. (_ ' . ` ' � . L � . � .. � ,�
<br /> � y � �` ` ` " —' '
<br /> t . � • .
<br /> 2 ' \`'�' . . � . . ._ _ . _. ... . . . � . _� . _ . ' a ..�'C � �:-
<br /> ` �
<br /> � ; � � ` �� � � ' �102�92�7 � . ` �
<br /> ��� : , • I.I�ant N l4hd/�t.fa1a�1 ni rare Cir�e.Bono�rr sAail pay when due t�e prin�apai of.aad�aterest on.che de'bt � �
<br /> . , evidraccQ�y the t�te aed tatF cturses dur undet tde Notc: . � , . `
<br /> . f�<
<br /> � 9.11IMIMf lr7�ir�fr a[?�noM,i�wrw:e Mi OlrerA■qa.Bosrower shail tndude ia abch taontMy psyment.tosether rrrith �
<br /> tl��eiacipd�iataaE��et tatfi i�tht Tiote�d�nY tate char�:aa uut�timeac of ai►Y ta)tuss tnd speci�!as�essmenis � r
<br /> �� , kvte�a ta be kvied a�in�t tbe Propa't�f.(b)ieasehotd.Orl�meats Rr�ouad reats an the Fraperty.and(c;prrm�ums[or , .
<br /> �s+pqu�red.b�Pan�cay�4. ,
<br /> . . Es�6 etonthll!►tn�t�t fos items(a�.tb)and Ee)shW e9�s1 one-t�relfth of ths annuat amounts.ss reasonabIy espm,ued bY � . .
<br /> � Le�det.P1�Mt amoiut�attkkat to mainaia�n adaitioaat b�tance of aa mare t6aa onee-s�xth of the esi�ated aawunt�.The � , � .
<br /> , . . tl�aeawl aeowit fa a�ttan�be'aaromotated by i.eader�vltbie a peiiod sndicif one mootb before aa itan xauld.
<br /> ` �a.�ome dd�t-Lesder�6�otd tbe amaunts cbtjeaed ia tnurt to�q ttems(a?.tb)�nd(c)6efore 11�pe!baome ddiaquau• � .
<br /> : � If�t an/tiee tLe tatN o[t6e pt�urdots held DS►i.eedst for ftans(s�.(b?.aad ty.to�ether wit6 the f�un mo�hlY PsYments
<br /> • for stuh k�ppabk to Ixndec pdos to tbe due duo oi such items.excads by more than one-s'u�th the atimated amaunt of - �
<br /> � psrm�tt raqered to psp such items�ebea d�.and if psymeats an We Ncxt�re cumnt,then Ltnder sball eithet refond the .
<br /> , e�oeac ora one-si�th of the esrim�te�paymenu or endit tAe exass ova oae•sistb ot�he estimaced psymeatg eo subsequtnt . , ,
<br /> ; psyments 6�r Aotrowa.at fbe oytloa of Bo�ro�v�er.I�'the tot�l of the gaymrnts msde 6y Bortavrer for item(a),(b).or(c)is
<br /> � iewfl�C'aeet to pay the item whea due,theu Hottmver slaU pry to Lender anY�oant necessary to u�e np the deficfency on otr �
<br /> • ' ' before tbc Qate thc item bbooma dus. .. � � •
<br /> . , As wed in this Security[nsttunxnt, ••Socreta�,•• �nans the S�ecretary of Honsin8 an�Ur6an Oevel,a�meas a��5is or he� ` . � �
<br /> � ` Qaipue.Mou Security instrurae�►a ntwred bY the 5ecretuy ut ensare�Eender pro�rams wh+ch require advana paY�ac ot the . .
<br /> �• , sntire moltp�e�premiam.If this Sa�vrity Instrnmrnt is or w:s��onder a praaun�hich did not reg�ire advaaoa.
<br /> ayment ai t6e ontire mort�ayr imvrance prrmium�then each�onthty p���rnt shall afso inctude ei.ther:(i)an instatt�nant of ch�• : �
<br /> �nnu�1 mo�[�e inwnr�oe pretnium to be qid by Lender to �he Secrerary,pr(a�m�monthly eftuge instead of a mortp,ge' .
<br /> �� inwraaoe premdu�il tius Securicy tnstrument i:held by the Secretary.F.ach mon►.�y instWment of che mort�e insurinrr, ,
<br /> ' . � p�adium slsall ix in an amouAt suificicdt tv acaimulate the fu16 onr�uai murtga�e insurance premium witA Lender one monTi_•4 . ,
<br /> : • priar to the dat�e tlte full annual mottp�e insuiance premlum is due ta ituSecretary.or ii�his 5ecuc�iy lasirument is 6eld by t..�' ,: .
<br /> Seeretuy,acb�nonthly clurte ShiU be in an amount cqual to one-twrlFth of one-h�lf percent of the outst�ading principat
<br /> b�Lnce dti�ee an tht Nou. � , . ,
<br /> � � tt Botra�er fenQera ta Lender the fufl payment of n11 sunAS secured by this Security Instrument.Bonovrrr's acrnunt shal}be
<br /> , c��ed with the bntance rema6ai�� for atl iasWhnents for Items (a),.E�i�and (c) and any mortgage insuranze premium �
<br /> • , inst�Uaia�t tt►�t Lendtr hss not 6acome obGjated to pay to the Secretat�,a�a3 Lender shall pramptl�refund any exccss fu¢ds ta
<br /> • Borrowrcr. Imenedi�tdy prior co a�/orecfasure sak oi the Property or yc�r�cquisition by Lender. &mawer's account shaU t+� . ' . `
<br /> crediteed�th aqy ff�nce rtm�nin�for aU instdimente tor item�(a1.€���and(c>. .
<br /> � 3:7�i/ieitb�af h�.Al!pyyments under p�r��,,,�,�s {�nd f bhall be applicd 6y l.endec as follows: ' .
<br /> �.ta the mortp�e inx�..�rnce Premium to be AaiQ t�Lender[n tAe Secretarq�:to Mr momQty cfiu�e by ehe Secretary �
<br /> " . ' itutwd of the monthty tnortg�e insutance premium.unless 8orrower paid the entire mongage inxu�ancY premium whcn this
<br /> SCCUdty Inttrument wlts iipled: • '
<br /> .. . .
<br /> ,�' ,����o tnY t�aes.s�pedtl�ssessmettts.l�ushvld paYmcnts_Qr�raurtd rrnts.aad fire.fl�od and othcr h�rard insurance �.,,:
<br /> — . plltlfiu!llf.iS fCQu�fld� -- •
<br /> ��Q,to inetreat aue under the Note; � -
<br /> �OURTH,efl aenoniratian at ehe prirccipsl ot the Nore: - -
<br /> j'J�,to I�te ch�rres due under�he Note. � �
<br /> . ;�.�
<br /> i.b7tr,�LN u/Oi�e►N�s�eM I�ara�ce.�nower eh�li insure a11 improvemen�c on ine propeny.wAether now in exictrr..: �
<br /> . os wblequentty etececb,aatinst aay har�tQ9.cisuitties,ared contingencits,inctudin�fire,far which l.ender requires insurancr. —
<br /> Tttf�insutsnce eha!!be maintaitbd in the amoutus and 6�-�-1he period�that l.rndcr r.equirts. Bortower�hall atsc insurt all
<br /> imytovenfents an the PropGrty,whether now in custence W�-:��bsequentty erected.sigair�r.loss by ftoods to�he eztsYa;r.:required by �
<br /> the Sectetary.AU iasur�nce shall be canied with cnmpanie�ADProveQ hy I�ender.7he incurana policies and any ieaewa!>>hati
<br /> be held by t.tnuter and sh�ll in�InQe das},paya6te ctauses in favar af.anA in�form acaeptable ta,I.en4er.
<br /> !n the evmt of loss.Bonowe�sh�ll�ive LenQer immediue notice by mait.I,enQrr m�y maYe pr�of nf loss it rtot made prom�t-
<br />• fy by Borrower.�sch itfsnr,�net cnmp�ny concerned is hercDy nuth�rixed and directcd to make payment far such lo�s directty eo
<br /> 1.endet,inttead ot ta Bono�rEr�nd to I.er.der joic�tly.All�t any pan ot the in�uranre ptacceds may Ae appticd by LenQer.at iss
<br /> 'aptlan,either(�)to 1hc rMuctian of the indebtednss unda cAe Natrand�his Sevurity Instrument.Prst to any Celinquent '
<br /> - Att►ount��pplied in 4he order in Puapspt� 3.and then to pr�paymcn��:;p�lnciyai. ax(b)to thc*xstoration or rep�ir of[he �
<br /> � � datn��eA proprrty. My application of the prncads to the principal s"r.�w not excend or postpane c�7�due datt of[he monthty
<br /> paymeete whieA are refared to In Paraaraph 2.ar�A�nge the amount oY such paymmts.Any exces�ms��rance proreeAs over on ���
<br /> • amount rcquired to pay W auts�aadina ircdebtMness unQet ihe Nute anQ this Secueity lactrur�rnt shqll be p��d to the emily Irgal
<br />. , ly entitled lhrtrta. ' •
<br /> ' le the event of torecl�surc ot this Sesuriiy Instrument or n�her trbra�.:et uf utte tn Ihe f�aopetty that extinguiyhc�the u► , , .
<br /> ' 4eDted�fes�.all rijAs.IiUe tad interest�t Botrawtr in art�f to insurartce��rlicir��n(atre 6ha1)pass ro the purchaser.
<br /> • � S. rn�nNN�aM Mai�lewce of lie �ro�ert�. I,t�eioi�s. IfoTrnr�sr efiall n��t c�mmi� wut:�t Qes�roy. Camage-or � - �
<br /> , subar�ttially ct�anje the Prope4ty ot altow the Propeny ta��Jeteriorate.«uonabte weu�nd teu excepted. l.cnder may inspect
<br /> ' Ihe pCaperty it the property is r�cant ot abandoned ot�he;wan es in detuult. t�ender m�y take reaannahte action to proteee and
<br /> prtsetve eucb vscant ar aban6oncd pwpeny. H�hia Security tnstrument i;on o Icasehotd,[id►rowet sh�ll comply with tht pro«-
<br /> sioas oP the lrase.I!Borrawcpr uquirrs fcc r�•;ir c4 the PraGeny,thc[:.:sehuld and fee h�le shaU rsot be meraect untes�t.ende2
<br /> _ • asraes to the�mer{er in writir,.�.
<br /> �.CM�N ten�wN t�M�t�(ectb�of I.t�it►'s�tr IQt l'ta�H*.Botruwer sh�ll pay all gutianrntr.�.�,i�u municipat "
<br /> . .� chat�ea.Gius and lmposiiinr,?,t�;,�i are nei ittcl�eded i�i'a�:�,saph 2. it�rrower shalt pay�ht�e c►hligati:,ns vn t?:z��;;:�,,tly tc:the
<br />_' tntity which is urrrd the p�yme.7t.1t fallure cu pay wuui��d�ascly aifect I.ender's mterest in�he G'r.�qecty.iywr I.e»Qrr's r�•
<br /> quese lbrrowrr shall pron�pNy fymi�h to l.ender rrcnpts s��denc�ng thete payments. '
<br /> � lf Barrnwer fut+to m�lce tAcse�yments nr ehe day�:r..�s°rcluircd by Nara�raph 2,�r fails to perfarm any utCcr cuv�uanio aud
<br /> a�re�ents canalned in this�:;�efty Insttument,or r�e e:s a legal prviceeding thax may s►gniCwaoity`affert Le�rder's righ�s u► ; - -,----
<br /> � the Ptoperty(such�t��ptatt,�snj In banituptcy.fot:�;�3rrt�natie�n or tvcnforcr faws or reguTalioas),then Ixndt►may duurid ' .
<br /> psy whatner i�ne�essMty ta ptatecl�hr vntur ot che Proprtey aasd l.cnclrr's rigl�ts�n the Yruise�t},including paymrnt crf taaes, '
<br /> --- = iiaZai�r.�'�iiififrt:c ufn�biii�'r ifciiis 1uE�.riiviicu it��TdiarEiiyir 2. . .- .
<br /> � , Any afltaunts disbutsed by lendsr uttde.�lhis Paiagraph sfW!bccame as�additiviul!dcbt ot•Ei��ruwcr anr!�c setiercd by ihis
<br /> Srcurity Instruntent.These amount�shali heu intere��Gum lhc dato c�t di+6urscrnent.e� 1he Nc+te�atr,and ot thr oqtinn uf
<br /> . LenQtr.shall b�lmmediue{y due end payabte.
<br /> 1.C�Mrs�tb�.The procee4s of uny eRUd ot cl�im t�t datt»ges.�lirect or conscyurntia),ir�cunnerti�n wi�h al�y c�n�tem- �
<br /> L ��u►tlon ot utQer ukiaa of any pan oY Elte Prape�ty.or tar cnnceynnce in�la�e dt condecnnaaioa,arc hereby aas�gnee3 and shal!be
<br /> paid to LtnQet to the cxtent uf tht f�ll amount af thc�ndtbtcdne�s chat rama;ns unpaid und�er the tiote and�h�c 5ecu�:�y lnstru-
<br /> ' • ;r+tac.l.snder shxlEapp{y surh Qren:eeds to thr redttciiu��et tlieinrlrbtednrss nadcr�he'�Fate�ncf this 5e�.vnty InStnsmrn►,tirst tt �`°
<br /> � artir�ttimqntnt��rzints apptiecl in thr�ie►pr�id�di m F'muFapt�3,nrtd then�a�r�+�ryr�ers��f rri�reE�:il .�lRy 3�j+It�SFfi3�i�iF
<br /> the prelcetds ta tho prinhp,�1 shall nt�t extC[tci or postpone the due date ot the rRUnts�ly'p�:rment�. �tihtch arc refC►�e�1 tt�i�r
<br /> tyatagraph 2.t�r�han3o thc r�,nscrnnt at surh pay�run�s.An4 c�eess�rc.�Ci�4 E��'S(ili}L�f�IeYUfFT[C{jllliCt�1tt�ed�;;}f I!1llF S?qtti�?11�Itr ?� • -
<br /> debteclnc.cs ucndar the Nt�tc anc}thig Se�;urity fnstru�r�cnt sitall he patd ta�he rnt�tr tc�;�U> cut�ticci thcret�= `"
<br />, . S.}te�.l.rn@er n►�y ceiltect fee�an�ch�r�es authos�red iry ttre trcre�nfy
<br />: . � �. E y�t S�,r♦
<br /> � �
<br /> - -� - - - - -- - -- --
<br /> `",w �,�,�„��, a. �-.,,y.�:.�. - --
<br /> _ ' ��.. 'l:' ' T _"' -,i.—�. _ -_
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> .. .�_�.« 1—._.� .i. .. . . . _ .
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<br />. .-- . .. _ ..—. :-..._, _ . .. !. . -... -+_-�.: ._'1" .l�a=--'v.+ A}.�' ' :.t' - ' _'
<br /> . . . _
<br /> a,:, .."
<br /> � . � • . .!_ ... .. .. _ '.'" .t � � _�-.
<br /> . ._', i •'_'_;� �'_ . — . _ .L__ -.-., _ - •--� .. _. �^+. — _-. _-_- .- �".__ �_", _ „' '.
<br /> _t ' ' �� _�Y--
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<br />