� �%s7.ncssabu���`_..,, :�, :- ��Fi':����:CVE9�rh,r' •� �s��-s.w---,..-a,°a•�.�:LxF-� _
<br /> _ "___ -_'_ ^5�s�[�xs�e[nrosiwe�vNZ+� S�Y��SU�ralrtvas�aaisv�•----..-,-,.��--.�-...-_'_'�^— ' --- _.
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<br /> � t �... , , � ` . � ' � � - � � .
<br /> � � . . . . , . . . � � ` � .
<br /> . . . � . . ` . . . � 90��102$�8 � � .
<br /> '� � F-186000 • '
<br /> , . . �..-- .
<br /> . nBSR �OT PABTIAL RBLEAgB ' �
<br /> . � . � (l11�1tA51CA I�R.�AGE� ' , < .
<br /> � p�Lg, .Ge�or i �D. I!1}a�t Jr. n Deloria J. �ri��aicaawa �►s �L�o•� , .
<br /> LiL� a�d a� Dv osu J. '�� Li. e ds e Soctet o t -
<br /> � � o , ��acnt a aerts� �ort�a�e uato � u dated the firat da� o �,
<br /> �,�t�� g�tq {��,tas�ter referred to as Leadet
<br /> � ' �7s` t�e� mee tba Pal�ent af s note or baad of erea date tber�; in tbe �� of
<br /> . � �,�Q'tarcosde� ia H�s11. Connt7. �_�_ •�� � ___ aO°T� Dac�ismt No. T7-0030a1
<br /> . . . 1MIi1t �T5�6rD�Es At'Of� AL� �'!i nt ?HESE P1tbSLKIS� that the qia � zsaaer, for ,
<br /> , AL
<br /> � ; . �#1uab2e� coasideeation uato it psid at the ,�ecutian and de2lrier� bereaf, the reesipt
<br /> +�reo! 3� hatabj acimarledsad, bsa re�taed. release4. and quit-clai�ed, asd bs t�reae
<br /> � � ��arats doea r�s, re�eue and quit-����� °�� County of H�s11_ and Stste �
<br /> . - - f�13o�rins Qeacribed�r�1 pzoP��7. �� . � , �
<br /> . • pf lfe�b�,a�. to riC s . .
<br /> � 1lss btst A+slf s�.�'-. the Northea�t Qusrtes {E/2 NE/4) of Section �atT-eisbt (28).
<br /> ?arssbip Ele�eo ��c�:��tiorth, �s�ate �ve (12). iTest af the Si:tb Yrinc�p+�2 lferiAisa. . ,
<br /> Tp �y;g AND Tp HpI,� 3�18 SAI� WI1�1 Z�E APP�1RTIIiANCE4 unto the said vwoer os
<br /> � ,�na�, fv�e�er freed, ezonerAted aad discl�araed of aad fro� the efore�aid liea. .
<br /> ' � PAOVYAF�D alwtya, aewerthele��. that nothing l�ereln coatained uhall ia anyvia�
<br /> : ._ e i�•�; e���r or ditia��h the aforesai@ lien or encusbrance� on the st�siainj Pa�rt of .
<br /> the seai �property descstbed tberait�; ar ta�-re:e:i�: a= 2a- f•=. =�•"!'�'rin,e _�raa- tha -- . -_
<br /> ' p�ties� liable to pay tbe aa�e the bal�ace of ssid prin�ipal �u�r,''Y�th, iaterest, ,
<br /> �w�euseQ rh�reby. . . ;, `:. . ; .
<br /> ,, `.
<br /> .�. , -
<br /> IN WITNESS i�tEQF, �tte Lender ha• caueed its catporat�
<br /> ��:_�_:��. itier�euato .
<br /> eseota to 6e, signed bq its duly auL�qr.���;���a' thi� ;
<br /> . � �iffi�oed aad these �1�l1 1990 � • • '`:�`• � � " , ��
<br /> Pt+�wnt hisd ds� of A�S_. ^.► � . .' ;�; : , "�� � :.' .� �,�
<br /> � �� � TNE P�QUITABIE IS!'E..�a�CA ,,: '
<br /> . , � SQCIET4� THB, tnilZ�.9! ,
<br /> t _�- --i�� ":'�'
<br /> /L��'' ���1� ,/,ti� .
<br /> , . 8� Ross� p.�Cato�a, Vics•*�res dent -
<br /> ti�F .
<br /> , �.
<br /> STATE QY KAti9AS ) � _
<br /> �. . )S�.
<br /> CbtMT1! ap JbHHSOH) . . . . .. . . . . _ . .
<br /> ,. . ... . . . .. . . . . . . ... ... .. .. .. .... . .... . .. .
<br /> 0� this tvent -third dsy of A„pril� 1990. �efoxe �e, a n°ter�► B:�blic fa sad for �
<br /> �at,d Co�snty a State, personallg�, �PPtsred Ross F. +Gatoa tv �e peraomsllY imo�rri to b�
<br /> a � Vic+� pr��ldeat. o� � uitebie Llfe Assuraace Soeiet of the United Sr.ates, t�t :
<br /> " corposation dt�cribned iM an� t t e�oecute t are�oiag in�tr+=ent vina av�thority
<br /> � : � � .,>�to ��ecute sur.h in�ttiirmt. �a �i� nee,Soc3ec o�r the U ite d �r.+stes and�t�at Vthe
<br /> • � ?" thrMideat of ?�e uitsbie l3f�:.�s�ura
<br /> sral affised to ss is��ltru�nt ie e aorporate eeel of ra d corporntion. aad that
<br /> ' �i�1 ��btr�eut waa �i�ed ens! aealed �-�'� ��� Vi elYresidentta kn�o.�edg d�het he
<br /> i�s Bo��d of riirectosei aad the sa�ct Ar�a� F• � _
<br /> ;� and �aid Corpo�a�tian r�cuted zEa� iaid in�tru�e t na hie free And Yoluntary ect arid ,--___--_
<br /> . . dt�d .,ad as .ttce free and volua��t�y act and dead o� said co��oratian for the uses �c�d
<br /> _., ... . . < . �. .�..._ - � -
<br /> . purpose� therein 'espre��ed. . _ . . . _ . . ._
<br /> � �IITN�.SS �y haad a�� coota�rl.�i ee�l the day and year Ia�t abave vritten. � t
<br /> � _ ..��„ � . • E f� '--�, .. �i
<br /> �". tOR1 oAAtftiG � �..� " /��'�t.�' c i
<br /> e � ����e.gtan el K�+w I�ori rl ing, Ho� Pnbl i r . �
<br /> , � -� •�,Z._.
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<br /> � - _ �A
<br /> .. . . <.s *►�
<br /> NEBRASKA. � �y ~
<br /> Partirtl R�leaee nf MortgaY,e
<br /> 6g2-744
<br /> - cex x�
<br /> � 3�28� �
<br /> . ._ . . .---- ._ _ . . . .,-. . , . .�'-._"'"_' .. . _ . .J--..-*ats�==-- _ _ . . .- �-�- __- — _ _ . - ._ "_ _._ ._ -_
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<br /> '".'e�_'_'_-�.s-- . .. . , __ _
<br /> . �..N.. . -�- . w .VdYRLI' ..�.
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