, 4 _ . ' � . . . _ . . � . ' .
<br /> � ` . . �` .. .. . ." ._ ` <,._ .. ` `. .� ' c � .. � , � . �
<br /> , . �--w..,. .. \ .. . < c . �_ . ��. . .
<br /> �; ` . � � . � � 90--- . ,
<br /> � � , U�I�IEM CovEK�xTS. 8orrawer and Le�ider cuvensnt�nd�gree as foll�v►s: ��2�b L� ,
<br /> . < ` ° !.'Payl�Nt�t`E�rtnci/�1 aa�1�hrat�PreMr�t aad Lste�Ciar;es. 8onower shal}grompily_pay when d�e
<br /> • titc ptincipat a4'and interest oA the debt tvidrnced by the Note and any prepaymes�t a�late cbarges due nnder ttsr 1�3ote. �
<br /> • 2. F�ttneTlYesl�NLr�ua�eG SubjecttoapplicaDletawArto�writtenwaiverbylxnder.Borrowersh�ilpa}
<br /> � ta Lsnde�on 4#�e dsy mo�thly�a�+menls are due uader the Note�untel the Nou is paid in 4'ull.a sum{••Funds")equat to
<br /> �r-t�vciftt��it:(a)y�arty tu� an�"usessmints �vfiiich may attain pdarits a��rr tifis Seciasity Instretment;f�) Yeasi - , ;
<br /> .. �, y � �
<br /> � �asdu�iQ_�ytt�ents as�rout�d rents at iht �►roperty..iP any: (c)ye�[rly hazsrd irisurance premium�: and(d) yearly
<br /> �tpjc insnrance premiums,if any.These iteins ue calted"escrow items."terider may estimate ttie Funds:due on the . ; .
<br /> � � basisdeurrrnt data and re�,soaabk ntimata nf futureescrow items. , , , �
<br /> : TI�e Ft�tnds sl�s1!be lreld iR an insatutian the de�osits or ar�oupts af which ase iasuraf or guaraateal 6y a fedcral or -
<br /> � st�te a�aicy(�miudinf Lender if L.ender is such an institution). Lrnde�shal!a}►pty�hc Funds ta pay the escrow items.
<br /> �,ender may nnc char�e for iEOldin�and applyin=.the Funds,arralyting the account or verifyhng the escrow itcros.unlas �
<br /> ' IteRler pays Borm�ra u►terest on th�Funds and apptiqble ls�►permits Lender to make such a charge.Borrower and - � �
<br /> I,enckr may�ra in wtitutg Ehat interest sfial!be,�id on the Funds.Unless an agreemmt is�made ar applicabte law � .
<br /> - ; requir+es intcr+rst to bc paid,I�ender shaU nat be r«�uirad to pay 9orro�ver anv interest or earniags on the Funds. ixnder •� .
<br /> � : . s6aU pre to Bdrro�ver.withaut chargr,an annua!ac�unring aFthe Funds shoa�ing crodits and debiss io tAe F�nds and the
<br /> � purpase for whiclr each debit to thr Fund�was made.The Fund:are piedge��s additional security for tke sums serured by .
<br /> - . thisSecurity lastrnmecs. . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> ' y . IF the�mount of the Funds hdd by Lsndrr,together with the future monthly paymerjES of Funds payabte grior ta
<br /> � ',. . � the due dstes of the escrow items,sha13 esceed the amaont required ta pay t3ie escraw items wherr due,the eacas shalt be, . .
<br /> ' �t 8orro�rePs aption.athet promptiy repsid to Borrower ar credited to Boirower un monc&Iy paymrnts of Funds. If the ..: .
<br /> s � �moaat of the Fuads held by�,ender is not suificient co pay th�escrow itetns when due.Boir�wer shall pay to Lender any � . � .:';`,�� .
<br /> ;�.�,::�
<br /> � . �mavnt nectssary ta make up the deficiency in one or more payments es reqaired by l,ender. � - , �r,;f,;� �
<br /> � " Upon payment in full otall sums socured by this Socurity Instrument.�Lender sha11 prompt[g re�nnd.to Barrower ;�.;;:�;,; ,
<br /> • . any Funds held by Lender.If under paragraph 19 the Yroperty is sol�or acquited by�.ender Lender sfiall apply.no later � � • `
<br /> � than immediately prior to the sal�of the�PrapeRy or its acquisitian by I.ender,any Funds��eld by Lender at the time of � �
<br /> � . application as a credit ggainst the sums sacured by this 5ecurity Instrumrnt. � .
<br /> � f . 3. A�Itcallou ot Paqieent�. Unless applicab2c taw pravides otherw-ise.a(I paymetsts re^.eived by Ltnder under
<br /> ,, paragraphs!and 2 st�aU be a�licd:first,tu latc charges due urtder the Npte;servnd.to prepaymrnt chargcs due under the . '
<br /> : Nos�third,to amousts paya�x�nder�ar,�graph 2;fuun#►.to intectst dur,artd tost.ta princap:rJ due. � �
<br /> .: _ � �. C�ar�s;Lkts. Bacroa;er sha11 pay alt taxts,asstssments,charg�,fines an�ii�r�.�asitions ariributabte_Qc�:he
<br /> ` Prapsrty wtiich asay attain prioriey.ovir;�,his �tce:rity [nsrrument. and leasehatd pay.�.+r�ts or ground rents. i6any. . •f;.•,
<br /> . ' A�ra�wes sbali pay these abtagatians in th�manaer'pcs�ided in paragraph 2.orif not paid in[hat manncs,8orrowei shall � � ' '�'s:;;;?.
<br /> . �y 0�#�em on tlinc directly ta the persan owcd pay'me:�t.6orrower shalt pr�mptis Yurni�b to I.ender alE crfea.ies c�f amounts �� `F��'�
<br /> • to 6e paid ander this paragrnph.if Narro�xcr makes thesr Qayments directly. flarcawer shall promptly t�rrni�h to L.ender - �
<br /> .teceipts evidencirtg the payments. •
<br /> ,• " � �• e yll w Ie�Aio���6. nM m�li� o�1�'n e ��. • p Ce..�ti�..� ce«.wa.r •oi.R�e .a:���
<br /> . .:.... �r:� rr h � t. .�s �._ z �hha..-•-i...^:i oi�.�' ..,....e . r.r...s.......ts.. �.:.a:.�.-. , .. � �;:��:.�
<br /> _ _.. .. - �.....r � o• s-�-- r r � - '- —:_ .—
<br /> . � agrets in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by Ihe lien in a inannet�creptable to Lender.(b)cantests in saod .
<br /> ,1��,
<br /> ! . Paith the litn by.ot defenQs against mforctme�t of ehe lien in,legal proceedints which in the 1.en8er s npinian aperate ta '
<br /> ' ptevent the enforament af the tien or torfeiture af any patt af the Pr�perty;or(c1 secur��s from thc holdcr'of tbe lien an =-
<br /> ' i ograment saUsfactury tii 1,snder subordinating the lien to this Secz;;ity Instrument,If t.ender determineti that any pan af • . -
<br /> . the Property is subject tn a lien which may attain prinrity nver tQ::�Seeurity Instrument.I.ender may give iiorrower a
<br /> , notice idtntifyingthe lien.Sorrower shall satisty the lien c,r takc one ar m��re rf.ihe actions ret forth utsotc Kithin 10 days :;1..�;
<br /> o�tfin��iv.ing oinatice. s
<br /> �, �;,, N�zud lesunnce. I3orrower shall kecp thc�mprovements na�x exrsung on c�re:�ftcr erectec�rin�the Prapeng �. . ���
<br /> • , insuret�against ioss by fire,hazurds included within the term"e;tended coverage"s+nd any nther haiard�Por which L.cnder
<br /> . rcquirea'insurana. This in9urartce shap he maintained in ihc amountc dnd fi�r the peruxlc that l,ender requires. 7�he
<br /> , � insurance cattitr providing the insur�ncc shall be chas'en by Horrower subject tn l.�nder's apprnval which shal) nc�t he
<br /> � unreasonabty withheld. � .
<br /> E Al) insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptabte to l.ender and shaU�nrlude a standard mortgage clauce. •
<br /> ' � l.�ndershatl havet6e right tohold the pnlicies artd renewnis. If l,en.der reyuires,&►rrowrr4i.+.311 pr�mptly givr t�Lrcr.�er
<br /> ! . alt receipts of paid premiums and renewal not�ces. In the event af t��ssr�crrrnwer tihall g��e.��c.�n�pt nutire to the inEUr�•ace `��_
<br /> carrier and Lender.l.,tndrt may make prunf nf fns.�if not made pr��mptly hy F3nrrower.
<br /> .,. � .
<br /> { Untc�Lender and&rrrower otherwix agree in writing.insuranee prc+reedc shall tx appl�ccl u►rc�t��ratinn or repair �.
<br /> ; . ' of tt�i'roperty damaged.if Ihe rest�irati�n oT repa�r ic eron�mically fensible arr:i Lendcr's secunty�4 nat les�ened. If the
<br /> , restoru�inn�r rc;�ir is nc�t ewnomically fe.�►sibte c+r l.ender��ruruy wau1�4 h.�le4ticnrd, :'�c cnruranrc rrucceds sh�6�bc
<br /> applied ta!he s�r_�5;5eSwc9d by this Security lrtstrument,whether ar na�then d;�e.wilh arty cxcess paid to t3orrowcr. !P
<br /> Harrower ubandons tfie Prnperty, ar dcxs not answer within 3(1 dayi a nntire f,:,:rn l,ender�that�the in�urance carrier hati � �� � �� � �
<br /> � o1�'e�cad ta settle:�claim,therr k.�nder may c��llcct 1he►r��uraacc pnxcedv [.endcc may use the�nxcectc t�repa�r�+r restnre 4
<br /> ' th.,�Prc�perly ur tc�pay sumr secured by�his Securit� Fc�strument,whether�r»�t then dur.`t�he 3!)•d�y {xricxl u��ll t+eg�n
<br /> ' ; . when the notice iygive��. '
<br /> � � �Unless Ler.der and fic,rrow•er otherwise s�gree�n w�nung,zr.r,appl�cnaun uf pr�K�edti tu prutripal ShaU n�►�e�tend or .
<br /> � , postpd�ne the dae date uf the mcmthly payments referred t�ir.�;�.3r.��r�ap}�s 1 and:ur ch�nFe tlie:�mount��f the payments. !f ;
<br /> uades paragraph 19 t9se Prapetty iv Acyuired by Len�,e't �3nt tc,wet's nghl�er an Y msutanre�►1►cte!;•and pre►ceeds reiult�n� •
<br /> , frotn�famoge to the 1'r���►erty pnor tn the acqu�sitic�r t�;�t;pass tu l,ender tr tf1�-r.rter�t��f tfie rumr tie�urcd by th�s Secunty
<br /> lttsztume»t imntediately�priar to the acyn�sition. � • .
<br /> - � 6. Preservotion and Rtdnten9nce ot[�raperfa:l.etscholds• �i�;Jf:�H Ct`JI.�II it(d(ICrlfO�.�latnagc nr tub�t:�,�rr;:.:ty� '
<br /> rhange thr Prupehy.`81t�w the I'roperty tu deteri��rate c�r camm�t a;atitc. tf this Serarity Incttument iy c+n s:e�ticnt+td.
<br /> ' �;.vrnv•er�hall comply with tl�e prE,visrunsE�f�hc Ica�.and�f H�,ttouer acL;.�;<:�fcc s�dc eo�hc Pra�erty,the',•._�:ehold and ' - --_—
<br /> fet Title ahall n�t merge uulesc Lendcr agre��s ro the merger in a•nt�ng." �
<br /> � � 7. Pruhctlun ot Ixnder's itfgbtq ie the Property: �tc�rt�e Insurance. If Rurra�urr fsil� tE� �+etlE�rm the _ �_
<br /> covenants and agreemrnts containcd in this Srcunty In�trumcnt.'or Ihere is a Irg��l��rncced�nK that tt»y���,nificantly�fle�:t
<br /> Lc�t�et's rights "t�t tht Ntoperty(such as�prnceeding in bankru�te}•, pmhate. f��r e�mdetnuahun �,t t�t cnfc�sce fat�s ��t
<br /> regutations),then Lende�may duattd pay for Nhate�rr�s neccss�ry tv protert tt�e�alue nf thr Pruperty�and Lender's si�ht�
<br /> ' in the�'ro�ert}. t.ertder'c arti�ms m;,y ink:ludr p.�fin�am sums sccurcd fiy� a lir� �thich h:i5 �ftt�ill� (�tCt t�7i4�C�Utll�
<br /> ' � Insftument.appevring tin a�urt,pa}•ing re���unahle att�meys feec c�nd enter�ng�m thr F'rnpertw t��m;il�e cr�+.��r� Altl���i�gt�
<br /> Lendet may tatce uctian under�his para�rapt,�.�endcr d����nne ha�e t��do s��.
<br /> Any amnunts disbur�ed by ixr�der under this paragraph 7�hali hecu�ire.��Sd�ttnt�.it cicbt��f tivrte�«rr.c�urcd hy"tfii� h
<br /> � 5t�tarity'tnslrum�nt.Unit�s 4ltiife+u�t,��d ler�det�grec t�c�ther ternt<e�f ray rrerrl,thc.c am+�turf:�,hait he.ir itrfete.i fn.�nt
<br /> . . '11te date ci#'disbursctrient at the�iote rate attd �h�l!he �a�:�hle, «tttt rr�tere.l, �€*F=sr r���HCe frt:i:: }exra3c'r e�t NE*er„wrt �
<br /> � rcqucsting pay�►ccnt. ' r
<br /> . _ t., . _
<br /> ' �
<br />