. . , - . . . .
<br /> >�.- -�.Tr ' � � — i 1 ` , . � .
<br /> - . . . ` � „
<br /> . � •
<br /> : :
<br /> -
<br /> ` � � - �- - - ---. . . --- - -- --- - ��(�2$��= . �
<br /> _ _ - _ L��r�Yel�i.IileeaR'�Iste C��e.Horm�wa shaU wr wnea tiut thc principal of.aad intarest on.the debt � ,
<br /> evldet�d!'sy t�r Note and t�te¢harses dut u�tdar the Atote. .. .
<br /> � , ' ��W ht�w1��?as.i�ee�M Ot�ett�BoROwer stiaU Loclude ia ath moathly►paYQ►rnt.toYsther�vith _ _ ,`
<br /> tbe QriAdy�l�d b��t a�set fflrth in th�e Nae�d aay Ltt�.aa 3hsL�*�*►of�Y t�3 ts�es aue syecial n�sescn�tts
<br /> kvkd��or to be kried aputq�st the proDerty;tb)ka�e�ofd pl��ts or atoua8 re�s pn Wt Propert�r.and(c) pcaniu�s for
<br /> � . imuraace�i�re by Par�a�4. � � , � , .
<br /> . � �atb moQthly inst�mt fa iteme[a�.tb)and(c)slWi eqwl aae-twrdita of[be sanua3 amoants.u rasoa�bh►estimatsd hy ' ' �.
<br /> I�e�.P��n amoamt tuft'�siant to m�taia in additiona3 b�6unoe af not more than�o�se-�€xtB of cde 4stimatcd amounts.'il�e � ` .
<br /> . full.aoau�a�oone tor acb item shali.be aca�muiated bY l,eader�rithm a paiad<s�inj ooe montb betose an itan�voutd . .
<br /> . ' beoon�e d�m�eaE-t.eade�r s�aD hoid tbe�ts c�ected'm trust to paq�tema t�),(b}�ad(c)befoie they 6ec6ane 6diaquw�, � .
<br /> , If at�uy ta�e tLe tutd af the papmeut�6eld hY t.ettdet for items(�?.(b),and(c)�todetlser�eitb tt�e FuEUrc moaiNy�pmepts " �
<br /> [ot wcb itsms paysbk ta Cardet priar to t�e due dues ot such itans.exceeds lry morp t�un oae-sixtD the estimated amount oi
<br /> : qy�its ce4uired to D�y suc6 itsms wrhea dae,and'J psyments on the Nae are�t,then Lrnder ah�ll dt6a refund We
<br /> ` !iCl4 OYI�t�IC•3�Ot f�!lSt�SitCd pij�AICAtS OI Cildlt t�Q[Ods bYLT OM-`Sil[[�af tbt tStlIDi[!�Q1YfAlIIti t0 EU�t
<br /> �almeds bl►Bairow�es.at tl�e aptioa of Borrowrcr.It the toal of the psymeats made by 8oao�ra fot itaa!a),(h?,or tc)is �
<br /> < • ���P�������.t1�en Botroxa sflaU psy to Lender an�y amonnc ae�ry to mai�e up the defkieacyr oa ar
<br /> ' iiNare tbe date the ium 6aoma dut. ` , .
<br /> As u�ed in this S�r Instrumedt,��Secretaq►" meaes thc Saretacy of Housias aad Urban Dsreiopma�t or his or.ha
<br /> ck�oec.Mat Se�itY iastrumeet�ins�uad by t�e Saaretan►ue fnsured under propams�rhich cequire advsoce psymmc of thc • �
<br /> �tire�atfa�e jasor�aue pca�atam.It t6is Sewrity instrumeet ts c��ras insured under t psqcam+vbidr did eot require�d�mce �,
<br /> • prye�eat ot t6eeaatF inatiyc inwrar�a pamium.tAen wclrmQrsthlY D�Y�►t shrl!atsu FncF�iedttus:(�au installment of the
<br /> annwl mortfqe in�uaaoe premium w be paid by Lenda�to the Secretary.or(ii)a eau�r cAar6e iastad af a mort�s
<br /> _ iasuranx premiurt�itthis Security Inswmsnt is heW by the Secretary:Each.mont6lY insEWment of tive mort�e�iasurancr
<br /> . premium shafil be in ait amount aufficknt to accumuhte the fuU aanual atar►.aqe insurauce premIum with Lender oae month •
<br /> - � pria to tAe due tht full�!mortpt�e�ce premium La due to We Srcretary.or If this Security[nstiument is hetd by the ` .
<br /> SaretarY,wch monthiy char�e ahal{be in an amount eq�ral to one-twetith of onahtlf pe�ceat of che outsru�dia�pdncipat
<br /> baiance dut on tbe Note. •
<br /> ; [f Sonowtr tenQers te Lender the full paymeat of aII sums secured by this Sesur(ty Insuumeet.Bonawer's accaunt shall be
<br /> ' � ctedited �rith the biluscc retnainInj for.� iristallmenu [or itea�s(a). (b}and.(c)utd ufy taort�e insurattce premium � •
<br /> fi�meet thu Lender has not�ecome obli�►ted to psy to the Serretuy,aad Lenda sRal!ptomptly refund any eacsss funds to
<br /> . Borrwva.[mmediuely prior to a lor�dclosure�aie ot the Propacy or its acpuisition by Leoder.Borro�rePs�ccount shall be
<br /> credited with aay baLnce rem�ininf!oi aU installmcnts far icerrs(a),(b)and(c). �
<br /> � �.A�/RqW�ot tay�b.�►i1 PaYments utuier�tara�t'sDhs•! aad 2 ahall 6e applied by I,endet as toltaws:
<br /> �T,to the mort�e inwr�ta pssntlum w 6e�aict by Lrnder to the Sercaary or to the monthly chzr�e bq the Socretuy
<br /> Inuead of t6e montt�lq marijue inaurance premium. untess Bonower p�id the tatin mortgaae insurance premium when chis
<br /> Savdry Jtist[utneat wu sipucl; .
<br /> ---- --. - SF.fY1Nn,tn any�as+s,[fkfCi�!waere�_��,�.;�t.�.t'�$�?...:i:iS$i�aiiTiki i%:nb.iuni titc.i�uu�u�t0 OiitC��I�ifO iOSpT�I7CC .-�
<br /> premiums.as required; •
<br /> �,11BQ.to intaat due unQer the Nae:
<br /> �ov���to amartuaijnn of the pr"rncipal of the Note; ' �
<br /> ��to late chutes due uader the Note. „
<br /> • �•Ft�e.b7�N aM OIMr Ha�ari I�wn�ce.8orrowa aha!!insure�11 improvemeots on the Prapeny.whethcr now in cx�azta�ce
<br /> ar aubseQnaftty ereetud,ajaimt any��zards.cssualti�es.end contin=encies,inctudin�fire. for whkh l.ender requires ins�anca ' �
<br /> T�w insuranct sh�li 6e maiatdtted In the Qmonnts nnd fo: the periods fhst Grader requires. Barro�u shaU atso insure�11 ��
<br /> imptovtmrnts on the Property.whether naw in eziucnce ar subscaurntiy erected,�alnst foss by floods ta the aetent rcquired by
<br /> the See[eta:y.All insur�net ahaU be canitd with eoe*.�pynia apptoved by l.enQc�r.Tht insuzance policies and any reaewats sha!!
<br /> , , be hetd 6y Lendet and shall inctude toss p�yabk ctpuses in favor oi.and in a form ucey�t�bk ta,LsnQer.
<br /> In t6e etient of iosi.Borrower ahall�ive Lender immediate notice by mail.i,enQer may m�e proof a!loss it not maQe prompt-
<br /> ty by Borto�rer.Each inturaace compaay conc.�rtkd is heteby authori�ed ond directed to�rwke paymrne for auch fas�directly to
<br /> 1.eader,trutesd ot to 8arra.rrt and to Lendrr jojntly.AU or any put of the insutana proceea+nuy be applicd by[,endet,at its
<br /> optbn. eithei.(�)to tl4c tCduction of et�e inQtbtedctes�unQer the Note and this Security fnslrumrnr.flrst to�ny delinquent
<br /> amaunts applied in the order in Puairaph 3,an0lAen to prepaymcnt af pdntipal,ar tb)ta Ihe restotation or repair of the
<br /> damqed•property.My appiiqtion oi the procetds to tAe prirtcigaf shaU not eattnd or pc�stpone the due d�te of tAe m.�nthty �
<br /> psyme�te which ue afared to in Paraaraph 2.ot change Ihe amaunt of sucb payments.Any eacess inserance procetQs over an
<br /> amaunt tequited to pay all outstandins indebteQnw under the Nute and ehi�Se€urity Insirumrnt shall be paid to the entity te�al�
<br /> ty entltkd thsrao. ,
<br /> In the event o!torecfoSUre ot IAis 5ecurity tnstrumtnt or other tran�fer of atle to the Property that e�tinguishes the in• '
<br /> debt[dnas,a11 ri=ht,tftk and lnterest af Batrower in and to insurance poGcies in torce sha2!p;ss tu the purcfUstr.
<br /> S.�r�N�aY��Mal�kuk+e ot tM r�o/ertf. I,�auio�. {btrower sh�U not c��rmit wute vr Aestroy, dunage �r �
<br /> aubshntl�lty chatue the ProDerty or allow the Property to detetinrate,rasat�le weu artd twt exctpted. Lender may inspect �
<br /> the property it the property is v�cant or ab�ndoned or the t�an is in defautt. Leedor may cake reuonabte�:tiun tv prutcct and
<br /> prextvs�uch v�cant or obandaned property.lt Ih3�Serurity Inetrumem is on a reaisehoid.Horrower shali cr,mpty witb the�rovi• �
<br /> � sianf o9 thr kue.If Bonawer acquiros fee ti�tr to the Property,the leuehold and fee titta sh�ll nnt be mersed unless l..eader
<br /> „ aaces to the mer�er in writin�. �
<br /> i•t:i�tfM t�/�eaw�e�M►nNe1N�M[�eM�►'�Iqpts f�t�e 1'►e�erty Burtawer`shall pay aU gvverr:mental or municipat ' '
<br /> eharta.finss and im�osi:ions that are rtot iactuded i»�'atagtoph Z.Burrnwor shall pay Ihese obligztinns Qa cime directly ta the •
<br /> tntity which is orted th�payment.It failurc ro pay woutd adversely af'tect Lender'!interest in the Propetty,dpon Lender's re- �
<br /> quest BQttasver shW DromDtty turnis}�tv tendcs receipts evidencin�these payments.
<br /> It Bono�Paits Qo mal�e these payments or the Cay�nents rcquired by Para�aph Z.or taits toperform any other covenants and _ __�..---
<br /> .---�_, __-
<br /> a�raments contalned in this Securily Insuuraer,t,e�r thve is g legal proreeciing that may si�nific�ntly affect L,ende►'s rights in .
<br /> � the Property(aucb as a proccedin�in bantruptcY,fvr condemnation or t�enfc,cr laws vr regulations).chrri Lender moy du bnd
<br /> D+�Y w�ttver i�necessary to proteci ihe value of ihe property and Lendrr's r�.P�.s in the Prvpeny,including paymeni ot taaes.
<br /> --- . .' Dazatd ittsuranee and nth�E itttt��mtnt��+aes!�Pers�k 2 .
<br /> Any amount�disburs�0 by lender undet this Paze,graph shall become an edQitiona!debt a�f tiauuwer and be sec�tet!by this •
<br /> Securjty Instrument. These amuunts shall bt�t mtaest (rom the date of disbursement.at the Note rase.and at the uptiun uf ,�`
<br /> Ltndtr.shaU be immMiatety due and payabte.
<br /> 7.Co�t�wtio�.'i'he pta�ceeds ol any award or claim tot damegcs,direct or cunseyurntial,in conneclrun with any cc,ncicm-
<br /> w
<br /> a�tion os nthet tatting o!ausy part�t the.E'ropetty.or for cunvtyance in place vf tundetunat can,ate hrreby ass�gned und sha7!be �
<br /> paid to Lsndu to the eatrnt of the full amnunt o!the indebtedness that trmains unysid uader the Note und thi�Sccur�iy ins:�u• e�
<br /> mmt.t,ender shaU a�tpty such prnctects to tAr rcdncdan oithe indebtedness under the Note an�f this Sc�uri�r li,s��ur�,rnt,f rsr t� �
<br /> _ _ � eAy detittqutriE amounts appIied in!he utdet psovidet�irs Pxtagtayh 3,aad then ta p�r��ym�nt of titin�ryal.Anp a�ficbiivr�+i
<br /> tlte tiroceeds to tht ptlttripal shatt not extena or�ostponc the du�date nf ihe monehly �:ayments, wbieh ate refened tv in 3�
<br /> f'aragraflh 2,or change t6t amuunt•at s�icb payments. Any eacess pTOC�ecQ�orer�$mount rcquireJ tc�pay alt uutstandin�;in- -' -
<br /> debtedness undee the Note an8 Ihis 5ecurity fnsUUment shall be pa�d ta the ens,ty Icgally rnu�tcd�hereta.
<br /> A.Fse�.Len�er moy cuUect fces actd chargos au►hurired by�he S;cretary.
<br /> PaRelnfl � �
<br /> � �- "'�."�', :�--,.. �.,.._,,��ay � - ' y t+ � �s�.3a�::�'= , -
<br /> ; � J { .. ' -- _ . H, ._. c.s: r�__ . .. , _ ��� ..
<br /> y _ ,•
<br /> ,
<br /> .
<br /> � _._ },, � -4 {�,;j ��rt i�iit��'�X ,. _ . --
<br /> . _ .1�'l. .— �t-qiF`F —�—�.�1 r f �i � •�---�.-.�-..�___-._-� �—._ '— _ . .q.-� - _ _- ,
<br /> . .. . EA.fJ,',{ . t i:? . . ' ��C"fr,r� , .. ., � . . ,.��. i . -,d-t , �� .. ' " �', _' • . ` _ . . . . �. ,�i , � . ', . .
<br />