. . 1� . , c � , ' . . ..- ' . - ..
<br /> . . . - V ' � < , ' � . .
<br /> .. �4.. �_ _ . . . . .. � , " ( f�" . , . � .� � _ � , , ' . �
<br /> .
<br /> ' . ' . . � � i . . . . . � � � . � .
<br /> �- • -- - -_-_ ' ' _ _— '— __—_—'___'_—__ — -- __--— —_ _ - _- -_ __-r � -
<br /> . -.'.--.�__i -_-,_�-...... _.-_ ' _ _' -' " "___-_'_—r.,_ -_ _. '_""_" _ _—'__,_�—_^ . '""" '_'_ �_ -� .
<br /> ` � . •.. -_ - . `__' . .. , - ' . , . .
<br /> �= 94�" �p�9�0
<br /> � . �.l�4�I�t e[t�Le�.Inlne�t si�IMt C'Vt�e.Borrs�er si�all p�y vrhea due the Prieapal of.aaed iaterest.oa.t!u debt , .
<br /> ` erideAred bS►tbe Notf aAd�ats eLuta du�e ander�he Note. .. � � . ,
<br /> � �.M..�W irs•nl.:t raM,c..�.ee.r ol�ertlre*..19oao�er zhan fncIude iu ach moat�Y aY�s.co�6sr•p;th `
<br /> - the piac�t�od�mtesat as u[falh in tse Nae aqd anr tace cirar�.�n instatlmea[af�ay(a)waes u�d apai�t�ts
<br /> ' '_� ` . i4vied a�to b�k�fad a�aia�tl�e P�rty:@)iateBoid paYmrnts or�mua oi,tfle Fnaperty,and f�3 pr�h�s[or � � , -
<br /> ' ia�rap�rt4aited b9 pacs�ph 4• , , .
<br /> �� Escb moa¢hhry imullment for 3te�is(�1}.Cir)aad(c)s�alt equai one-tRdith of tiue�nual ama�is.a4 reswasbty atiYOated by �. . •
<br /> La�der,Plu�a�asouat safficknt tv ta�intain ao sdd,itiooai btiance of aa cnore thaa ane-sixtb at We atimated amormta.The
<br /> V� ' ti�!Mi�wl�o�t fa aah item sbaH�e accumulsted by L,ender NiWia a perio�l endiiy ooe month 6efae an iten►�rwid � .
<br /> 6ecose dei�quent.Leadet�hal!�t6e aaaouna colfaXed in"fc�sc to pay items(a).(b)and(c)6efae theY b��me ddia4�t. � ,
<br /> . U�t aa�time the wW a!t6e prlmeuts deld UY I,esder tor ice�ps ta)�t!+}.+ed tc).to�tlKr vvitt�the fat�ue.manthtY paymeats
<br /> fa��itee�s p�►aNe to Irender prior to tbe due dates of akh ueu�,exoeeds bY mae thaa a�ne-td�ihe aamated amount of '
<br /> psydeats requtrod to p��r s�cb itaas when due,�nd if payments oa ths Note an carreat,t�ea I.ender shW atha atumd the
<br /> = exaew o4er oaast�th oi tlu atinoued�Ymmt.+or cndit ttie exoess uver oae-sixth at the atimattd paymeeu to subsequent
<br /> � F�l�is hry►8orra�er.u the optioa ot Borrrnra.It tht total af tlx psS►�ts msde by Sorro�rer for itan(a1.tb).ur(c}is . �
<br /> israflkiart to ps�t�e itan wLen doe.t�ea Boirawer s6�D pYto I,ender a�r aawuat ne�t to maEe uR tbe def�cieacy on or � �
<br /> Eafore the dste tbe item beooales�u�e.
<br /> � As wad in t�ia 5ec�uity imtrnmeat�"Secretuy"meaa�t��Sectrtaqr of Houan��nd Ur6au Devdopmetu or hii�r ha � .
<br /> � " ` de�ipa�e.Moit Savrity Instrumenu imarod by tbe Sav�et�g me iat�rc�under Orop�ms Nhieh require advance psyment of the •
<br /> tatjce moty,ye in�ttiaoe Praniam.[f t6ts Sea�rity Instrumeat L ar was�nsurcd on�fa�prosram�rEiich did tiat mquire sdvan� ,
<br /> pa�aeat oitbe mtae matis�e inwrana preminm,thea rach montbtY�aYment at�ll aL�o incindc either:(i)au instaltaKnt oi tt�e
<br /> . iwdwi tnatP/e i�uaa�e prunibm ta be paid bq I.ender to tDe Sectetary.or('u�s monthly ebarte inrtad o!s matp�e ,
<br /> , � {asur�aoe Ptemium if ttis SeqtrFtY in�irumeet is 6eld byr t6e Secrctary. Fach manthiy insWiment of tbe mQrt�e insaranoe �
<br /> � ` premtum s6aD be in ra amouet autficieat to sccumWate the full annual mort�e insn:anoe premium witb Lwda o�e month �
<br /> :. : ' prtor t�tho d�tc tbE fal{xitut�I tnacty4�e icssqr#Ace prcmium is due to the Secretuy,ar if thts Secnrity[nstn�meet b held by the , ,
<br /> ' Sectetary,aeh maathry charse�htII be in�.amount equal to one•t�v�rifth of ane-Aaif percent of ttie oatstaadins prinr;igal
<br /> ' ., b�laact due oo the Nar. ,
<br /> � � � It Borroxer tenQas to Leedv the fuU psynseat of aU eutn�secured bY tbis Security Instrbmrnt.B�ro�rer's acwunt shall be ,
<br /> � credited wfth the 6daaea ree�ais�fns for al{fnstallments for iterns(s), tb)a�nd (c)�nct any mort�ype m�►�,�r premium
<br /> , ft�tallmeat tbae Lmder has na b�ecome obli�tsd to pay ta t&Secretary.and Lender ahaU promptly rsfur�a�sy!��fuad�to
<br /> Bqrrawa.iaunadiatdy prior ta a fareciasu.'+e�ale of the Property or its acquisition by I.enQer.Borrowrcr"s aw�u�nt shaU be
<br /> tredited�rith�nY ts�iince�n�info=tor sII'a�r�iallments far items(a).f�i?and(e1• '
<br /> � 3.A/weMM��tl��ab.All 04Y��ur�der Daraar�Phs i and�'sf�ull 6e�pplied by l,endsr as follaws: �� � � . .
<br /> Fj$�,tp lbe inortpse insaria�premi�zn co 6e paia by l,ender to the Secretuy or to the monthiy chafje by the Socretary t
<br /> ia�tpd ot the enontWy moripye iasunnce�rtatium.nnkss Borrowu pvid the mtire mon�e insunnce premium when this
<br /> SavdtY insirumen!+war a�nbd:
<br /> ' �,to�ny tazes.apecial assessmsr:s,.�eueRald paymenu or�ground rrnts,and fire.ftooQ�d other hazard insurance ' ; `
<br /> �-:- -
<br /> ---• - ����+�: . . ,- ; -
<br /> �{(gQ.to interat dut undrr�he Note: ' " -
<br /> �.to amart�ttian of the princiW!o!the Nac; � -
<br /> .to!ue�fiu�a due iu�der tlx Note.
<br /> � �.FUr.�7NN�N OIM Iifwrr Iwe�ee,Banowa sh W insu3e all impravements on ihe Praperty,whether now ia eaistes�t � � _
<br /> . or auMequertdy enxted.�ai�rst at►y Mrardx,caswtues,nnd contingencies,incladin�tlre.[or whlcts Lcnder requiies insurar_�z. `�
<br /> '('his inw�nce ttuU be m�inqinM in tht i�4�►ta and for�he periads ehat Lender«Quires. Bcrro�rer ehall aiso ie�ure�J:i: . '�._
<br /> improvert�ent�oo the Property,�vbether nuw ln existence or subseQuentiy erccted,a�ainst Eoss by Aoods to ehe extent tequiced by .
<br /> lhe Sacretary.Atl ttwrance eh�ll be curied w�th campanie;�DDravcd by Lender.Thr insurance policies and anY renewats shall
<br /> be heW by l.esider�ed ahall include[+oss pay�k c4uses in favor of.and in a form acceptsbk to:l.ender. •
<br /> � Io tlie eveut O!tos�.Borro�rer sha!�ive Lut�Yi�r immediue nocice by mail.Lendu may make procsf of loss if not made prort,ps• ' .
<br /> ' � ly by Bottawer.Bach inwrat�ce compu►y ccs�crnkd is hereby suthorized and Oirccted to mike pa�rnt tot auch lau dircetty t� '
<br /> � Lender,iastad of to 8anow�er and to Ltnder loiatty.Atl or any pan of the insuraaa pcoceeds may be ipalkd by I.eAQer.at its
<br /> aption,either(U to the reductioe of the indebtednes�undrr�he Nae and�hi�Secunty Instrumrnt.first�o any delinquent .
<br /> aewneU applied in�he order in Paryr�pb 3.and then to prepsyment mt pancip�l.ot Ib)to the restotatbn or repair oi ttu . .
<br /> daeiqed praperty.Any applicstbn at the�t,rocesA�ta Ihe pnncipal ehdi not eatcnd or poatpone�he due date of the mamhlyr •
<br /> �wewu�t rcquired to psy all autst nd'uuisindc�btedness un�der t e Nattnand this Se�cuiity lnstrument hait At pud to th�e�rn�t ty k�at- ���
<br /> . ty eatitied thereto.
<br /> � Ie the evene of torcelasure ot this Security tnsttument or oiher tran�kr af tit{e to tne Property that extin�uisha the in- .
<br /> deM.odeeit.all risht,title aad interest o(Barrower ia and to iaswance policics in[orce shall P�4 ta Ihe pur:;haser.
<br /> S.t�w�r►ali�ari MalrkWCe ef tre!hr/uty. Lt�ewlrr. Borrower slWl not cammit ��sse or desttay. d�c qr
<br /> � subitanei�Uy ch�e the Propeny or�1foW�he Propeny ta deteriorue.rcasoeabk wrar and tcu excepted:Lender may inapecf � � ��
<br /> � t1Ne prapetty if tf�e praperly i�v�cane ar aDanQonad or the taan is ia defautt.l.enaer rnay�nRe rtasonaDle ution co proteci ansl
<br /> • ��e sueh vacant or abaudoned property.lf thi�Sec��trjsy instrumene is an a teasot;abA.Borrower�hall comD3�a�ft�the prrn�•
<br /> ti�u ol the k�e.1t Barrower�cquires!eC 6it1e tp ihe Property.the(casthatd aad f�e titte ehall not be mer�eA uNcss�cndsr'
<br /> � qrees to the m�tt in writin�. •
<br /> � i.t1r/tr N�mwee aM!►nlecdw of l,e�er's Riab b ttie!n/eH�.Borrovr�r shall p�y all�overnmmtal or municipa: . � �
<br /> ehar�ef.fiees ted impo�itiaes that ue aot inctuded in Parytaph 2.Borrower et��{1�a�lhese obligaitions on time dirrcUy ta the
<br /> mtity whkh i�owtd ehe paymene.lt t�ilu�e to piy woutd advetstly altctt Lendtr's;�rtcst in the Pratitrty.u�rn l,enQtr'g re-
<br /> Quest.&rnower shtll promptly futnish eo Lender receiDts evidrnrin�these psymencs. �
<br /> I!BortaMer t�iid Yo make these payments or the psyments requlred by Puaar��h 2.or tails to perfurm aaY Uther cuvcnants a�s .
<br /> urae+nenri con.aiutd in this Security testrument�or there is A tejsl proceeQin�ihat rr�ay sianificandy affect LenQer's Nght�:�c '—�-�—�-
<br />_ . the Properiy(su�6 as�ptoctedinj in btnt�ruptcy.fof condemn�tion or to entorce laws or rea�tionsy.then Lendrr m�y do ar�r3 "
<br /> • p�y�rh�tever�s neces�aty ta ptnteet the va}ue of the propeny and l.ender•s right�in the Ptoperty.inctudit�g pay�nent of taxes.
<br /> hax�c,i Last;ran:r tu�d other items mentidned in Puyrap�2. '
<br /> , � ' I1ny imowxs c�isbursed by 1�nder unQer�hi9 Parayr�ph shdl btcamr an aCditionat daht ot Sorrnwer and be secured by�A�s ' �
<br /> Secudty lnstrumtet.7'ftesr atr�ounts shatl}bcar interest ltom the dut of disburumcnt.at tht Nvte rate.and at thr optinn af
<br /> , I.tttder.shall be immediately dae and P�Y�DIe. � .
<br /> 7.CoMe�tle�.The ptp�•eeds of any�Iwud ot cteim for dAtnagts,direct ar ronscyuen�iel,incarmecei��n w;th a��y condem-
<br /> L nation or othet t�kin;of an3r pare ot the Propecty,oe for com�eyarcce i�place of ccmdemnation,�are herebY assigned and shal!he �'
<br /> psid to l,end��to ehe estent ot the fu11 amoua�ot the indebttcfness that remaius unpaid undcr�he Note arcd thir Securi�y Irtstru- �
<br /> . ment.LenQCt shall apply such procecds to tha tedurtioa ot�ahCindebt�daess uneitr the�ote and chis 5ecuritp lnstrumcnt,lirst tc+ �p
<br /> a�sy dtlle�ttent amotmts applled in the aader pravidad in ParBgrapt��,and thtn sa preyay-mrnt of princtpat.Any applii3tion af l�i
<br /> Qie�iacetds fQ Qie�riacipalsTiIIlt.a�t_e�itend oi pasipane t�r dite ddte ot ttie m5nf�tY�a1�nf�,utuc�iue reteitcd[a iu ! �_�
<br />. f+ar�graph a.ot change the amuunt tif surh paymtnts.My t�ccss�srocrcds ati•er nn Hmvunt rre�utic�t ta p�y afi e�ut.tUnding ir� •. t, -
<br /> drbtednes�undrr the Ntit�and thia Secutity Ins�rument,hall b�paiJ t�.the entity[e�,alty enti�leci�hercto.
<br /> �.�'tt�.l.ender may coll�ct fee9 nnd chatges euthorieed 6y the Sccrctacy.
<br /> � �'d.4e:uJ�- - -- - �� � .
<br /> 7
<br /> .�. _ �� ��n_ _ ._ _
<br /> ,y � :a . . �-�-�-- -
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<br /> ; . .. . .
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