' r: ,� , � � , � � , . .. : .. r - ' ' , ` . �
<br /> , ' ,.-.-€.-.:,_ .. � • . . � . , ' . � ' _ . .
<br /> .. � � ' � . ' ; � ' ,
<br /> � < < : � � � . . �.� .9p.�Q28.45 - �� .
<br /> � Nort•UNtfo�t.0 Cov�cv�r�ts.8onawer and Leader funher rovmant an�sgrce as fbltQws. � ' �
<br /> � ` , `i! Aeeeleradoa=iteae�M�. IaNe�i�il�Te tolk�t to�or�oweir Kia�to sccelerat� tdtow{ss BorcaweYs . �
<br /> . _ --�if��j co�6ti�2�Ei�#i i�ii oFF ui��asr�`i�Ew's f ii�i 60t�Q8 ii�C su8��G�res p�+i�'ri��fi���a7 • - - -
<br /> ` - �1��faw�rortia��.3'fi!aatiee sh�li�ecitir:(el t6e defrn[t;(S)Ne�cNaa re�rlre�to cYre tl�e , �. ' .
<br /> . � �eta�f�(c)�ihte.�at le�t tY�30 d�yt troe tLe dste t�e aotiee i��hen ta H.ocrower.by wtikh t6e detaWt��st be cursid; . . • .
<br /> awt(A Mst tWa�e to crre t�e�irhxit o�or Detore tY�date speciRea ia t6e�otEee say�ait i�sccetentIoa ot die�utl
<br /> . .aee�re�i i�t��ee�ipr I��sest�i�ot tMe F'ro�tety.Tbt�otice s1ui01 tartliet,i�tard Boeraaa ai tre rt�it to. . __
<br /> ' te�LM�e a�r accd�tto�ad rie r�1t!a�a eorrt a�tto�to�scet t6e aon�sxe ot a detairIt or aa�ot6er
<br /> . �lresre dBoerower to aoceke�ia�a�i pi�TEtie tkfsalt is aot crrcd oa or before ti�e itte s�edfled t�tbe eotic�I.eaier, . ` � ,
<br /> �, � ����Y ��M7�t ia tall ot aiU sa�setu+td_6y thti Sec�rity Iatr+u■ent x[t�t fsetYer
<br /> iew�i ri wa��soi«ti�e�reir ots�fe ri sry at�r r�rt�es�erwftte��y a�plkaNe hw.i,esde�swU be e�titkd to .
<br /> . : .. � . Qal�eet �Il eu�a�d L�ereriei i� �ea�ttie re�eiia �ro�td�d ia t�pin�ra�6 19, iacl�ii�+bst sot Itefted to, ,
<br /> � esa��lie�tt�or�eys'fees�N eadb of tide e�tiese� � � �
<br /> k If ttit pw�r of�It�i is�oke�.Tr�es sMll recor�a�ottce of defuit iu ad�cwatY i�wiJcl�uy prt of tke � �
<br /> ' Pro�erty!s loa�tai a�d sraU sW co�ies ots�t aotke I�tbe sa�uer pce�crl6�d by s�ikable 4w to Borrower�ad ta tfle �
<br /> otier��sc�d ti7 a�i�cs11�4w.AttertLe ttre re�[red 6y a�ltcable Lw,?trstee s�al�the pr61k aotia ot � ,
<br /> � s�t+e to tMr�etso�s aii t�t�ae sa�aer P���Y�lN�liw.Tn�stee.wtt�uat de�a�d on�iorrower.6iall�eU tbe
<br /> � , Fro�eHf�t rMfc a�ctio�to tie 6i�est bWder st tbe tire sn//�t�ee aaa ander tlk ter�s de�pated t�thc eotice otsak ia
<br /> � �o�e or iorr Mrab aiti is a�y order Tr�ttte determiaes.Trp�tea a�Y Port�Q�e swle oi d!or aay pucd af tl�e Praperty 6y .
<br /> . � �Ik.'�t at�t�aed�laoe ot oY D�9 sc��kd sate.Ll�11lR Or�b dl��lE IRiy f Yitwit dl!
<br /> . Pro�ertyal�ysdG . . . . . .
<br /> � ' � Up�Eeeei�t ot F1y�t of t6e�rke Md.Tr�tee sWl delirer to t6e porchuts Trustee's deed ca��eyi�`t6e
<br /> � Pro�eet�r�Tie e�tWs t■tie Trrst�'s de�sWl be prlw�ficfe e�ide�ce ot tUe truth ot rbe stateaeaa msde thereta.
<br /> Trw�s6�11 s�ply t��rooads of tbe sale is tbe tollowing orAu:(a)W di txpeuses of the sat�inctudIeg�bnt aot ILaited
<br /> � �to,?t�ttfe�'e fee�t��ttted 6y spplip6te I�w snd teasonable attonteys'fees;(b)to ali aams secured ay thLs�xarity
<br /> � Iastr�h M/(c)�sy eicceuto tye peteou or�e�xo�le�sliy eetitieil t��it.
<br /> � 2�t I,teder in Poe�essio�.Upon acceteration under paragaph 19 or abandoament af the Property, i,ender(in
<br /> persaer.��agent or by judicially appainted receiver)shafE b�eatitled ta enter upon,take possession of and manage the ,
<br /> Pr�opert�aind Eo collecE the rents af tlt�PropeRy inciudi�g thase past due.Anq rents coltecte�d b� I.eader or the receiver . '
<br /> ah�Il be�,plied firss:Cp.payment of iht c�osts of mansgcmrnt�f the Pt�perty end coltection of rents, including,but not
<br /> �limited Q�teceivet s:G�,premiums on receiver's bonds aad reasonabte attarncys'fees,and tfi�en ta the sums secvred by
<br /> this Secitirity Iasttument. : '. �
<br /> ; 21.Reooa�eyaece.Upan payment of"all sums se+cured by thi�Security Instrument,I.ender shaU request Ttustee to :
<br /> � . rrconvey the Pro�er�g�and shall sunendtr thi��Security tnstrurreen�and alt notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> instrument to Tcustee:Trussa s�aU reconvef t�te Prapeny without warranty and witt�out c6arg�to th�person or persaas . -
<br /> ' legally rntitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recardati�n costs.
<br /> _ ?�.Subttftute Trwtee.Lender.at its option.may Prem ume tu[ime remave.Trustee and a���nt a suc�:�ar trustee _ _ _ - --
<br /> ' to any Trusta appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in ehe county in ahich this Secucity Instrumertt is recorded. . -
<br /> Without conveyance of tht Prapeny.the suc�essor trustee shall succeed to all the title,�sawer and duties conferred upa� ',,:_�
<br /> Trustx hereit�and 6�?�pplicabte law. •�
<br /> � �3. Req�at!or Notica. Borrowcr requests that cc�its of the notices�f default and sale be sent td Botrawer's °-
<br /> addressw�fiich is the Property A�r:�&s. �. , -
<br /> . 1'���tlatrs to thfsSeeurltY instrumtnt.Sf ane or more riders are executed by�atrowrr and recurded together with ::�:
<br /> � ihis`Sxotity Instrutr�r.tt,the covenancs snd agreements uf eacfi such rider sh�ll be iacorparated int�and shatl amend and ;y�
<br /> � . . ' suppkment the coversants and agreements o!this Security I�strument as if the riderfs) wer�� part of this Security
<br /> ' Instrumr�t.[Checic appf�cable box(es)� , �
<br /> •' � ..,,_,,, � �:4djusuble Rare Rider [� Condominium Rider ,_� 2�-4 �a�:;�� Rider �
<br /> [J �raduated Paymrnt Rider � Planteed Unit Devef���ment ltider ' � �
<br /> ,_,._ ) I D� YI "��
<br /> . '�' ot6ee(s s ciP �,
<br /> �Y SICiNING BELOW, @�urower accepts and agrces tr� the ternis �n�i :.�:�.rnant� c�nta�ned �n °f.t:s Security .
<br /> lastrument and in any rider(s}executecf by i3c�rr�wer nnd rccorQed wnh it. � ' _
<br /> ........... .. .............. ..... . ,.... ...,... .... ...... . ...,�i?�!!.".'.`.'�. ........ . ... .. .. . . . , .., Seal .
<br /> . - ..... . .... .. ..
<br /> Charlos J o h � -.���o«�� '
<br /> . . . ... __ _ � . .. . , . . . .
<br /> .......:.................... ...,................. ...... .. ... . , .. .., ._ . . :�...... ...Q.4���`�.................. .(Seab�
<br /> e nn Jaseph -ea�o�►
<br /> ' � S(ATti(11• NLBNASK,ti. Ha12 ('•,,�u�; :,: ' �
<br />, , , � , � .
<br /> Un this 22nd �:�� c+f E�la�r . 1'i • '.
<br /> 9� ;�ctnrc• n,�, She cittdctsnmctt, :� 'Vcrtary 1 uhhc
<br /> � d�sty ci�mmis�icmecl and Uiialif��.d fc��tai�i cuunty.E+,r���naliy�,une �haTles ��SSeph end Lec�Ann Joseph, ' '
<br /> ' • @aCh �)'1 his and her OW[i Pight Ond 8S SpOUS�' Uf �3Ch'OL1^.2: , ��*mc F.m�.ir,�� t�.hc the ��� '�
<br /> . ia�ptiCt►f pet��m(sl +rh��SC �iamel�l .�tr �uhtirrihed tn thc Inrcn :;�::. .+i�.ttun�rnt au�{ .�if+n����kd�e�f ; s_ _�ccut�un . .
<br /> � Ihcrcoi'to bc h7,s,�'C�BT �•vluntan a:t and dri�cl. ' �
<br /> �Yitness m} �;;�c�,c�au�f n�,�:�r�at Sr�l ai Grartd Isl�nd, taebrask3 , ��� �,u�t,����►r�y. ��,�.
<br /> _. . ._ ... . Q�iC'�Si;�`iSei(�: . - . -- - -. - . . . , -- •:- - i -
<br /> .. - , � - - '�
<br /> My Curmnicsinu c�pires: �/-�-1-�3 , .
<br /> � .��.��:�:�.-�:.����:L....�. . . . _. . .. . . . . .
<br /> a��orMr�Nra� � . ��,�,; ��
<br /> ����� k! !,!'1 �i1t�t: Kt( t�;tit'F1'•1tit1 • �
<br /> Il�tqia Ftl�1i�1�t!b . ���
<br /> �hc imder:t�.��ci4 i�Ftn itirl.tc-s c+t iltc tT�,ic c.r ir�,tc� �r�r:r;i# i=c rfrf=: i)c-;�t r,! €�t�st �:�rtf n-,;t-;�r nrsic�. rn�rrN,-� - ..
<br /> - - - - :. .
<br /> with;ili ut{rcr iuttchfl'C�itC���l'iiliCt��ri-f�»��IiCif N� I f!f-I.ti:i�C f't:'S)�t.1f��1' t+,�Ei ��+'1,!'. ��:�:I�� l{ �i '•.t{'+,•i.tti::�..1t,� .
<br /> n��tc nr ��E�Ic� aficti 1hi: t)i��.i t,r i►���r, .sht:h arr ct.•ir�.r:�! i�;i:i�:. :�;� i ��• r�.. �F�:: , .,,�1��,.�� ,�.��, : . . .�:t ��,. _ �,��,
<br /> Ittn� hctci iri tnt� tltul�t t1tr, I)rt•d :�t 1 rtt.� 1ci thc (•c�����i su ��;;r...i:. ,. :�,�,;. :s�r�t'.�, '� :i�� ,
<br /> 1.1.�fr. . _,,.,�
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<br /> 'Y . f . � .j ' . . 21� . �f . . , . `, . �. . - . . . , j .4'./ • • ' .��. � . . ' !. . ' . '
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