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20001)5947 <br />neighbors cannot agree to such boundary line. The lake front boundary of the leased premises <br />shall be to the water line as the same may exist from time to time with changes in the water level <br />of the lake. The boundary line of the leased premises abutting the Lessor's common roads shall <br />be reasonably determined by the Lessor. <br />8. Peaceful Possession As long as Lessee conforms with the requirements binding upon <br />him in this Lease Agreement, the Lessee shall enjoy peaceful possession of the leased premises. <br />9. fmpr vements The Lessee shall keep the leased premises in a neat and clean <br />condition at all times and shall keep all improvements on the leased premises in a good <br />condition of repair. <br />10. Abandonment The Lessee agrees not to abandon the leased premises. <br />If. Access for Installing Utility Lines The Lessor reserves the right to come upon the <br />leased premises for installation of underground or above - ground utility lines and the making of <br />necessary repairs or improvements to or abutting the leased premises. The Lessor agrees to <br />restore the premises to substantially the same condition as they were before any such <br />installation and at the Lessor's expense. <br />12. Rids —, and Regulations, The Lessee agrees to comply with the rules and regulations <br />as prepared and furnished by the Lessor to the Lessee, from time to time. Such rules and <br />regulations shall contain restrictions and limitations, for the mutual benefit of all Lessees at <br />Kuester Lake, pertaining to the use by the several Lessees at Kuester Lake of the lake itself, <br />common roads, and the leased premises. It is understood that the basic use of the leased <br />premises shall be for residential purposes, but the Lessor may permit, from time to time, <br />commercial activities on the leased premises. Any such rules, regulations and permits are <br />subject to change by the Lessor, excepting that the basic purpose of the leased premises as <br />residential shall not 1-e abridged. Any changes in the rules and regulations must be approved <br />by a majority of the leaseholders present and voting at a meeting called for such purpose of <br />which written notice has been given to all leaseholders (one vote per Lease). <br />13. Tt-r inati n of I PASe bV nefaidt of I PsSep If the Lessee fails, after ninety (90) days <br />prior written notice from the Lessor, to remedy any default in his or her compliance with any of <br />the obligations binding upon him or her under this Lease Agreement, or under the Rules and <br />Regulations furnished him or her by the Lessor, the Lessor may, at its option, terminate this <br />Lease and retake possession of the leased premises but only after the following procedure has <br />been complied with: <br />(a) A special meeting of all stockholders of Lessor shall be called by <br />the Board of Directors of Lessor, and written notice of such <br />meeting and its purposes be given all such stockholders. Such <br />meeting shall be called for the purpose of determining by majority <br />vote of the stockholders of Lessor, present and voting, as to <br />whether or not termination of Lessee's Lease should be made <br />because of a default by the Lessee. At least ten (10) days written <br />notice shall be given of any such meeting, and the Lessee shall be <br />given full opportunity to show why his or her Lease should not be <br />terminated. <br />(b) If a majority of the stockholders of Lessor, present and voting at <br />such meeting, determines that Lessee is in default under his Lease <br />and that the same should be terminated, the Lessee shall have one <br />hundred twenty (120) days within which to remove his or her <br />improvements on said premises; and, if he or she fails to remove <br />the same within such 120 days, the Lessor and the Lessee shall join <br />in a public auction of the improvements remaining upon said <br />leased premises, and the net proceeds from any such sale shall be <br />applied as follows: <br />FIRST in the payment of any unpaid rents or other amounts owing <br />by Lessee to Lessor; <br />SECOND any remaining proceeds, subject to the rights of mortgagees, <br />