w No#ofd /d $#Ad /r /I/oI
<br />Let f
<br />Sca /e: /'- 60'
<br />L E6£ND
<br />-Aid/cotes %r "/ioa PIP found Oaless Otherwise Noted
<br />/ad /cotes A2 "lroa Pipe Placed Oo/ess Otherwise Noted
<br />AJndicoles ACTUAL Olsleece
<br />R-1od /co /es RECORD0.01olonce I R I / d
<br />Sleold
<br />SMBdlr /I /oI
<br />Let.
<br />N.W. Cot. Lo12, Nenord
<br />Fourlh M. Foxed 'Ys'
<br />/too Plpe
<br />33.25'A8R – --------------- ---
<br />190.0'
<br />£r /rl /o /6' litIm., £osoaeal
<br />q Q lleold
<br />0
<br />30'LandseopeSelLar/ .no, S# b d! Y/1/# I
<br />Er /sJlgpdO'fosamenl ✓• Faor# SO F000d 44
<br />90'A B R
<br />11. S. N /diroy No. fly
<br />—
<br />I hereby certify that on July 5, 2000, 1 completed a# accurate survey of 'MENARD A truct oflond comprising o of Lots One ll/ and Two 12), Menord Fourth Subdivision in
<br />FIFTH SUBDIVISION; in the City of 6rond ts /awA Nehrasko, as shown on the accompanying the Cfty of 6rond /slond Nebrosko, said tract canlaining 1.524 acres more or less.
<br />plat thereof,- that the lots, blocls, streets, eyeoues, alleys, parks, commons and other
<br />grounds as contained in said subdivis /an as shown on the otcompanyfng p /al thereof are
<br />well and accurately stoked off and marked' thel Iron markers were p /aced of off lot
<br />torners; Jho/ /he dimensions of each lot are as shown on the plot; thol each lot hears
<br />its awn number; and that said survey was made with reference to leer# end recorded
<br />manumenls.
<br />e a n s K DEO /CATION
<br />z ,srcp�9 C � _ . KNOW ALL 1OBd d TY lhedhe eofl, h /halt, JOYNR. a he sur, o Single Person, being th
<br />/ eo Der /D. Sor ender, Re . Land ury or Na. 57B owner of /he /and described hereon, has toured some to be surveyed subdivided p /al /od
<br />X78 w y 9 9 and designo/ed es ;MENARD FIFTY SUED /VISION; fn the Cityy of 6rond /stand, Nebroslo, o
<br />,NaSUR�� t1�� shown on the accompo# ing plal thereof, and do herebydedfcole the easements, if ony,
<br />rA soa as shown /hereon for /Z location, construction andmo/nteno#ce ofpublic service
<br />alflfties forever, together with the right of ingress and egress /hereto and hereby
<br />Approved and occepled by the City of 6rond fslond Nebrask'o, Jhis�_ day of
<br />L,Ix —2000.
<br />Ail
<br />Planning r�lar
<br />trr E
<br />O �
<br />O rl J 0
<br />o �N
<br />C
<br />proh/b /1 1n1 the plonling of frees, bushes o#d shrubs, or pptoc/ng other ahslrocllons upon,
<br />over, along or underneath the surface ofsuch easements; and that the foregoing
<br />subdivlsfon as more particularly described In the descri flan hereon as appears on this
<br />pial fs made with the free consent and /n accordance wl%h the desires of Jhe undersigned
<br />owner andpropr/elor.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, there affixed my slgnolure hereto of Eau Claire, lVisconsfa,
<br />this /7"1 day of Jules 2000.
<br />Jo n R. Nenord
<br />Slate Of W /scans/# ss
<br />county Of Eau Claire
<br />. On the 171' day of — .�u14 2000, before me, 0 aw,.l W. F, ld
<br />o Notary Public rithio and for Al SCo-rafy, personally appeared JOHNR. MENARA o
<br />,Slagle Person, to me personally known to be the identical person whose slynalure is
<br />affixed hereto, and that he did acknow ledge the execution thereof fe be h/s ralua /ery act
<br />and deed.
<br />. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, /hove hereunto subscribed my name and offixedmy offieiat see/
<br />at Ea., Cla,rc , Wisconsin, on the bete Iasi above written.
<br />My commission is porm'A&Kw - ;(
<br />VO
<br />Notary Public
<br />ASSOC. -
<br />GRAND
<br />sh
<br />of l
<br />