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EXIIIBIT A <br />Parcel 4: <br />Part A: <br />200.105576 <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the S1 /2 NW1 /4 of Section <br />20, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly <br />described as follows: First, to ascertain the point of <br />beginning, start at the intersection of the southerly property <br />line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company with the east line <br />of the NW1 /4 of said Section 20 as measured along a line mea <br />at- rright angles nfrom Othe fcenterline tofo the e <br />eastrboundsmainsured <br />track; thence southwesterly along and upon said southerly <br />property line a distance of 1,963.23 feet to the northwest <br />corner of "Hoch Subdivision "; thence northwesterly along and <br />upon the prolongation of the westerly line of said "Hoch <br />Subdivision ", a distance of 100.05 feet to a point that is <br />100.0 feet distant southeasterly, as measured at right angles <br />from the centerline of the east bound main track and being the <br />ACTUAL point of beginning; thence continuing northwesterly <br />along the last described course a distance of 48.66 feet; <br />thence running northeasterly, parallel with the centerline of <br />said east bound main track, a distance of 395.15 feet; <br />deflecting right 89 degrees 33 minutes 29 seconds and running thence <br />southeasterly a distance of 48.63 feet to a point that is 100.0 <br />feet distant southeasterly, as measured at right angles from <br />the centerline of the east bound main track; thence running <br />southwesterly, parallel with the centerline of said east bound <br />main track, a distance of 397.06 feet to the ACTUAL point of <br />beginning and i containing 19,263 square feet more or less. <br />Parcel 5: A Permanent Right to Encroach under the Permanent <br />Rights Agreement from the Union Pacific Railroad Company to Ii & <br />It Partnership dated December 1, 1994 and recorded December 5, <br />1994 as Document No. 94- 109687 of the records of Hall County, <br />Nebraska to A tract of land comprising a part of the S1 /2 NW1 /4 <br />of Section 20, 9 West of the 6th P.M <br />Township 11 North, Range <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; more particularl., <br />y <br />described as follows: First, to ascertain the point of <br />beginning, start at the intersection of the southerly property <br />line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company with the east line of <br />the NW1 /4 of said Section 20 as measured along a line parallel <br />with and 200 feet distant southeaster) y, <br />angles from the centerline of the east boundmmainr track; ithence <br />southwesterly along and upon said southerly property line a <br />distance of 1,562.22 feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning; <br />thence continuing southwesterly along and upon the last <br />described course produced, a distance of 401.01 feet to the <br />northwest corner of "Hoch Subdivision "; thence northwesterly <br />° <br />Hoch and upon the prolongation of the westerly line of said <br />", a distance of 100.05 feet to a point that <br />is 100,0 feet distant southeasterly, as measured at right <br />angles from the centerline of the west bound main track; thence <br />running northeaster)y, paralle a l with the centerline of said <br />east bound main track, distance of 397.06 feet; thence <br />deflecting right 89 degrees 33 minutes 29 seconds and running <br />southeasterly a distance of 100.0 feet to a point on the <br />northerly line of the aforementioned "Hoch Subdivision" and <br />being the ACTUAL Point of beginning and containing 39,904 <br />square feet more or less. <br />
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