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<br /> '` PARK I�V�ST�ENt'S! INC., he.rein cal�ed the Grantor, in consid�eratian of ` . :
<br /> ` � � fl..d��. �s-a . � . '
<br /> " - teceipt nf which�s hereby aclmowledgcd, here6p grants and conveys unto the , � �
<br /> � � � � CIT'Y aF GRAND ISL.AND, NESRASKA, . ,
<br /> . . . ; . . ::,�.
<br /> , . a municipal carporatiorrx in�tall Caunty,Nebraska,hereiri cailed the Grante�,a permanent < `�:�::;�.;�:`:"�
<br /> � and perpetual easeQient and right-of-way to cons�ruct, operate, mainsain, e�ctend,�repair, '
<br /> : . �` . - replact, and rG�ve public utilities. �ctuding br�t no�. limiied t� �anitary sea�ers, storm
<br /> ' x . . � •��
<br /> , •
<br /> . , .
<br /> � stwers,water mains,unde3grownd electriG liaes,cc�mmunicatian�tines,manhotes,pipe,lin�s� .
<br /> i SUI�SCC M'idT�tCl�i 8IId OiIICC ��1F1UIt�lt�I1C�!5. upan, �v�r, ia, �nd tbrough a tra�t af t�nd
<br /> , . , , .
<br /> ; tcscated in Section 13,Tawnship 1 l E1i��nh, F�:�iRs� 1Q,Wcst af ili� hth P.M., in the C�ty of , '
<br /> .Grand tsland,Hall County, Nebraska, mnre p��niculariy described as fallows: __
<br /> � - . . . �. _. .• �,�.� �. _ • - -- �_.: - �
<br /> -
<br /> _ ._ --- -- - -- —,�Cegrtmm��t�pairrrnrrttc��aurrt crrrc crr i.��n 3ircer,sriu-}�rnrir -- — - -
<br /> � . being 33 fCet South ��f and 379 feet E,��st ��f the Nnrthw�st
<br /> . � ccyrner af the North�vrst�Quarter c�f the Nariheast Quarter
<br />. � � (NW�NE�) c�f Sectic�n Thirteen (13). lownshi� E4even (il} :
<br /> N�rth,Range Ten(ll!)W�s:ctt:ct�e bth P.1Vl:;thence easterty nn � �� ' —
<br /> � said Soutta iiae� �f l3ch Str�.�e�;±�ar ;.� distance uf 1� fc�:t; thence
<br /> � southerty t�h �r line�7��5 fce� F::�st c�f and �Sarallel t���ihc We�t �
<br /> ' • line pf the Narlhe�►st C1u�rtcr (!�i?:) of S�ctic�n 2 y11-1(1 fc�t a _
<br /> � ' distance of 2,li01..`� ,fe�t, mc�;e;�r ir�ss. tc� .� �c�in� rm th� Sou�h .
<br /> . ... � , linc af s�id.Nc,nhc;asc Qu�:r.i�.r (i�E'�� i�f S�ctic�n 13-I1-1�; '�' � .
<br /> ; th�nce westeNy <�n tfz�e Suuth lin� r�f s�rid l�nrthe��st Quartcr � . ,�::
<br /> ' ' . � (�1��) af Seetian :3=11•1� fc�r <� �istance c�f ��i fecs: the:n�e � ';�-
<br /> - r northcrly c3n a line 3'�9 fc:c,�t L•:.�yst c�f ��nd parallel tc� thc �t'cst
<br /> � line c�f�iid Nraithe.�s� Qu;�.r:�:r�,�f:;) c�f Sc�ctinn 1:�.11•1(f f��r :� • .
<br /> � distansx af 2,C�111.5 f�et� m��re nr Ic•s,tc� the �uint c�f he�innin��
<br /> � ; �11 as shown nn �he plitt li7:�ik�(� E:AItlhli "A" aus:chcs! hwret�� .
<br /> � � ant�inwr�r�ruted hcrein.hy reference, '
<br /> . �
<br /> tu�ether wittt the fc�lle�wing ri�;hts,namely,unresti�ctEd in�;[ess anc�e�;r�ss e,ver,un�ic r,acrc�ss
<br /> � � �ms thrnugh such land fcu thc purh��s�� ��t� cxer�i��n�; ttic.� riyhtc h�.�«in �;ranted.tES clear and ,
<br /> , ' �_. __- -
<br /> . . ` rt
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