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-, <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />200105597 <br />Part of the Northwest Q=rter of the SoutheW Q04rter WM /4SE1 /4) of Section 7hirteea <br />(13), Tu"Whip ML-;= (11) North, Range Kure (9) West of the 6th P.M, RaU Cons <br />more pardcaiariY des=ibed as follows; �' IYehraslca' <br />Quarter of the Southeast at a point on the South line of the Northwest <br />Qrtartrr (NWI /4M/4) of said Sectiooa Mdrtm (13), WW point <br />is 410.0 fat West of the Southeast Corner of said NW114SE114; running with the Fast Tint of said NWl /4SE1 /4, 2W feet; tb= North paraItel <br />Iine of said NWl /4SE1/4 200.0 feefi t�gg thence West, l�� with the South <br />NWI /4SE1 /4, 200.0 feet to a P With the Fast Thin of said <br />point on the South Tine of the NW1 14SEI 14 of said Seaton 13; <br />ruanutg thence East, along and upon the South Tine of said NM/4 of Section 73, for a distance <br />of 200.0 feet to the actaai point of beginaill& <br />