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'6ulpaeooid yons ul AIJpd Ieulwou ay} aq Aew io}snil •esuedxe s,io}snil le uo1loe ay} pua;ap hays Jolsnil'Isnil ;o pea(] siy} iapun iapual <br />Jo ee}snil ;o }salelw ay} io elig s,ioisnil suogsanb }py} paouawwoo sl 6ulPaaoo)d Jouogoe AUe 1Uen8 ay} ul •suosied lie jo swielo In}mel ay} <br />isuppbe AIJ9dOJd ay} o} 811!1941 pua;ap JanaJo; ppm pup sluLmem Jolsnil'anoge 4dei6eJpd.e4l ul uogdeoxe ayI o} loefgnS -a1111 ;o asua;aa <br />•Japual o} }snit ;o paao spgl JaA1Iep pup a}noexe <br />o} Apio4Jne pup 'Jamod 'Ig6u pn; ay} spy JolsnJl (q) pup 'Isnil ;o paa4 sly} yllm uogoauuoo of Japual 'Aq pa }daooe pup ` ;o Jonp; ul panssi <br />uopupdo allll lain; Jo 'liodai elIll 'Aoplod eoupinsup app} Aue ui io uo1ldpJosep Apedoid jueU ay} ul 41io; Jas eso41 uegJ JayIO seoueigwnoue <br />pup suall 11p jo ieelo pup eei;'9Idw1S eel up AliedoJd 841 01 pJOOeJ ;o al ;p alge}eNJew pup pooh sploq iolsnil (E) :iey} slupiiem iolsnil •allll <br />:lsnil ;o pea(] spy} ;o }Jed a aJe Aliedoid eq} ;o dlysieumo o} 6U1}eleJ suolslnoid 6ulmollol e41 •31111 30 3SN3d3a !A1Nvu8vM <br />•pp'4 anpy pinom eslmiail}o I! 1e41 Apewei Aue woJ; Japual Jpq of se os }Ine;ep ay} 6ulino <br />se penJ}suoo aq Iou hays iapuel Aq uolloe yons AuV •Jlne;ap Auu lo lun000e uo pel}gue aq Aew Japue-; yopym o} salpawai Aue Jo s }'4611 Jaylo Auu <br />o} uogpppp up aq peys ydeJ6eJed spy} up io; papinoid s}g6u eql •s}unowe esegj jo JuawAed amoes elm osle Ismijo pea(] ayl -Alunlpw s,aloN <br />ay} 1e algeAed pup anp eq II!m golym luawAud uoolleq u se pa }eoi} aq (0) Jo'a}oN 9q1 JO wJ81 bulwpwaJ ay} (Z) Jo'Aollod aouemsul algeoilddu <br />Aue ;o wial ay} (I.) Jaylle 6ulinp anp awooaq o} s}uawAed 1uaw1lp}sul Auu ql!m olgeApd aq pup buowu pauollioddu eq pup @ION ay} 10 <br />aoueleq ay} o} pappe aq (8) 'puewap uo e1geAud aq (V) il!m 'uolido s,Japuel 1p 'pup sseupeigepul ay} ;o }Jed u awooaq II!m sasuadxa yons IIV <br />•JolsnJl Aq }uewAudej ;o alep ay} o} Japual Aq pled io peJJnou1 alep ay} UJOJ; WN ay} iapun pe6Jego ejui ay} }e lsaialui ieeq u9'4} 11!m sasodmd <br />yons Jo; iapu9l Aq p!ud Jo paiinou! sasuadxa IIV •slsaie }u! s,iopual Joaloid o} aimidoidde aq o} san811eq iepuel IpgJ uoilOe Rue a�ei 'oi <br />paiinbei Iou sp Jnq 'Aew Ilu4eq s,Jolsnil uo Japual uaq} 'Apedoid ay} u1 slsaisju! s,ispual }oe ,4p Appuelpw pinom 1pgl paouawwoo sp 6ulPeeooid <br />io Uo1loe Aup ;l -os op Apw iapual ue41 Apedoid ay} o} siled9J ailpw o} (0) Jo 'Aliedoid ay} uo aouemsul peilnbei Aue 9ppnoid o} (8) <br />'swlelo Jaylo pup 'seoupigwnoue 's}saialu! Amnoes 'suall sexul lie ;o eeil Aliedoid ay} deal o} (V) slle; JolsnJl 11 'SmAnim3dX3 S,H3aN31 <br />•iolsnil Aq p!pd aq o} peilnbei sluawssassp pup sexel <br />ay} ;o }uawAud Jo; Iueft s,iolsnJl Iou s1 iapual pup 'Jo}snil Jo; }snit up spun; anJasaJ ay} ploy Iou saop Japual 6ugum ul iepual Aq of peei6p <br />Jo mel Aq paJpnbaJ ssolun spun; aAJesei ay} uo s6uluJpa Jo lseie}ul Auu Aed o} paJpnbaJ aq 1ou hags iapual •11neje(] 10 Ju8A3 up ;o eouaiin000 <br />441 uodn ssoupeigepul eqJ uo slunowe yons Aldde pup mpJpgi!m o} pazlioglnu Agaiaq sl iapual pup `ssoupeigepul eql ainoes J941Jn; <br />of pe6peld Ageieg aJe Jun000e anJasaJ ay} up s}unowe IIV -iapual Aq paJpnbaJ se Aoualop;ap io 96e }Joys yons Aed Ilpgs Jo}snil 'Aouapol;ap Jo <br />e6e}Jogs a asolospp spun; anJasaJ ag1 Jl 'mpl elgeoildde Aq las suoge }pwil Aue o} }oefgnS -Jun000e anJasaJ ay} o} loadsoi gI!m op of llwo io op Am <br />I! bu141Auu Jol A1lI!quil Auu inoul lou pays Japual pup 'sasodmd yons Jo; seiuow Jaglo aouenpe o} Japual 6uulnbei se pent}suoo eq peys Ismijo <br />p884 ay} up buNION -I! bu'Apd siolaq wall Aue ;o Aopmooe Jo Al!P!ILA ay} OUIWJ819p of pannbei aq lou pays Japual pup 'swel! yons Aed o} spun; <br />anJasaJ 441 uodn meip of Ig6u ayJ anpy pays Japual -anp awooaq Aegl su JolsnJl Aq pled eq of paJmbeJ swnlwaid eoupinsw pup `sluawssassp <br />'sexel egI ;o }uawAed Aq A;splps Aew Japual yolgm 'ioisnil woJ; 11sodep leiaua6 a se Japual Aq play aq hays spun; anJasaJ ayl -pled aq <br />of swniweid eoumnsul pue 'sluawssassp 'sexel ayJ of lenbe }seal le s}unowL 'aonpoid of lueiol ;;ns aq oI iapual Aq pa}ewllse wns p ;o s}uawAud <br />Al4luow Jo IuewAud eouenpu Aq paipaio aq IIegS SaAJesai yolgm 'swnlweid aoueinsu! pup 'sluewssesse 'sexpi 1pnuue ;o IuewAed JO; SaAJasaJ <br />iapual y }pm uiulupew o} JolsnJl annbei Am ispual 'mel algeolldde Aq las suogpl!w!I Aue of loafgnS •S3AH3S38 30NV8nSNI aNV XVl <br />-Aliedoid <br />yons ;o ales einsoloeio; Aue Ip Jo '}snJl ;o paea SpgJ ;o SUOISIAOid ay} Japun pleq ales Ja410 Jo ales s,eeisni} Aue 1p Isnil ;o pea(] s14} <br />Aq paJenoo A1JedOJd a4} ;o Jese4oind eq} 'ol ssed pup ' ;o 11;eueq ay} o} amid hays eoupinsu! peJldxeun AuV -ales ►e aouemsul paildxaun <br />•Jpaddu Aew slsaialup s,Joisnil se JolsnJl of peed aq Heys spaaooJd yons 'ssoupeigepul ay} ;o Iln; ul <br />JuawAed Jaup spaaooJd Aue sploq iapual 11 •ssaupalgapul ayJ to aoueleq Ipolouud 441 o} palldde aq peys 'Aup;! `Japuleuiei ayJ pup `lsaialul <br />ponme Aud o} uaq} 'Isnil ;o paea spyi Japun iapual o} 6ulmo Iunowe Aue Aud of IsJI; pasn aq peys Apedoid ay} ;o uolleiolsei io Jlpdoi <br />ayJ oI pellpwwoo Iou spy iepual yopym pup Idlam Jlaq} Jaye sAup 09L my11m pasingslp ueeq Jou anpy yopym spaaooJd AuV •IsnJl ;o paa4 <br />s14} Japun line ;ep w lou sp Jolsnil;! uogeiolsei Jo JlpdaJ;o Isoo e1geuoseei eq1 Jo; spaaooJd ay} woJ; JolsnJl asmgwlaJ Jo Aed `ainippuedxa <br />yons ;o;ooid AJoloe;sl}ps uodn 'Ileys Japual •iapual of AJoloe ;sues Jauuew a up SIUawanoidwl peAoilsop Jo pabewep ay} aoeldai Jo JledaJ <br />hags Jo}snil 'JlpdaJ pup uollpioisai of spaaooJd ayl Alddu of s }oele Japual 11 - Aliedoid ay} ;o JlpdaJ pup uogeio}sai ay} Jo 'Apedoid e41 <br />6ulloel;e U81.1 Aup ;o luewAud'sseupelgepui ay} ;o uo!}onpej eql of spaaooJd ay} Aldde pup aouemsul Aue lo speaooid ay} uiutej pue anlaoaJ <br />`uolloele s,Jepuel Ie'Aew Japual'paJledwl sl Alunoes s,iopual IOU io J84J9gM - Allenspo ayI to sAep (gJ) uaaug u141pm os op o} slle; Joisnil <br />;! Ssol ;o ;ooid aMew Aew iapual -Apedoid ay} of a6ewup Jo ssol Aue to iepual A;piou Agdwoid Ileys io}snil •spaaooJd to uolleollddV <br />•ueol e41 ;o vial ay} Jo; aouemsul <br />yons upelulew of pup 'iepual Aq peimbei espmJay}o se Jo 'wei6oid aouemsul poold leuolleN ayJ Japun Jas sl!wpl Ao!lod wnwpxew eql o} do <br />'ueol egl 6upmoas Apedoid 9L41 uo suag Joud Auu pup ueol ay} ;o aoueleq ledlouud p!pdun pn; eq1 Jo; 'pale pJezuq poop Iploads p U1 palpool <br />sp ApedOJd 44# 1141 Japual Aq u8n16 Sp aogou Jel ;e sAup 917 ulq }Inn 'elgel!pnp 1! 'aouemsul poold imepad weluim pup upplgo of saaJ6e JolsnJl <br />'eaJe pJpzeq pool; lepoeds u sp Aoue6V }uawebuuew Aoue6Jew3 leJepad ayI ;o ioloailp ay} Aq paleu6isep pale up up peleool eq ApedOJd <br />lees ayI pinogS uosied iaglo Aue Jo JolsnJl ;o ilnelep io uopsspwo `toe Aue Aq Aem Auu ul pe,nedwi aq Iou ppm Japual ;o JOAe; w 8bUJano3 <br />Iegl 6uppinoid Iuawasiopue up epnloul peys osle Aogod aouemsul y3e3 -Japual o} eogou uelf!Jm loud sAep (OS) AIJ!4I Iseel le Inoy}!m <br />payslulwpp io papaoueo aq 1ou II!m s86ei9no3 }ayJ suogpindl }s 6ulpnloul 'Jepual of AJoloulsges wio; w aouemsw ;o saleoij!peo Jo salollod <br />eqJ awl} of ewlJ wOJ; Jepual 01 Janllep II!m 'Japuel ;o lsenbei uodn 'Jo}snil •Jepual of elgeidaooe AlgpuoseaJ sepuedwoo io Auedwoo a Aq <br />penssp pup iepual of elgpldeooe Alquuoseai slseq pup sa6eJanoo 'slunowe 'wJo; ul ue111im aq hays $alollod -ailnbei AlgeuoseeJ Auw Japual <br />se aouemsu! Al!I!gell pup piezeq Jeglo yons 411m ia418601 'iapuel Jo JOAe; ut asnelo aeftftow pippuels a yl!m pue 'esnelo eoueinsuloo Aue <br />;o uogeolldde pone of Iuelol ,4ns Iunowp up u! AliadOJd Ieaa eql uo S}UawanoJdwl !Ie 6U1J9AO0 amen e1geinsu! Iln; ayl Jo; slspq enlpA J1e; p <br />Uo s}UewasJOpue 96e18AOO pepuelxa pJppUEIs y}!m aouemsui ail; ;o salollod ulelulew pup ainooid peys io}snil •aouemsul ;o aoueualuleW <br />•Ismijo pea(] s14J ;o ppd a aip ApedOJd ay} 6uunsul o} 6Ugp19J suolslnoid 6ulmollol aql •30NVunSN1 39VWV(3 A1)j3d0kjd <br />•SIUawanoidwl yons ;o }soo ay} Aed ll!m <br />pup ueo JolsnJl Ip4i Japuel o} AJoloe ;spas seoumnssu aouenpe Japual of gspuin; Jepual ;o }senbei uodn !l!/Y\ JolsnJl •SIUIJeJpw Jo 'saolnJas <br />'VOm ayI Jo lun000e uo pa}iessp eq pinoo uap Je410 Jo 'ue1I s,uawleue}ew `uall s,opuegoew Auu j! 'A }JedoJd eq1 of pagddns aJe sleualew Aue <br />io `pegspwn; aie saolnJas Aup 'paouawwoo s! liom Aue aio;aq sApp (91) ueeil!; lseei le Japual A;gou hays Joisnil •uollonilsuo0 to 9311ON <br />-Aliedoid <br />ayI }sule6e Sluawssesse pup Saxe} ayJ ;o luewaluis uelpim u awls Aue le Japuel o} Janllep o} IBIOIJ40 IUIUOWUJ9AOB BIBudoiddu 941 9zuo4lnp <br />hays pup sluewssesse io sexel ay} ;o JuawAed ;O 90Uep!A9 AJOIop;SIJBS Japual o} gsluin; puewap uodn Ilpgs Joisnil •►uawAed ;O a3UappA3 <br />•s6uppeeooid Jseluoo ay} ul pagsluin; puoq Alams Aue Japun 9961lgo leuo1lpppe up se Japuel awn peys Jo}snil •A}JadoJd ay} <br />ISUleBe Juaw9oi0;ue eio;aq Juaw6pn1 asJanpp Aue A;sges pays pup Japual pup llesp puelep peys Jolsnil'}seluoo Aue ul •uell ay} Japun ales <br />Jo sinsoloeio; a ;o Jlnsei a se annop pinoo legJ s96iego iegio Jo `sae; ,sAeuioiju pup slsoo Aue snld uall ay} e6Je4oslp of Iualoll;ns lunowe <br />up u! Japuel of AJolop;slles Apinoes Je4Jo Jo puoq Alains a}piodioo lualolgns p Jo qseo Japual y1!m 1!so6ap 'iepual Aq polsenbei ;! Jo 'u9iI <br />ay} ;o a6Jpyoslp eyI einoes 'Bull!; e4l ;O aogou spy JolsnJl JaJ;e sAep (9 1.) ueelp; u!gllm 'pal!; s, uell a ;l 'JO sasue uapl 841 Jaye sAep (41) ueeug <br />Ulyl!m pays JOlsnil'1uewAeduou ;o 11nsei a se pejq sl Jo sesiju uall a ;I •pezipiedoef }ou s! AliadOJd ayI u! ;Jelin s,Jepual se Buol os 'Aud o} <br />UOIIEBggo e41 J9no a;ndslp i4pul pooB a gllm uogoeuuoo ul wlplo 10 'Juawssesse 'xvi Aue jo luawAud plogyJlm Aaw io}snil •lsatuoo 01 114618 <br />•}snit ;o pea(] <br />slgJ Ul pepinoid espmJeglo se }deoxe pup anp Jou sluewssesse pup sexel ;o ueil ay} Jo; }deoxe 'Isnil ;o pea(] slyl iepun iepuel 10 lseielul <br />ay} of Ienbe Jo J9no A}uoud 6ulney sueil Ile ;o eei; ApedOJd eq} ulelulew peys JolsnJl -ApedOJd ayI o1 pa4swin; Imielew io paiepuei SeolnieS <br />Jo; Jo uo euop NJOm J0; swlplo Ile enp Uegm Aud hays pup 'AliedoJd eql ;o lunoo3u uo Jo IsulE6E pe1AOI suo!Ilsodwp pup seup; '(JemeS pup <br />Jelpm 6ulpnloul) Se61ego 'SJUawsSessu 'sexul leloeds `Saxe} lie (Aouenbuilep o} Jolid SIU9Ae Ile ui pue) anp Uegm Aed IIeyS JOJsnil •juawAed <br />:IsnJl ;o pea(] spyJ ;o ppd aip ApedOJd ayI uo suall pup sexpl ay} of 6uplelai suolslnoid 6ulmollol a41 'SN311 aNV S3XV1 <br />-Aliedoid <br />eqI eAJeseid pup Joeloid of AJpsseoeu AlgeuosueJ aJe ApedOJd ay} ;o esn pup Jeloeiego eqI woJ; golym 'uogoes slyl ul anoge gJJo; Jas S }op <br />eso41 01 uo!}!ppp U! 'slop JeglO IIe op hays iolsnil •AJiedOJd eql pepuelleun appal JOU uopuuge o} ieglleu seei6e Jo }snit ►aaloid of A►na <br />•Isaialu! s,Jepual Ioeloid o} `Japual o} Aioloe;slJes AlgeuosEei `puoq Aleins p Jo Apinoes ejunbepe Jsod of Jolsnil eilnbei Am <br />Jepuel •pezlpiudoef }ou aie AlJadOJd ay} u! s}s9J9iul S,Japuel 'uOluldo alos s,Jepual ul 'sp 6uol os pup os Bu1op of loud Bu!l!Jm ui iapuel <br />pep;llou spy Jo}snil se Buoi os 'sleedde a}elidoiddp 6ulpnloul '6ulpeeooid Aue 6uunp eouplldwoo plogg }!m pup uollelnBei io 'eoueulpio <br />'mel yons Auu 4pp; pooh u! Iseluoo Aew Jo}snil •A}JedoJd agl ;o Aouudn000 Jo asn agl of algeopldde sa!lpoyine IpJuawUJanoB Ile ;O 'Joaya Ul <br />Jaueeiaq 10 mou 'suoiluinbei pup 'seoupUlpio 'smvI lie Lipm Aldwoo Alldwoid IIe '4s 10}snil •s►UawaJlnboU le►UawUJaA09 4►Im owelldwoo <br />Z 96ed (penulluoo) Z5LZ9CL :ON UBOI <br />e E 9 5 (1 T (1(17. isnui =16 4334 <br />