.:- .
<br /> . 4:::.:.:'' � - --� ---. _._. --- . .
<br />_.', . � �..�..- ' - - -' - . ._ __ __ ___. ..--- -- - ..
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<br /> -_ . . . . ; , - , � 90-� : io��58 � �. � .�
<br /> UtVIPplt�tfAyElv��: Hoao�r aid taender cavas�nt aad agra as t'oilows: � � ,
<br /> ` .. l. !�a��a�i��eMi���� . Borrawer shsU promptiy psy ivhen due � `
<br /> � , tbr ptFncipl oltad intemt oa tt�e�de6t evidajcrd by We Note and ss�y prepsynieni aad late charges du�under tht Note. ,
<br /> � 2. 6wit�arTa�ca a�i Iiwrt�ee. S+tl�ect to appfid�bk taw or to a written waiver by I.ender.Bonower shall pay
<br /> to YRnd�tr qn tt�dsy month��r pymants ase d�e under ihe NotG untit the Nate is paid in fnlf.a snm("Funds"}eqya!to � ,, . '
<br /> � oA�at�dic fs) YCU2Y �s an��ts wt�ic�msy attain priaritp over tfis Security Instrumrnt:°�b� Yeudy - . . ,
<br /> � 1,�4�d t�Yexnts or�cound rent� on tbe Pro�erty. if aany�I�) Y�Y �rd ia;urancx preQiiums;and (d).Yarty ,.
<br /> .;, �` mqrtia�t insut�nre nr�emiuna►if a�ry.Tf�se items an calkd'•escrorv itcros."txnder may estimate the Funds duc on the •
<br /> b�ofcat�tdsts•!+�fe�roableatimuadtutureescro�v items.
<br /> � � , T1�tF�shatl be l�td ie ap ieatit�ution the dcpo:4�ts or accamts t�!'�rhici�are insured or gusrantad by a fcderal ot
<br /> �, staie a/a�y f�1�nder it L�ender is sucb ae ie�itutlanj.i,en�der shal!apgly the Fuads to pa�the sscm�r items.
<br /> Iaeder a�sy not clu�r�e t'a hoid'en j and appiyin�tl�e Fuo�.anatYzin�ti�e saount a v�riffyinE tbt cscrorv itean,uA1as . .
<br /> . . Le�dee Wys$orrowet ntte�+est ah tht Fueds an��pplisabie Is�v permits I.eader to mate sucfl a ct�ar�e:Borrower at� . ,
<br /> L�der naayr aaree in�rritie6 thst intersst siult be ptid on tJse Funds.Unkss ur agraement is rmde or applicabk law►
<br /> < < .. t�equins ieterest to bc pud.i.ender ahalt na be required to pay HarroMer any intc�or a�maas�n�tze Funds.Lender
<br /> : � - , sbsll pre w Borrowrtr.without char�aa anas�l acc�aunting ottbe Fundss6owing crcdics and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> � � ` pi�rpoie fonvhicH e�fit�d�bit to the Funds�msde.'the Funds ue pkd�d as sdditional security far the sums secured by .
<br /> ����Ttlie Funds 1�1d by Lend�r,to�eiher with the f�}n:rr�saaiht��+ayments,oPFunds p�yable prior to . . �
<br /> ti�e doe d�ics d'tEe escro+v itcm's:sl�tt!sxcad the amount requirod to pay�tlse esctu�i#ems when due.the excess shaA be, .
<br /> : ` at Hcrrow�er'a aptfon,,et�a promptiy.repaid to 8orrower or crcditod ta 6i��rower ori manthly payments oi Funds.If the
<br /> . � aewuet dt6e Fands�d 6Y Ler�der is not sulRcient to pay 4he escto�r iie�;�6hen due,.Bono�ver shall�ay to Lender any .;
<br /> anount r�eessary W m=kr up tht deAciency in anc or mare paymrnts as�i:ted by.Lendec: . .
<br /> � � ilpon�ymettt in fuI}of�1 auma secure�by this Secutity lnstrument,I„ende��ahall pron�ptiy rtfuncf to Borrawrr ' �
<br /> any Funds heid by i.er�der.ttunder.��angapb t9 ttie Propt[tp is sotd or acqnired tr��tder.E.srtde�shsll apgl�,n�t�ter . ,
<br /> � ' than immediately pria to the ssk oi tbe PropMy ar its scquisitipn by Lender.any.��rnds hetd by Lender at tse.time of ,
<br /> � � applicatian s a credit apinst the sums savred by this Security Tnstrumen�. • . . .
<br /> � 3. A�IinUo�o�Pa�b. tlnkss app}icabk tawr provfides at�erwise.atl payments received by 1�enQer under. :
<br /> . pv�'l.and Z shs116e applied:flrst,to lue chu�ea due under ehe Not�sra�nd.te prepayment chsrga due cnd�er tt� .-,
<br /> . 'N�tMi'c�F.�amounts psyabk ander p�ngaph 2;fourtl�.tss�i�erest du�and last.to principa!due. ` ' , . - .
<br /> • �; �I,IeM. Borra+ver ehslt p�y dl taaGS.�sxments.charses.8nes and impasitions attributa��t4 t�e ,
<br /> PrapeR�r �vhich tnsy.�olL�in priority aver this Security Irtstn�m+rnt,'ar� leasthold payments or g�ounQ rrnu; ;f a.tiy. . `
<br /> Sarraver sha11 pap tt�erabtiaations in thr manner proviAed ia psrsgrapi4 2,or if not paid in that manna.8orrower shs�� � ; `
<br /> pay them on time diact'�y to tha petsoa owc0 pryr�cnt.8arra�var shall promptly fumish to l.ender atl notices oiamaunts , ��:�� .
<br /> to be pud undtr this parsEraph.AP Harro�ver maices these payment�dirertly.Borrower shall promptty iumish ta Lender
<br /> _ ' � teoeipts eviden��ina the pnymcnts. � '.
<br /> . _ . . . . . .
<br /> - -- - -�f01'COiPifbfli��j)COl1IjSf�jIIIISGIIYf�t'ilfllji iiEii i�4'�iii:ti�iiu�iifa7�i}i(YLcF��iii°.�I-'.Ciifi2S�tii'a�iitiii:.it ii8��!'!O'�'CS'.�2 .
<br /> � atras in�vritin�to the pyment of the obliptian socurod by the lien in a manner acr.eptabte to l.ender,(b)cantests in�aod � ` �
<br /> � faitb the tirn by.ot ddends syinst mforcemrnt of the tirn in.legai pr�ceedings which in the L.ender's apinian aperate to , :
<br /> prevent t2�e eaforcement oP tt�e tien ot forfeiture o!Any p�n af the Property;ar(c)secures from the halder oP the lien on �
<br /> , � �raa�et�t fati�tactory to Leoder subordinsting the tien to this Secucity lnstrumrnt.If Lseder determin�s th�tt s�ny.part of
<br /> • � . the Propetty is subject to a lien rvhich msy atuin priarity over Ihis 5ecurity Instrument.l.et�der may give Barrower a : ^
<br /> hatice ickntitying thcls�m.Bottower shall satisfy the lien nr take one nr mare at the actions set forth abave within l0 days :
<br /> of the jiviej ntnotict. .
<br /> S. H�t�M I�e. 8otrower shal!icetp the impravements now existing ar hereafter erected on the Pcoperty ;'
<br /> insurcd apinst lvs�by fire.haurd�included Nithin the tertn•'entended caverage"t►nd any ather haLardv fnr whi�h 3.ender
<br /> requins imunnce. This insuranco st�lf be m�i^�ainod in the um�unts and far Ihe periods th�� t.aider roqcxix�s- The ,�
<br /> , insunnce carrier providina �he insurance shalt br;shosen by Borrower subject ta l.ender's eppraval whicb sh,i]!nat be
<br /> , unrasonaAly Mi�hheld. ��
<br /> All inwrance paUcies and tenewats shall bt acceptubte to I.endct artd shall include a standard more�alge clowe. ,
<br /> � L,ender sh�A hsve the riahi to hold the policies and rrnev►�t9, T4'L.ender require?�,Horrower sh.ql)promp!!y giv�cr�Lender.
<br /> � .. . a11 receipts of pnid premiums and rene�val notices. In t6e ctirnt uf loss.&�rrowu�hall g�ve prampt natice to th�iusurance
<br /> � carrierand L,endcr.L.rndcr m�y cr�ake p�oofof ioss�fnot made pramptty by&irrower. � ,,�
<br /> : tJnless Lende�and Bc�rrower otherwise agec in wriiins,insurance proceeds shall be applied to resturatcun or repa�r . , .
<br /> ot 4he P�apeny dam�ed.if thc rcstor,�tion nr apair is economicnlly feasibte and txnder's srcunty is nat lessened. If the
<br /> ,. .rator�tiont ur ccpair is no1 economically feuibte or LeadePs security K�ould be lessrentd.the�naurance pruceeds sl�ali be
<br /> , applieA to tf�e sums serured by�hi�Security lnstrumcmt,w�E�tther ar n�t then due,with uny excess paiQ to Borrower. ii'
<br /> , Borro�ver�b�fadons Ihe Proptrly.or does not answer within.30.day�_3 n�uce.fr�>m l,ender 11►at the insurnnce carner ha�
<br /> � dCeted to settfe A clxim.then Lender may eoltect i ht insurance pic�cecdS. t,ender may uu the procced�to rrp3ir iir��cstoie � � � �
<br /> th!Ptoperly or to pay bums secured by�his Secur�ty Instrument.whether c►r nn�then due.7'he?(}�day 6►etuKi wil!Negin
<br /> wfien the nolicr is�iven.
<br /> Unkss l.enckr and Bonowe�otherw�ise agree in writ�ng,any npplication uf pr�xee�fti tu princrpal st�all not r,xtend or
<br /> pvstpoae Ihe due date of Ihe monthly paymenf9 referted to in paragraphs I artd 2�,r change tht amount of the p3yments. !f
<br /> • undet p�n:nph 19 the Propetty is acqwrcd by Lender.Bcurower's riaht to any in+urance�xdicies r�nd prorceds resulbng
<br /> from dans�e ta the Property priorto Ihe acqwsitean st�ll pass to l.cnder to the eacent of thesums secured by th�e Secunty
<br /> � tnstrument immed'utely priur ta tht acquis�tion. �
<br /> 6. Pteftrritloa�11�;�1at11tt1�11nts ot Prooerty;i.asehalds. Il�uruw•er�I�ali nnt clratrc�y,IIdRIJ�'C Of�U��Bf�ll.+lty
<br /> � chanae the Praperty.allaw tht Praperty tu drterivrate�r cnmm�t wacte U�lus�r:unty In�trumem is un a tcasehaid. .
<br /> Borrower shall enmply wilh�he pr�visi�ns otthe IeaSC,anci if 1k�rruuer�cyuues tcti tiHe tu the Prope�ry.the.leasehald and ,_ . __�-=
<br /> � � fea titk shall not mer�e untrss Ixnder�grres m�he merger in wnting. • .
<br /> � T. Ptotettio� ot Le�1e�'s Ri�ts ia tl�e Pro�erty: Martga�t�ins�rance. . !F ��rra,wer faits t� pe�fc►rm tMe
<br /> _ .__ _ Cavert�tts�rtd�aartemertts t�tttuiittfi in this Sesuritj fittstttrmrnt,cTt fi�rrc is a�rga��*rt�;ctis�ttrg i=t�i fiia�ii��ii�i�"a"nsrf'�T d�i:�t = - -
<br /> Lenaer's riahts in �ho Prop�trty�such as a prnccedm��n bankruptc�.�rc�hate, f�r cnn�iemnatron �.�r te+enforre laws c+t
<br /> rcguluidns).then Lsrtder m�y ao and pay for whatever�s reeceis�ry tn pratect the�a1ue e�f the PPUperty and t ender'�n�Ches �
<br /> . i3s the PtopeMy- Ltndei s actians thay inc(ude'pa}ing any sums securt+i bt a hen w6�.h hs� pri�►rn} E�.e►th��.r+c�unt �
<br /> I�sttument.appearing in couri,paXing teasunabte attoraeys'feec and enterrng«n the f'ropert�t�•�viake rrp�us Althuug�
<br /> � Lender may e��e arti��n undet lhis pars�graph 7.L,ender dc�es nar haM e t�du so
<br /> Any emounts d�cbuesed by Ltnder undet this paragra.ph 7 sha!{becc�me add��iunal ctcbt��!Nurr�+��er.c�ure�f t�y t t�t� '
<br /> � 5e�utiEy lustrutitent,41nitss Bprrowrr and l,cndes ag�ee taather term_c of pa}m�nt.Ehesc atnuut�t��hal!�.�r intt�rc�t tnYrn . �w
<br /> - tI[i�� 8f�IS�IITSCfifYf{t II�iT1E NOt�t3tE 8tt�iltill)�C�rJ�it�Jg. Eatl�i iiiicfc�£. iir,�n n,•si:e }ttif;� l.rr:�fe: r:= !f<€eF=a�� _
<br /> rrquesting p�yment. . ,
<br /> , �
<br /> `� ' _
<br /> � �
<br /> =�z�.ar— _ �— - - - � - t_ �
<br /> .�. . . ."' . . . . -. --r. - '--; . e `L ,����'^w' y,� - . -.�?� . ��"� . , ., -� -- ,_ - ' .,. . .°'��^_x�.t`�....-;...
<br />