' __—.__-� . i . ` ' . ' � �( i � ( . t , _ ._--.—Y- ?- �
<br /> � . .� . • ` f t � Q ` .. � . .
<br /> _ �' tFt�iFO�MC4vE.'�swta'rs. Bor�dwer and l;ender coyenant andagra as foitowrs. . �� �O�v O�
<br /> : _ . . - _ - -- ---
<br /> . 1. P��aeat o�Firi�ci0f1 ae�l i�tecest�P�ie�f�aeet iad-c.�ta� �T�*��aii pro"mPiiy tr���:i���.due .
<br /> _ . the principal oPaad intertst on thr de6t cvidesiced by the Note and any prepa�rm�t and taxe charges due under cRt Nate.
<br /> Z. F�adsforTs:e�aad Issrraace. Subject to appIicabte Iaw os to a writtert waiverby Lender.Bottowershall pay
<br /> � � � to Lr.ndtr on th¢day manthly payments are dne under the 1�'ote..untii the l�Fat=is Raid in f-�tl.a sum("Funds')equal to
<br /> onrt�relfth n�:(i} ye�rl�t taxc�a.�� asse�s_�ents which�may attain priority over tfiis•Sawrity Instrumeat; (6) yearly - ' `�
<br /> ._ � .• . ,
<br /> le�setjold paytnrnu or grou#�d rents on the Iiroperty� if ariy: (cj y�atiy hazard �nsurance primiums;and{d)yeariy
<br /> . : � mort,�sje lnsurance ptemiums,if sA,y.'Y'hcse items arr called"escraw iterrts."Lend�i may estimate xke Furcds dua Qa the
<br /> . basis ofcnrtent Q�ta and re�wnai�trastimates aFfutur�escrow items. . ,�:; � �� ' :
<br /> . T�e F�tnds shatl6e hetd ist�'iutstitutiantltt:deposits;��accouats af ahich are insured�r guaranteeci.��.�i��Ccrn1 or .
<br /> "� yR� d s�!t a Iv the Funds to ay dk�..tR`,';?t!�.'��items.
<br /> : _ state a�.�i�ndu�tltg:�:a�der it'��.�`i�cr is suc�:ari'si�st��,:�.�.:t.a? e� PF . 1? �,:. .. �
<br /> ;"�.et�Tss:_�ri�telis�`For hot�it,rt,�a�tti}i appty�itt��#r���rr�..�,�.��'�"�s��caisnt or veriFying ihe es�kc�ai'u�'s,unless� , ,
<br /> .;.-i _ Li, <��=�
<br /> L �::: , �?`'�!Sfs'�titro�t�uftrre5t ittl'.tli�:'l�uads�t '�`���ti�'ptirF�s�'L�arder to t�u�c sucSj a�cfisit'ge:��twter and -
<br /> ��,��,�;;�,;.:,.. . :;l�;�;tt�st+�t�x►gtte_in�vriting.th�it interest sha34 tiie'paid`i�=�ir�ands.lin2ess an agteement is made or a�1ir,�►bie taw .
<br /> �;.;;�tit�equites�iitt�t�est to be paid,Latdc�t�haU aoi bt require�ti��Sa�Borrawer am 9merest or earaings on the Fupds.Lender
<br /> _ ; : shall glve to�iarrower.wrthout charge,an annua!accounting ot'the�unds showing�redits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> � ' � purpose Cor whicb eaeh debit to the�unds v�as made.The Funds are piedgeei as additianal security Car the sums secured by . �
<br /> ,. this 9ecurity Instntmet�t. .
<br /> � � if the amount df'the Furtds Aetd by Lrrtder,tagethet wit�thc future au�aihly p�yments o�Fund3 payabte priot ta
<br /> ` Ihcdue dates af the escrow item4;shall excad the am�unt r�quired tn�►ay chcc�screR items when dut.the c�cess shalt be. ,
<br /> � at gorrowtt's op�ian,sitheF pramptfy repai�l to Barrnw�er or credited t�Bnrrnv�cr nn m�snthty�+ayments of Fendc. If the �
<br /> � ambunt ofihe Funds hrld by I�ende�is not su�icient t�+pay�hc e�cu�w item�uhro dur.Hcsrrnw•tr�Rail�y tu l.eatfer an} �
<br /> qtn�unt ntccssaty tn make up tha defiriency�n nne 4+e more pa�nienis as rcyu�tecl hy t_tmQer. � . ' '
<br /> ' tlpan�yment in fu{)af al)�umti secarrd hy Ih���ecunty Inti�nun�nt, l.�n�ier shall prnmptty�,refund to�nrrower �
<br /> ' ` any Futtds he��bg 1-ce��tt�.(i'under�ar�graph 14 ehe f'a�pesty�ti sold nr acquired hy [.c�ider.i.ertder shnUappty,no later
<br /> ' , than immediatety prior t�s Ihe�ate of ihe Pr�pert�r ar�tc acqw5�t�c�n hy (.ender,a��y �urtd�held b}I,ender at ihe time i►f
<br /> � apptication as a ctedit again�t the sums�t�cured by this 5ecunty In�trunicnt.
<br /> ` 3. A�iie�tlon ol�,rye�ents. Unless applicable law p+�Yides�nthe4wise.all paymeotc recei�ed by Lender under
<br /> psrag�aphs 1�nd 2 sh�li tx applied:fir�t,c�iate charges due under�he'Vote;second.to prepaymene charges due under tAe
<br /> Nats;third,M amnuntc payahte under paragra�h 2;fou�th,to�qtrrest eiuc;and last.ta principal due.
<br /> 1. Au�ryes;l.ie�s. �rrawet Sha�i pay all taxca,a�ses�mrnts,chargc�,fins�and impositians attnhutable to the
<br /> ' Praperty which may attain pri�rity c►ver this Securitq tnstrurnent, aad leaseholc! p�yments nr ground rents, if any.
<br /> � �� Bpttctwet aha11 pay these nbtigatinn�in�he m�nner prr9►i�ect��paragraph 2.��r�f nc�t paid ia that manner,Bvrrawer shalt �
<br /> pay them on time dircctiy to the peru�n owed pa}ment. Iinrrowcr shalt prumptly furnf�h ta Lendrr nIi noticec af amnunts �
<br /> to be paid undtr this paragraph. if E3�►srnwer ntakcx�he�e payment�Airectly. Rr►frnwer shall promptly tumis�tu Lender �
<br /> rcccipts evidertc7ng thr payment�.
<br /> ._ . 6nrruwer shaA nr�m�t4y•_+«,�hatoe pny lic-n wb�ch h:+��rinnt} c►�ec th��Secunt} Inrtrumert tuites�E3nrrowet:(ul . _ --
<br /> agrcxs in writing to the payment of Ih=obt�gatz•n�rcura:d ny thel�en�n a manner arceptahte to l.c:�',.�r��E��t c.ntcwts in gMxi :� ,,
<br /> f�ith the iien by,or defe�ds a�gainst enf�rcemcnt af�he I�r*�in.leg�l prc�ceedm�s wh�ch�r�the[.,crt��"�:�E�7�".i r�c�perate to j�� _.
<br /> prev�rtt 2�e enfbrcernent t�f the'�..�:_►ar forfeiture c�f any rc��'{-ff the Prc�perty:ar(c}�,ecure�fr�m ehe f:��.�L�-�-l'.,ihe lien an
<br /> � . ugreemca�t satesfactnry!a l.tndet�ub�rd�na��ng thc lten t�r tii»Security Tmlrument. If l.cndcr determ�s�c�![��a any patt c�f
<br /> thc Proprtty is a�.�w;.t eo u lien whuh c�a� �°tain pri�+f��y cYaer ehtic�ecunty Imtrumcnt, I.ender may gi�e Elaaaw�.:�. ._.
<br /> Rotice.idetuifying�Er��cen.�ormvrcr tihall ti;,tcvey the I�en�r take nne nr ms+rt af Ihe.ictioati ve!fi�rttc ahuve a�th�n t0 c�r� • �_
<br /> � afthe ,pe�iwz�goFnatict. ;`.�
<br /> - �. Hmrd Inwtsece. (��rrnwcr 4haU keep the�m�'+rutiementti nr�w ca��t�ng<�r hereaiiet erected Lr,>�c Prc�ptrty �
<br /> ' ia�sured agatnst Inss by firc,h�cardy�ncluded w�nhin�he tcrm"CAtL'ti(�C(�CbvC{agc"r�nd ai�y��tFrt haiard�G;r�,�lr ich l.euder ���
<br /> � � reyuires.+nsurauce. Th�s �nsurance shal! Ne n:aintained in che amc�unti and for thc penu�iti that I.ender rcqu�rc�. "fhe
<br /> insurance carticr �:���'idiug!he ts;turance ��t�:i't�chc�<en hy };�,��„w�r suh}e�;! tr► l.ender'a a},^r•:zsf w�hich �hali nF�t hc
<br /> unrcas;;s�abiy"w�t'�kric� � �+F
<br /> . AI)tnsuranzr�t�s�ctes�nd renewaZr�haii he ac�eptnhlc t��I.e�4cicr and �haif �nclude a startdard rr..�stH+age rlau.rr
<br /> � . . I,entke sh�li ts��r`he rig�tt tt►ht�tcl the{xwhc�t�s u�s�renewal� If l.endcr teyu�rec.�i��rr��wcr�n:,s����+mr.'.y�#�tfe tc+l.cnd:r
<br /> �Il recefpt4 ai�:�ptemiumti antl rcnewai s��r•�;:^4 In the c�ca�ai lo,.. Norrnu•cr+hai!g��e prF+��;:t m�t��e to 1P�e in�i�raRdc.`
<br /> C�fsiera�nd ixnder.l.endermay makr pr�+�+i'+s�:,'•��r IPIIt�I t►t�de(�tc�m�tf}hy Ii��tt��wcr � � �
<br /> linlevs l.cndcr anJ&�rruw�er e��heru►�rc agrc��n wt.s.sng,ir.�,�ruc�ec�+rn�r�•d��h;�l!hc apj^.,:•:,•rc°+t,�r�°:_'n ur repair 't•�
<br /> � o4'thc�'rt►ptrtydamagecl.if ihe r�ytutaunn ot rcpair�s c�:or.c�m�call� fe.�,►hlc:�nd 1 cnd�•r"��e.�:_t��:��iut i��,�:cncd I�'4he
<br /> rrstornlion�,r repa�r�ti nut ecunc�rtucally featiihle �,r(�nckr'•.recunt� ��uutQ be le.�ened. thr�;,�i=eancr�+t�Keedw ch�ll fye
<br /> applted t���he �uin�+cc�+rr�!hy thi�4c.urity Inyttuuienl,whcihc���r rr��t thrn sfur, ��ith an} exce«��aid�e� li��rr�+uer If
<br /> , Rt�lruwer:�t�andons the 1're��xrly,nr ci�rrw ttot aiM•v►cr w�ih��� ur da��a n�f<<cr fr��»� 1 cn�frr tht�t the intiur;inc�carr�cr ha+
<br /> c�ffercd tusettten�laim,then I.eitder m�y cnticct �heir„ur�nrr prEre�+f� i.ruc4rr rn;tq ii:c��fie��nkecd�t��rcp:�ir e�r re4t�+re
<br /> � the Yropert}�E�rt��pay�eim�vrcucecf by rh�c tie���s�fy ln�i�urneae.��hr�ther��r nnt thri��iue 1 fie ;h�fay �tert+�d��d!begtn
<br /> ' wften�hc�«�ttcci��ncrt
<br /> linlesc I.ettd�t.,i��i Ft�1rn�Ner c*therwi�e agree i�s wnlue�.at�}�a����tu��I n��r��i�t��cc c!�tu Prmupc�i tihalt ne�t�+tle�id�n
<br /> � ��sip�mr tltcctucdatc��f Ihe�ua,nlfdy p:iyineut�rc tcrrcct taui�+aragraplic t :mc!�„r c h.�i�c�c�hr antount��f thr pa�mcntc Ii
<br /> under parograph 1��hr P'ruprrty�s�icyu.�red h} I,cnel4r.li�ur��uer'c nE�ht t���+rok�n�u:e��_c���i��ie+•ancf pcureed�re,ullm�; .
<br /> tron��larnage tothe Pm�serty�+rtrFr t��thr:�cyumtran sh71!r:«t t�+1 r�u'•e►t��!he cates+t��t Elir 4urnc�c.•�sec�11•e rhi�tir.�utit�
<br /> lt►��rutne�tl immed»tely pr«�r tc►thr iICf�Uiti1{tk�ii �
<br /> 6. Preserv�ti�n and�taieteae,�ner��f PropeHy;I�eASeDotdl. H��rrf�t�cr.fi,�tt nc�i elc�.lr��y,ll:lll'I:f�C 4�f�Ut��IJAGifII) ,
<br /> change tke N�upet�y.IIIIk�►►' EftC ��(O(�tl} ���:�etenur��te c�r .:ommtt a�titr. if thi�yt•�u��t� lu�ttu�iic�it iti���� a Ic�cehE+id.
<br /> ' Hf�<'re:a•ershaila•.�,,,6y Hnh thc��u,��,iau����t;�':�a��.a�:d�!Ilorr�,wcr a�i;wrr•wfrt t�tic t.,ihr Yr�,perty.thc Ic;��ch��ic1 and .-� --_----
<br /> fc2�:t�'�;.2;e1�':i��^';:e�;� tsnlc�>G.�r,�leraC�c�,tc�:'~,::t�ePL�:�cc;t t�retzt:g .
<br /> "`'. Yt�iei�':on ot l.et�:'f W�pt�.� in Qhe �'rup�tty: �lc�rty�;t;�t�� tnsurancc•. !s 11:�rrc•:�rr i..��:, � . °err�:r.: �r
<br /> - ' =Rq:nm�yr��c zr�igctc�rxu!s�fer[:S:t;s::ri.=;�i:2:.,.!s:itifll�i IflStfil(EICIIi.��f:�"�?"iC ivd�CYd�E°#t�l'1'Ct:�i�.�,:�..SI IYI.�}41�t11tit:J:;.':y �.if:":_�•
<br /> -___ .. . _ .. �C'C:.:.`S ti��i:S t7t k�1C ��t1�j1fIi4 (SU�F!:Sti i:{',"':3Ct'Cl�lt:�111 hankrupt�y_ t`s�,hdlt. �Nf C�p'.�;:;T':'��°•::��}f ���C(1�l�T�C �.t•:A-.°� - - .
<br /> reguia:tnnsl,thcii y.criiler m�y clva����.►y fi�r whate�er�s nccesstry ta�r��se:t tirr�aic�r��f the i'r.�prrfr :ind I.rn,�rr�ti tt�;r1�4 �
<br /> m tTtr i'�operty. lxuder'e act�t�ns may inclucie�,.�tfns;au� �uuiti cr.itre�i hr .� t�ctti.s�h�it►h:��pn.,rrti „�er th�ti tic:wtt} �
<br /> � 1n9ttutnenl.uppe�ttng ir�cE�urt.F�a}u��,tc�'au+�iahie ait�,rrtc��' fers anet rntr:ir::��fr e1:�Pra�}��crt}t:*niakc rc•tt:e�r� ,lithe,uEts -
<br /> l.�ttd�:r mup t�Nc�+.i�me e�u�rR tt��z�ari�r��ph 7.l cudrr duea n��t t�etie e�,d�•c,�
<br /> Anyatn��ut►isd��fiutset1h31 e►uirr u�ulrt tfs��p.it,��t:�rh'sh�►tE h..:�nrr:+cicli*ii»i.�i:ict�t„f Fi,�r�".irr ke�tErc�h4 thti� =
<br /> Se�unt�tnstrumcr�� liti[es�florr.��wer3riJ lctidwr agrec�tt�cstlier tetnr���f��,�rnsrnt, et�c�t.�rti��;int�:i�nt�hr.;; t»scrc�t f�k+�v� �'`
<br /> !h(� da3E c+t��f65bl;r:ctncnfat the !�..c ratc.aii�# �n�ft [*r p::>a►ttc. •E�ti� FifT:{i'�f. ��,•��r� -�=•t��e• :T.�:�� � �•;:<l��r r<< tt:•�e��t�es y�
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