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<br /> � . . . 1-4 FAMILY ItIDEIt = . �
<br /> c �"". . � .Aa�idn�xot ot lie�ts � � -
<br /> �
<br /> - � 'iHIS,l�i•F�A1�Q3i RIDFR is�this 21st dsy`of Etay , 19 90 ; .
<br /> � ' �tl i��iaoo�,►op�!�aed s6aU be deeaxd ta amend �nd �pp�anant tfle M�tgage, �kod of Trust or Security Deed ,
<br /> (d�e "$ec�ailj��.�Ni�um�eat'�of�e sa�e date gevtn by the tufde�siEaed �the "Bonower")tn.secvre Bamwer's Nnte to � , .
<br /> ;�<; ` � TME EqU2T�18LE B�.ICDIN6 ANO tOAM ASSOCIAZIOIi, GRllNO ISLAND. NE�� ����7 ` �
<br /> ::_:J:;`: aE�e slutie date �ud co�e�iag tbe prvpccty�a3ed in tf� Sautity Insuument aad tocated at: .
<br /> �.��"`��� � . � 812 Morth Yheeleir. 6rered Island, Neb�raske 68601
<br /> ; ; . " , _ [Ro�rty�tear�ssi . , .
<br /> ,,:,;
<br /> _ . .. ��1 FAMf�.Y 1rAVENANT�.In ai�*_'oa ca 4�crc�{en�nt�and agoemea:�cc.adE in�:��ucity��urarnt.B�onawu , ,..
<br /> ` .�ad isndet�rt�et oovenartt �od s�earr:�°4oI1ES�vs: :`: � �: ,,::�� . ,��%:
<br /> , � �:���� �
<br /> . . . , � . . . .�:�� .
<br /> . � � A.US'L'�`:�!�!�';��OMP�:;TANCE NtITH LAW."��+�er s!:�'.�r�.seek;;�;���to oc��i�ic�`a�::-�r.�`'r�i`�e -
<br /> . ,..: -
<br /> � �r , ',�t�of thC Pr�a�,cat`�'�g clusi�cation.�[e�;s"u,ertder has agteed i��avr,?�r�to thc change. Baru�e�u�r shal���y� . .
<br /> ,�: .<. � . ,.v�i ,IS ta��...;s�;��;:��vt�rions aad requi�#��of�any g4�emis�:�t�-,tb.c�� npplicabte ta the;��; . :
<br /> ..<<. . . ,. - , ;:; . , � . .
<br /> . s. H.5�.��(i!���:'��.NS. Except as perzr.:ttw��y fe�.�r-�c fi:��.�s�t�icri s`� ' rca allow an�..tie4s inferias:.2ti;:*.he ':i . . .
<br /> ' � . � . . , . .
<br /> �A ���s�T''ty��,�u'",i�'x t a L�;�'ecfected agait►st tk� t��r.�',� wittscre.�r.�:t�gt�-.��:�r w��^.�T�iissiati:::
<br /> .';_.:t ;. :,. .;�,:. : . '`�:��"�S.S�:�`.�..�i!k�CE,�crc�ucet •.;:�����rtaintain insucance a�3rr:�,ceni tcns�additia5t f�fBte tither hazar¢s
<br /> ... ,
<br /> ` '�`; fa wAieb imsunace is trquired by �:`�iifurtn Covenant 5. .
<br /> E D."BORjId�YEit'S RICHi' TO REINST'ATk" DELIsTF.D. lJnifurm Cavenanc 18 is deteted
<br /> ` E.ASSI6NN1E1�tT OP LEASES. Upan Lender's reque+t, pnrr�,�er shall assiga tn Lendcr all leases��f the Froperty �
<br /> .� � snd �II securrty deposits n»de in cunnection with le;s�eti of tfie Pr��peny �JE►nn the atisignment, t�ender shall have thr � .
<br /> ; right to'tnpdify.extenA os tenninate the e�i�ting Ira�e�and tu e�e.u�c ncw Icare�, m l.ender's sote d"aticretion. A�used in
<br /> - --�- -- -- 'irris �n �e. tire wotci `�fease.. sfraii me�r `cui�riease si tfre �cTUriry ir.strumertt is cm a teaschotci --
<br /> F. ASSICNlV�NT OF RENTS. 8om►wer uncunditi�mal{y a,.igo�and tramferr tu lAnQer aU thc rents and revenues . -
<br /> of the Ptt�erty. Hom�w�er authonr.er l.ender or L.endec'� agent5 to ce�llect �he rentti and resenues and hereby direcis each
<br /> � tenant of the Property tn pay the n:nts ta Lcrtder ur I.cnQcr'� agcnts. H�wever. pr�ar tc� l.cnder'� Natare tz� Anrr�iwcr af �
<br /> Barrower's brruh a�'any covenant nr agreement �n ihe Securuy In�tn�mec►t, N�rrrc�wer��hal! kallers anA recei�e a11 rentc -
<br /> and revenues of thc Prnperty us trusttc f��r thc tscncfit ui I.�nder and Banuwcr. this as*+ignmcnt ��f rcntti cun��itutes an
<br /> . ' absoluu assignment and nos an ass�gnmeni t��r additiunal security anly. ' —
<br /> i If Lendet gives rtatice of breach to Hom�wer. (u aU �cn;� received by N��rn,wet tihall be heid by Horr��wcr a� tru�tee �
<br /> � ' fof benefit of l.ende[only,to he appitc4l tc�the tium� �.crure�l by Ihc Secuur} Inc�run►cot:1�i► I.endcr shali he entutcd t��
<br /> ' � colloct and rueivc all of thc rents�f the Pn►perty: ,�d I�ir)each.�rtunt c�f the Prc�perty +halt pay all rent�duc;�nd unFaid
<br /> t to l.ender or l.ender's agent on l.endcr s writtcn dcmand t� the trnam. �
<br /> t ' Banower has not ex�aekr�d any pnor assignmca�t vf thc nm, and has r,��t atrd wiU nue perfc+trn any' a�� that a�uld �•
<br /> ' pttvent I.enQet frnsn exerc�sing it� nghts under ch�s naragraph F
<br /> ' t.ender sha!! not be �equireci ta c;r�t up�m. take cuntml <,f r�r masmam thc Prujx�rty Ftit�rrr ur tifter giv�ng nutice E�f .
<br /> � breach t� Barrowet. Howeve►. l.iendet �+r a �udicially ap��ir�te,d rr�e��rr mnr �in .0 a! :�ny t�mc aherc e� a hrcach. Any
<br /> applieatian of rtnts shall rn�t cure c�r w-aive any defauft ��r invalidate ;m} ��thcr n�.ht ��r rentedy uf Ixnder "(�bi� �r��gn- �
<br /> � ment of rcnts uf the Pt�rp:tty shall term�natc Hhcn �hc d�b! �aured hy �hc ,rcunty Instnmient �� pauf +n fulL
<br /> � .
<br /> . G.CRO6.S�DEFAULT P1i(yVIS�ON.liutruwcr'�dcf�ul� �a hrrach undcr �ny nutc ur agrcemcnt in which[.cnder ha�
<br /> an interest sha11 be r�brcach under thc Sccurity tnstn,mcni anQ I,�rtctr�may imake any uf the rrar►edic.permitted hy thc '
<br /> � Security Instniment. . _ . . .
<br /> BY SIGNING }iELUW. Bunuwir acc�pt�:u►d a�;rre� tu the tern�is and pr�wirwr►r cunte�ned in �h►. l 4 Farudy lt�dcr
<br /> `•�'j ��lit�� � tSeal •
<br /> fu:r��rue`
<br /> ' Ne�g da Nguyen
<br /> • .. . ... . . .�5ea1► .-..• --
<br /> . . � E3GIlJA6f . .
<br /> - - - - _. . _. _ _. . .. .. _ . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . � . . . . . .. - . . . . . , . . . . . .(Seal) . _ .;-- _ . .
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