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<br /> �� . _ ` PEJBLI�UTILI'T�ES �ASEMENT 9 � ' ,
<br /> - , - .- . . - . : �-.- i�2€�5� 4 . -� , ;
<br /> . ` . Bi3ItI.INGTON EMPLQYFFS`CREDIT 1JIVIdN, herein c�ited the Grantor, in _
<br /> . . . . , .
<br /> � ; cansicleration of��a Zliarsaiid,gne �nx]�d� F�f_tv nbllairs � .. .
<br /> , . ; ' ; . , � . �— • �. , , , . ..
<br /> ' � ;. . receipt of which is hereby�a�knowledged, hereby gtants and'conveys unto the . : � � �
<br /> _ , . CTTY OF GRAI+�D ISLAND, 1�iEBRASKA: � �. . .
<br /> � ' a municipal r��oration,in.HaU County,N�ebraska,herein called th�Grantee, �perrnaiient: ' - �
<br /> � ; . . . • . �
<br /> , . , . .
<br /> ` � � . : ' and perpetuai �asement and right-of-way to ccrostructT operate, maintain, extend, repair; . '
<br /> . ��eplace, and remave�public utilities, inctuding but not Iimited to, sanitary sewers, storm . �
<br /> �� sewers,water mains,under�raun��i'�ct�ic lines,communications lines,manholes,pipe lines, � . :
<br /> . svrf�ce markers, and c��her �ppuctenances, �pon, �«�, in, an� thrnugh a tract.af land
<br /> - f � t ` . ' � � .. _'
<br /> . f • tocatec} in Sect�on 12, Tawnship 11 Pt�rth, Range lU ;7��,�t o� th� �ith P.hi., in the City of�. . ;`:��, ' s �
<br /> . Gr�nd Island;�iall County, Nebraska, mare particutarly descrita�i�d as follows: ` ; ' :.
<br />, � . , .;�,':���
<br /> � : . _ .
<br /> .. . _ . ._ . _. .::;,'_�
<br /> --- — -- _ '�t3eginning a�-the Nor��tw�s! eorner nf�.�t fln� (i j, wal-ivi�rt - - •�:,:_--
<br /> . ' , ' Subdivision,said paint atso h�ing fiOQ fect Nnrth of and 363 feet �
<br /> ` � F..ast af the Sauthwest corncr of the Sc�uthwest Qu��rter of tihe , , .
<br /> � : '�:�tlteast Quarter(SW�SE�)af Section`T�'��elve(12),'I'o�vnship . .
<br /> . ��even (1a) North, Range Ten.(IO) t�t�y� af the �th P.M.; � �. ., __
<br /> � ��� thence nartherly on a line 3�i3 feet East ai arid P=sr�llel t� the � . .�, � �
<br /> � . . '' We�t line of�aid Snuth+vest Quarter of the Sbl�t�;4:3sc Qu��ner . � �
<br /> � .. ��W�SE�) �f S�ct��i� 12-11-10 for �i di�iance �t 719.1 feet, � 1;
<br /> . r�rare or les.s, tn a pc�int on the N��rth line c�f s�sid Sr�uth„�r ��
<br /> Quartcr uf the Sc�i�theust Claarter (5W'zS�z) ��f Sectic�n ?2-11• � �
<br /> � 10;thence�st Un the N�rth line of st�id Sauthwest Quarter of, . . �
<br /> ' � �;te South��st Qu�rter (S�'V;SFz} c�f Scctian 12-11-]O fc�r a � � "`
<br /> , � distance af 3U1.H2 feet; thence snuthcriy on a line bFs4.fi2 feet • ; ,i;;
<br /> East of ar�c� parallel tn th� West line �►f said Sauthbk�st Q����rter �' ,
<br /> . ` af the S�utheast Qu��rter (5W,�Se:) nf�;r;ctic�n ��•�1-lU far � ' �
<br /> ' distance�f R feet, thence west�rly c�r�;� lan� R fcct ���uth��f nnd � �
<br /> � parallet tci the Nnrth linc ��f saicl S��uiht���tit Q��nrter nf the
<br /> Southeast(7uarter(SW�SF���)af Sec;tion �i-11-10 fr:�r��dist�trtire �
<br /> - ot 2fiy.tf$ feet; theace s�utheri}� cin .i lire 3HS fee;t fi;�st ot' .ind
<br /> � parallel to the West line af s�id 5autlri�e5t QEi;►rtec nf Ehc:
<br /> ' . Southeast Quarter(Sti'�;SG1)c�f Secticm 1�•13-1U fur.� elict��rice �
<br /> . , � . � := ---�,-
<br /> � � _ ' � � , • ;
<br /> � . • . ' t
<br /> _:._. _._. _.. ._ __.. .:__ ._.. �. .... . _ . _ . : ; _
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<br /> � , ' .. . t�-
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<br /> - . - _ �- _
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<br /> ��,. �, _ _ .�., - - - --- --.,,,s. _
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