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EXHIBIT "A" ... .200105607 <br />Part of the South Hall of the Southeast Quarter (S1 /2 SM /4) of Section Ibirtsm 03), <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall Counfi, Nebraslra, more <br />Particub* described so follows: <br />Commends= at the Soudormt corner of said South Half of the Southeast Quarter (Sl /2 SEi 14) <br />of said Secdos Tbirtem (13), Townsb1P Eleven (11) North, Range Nme (9) West of the 61h P144 <br />running tbmcx North, parallel with the West boundary line thereof; for a distance of 330 feet, <br />running thence East, parallel with the South boundary line of said Sl/2 SE1 14) for a distance <br />of 139 feet, running thence South, paraftel with the West boundary line of said S1/2 SE1 /4 for <br />a distance of 330 fee, and running thence West, upon and alone the southerly boundary line <br />of Said S1/2 SE1/4, for a distance of 139 feet to the place of beginning, esc'.eptiug, however, <br />therefrom a certain tract conveyed to Jobamna Cramer by Deed recorded is Book 3, Page 448 <br />of the Deed Records of Haft Coin, Nebraska <br />