ,in favor of TEXAS AMBR�LAN BANK/FORT W�ATfl, N.A. recarded - � r'�����/��� �
<br /> under poaua�i�k No. 86-10�.Tt��, . Records, Hall County, eafd Mortgage . , , �
<br /> ' covezing. the;:�eal property;' .C�acribed in Exhibit "A." eoth of said . �
<br /> - � Mortgaygea being eubordinate and fn��rios to a Moar�qage dated April 9, �
<br /> '•�:�'- 1979, ��iri favor of � .Prudential I�surance Com � of Americai�_q,� and � . - :
<br /> .. , �� Y .
<br /> recorded as Oocnment No. 79-001982j Records, Hall Countp; � � .
<br /> i � �
<br />_- t _ '
<br /> -•- - - - i�i��7, wbc�EA�, eacb vr said ��ic��rtiga�es i� �v,� a::ie� a�sW he3�c� ��t` �^�• � •—
<br /> - - �..�::�
<br /> . BAN1C, a ataCe baaking asaociation orqanized and existing under the = ��
<br /> lawa of Teaas, successor��by merger to Tedm Bank, N.A. (formerly knnwn -
<br /> as 3�ex�s �lmerfcaa Bridge eank, N.A.I , assignee mf tlae Pedera� �eposft ,
<br /> Insuraece Cos.goration aa Re��iver fo� Texa� Aa�erican BairhlPost �larth, -
<br /> � N.A., a nati�o�al bnnkfng as�a�cfatfon t"Bank") = . , " •� -
<br /> , �� , , :.�
<br /> . �;,. •AND, WHEREAS, of even date ��rewith, THOi�i:i� BAXTER, SLiZ1�9ET8 . , . �•�
<br /> - And 8iG 8, ��. have eacecuted the following promis9ory notes, each
<br /> � �payable to Ban�c:
<br /> t x�� Promisaory note� in .the prir�cipal sua of 59,000,000. � :r
<br /> ; .
<br /> � ( b1 Promissory note �n� �:�e principal sum of 52,000,�(1t�0. �',�;�
<br /> ' t c) Promissory note in the prirscipal sum of ��70,0��}. �.
<br /> ,
<br /> NON, THEtt�PORE, for a a�aluable cons���eration pai� � ay Hank, the .
<br /> �eceipt and� sufff��ency m� whia� is � hereby ackttowledgea, the
<br /> � underaigned, THOi�lAS BAXTER hereby aa►ends the above -deacriberl Mortqages -� � � -
<br /> i ao thnt they �ully secure the above descrfbed pro�i�sory notea,
<br /> � together w�th all other inr�ebteaness of every nature now ar herea£ter "
<br /> ow�a by THOMA� SAXTER, att�lor any �ne or more of �aid parti�s, Eo
<br />� Bank, t�n8 whether owed 8irectiy o� indirectily, including, but not
<br /> limited to, future advences and renewa�ls And extensions of existing
<br /> ana future in8ebtedness. The undersigned, THOMAS BAXTER further
<br /> � ratiffes and confifrms the Mortgagea and c�erlares Chat sai� Mortgages,
<br /> � � as a�seaded hereby, are in full forre and effect and ace fvllp oinding �
<br /> on him, reneas and extends and carrfes . forward the lf ens crea�ed by
<br /> . gaid Martgages, and mortgages the real property describea in �xhibit ,�-�-`-
<br /> "l�" in accordance with the term� of the M.aetgages. . , •
<br />" THOl�l�S BAXT�R and Hank further amend �he tdc�rtgages t� re�lect tAe �
<br /> � 6lortg�gee as being Team Bank, 500 2ht�c:Kmc�rtan Street, Fort Worth.
<br /> Teuas .9610�. . .
<br /> L � �
<br /> R
<br /> .- r'
<br />� � RENEWAL AtdD �%T�NSEON E AMBNti�lB�i'� ANp MOUIE�iCA`��ON - Pag� 1
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