. • � . ' _ . . • ` ` ' �"` .
<br /> .. . -�,«... ` ` i ( . � � ` i . .•—.�_...._ ' � .
<br /> '` ��,. ` � " . , � � 1t
<br /> ` � . ` ` . - . ' i . � • , , .
<br /> , j UrtfEURtNC�vE!�Rti"rs. f�irrowerandLtnQercavenantandagreeasfnll�K�: � �--�02845
<br /> , - `i. Pl��re�t of,PrG�eiMt�ht�est;Pr�e jay�t�d U}te Cbargp. Bo�rower shalt promptiy pag wt,en due ;
<br /> - — _ . �tise pxiitai�ti afano inietes��tt"sacae6l�ci7deitCtcl o�tht t'�fot�Hltti 8tty pr�p'3ytttmf attd Eatc rr�tTgn civa uttacY thc iiuYc. - . ,
<br /> ` � 2. F�[or�Tasss a�Im�ra�ct!_ 5uDject to applicabte taw or t��a t��ritten w�aiver b}Lender,Bortawer sball�a} .
<br /> " . �o Lertdtr�an the day monihly payin�nis arc di�e under the Note.unti!the Note is"paid in full,a s�rm C'Funds")eq�!tn
<br /> ode-tKeNth of: fa)yeariy wxes�nd as.sr.ssments:which may atfain priarity oLer t�is Seeurity Instrum=nt; (b)�rarly
<br /> � .katc�id p�ymsnts or goand rents aa th4 Propert�. if any; trl yestrtk hazard:insurance premiums; and tdy yearly _ '
<br /> �rfoet�e insur�ce pretniums,if any.The�e fietas are called"escrow items."Le�ider rtta�'estimatc thr funds due on the
<br /> ' E�sis ot'CUt�ent dsta and re�sonable�stimAtes df fut�rc escruw items.� � �. ' �
<br /> � � ' The Funds shatt be held in aa institutian the deposits or accountsof ahicb are insured or guaranteed Is}a fi;deral or �
<br /> atate s�cy f��ludinE L�tder if Ltnde�is sueh an ittstitution}_ Leredu shul!appSy the Funds ta pay the escrow items. - �
<br /> � Lender rtisy not clutrge for hotding and�pplying the Funds,anatyzing the•gccount or verifying the escrow items,unless, - •
<br /> , L'ender pays�orro�ver inferrst on the fiunds and appticabte!aw pennits Lender to make suct�a charge. Borrower and
<br /> . . Lender ttuy s�in �vritina t3�at;inteiest shai!be paid on the Funds. Uatess an agreement is made or applicable Ia�v ,
<br /> � , requires interest to be paid,Lender straU not�be required tQ pa�r 8arrawer any interest ar earnis�gs on[he Eunds.Lcnder � •
<br /> � � shal!aive to Bonawer,withnur eharge,an annuat accuuating o�the�uads showing credits and dcfits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose for v�hic�each debit t�the Funds aas made.Tha Funds are pledged as additional security for�he sums recurcd by
<br /> • ' this Securit�y Znstrumrnt. � � '
<br /> , If t6e 3mount af th�Funds hetd by Lettder.togsther with the future monthiy payments�f Funds payable prior to
<br /> � . _ the due date.s of the ascrow items,shal}ea�the amount required to�ay the e5crov�items when due.the exc,�ss shall lx.
<br /> ! at Boriawer's aptioa,eittier prompt[y Tepaid to Hnrrower or credited tu Horrawer on monthl}payments af Funds.lf the •
<br /> � amount af ihe Funds helQ by Lender,is not sc�fficient to pay the escsoR i�ems when due.Botr�wec shali pay to Lender any
<br /> ' $maunt necessary tn make upthe deffciertc}rzc�ne or more payments as�equicec!E+y L.ender.
<br /> � � Upon payment in fui!of att sums secused 6y this Security Instrument.Lendgr shall pramptly�refun�t�o Bonrnver '
<br /> � . ` any Fuecds heTd by Lertder. If u.r.r�c�aragra,�b 39 the Propeny is sold or acquimd 1�,� Lender.Leisder shall...�gly,no iater
<br /> _ ' . . than�tmi+diateiy prias�o th��C�%��?the�r,-���rty ar its acquis+tion tn:l.ender,ang Funds held hX L�nder at the time ti�f
<br /> ` applicaticn as a credit agai�st tBe suins sec�i*i-b9 by this 5ecurity Instrur�rnt.
<br /> ' 3. A�plid�v�at Psyn�edt�. Unless appticabtG law p+oviQrs nthenvise,all payment5 received by l,ertder under �
<br /> � paragr.t�hs 1 and 2 shai)be applied:f�rst.to late charges due urtder the Notr,second,to prepayment charges due.under the
<br /> AIote:c�i'rrd.t�atnaunts payable under paragraph 2,fourth,to interest due;and last,to principal due. .
<br /> � � •� 4 Cb�rge�Ideas.� Qorrnwer shafl pay a0 taae�,asses.qment�, charges,flne5 and impos�tiana attributabte to the .
<br /> . Property which may attaio priority over tf:sy Security lnstrument�. �d teasrhotd payments ��r graurtd tents, if anr.
<br /> 8ocr�wer shal)pay ihesr�bligati�ns in�he�anaer pr��vided in para�rs�"�2,or if no�paid in tha.t:enanner.Bnrrower Sha1l .
<br /> � _ pay thero on time directly t�the persnn oKCd payment. finrrower cha:i���mptly furni�h tn i.c�t�er all notirec�f amoams' ,
<br /> to 6e paid under this paregrapk;�E&�rrowcr malces these payrrcents darertfy.i3ocr-»�wer rhall prnmptty�funuch to LertQer '
<br /> , rereipis evidencing the payments' ' � � '
<br /> RoriraKtr shaU promptly dischatge:�as.y-lsen whtch hac pri�nty c;�•cr tbts Se�cunty� intitrument unte��Bnrrnwer(a) '�;�_;�• -
<br /> �. _ - Aore��n writi�g rn�hP naymrnt af thc oblijtafe�n secured by the hen�n a maneer�_g*.:'.:!c::l,c.�3:s:t�:�=-"•'rs�E_�Sc+�---- -- ---- ------ —.--.-- =- _ _
<br /> fa�ith the lien by,�r drfendc Against gnforcement nf the Ir�i�n.tegal�roceedingS u�!*uh�n the l.ertder's ap�nion operate to
<br /> prevec,.t?tc enfor.:cment nf the Iren or fnrfeiture ot'any �urt nf the Prc�peny;��r t,;� •aecure�from thc ho3dcr t�the I�en an �
<br /> agreement satisfactory to I.ender tubordinating the I�esi ca this Securny InStrume:'. It t-ender detcrmmes ti;,r�r an�Q3rt af
<br /> the��operty is su�sy+e�:t to a lien which ma�-.attai�pri��rity over thi��:cuF�ly inatrument, i.ender may �vc Horrower a � -
<br /> ' . • notice idrntifying t�t�e�tien. Horri�wrr shalf��;';2.xfy ihe I�rn or take one rrr more i�f the actr{m�rct ii��,r'1h ah�+ve within t�d.zyv ' -
<br /> of�hegivingc►trtotice. . ' " :;:��
<br /> _ S. Nuar�tasurattee.. ��rrc�tiver shall keep the impcocements nnw exttiqng ur hereafter ere�ted nn the Yraperty �
<br /> � insqred against tacwby fi�e.hai.utns incluQed v+�ithm the term"extrnded�overagc"and any erther h��;�rds fot uhich l.ender '
<br /> _ '� . . reyuires insuraace. Th�� insur��nce�hall t�: -:na�ntained in the am��untv and for ¢hc pennci4 th�u Ixqder rcywreti The .�.
<br /> insuran¢e carrier pmviding Ihe in5urnnce.��,.�11 be rhFS�.en hy Bnrruwer tiubjec! tcs {,rnder'4 ap{►ravaf w�hr�•h�hal!nryt be
<br /> unreasanably withheld. � � �:�
<br /> � All insurance p��lirtew and�enewal�shal!be a..c�.^tahlt t�� Ixnder and shall u��lude a StandarA mort.gage claure `'�
<br /> Lend�L shafl havc the ryght ta hotd th��xrlicics and renraats.li't.cadcr rcyu�rc�.EicirrnK�cr�haU pr��mp�ly'��sc tu Lendcr
<br /> ' all reeeipts of paici c•remiumy andrenewa{c:vtsrc�. In the evrnt u!t{�ty,Hn►ri+ucr�hall g��e prc�m�+t n��uce t��the�nsurane6 . �
<br /> camer and i,ender.l.endet may make pr��at'vf lu���f ni�t made pre�rr.�:'�hy ll��rr��wer. ��
<br /> l)ntes�I.cnAcs nnd i�arrc�wcr c+thcrw•�tic agrec�n wn��iig.u��ur:�::c pr.�cccd��h;ill hc a�r!��r�i u►rcctnrahun��r rcpatr ��
<br /> . � ofihe F'roperty damaged,ifihe rest�r7iiun c+r repair��c�:�mcim�rally frar�ble:+nA t,cirder�ti 4i��,,nty i�«��t Ie«encd tC the �
<br /> restorahm�ur rcpair iti nut erniu�mlcally fcas�blc tsr l�:ncler'�cccunty wn�itd br lcwcenecl,ttic �i�tiuran�4 pre,�cccds tihal!hi:
<br /> appltcd tu�he�umy srcurrd b} th�s Serunty� Inctrumcnt. uhclhcr.�r :i��t thcn ciue. wUh arr: c�;e�+pard t��Nnrmwer If
<br /> Bortowet abando�cclhe 1'rc�perty.�ir di,C�n��t ancwcr withis� �{►�:c«:a n��Uce Ir:+n� I.cncicr tt�ac slie u��ur,i�ite car�ier h.�b.
<br /> UtTtt'ed ttl seitle�t�:::tt,then Let�Jer may ce�ttect the msuraace��rcfC::.:1. Lerider n�:�y u�c�i�e�-e�:::eds tf.re�+au ur retiti�te
<br /> the Prog►erty nr tc+p�y sumc�ecured hy thiti Se•cur�t} Irs�ec�tinrnt. whethrr nr n�st the�i duc �7 h�����da� ;r°<<�i a�tl heE��n
<br /> wher�a'?,;c�ic►1�ce is��rn.
<br /> 'f.�niess Lcnder�nd tiorroKCr��th�rw�sc agrce in untmg.art�an�h.al�nn of rr�+;;ec-d�t�►pr�i��i�+al�hai::int cxtrnd��►
<br /> pcxt�ne the due�a�e�+f the mnn�hly��}mrnt�referrrd�a�ir►par.arr.;;;�'��.1 a�id 2��t e h�u�;e chr an�nwlt��f the p;�ymrnts ?� '
<br /> , under paragrw�h f�the Praperty is u�yu�red by[xndcr. l3nrmticrr'�sF.�r;i,t t�►:fny�ntieir,�u..e pr+hc�c,:m►I Ev�xeed�rcuilr.��
<br /> fram dam�ge to the Yruperty pr�nr tn the acyt�tsmnn tihall patiti t�.I.cndcr tE�thr extent uti�hc�um.+ccurcd hy thi��c�•unty
<br /> tnstrumentimmediately`pru,ttc,theacyut�ttu�n ' '
<br /> ' 6. Preservatfnn ond 1l�;iateeancrat Prnperty;l.rascfiutds. N��rr«wrr,Y:,�tl nc+4 d�tr�,�,�t.�ma��nr tiuhsf.c�nr�ai}� '` •
<br /> chan�;e the !'rn�+erty..�llotr tFe Yruprrty tE� dcterte+rate �r k�nnr��u 'r�srtc If tluti tic�ur�t� Inrtrf�n�rnt i�rni a tc��ch� •,�. .
<br /> • Borrowe�sh�ll cc-.:�;y wrth Ihe��rf��i��uuc uf the tea�e,ss�d c6l3c+rr<�wrs ucytjieer fee tulc t��thr 1'sE��+rriy.thr(e�rrl�adu.�;:: . -_-
<br /> fectitlechul!nat r.•c-:,�;:u»tcstil.cf�der agree;tu thc mrcce��n urifing �
<br /> T. Nrote¢ti�a af tx.�dr°t'g Rig�hts in the P�op�rr�; �fort�e insurance. Ir 13<�rru�ticr t:uiti t�� p:rft�rur rirr
<br /> cc�venanis and agte:::ZCnts r��ntamcd�n this Se�uti!}lr.����r;mem.ur therc i�aJrgal,�rn.:ccdiu�tf►.if m,�y� :;;-�,:�,�ritiy afle�t
<br /> ... . ._ . . . a a '�s:ahl�iskz»-�-Ps��:tl� ��.sscl��:».rsr�sa�; s:i 4�-:sss�:r:�#�:c;. �:r:�!�ss:.c,•u::::f:::ne�.:.-�::�::.::s s�;.��s::::< �a:�•�..�-: .. ,- - • -
<br /> tCgulations).thrn l.cndcr rnay c'<�and pay''..�r;uhatc�er i�nccr�sacy tn��tutrct thc�a1�sc nS�I1C�'�' :.PntfF4 atict l cndcr'.t .,!•:'.Y
<br /> , in Ihe Properry. Leneter'ti act:om may tin��::�r pnying any cun�ti er�ureJ ny ;t.ilf•61 l�Ill::t► h.e� ;::s�nty ��.rr �I��. 4.rui.°; �
<br /> L Instriunent.appeatin�;in c�,urt.;,��}in�;�ea���nahlc attnrn�ys'fce�aiui enterinc;un ti�e 1'n q�rrtti t:�m.�ke rE���,�i►. .Ll�h�,u;;h . •
<br /> I.ender m:+y takeacliut�uucitir�t;s�s par.�gt,�pl�7.I.cnr,�:-�y�v nut ha�r tctd��ui
<br /> At►y�r�nuntsd�th�ersed h��[.et►de�ui�eter thf.�-::,-u�;tap+lr 7�ha1!hCtt+iilf act,iitu�trat il;,�t�''N�•t<<�t�rr�r;��tee1 hy 1lcr� �
<br /> , 5ecutity lnstrument t�nic�s Horrc�aer�nd Lcriei�r rigrec t�i��thcr tcrmc i�f p.�iniei�t thc�:.in�:•::� r�ct,,,ti F�c,�r �ntrr�•rt fn�n� �
<br /> !hC d.de v�(IISF1llfSL'fllcnt �t Ihr Nt�fc Y;�TC .�nd �iTall F•r p,�y�hlr. «tih ���tcrc�t. tct•i�n nnfr.e frr�m 1 ca�lcr t�� H�,rt�,t�cr �
<br /> reyuetil�ng�+ayi��e��l. . � . �:
<br /> � �.
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