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<br /> _ � . � � gp-�:. i0�95�
<br /> < < rro�wuN�±oRttaq�r��saadl.a�derlWrthaoo+►mmcaoaasreeasfol�o�: .
<br /> . ' ` �f.Aeshial���if�.�i�it�i�s�afjoe��lsmwes/riK�o�eodritfw t�ifosl��a
<br /> , � irwei�lwyra+i�t�r��e�tt�lY�Srewk�r�aMr��tQ�t�t�riv�loacoeN�atio�wirr�a�iei3a�i�7 .
<br /> �i�s a�l�eW�i�r M�'N��rtl��S�Ua��elb►z tv ti��A)t4�elia�e�inM M eAe�e d�e `
<br /> � aMrl�k�a��EiMStl�w3liqsffea�iitiist�t�i�t:iaif�S�tes�ne.ilwlddit�i��rtiec� . �
<br /> � � � sii�?tlrR��Ife�t�t�lr■kM�sl�l�ie+el�e i�le��ei t��ic�Mjet r�►nwit i�aeedentM�afti�a�r . , � .
<br /> Me�e'��i►1�it gie�et�!1��r■t aM s�is�[ie!ra feel�r.11ie�eeiee�Ml6eir f�lers QM'r�wes o!flrc ei�t iu .
<br /> ; e+M�MiMt�AMr�eeiMrNi�ari t�rt�t N tiri�s ewRt�tir!�ar�rt tw s�e�t�e■oe o[�ie�it or�Mier
<br /> �t�[Mr�+�nMelsaeni�ral�i��■is�lkXlfl�eiMf�rlEf��Be�iea�+rtiel�iertis�le�eW�t�trt�MiR+R��taM� � � . °
<br /> . �t��li�a�r�+�■t�+�I■MMw�■�t/�q!a�rt ie iwl�a��#w■��wi�r tliis See�tM�r LMtriw��t w�rrt li�rtir+r .
<br /> . �. iw■Mi��qi�Nielis�r rtrit a■i���rir�M�ill�i i�►�ife�i�e.ft�.Y�s�i�'�l-le;Nl�kie�N
<br /> ' ; " aMet aM�i�e�er�i/�et■f�iie e�ii�s�ewri�M is tW�raRa�k if, iu�,Y��ot 1�0e�to, ,
<br /> � . r.r...�r,e���..ra�..ru�w�� .
<br /> If 1�.�r.[..te ia t.,.tr.�?er�Ye ridt�eoeri..otioe.r i�[e i�esei ao�.q�:3�e�s.p ree or t,re . �
<br /> . � Pf�tly B Mt�Mitt�i sW a��+Ni�s olwek a�tioe ia t�e�es�e�aeel�ei i!a�ieaWe�fs`�er�we�r�i Is tre
<br /> �'M��1��M b�M�t�ie Y�r.AAer Me ti�e e�irei�F a�iie�lle t�w,?rrtee��r�e�Mic�tta ot .
<br /> ' i ade 1�d�t�M�s�Y i��it�■�et��ne��ci�it a�liealk hn.'�r�ee�witLa�t iw�d ai Barra�a.sid!sefl!�t .� ' . .
<br /> lt+�el�►st wilM�'�t Nt�t ii�rAkli�i4s aE tie.ti�e a�i�e W ssier tl�e hr�s�ei h tie�oliee o�s�k if
<br /> , .w�l�a�r��lye�s�lieaQrui�e'�'�rliMc Te�e�q�e�leotaitar�ry►Mrrela[fk�rs�ertyh ` .
<br /> /iife��rt at Iit Wre w��iiw��c�i�■d�sel�t�i�Leiter K ia�aip�e�It�'�eY�e tlre `
<br /> � . �bst�Tsrta . .. . . , . . . .
<br /> �1M���MJ�at o[tie�c�Oe ii�,Trrtee�Wl leti�er to t�e�vciu�Tr�teds�deei ooi�eyt�tlie
<br /> � . rror.et�r,l9e ndW.ir Ei.7r�e�iiM.ru le�rtr..r�cie s�waci a tre a�or ue s�te.eaa.a�e tia�eL. � .
<br /> - . � Tr�M�e�i�1 a/�r t1e�r�otai ottfe�k ta tie iblla�wl�oe�er:(w3 to alt ei/a�a otfl�e s�i�d�.i�t�at ttwite� .
<br /> ar 11r�M�e'�!ws�t M�b�lMk'�4w w�re�4�or�s'teer tti)to sll sw�s�re�yr tl�h Satiritf► ` ,
<br /> � IaMr���t(e)N�acoe�tot��etso�ar�s�ste�UT�hle�toiw � .
<br />: . �I�e L Parr�ta. Upon accekratioa under psraarsph 19 or�donmrnt of�tho Pirapecty. Lertder(in �
<br /> ' penon.by�eat ot by judiciaUy sppoiatad receiva}sLa1!�e endttod w cnta u�on,talcs�osicssia�of ar�d manage the
<br /> � Pt�opcstp ind w coitect the rents ef tbt Property ineiud��tM�e p�t due.My rents cultected by Lrnder or the rocrivtr
<br /> � ahW 6e applie�d Artt to psymeet ot'th�cab of�t of the Property and coUectian of rents,including,but not
<br /> Wnit+�ed toy revriver's faes.pre�iwns on raxiver's bon�u and rrssona6le attamegs'fees,and then to the sums seeur�8 by
<br /> tb»Sacnsity Iu�tr�mea� � .
<br /> , � Z!.lbeot�e�oe.Upon p�yrarnt of vi sums secured by tAjs Security lastrument.Lrnder shsll requat Trusta to � � '
<br /> ' . roconvry the Preperty aad shall aurrender tltis Seeurity Instrunrent and all aotes evidencing debt secured by this Sacuricy
<br /> - � I�r�sut to Tntstae.Ttu�tae shs1l rac�nvey the Prapsrty withnW wamnty sad virithnut clurAe w the nerson or oe�sons 4
<br /> ` , iepDy ennitad co ic.Sucb peraon or persans st�ll pay any reoordstion costs. - - - � ,-
<br /> I Yl.S�Mftt�e T���i�ender.at its option,may from rime to time rema�e Tnista an0 appoint st successoc trusta -
<br /> • w aay Tr�qtee appointcd haeuridec byr aa instrument racorded in t6e caunty in�vhich thi�Security Instrumrnt is recorded. �
<br /> Witbout conveyauoe of the Property.the succeseor ttusta ebdl succeed to all thc utle,po�ver and duties cunferrad upo�► -
<br /> Tnutee�aod by appticabk lawr. � . -
<br /> �:'";
<br /> . ?3.R�Mt pr NMloe�.Honrower roquests th�c�ie�of the nooices of drt�uit and sato be sent to Barowa's sddt�eu
<br /> whicl�is tlee plroperty Aaclress.Boiraw�r fuzther reques�that copies of the naice o#.default and natice of sale be sent to a�h � —
<br /> . pasos�wfio is a p�rty bereto at tde addrtss o�'sucb peison set foM henin. �
<br /> • ZI�Rt�e[��o tMls Siecu(qr IaN�e�t.IPone or more ridere ue executed by Barrower ar�d recorded toaether�vith �
<br /> , � t�Seeurity In�tsa�ent,tbe cavenaats�nd asse�eement�of eseb such rider ahs116e incorponted into and shW antes�d ar�d
<br /> . anpplemmt the oovauot�and yr�ennenb of this Socurity instrumrnt as if the ridu(s) Mere a put,of this Security
<br /> ' Iwtrumea�(Cbecic spplicybie Dox(ea)j
<br /> � ❑ Adjmhbk Rate Rider Q C�arnininra Ri�er [,j 2� Famity Rider
<br /> ' ❑ (fraduated Psymercc Rider (� ptu�tn�d Unit Developmcni RiQcr ' I"�
<br /> � , . #
<br /> ' Cl a�t+) (��1 � �
<br /> � 8�r StaNixc3 BEi.aw Hors+uMer arcepts �ed a8ree� to the tereis and covenanq contrinod io ehu Security . ,
<br />' : imt�umeet�nd in�ny eide:t�?�ecuted by Bo�rower�Mi recordad�rith it.
<br /> . . . . . . . .. _ . �. _.... .. ..._ . . ... . . . . ... .... . . ...... . . . .. . . .. ... _ ..
<br /> � ` • - r
<br /> �'��'��.r.,�,�,:���-a�,�.�- ..... .. .«,
<br /> . trlll am c. :de�r �iii� �L%►�.<L�....�' Zj��,�� r��r .�.
<br /> � y / /,� �[-�'--"-�
<br />� ...,��t.�:�ttAt.�.�. ../.���.�2-.��i.it..Rk:................... ..��)
<br /> ffr�,or N�tsw�c�►._..........tlal�.: .... ........�.............. ....,...earbara..:�'o .
<br /> Oa th�s_........�,....._.......dsy oi..........�............19.....g�,.before me,the uadereuaneid.�Not�ry Pt�blic
<br /> duly c�ammirioe�d aad qwdi8ed for eald oo�mty.PaeeonallY caa►e ..6titl.i,ac,►.�:6..t3c.rt�r�n..a.nd..�.�.�bas:� .t.
<br /> . Merr�man�,;h�sband and c,rif e to me 1�nawa tfl be tbe �--�- =°
<br /> id�ntiial pei�on(s) �►bois n�me�e) usiiib�cribed to�e foitegouig inatiument�n�i acicuawted�d the e:xu- �.�
<br /> -. . .. . tint��I±i+±��t��..___ their ..�..�L*-r��- �
<br /> . � Wi(�er�m�►band�ad notarial e�l at. -gr-ar�a?--�s�et�.................� ---. . .............. ....,in eaid c�ounty.the
<br /> d�ts afo�fd. � �
<br /> � � � .
<br /> 11'�Y CammL�ion eipire�s , . -
<br /> � � . . .. .... .
<br /> . � � J ac t'1.,�./
<br />. ��r��M� .._.....�t��..:ls:G4�....�.�............. . ....
<br /> 1�5���� .. .. ..... ... �
<br /> : • �` st�aitylA�m�utsve Act�iot�Bmployer iV�/F. . .. �
<br /> - Itr�u i�fw nw cm���o. ActneryqOnam; -- , ' - -
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ���_ �— - -..� ����_,
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<br /> -_ }Y.�L�W s'SY�-.T�'.L�. Vb7=n _ - _ ` p��i - R'���<4 .."`�4i44 . � . — . .- _
<br /> ���.
<br /> . - . . . . , i.' 'r���u . ..re . �� . . .- . . ._ _". � �. . � � '� .� . r . — .{' . . Y- .. •f• . . . . , ii".Y%�'.i. �. _. �
<br />