f � ' - � _ . . - - � - � ..
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<br /> $�.�:,,,�,��9��� , - � . . .
<br /> � = �. {: :� -.. t}�.3 ' i • _ . . .
<br /> � !. fd atI`a��dttp�t ci t�t prag�!£r eap.intt�rat of'!'tuttnzs a aold�tr�aatareb c.fast�er enwhered yith�at tDe Yri:tea cca�ent e€ .
<br /> . (tie Beeetici�t�, t�e BaKfioiul�7 @e:I�te e11 s��s se��e8 5p t�u �rwt Eteed ta�e i�ed'uul�due�ndµ�tble ec�pzac�ed ta the rsc6ies . `
<br /> i�itll�Tl�tjJ It��E t�t1tlC QMfilSl4bi t6E�#��183t�. • . , - .
<br /> � ' . _ � . '
<br /> � ii. Aey ot t,5e fo2latia�snab�lrtl�be dee�d��eat of�efar.It leee�,m�i: � , ` ,
<br /> �. �rrtut tl�!!liue ttf�ea Lo rte p��at ai�ic�ilLest c€ pTiccipai ar intsreat et ta�at6er tats s°cvied Derebl t►hea doei � .
<br /> � �. t�ete t�aoctrred a 6r�ct of.vr def�lt�ier a� tett. caraitnt,�{tee�et. caediti�,pravi�i�,repraestatian oe wrrut�taet�iui
<br /> '. � ia iiri�i�d ai it+�t►tie eote�t aq.atier lm�i�rq�t =e+c�l tierre6r, � �
<br /> s. t&ee Ys!w[e d�Li�It ty�r fist�es io tk py�r�t of W�riat at s�c�oeit li�or �x ia rap�ta�!t or u�i�rt af ..
<br /> , t�e pcapert�: -
<br /> j. lrr�ra�Wl li�e a rol�txtf�Kitian in�srgte�or d�ll�e�jndiafed 6�t ar ie�olrest,at aW!�te u�uri�t fa�ihe
<br /> M�etit at etti�tpe�ia te�leet to Lfi�e prepat�;ot�n ut'�Ca eeforce� liea ar��a�e or ja�Mtaa sftin�t the prayert� ie ' .
<br /> c�d. . �
<br /> 11. Ia tfis eraL af ia7 defsc�}i,.ffie 9�efieiar�w decl�all ia�e6teaae�t eecare��rtbl ta 6e d�e� apb2e�i.t5e a�s�ll tbetetipcn. .
<br /> �. beee�r d�e ta�p���tale xi�rst aaj�raeai�mt� de�ad� g�otesi ar�atice af �n�ti�d. fterditer�t�e 8e�rficurj a��:
<br /> a eitber ia pstaa cr a�aqat►yit!or rit��nt Ori�ia:�a� utica cr pr„cadiat. cr� receivEr�pointed D�e�enrt�d rith:ut re�rd ta t�e
<br /> �c�ci��Iea¢ft�� e�tet upn�ad tttte p�ienion af t�t ptcpe��J�ar utl F�-':�henoi� in it�avy a�at in tbe ai�e�f tlie ltu�tee,� ; '
<br /> d��y uw 9li:,b ik deea aeea�sod derircbts ta pre�erre t��vs:�:�o�rtat�i;it�ar reatabilitl af tke properE), cr Nrt f�ereot,ar • ,
<br /> � interat tletti�, i^.�tuae tift ieca�e t�refra at grateit tke�ecuritj 6ereef u�, yitAout uticg wueroioa oi i�e prepert�, a�e fqr or .
<br /> atl�nri�e caltect�►e ceata. isr�a�i.-�ratits tEere¢f. ir�lydia�t�r.�e Fut d.s ard un�id�tad e�pl!tt,�aMe. 1e�3 cc�t�ird e�pe�sca oP _..
<br /> . aqet�tiaa uid colles¢io�, iael�4iy��:�ree�fees� u�se e�y iadeb►.ed�re��.•ed h!reE�� sEt in aucE arrer a� the Beneficur�a�deeenina i��
<br /> tauri�t�pca�oa�ioa w:sF��ion af t�e Lru�i tstai�. tte callectie�af e::th tents, ie�:?�a:� protits�ad apalicakia�Eherea!e�efareeaid
<br /> � ah�tl r.ek c►irr ar rai�t��3tfw�t er cco:ce oF a�;r�::.t:te�44er�cr ir�vdlidat�enp sst arN in re�ponsb tn e�,ceh def�alt ar purruaat ta s�c� . � : �
<br /> netica a�defm�lt ead n.t�tt�t�adinj.t�c�a#ieai*.s� :�.�asa*seiae of tE!Fr��ert� er t�s coll�+:icn, receipt�_�.•agplir�tian cf r�ats, is��r
<br /> , yrfltit�. "r�'�ee or th'e,�enePiciu�s�� r��e�title�t��tetc;se,�,7 :~:$ht grcQided far �n u.y 3f t�e lun iu�tr�ent�ar 6y hv u�aa accutr�:a
<br /> ' ' � af e��ev��':'te°�sl►., ;�.lad;fl$r;��.wi.���to �Yelc:€? :!.� -�*-�;;',_��e: . . '
<br /> � `. Cf�l6CC�CE�Ct10t`�'�ilTdGlOtt �}ifY�SEE7 C° �'::6:;a',i:f��`:dt$f. 8j"y0i6L E fi'�:�'?f, Of 8j+��i�l�ity enfor�r trip af.i�e :»%`:�L:�h,•�•��:.`,:'
<br /> . : t. dtliJtr ta Fturtte s�€tter,c�c�arttioa of �efs�.:•:��.�d 2�d far s�Ie, �:s s�itte�r.atice ai:.=fa�it a:� E�=ctisn t::�r:Y�stars : .
<br /> IAtlTHC tfl GIIL pfGpEiIJ tl'r Le icib. �","s;w EOti1CC Sli19t��Q�tFi Gue CO Gt QUI#titivS f9f f�!A!� :C(r*Of�t:;�:'t��:�`.t 0�Ii',..°""ASII�J lw f�`:�L ': � .
<br /> ' tlf�ptcPettl t�lasate6. ,
<br /> 1L S�au1Q t�e ie�t€:iat�elCCt Gc fGrecl�se WJ+�tete:se af 2Ee pcYer ai B�.�.ereie c�r,�aicM. Ue�e�:.'�ccary �I[ eatifq ftwtte a,3i - --
<br /> • tEtl� dt�Ci16 i11Clt Fl4fiCt t�YIB Oft'd 0�Sta9:u++�:,"D"��"-°1liQ 11:�t2tllFtl G.�2`7�IL"',.'r af eip�L31t4iH�14:'Rlt�6tG�N:�!tlbj Li 4?Itif.EC LtT . -
<br /> � req�ire• t��G'��CC-3�:est of tr,e ce:�rfistiuy� '•'•°. :�tlis��!51ili :L:3'� :�+S �?��fI_°.'.� iRD�FDh!� .S.T..^:eiive*ed ta Tt��ct ea�Rotice cf Jefult -
<br /> . ��at:�.L�.��1��t���re�;�ited Gp :av aw rj :�_:s ::eM c� "�w�,. °'r;�tem e!a.:.�it�a.,t Ga�:r i'ru�G;t, tfter alico t�ra e9 up then Ee . --
<br /> ' re�uitek�� :Ar b�d s;ct* etvlrTWGIC�OL sesn lh.tue :� .eto¢it s��fter M�tiee s" r�ie��avieg f:ce�g.V?" 38 f�{;I1fG� �I ISY, sell �f:e�rap!rt� � �'_
<br /> �t tLs tiit aa6 pltcr.-°�a2� fised bl i: tn r�.:e�::.;�c at�Ie.cit3�,er ss a�!-�.:.. G! lA B�i�a!I_l��e or �rc��i cr itev w I`cattet oba�i dce -
<br /> � r�ie setb ai�er a� ►t Id �.9CC'�11? d: "'Lf:Z B:::tv:: LGP':"r"3! �i11!F f�':352 l�4 S:ill dr.�:Yee t�B!it�t fCCl3lr 7: �
<br /> lY�1tSC� 7 � r: R... �tJ '` ._
<br /> , aSlLC�li1El1 uilll8f ��eeC tn t.►.e�'C'y'QtC9 6p1C. 1J:,S1S�Eu�Yltfl !L! 13Y il.tG t�l:ftC�. �E.'Cl6l'.3 .3�.".?�tiil�l.°.�B d�CQ 6:.�:. �?r!�Sli ft:1C ;
<br /> tvi�'entt at E�t trutb cf t�e st�►.er_r.�.s a:cr tGsrete. �:�s'Q.P 9.".it! a��li cR�rtcceMa ci !te 1"i2.:�`r� fh� F��iCwl.",�ctcer: ��� to�b: rcuaeibte
<br /> " COlu tOQ tlfilDl�f GZ l�l!Si:t� 1DC10Q1�C�E G'.,'.i��•'��t2 St:t:3U��s feee �f .".:t t�1Q t!!L E_ :.i•:«! gI:SS S3i�"�fICC.[tLI:Gi��C etWttt��ees �
<br /> ' ' d�.t�CCltl 0f �:Llt tS:Ct.",GC: ��) t� l3:�9"i9 S."C.L'f:aa ;�I! L�.°i"�Cf ^!�/I: �.'.t��Ct :�"FI,:t99. '�17y. iG !.'.? :�^3fQA CL F�fivLl �!�l�:�tC:iC;M
<br /> ' ttiti!!Q. '�.DltfOtl. f1ClI1GYAZ LIS'�°A!fiCllij, [9p � �
<br /> �3Tt$t�t•�i�'V�'[0�lILy�:Elt�Fl12. �C�r`,�!/i�lII L!EC Y5."i¢t �:•�!1?T/t,"��'� :3Y� �C3ff�'..".E B�tC 3'. 3{1 .`IL Efj ;:.'.Lt.t�Gt �.`.?i]F:,.�i.TLp. �
<br /> , �3 :ti'i3;;�!if.$ Ll! L!'?1C�lCItSj� G!: �t°-1 C� '.99� 61l�! 'L`L'tC::�..P.: C7 P^farce�d9!'-.*.t ll!'� �!�67L",r!' Cif d�p 1G�!��?�'1"�4�11 O��;al::�G .
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<br /> ;M. e 'I d93i �t� rb: t� �:. ra� .�ia •e 1 cf h�s . ,
<br /> �Y�lG�'!r wJ CiOiiSt lCtl..OS FtiC�:LG: l'd:LL�' ��L C: 9S1C Gf C:.`.?!�ti`_'YS t^f�_[.;.:.`.:A1CtQ� L.'.�:. e.:!J�::^. �! I� d:"j�1'.:SCf�fP!iS q7uBt°.f`9 Gf
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