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<br /> � �KKOW AEt MEN.BY THE�S�PRE�ENTS:, , . . ' � . � -
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<br /> . . �.�y��,_,,,,��,�.�p,.,; s_ sa�rr�;a� �g�r1Y Known a$ CaralJean 3.` Williams�,� Gerald iK_Ss�aY�__ ' . . : �
<br /> . � . . � ` � �Kife and Husbaad � '�
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<br /> , - . ai tl�s cft�of�-� ..�a1�� Caunty of Hai� - ' ,. - � •
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<br /> , � �' .`.`:��.7�idr6JRWE�T�ANK AI�BRASKA,NAT/DNAL ASS�OC/AT/ON,c�rtain�eal-�ate In said Deed of Trust dfesc�ibed,in � '
<br /> � ��:trtrs[,ta secun the p�yment of the�indebted»ess mentioned therEin. ; � .
<br /> ' Lot 1�to �4}',Black Ten (10) H. G. Clarks Addit3on ta the City af _
<br /> � � ��and Z�"$�.`�d, Ha1Z Cs�untg. HebraskA. � � .
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<br /> ANO,WHEREAS,Ssid indebtedness hat be�er�paid and the pur,poses of seid trust heve bee�lulry sstiaf/ed; �'.:'�'
<br /> � • j.S
<br /> NORWFST,�ANK NEBRASKA, NAT/QNAL ASSpC1AT/QN,�oes hereby r�nise, �etease and duit ctaim urrto the
<br /> pnsent owner or owners the said�ea!estate and unto the hein,succ�sors�ad auigns sa+d owner or ownen forever,
<br /> �J! M�right,; tlt/e,end/nierosi witich it Aas under and by virtue ot sald pe+ed'pf Tiutt tn and to the sefd re�1 este:e in ,:"-
<br /> , safd D�[!��f�Tiase psiticufarly descrrded,refererrca to eMrich is hereby�►rade/or greuer censint�r. � ,
<br /> ��HAVf AND TO MpL,D t/te same,together with all aa►A singula�rhe pri viJeges and a�rt/zu�rtenances thereta belo»ging ' :��
<br /> � � torer�rr. AND FURTHFR, tAat said Tiust De�+d ia,h y these presents to be c onsidered as�sYly and absalutefy released, '
<br /> ' c�nceHe�d end loaehrr ditcAi�d. ' � �
<br /> ` � W/TNESSmy hrnd ind s�v!this lt3th--- -day of_- - - `'�Y � , f9
<br /> '-�-----•
<br /> , • . A�TEST,• , NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA,Nativnal Associatron, Tiustee�
<br /> f . ` (�(„ ,-;. , ; .i �^ � • , ��Y
<br /> ' Y�../' ` � ` <�.L���..�.r._ BY • �f3s E:' XC`k3�CIl�--� :�.
<br /> �. ��'ictor�.a I.. Bo n r, upervieor o ert"`Z'. �
<br /> '� SfATE Q�N�BRA3KA 1 � � , '. .
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<br /> � � ' COUNTyGF Dnu�;�as �
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<br /> � The tai�oirrg irrstru:^7ent was acknvwlertgec€8efore me,�Notery¢rblic,an this�,..1�3.� �day of_.._.._
<br /> ` +��,�;,,, , }g�_,bY��,ji4 SYLLII�(�,_s� _ V�CE PR�S�i?'3T �
<br /> � � ' o/NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NATI��'!IAL ASSt7ClATIQ�� a N�+tit�nui Benking Qssoci.�t�r�r� yn behalf o/said �
<br /> � �orporatior3.
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